15 окт 2013 : Новый альбом SYNTHETICA выйдет в октябре
Голландская электро группа SYNTHETICA выпустит новую работу, получившую название 'The City of Dis', 18 октября этого года:
01. Maschinenstürmer
02. Impuls Industrialisierung
03. Purgatory
04. The City Of Dis
05. Cocytus
06. Immune Deficiency
07. Tohu Bohu
08. No Cure For This Disease
09. A Cruel Vindictive And Hateful Life
10. Distress Caller
11. Ofelia
Initially started as a side-project of Dutch electro-wave act Nafta-2, Synthetica was born in late 2010. Influenced by Dark Ambient, Dark Electro and Dark Dance, the first songs were produced by both project members Robert and Paul. Central theme to their songs is the end of existence as we know it. Biblical references, prophecies and scienctific evidence were studied, conclusions were drawn. This resulted in a range of soundtracks, each for a possible way for the world to end.
The first 7-track album is planned to be launched in summer 2011. It’s dark, it’s heavy, it’s bombastic. And most of all: it’s inevitable! Now Synthetica is ready to deliver the message no one wants to hear. So be prepared…