3 май 2013 : Новая песня UNDERCURRENTS
‘Your End Is Near’, новая песня канадской группы UNDERCURRENTS, которая взята из выходящего в мае на HammerDown Records альбома "Empty Throne", доступна для прослушивания ниже.
Трек-лист альбома выглядит так:
‘The Separation’
‘Your End Is Near’
‘Unearthed On The Banks Of Mortality’
‘The Reconstructionist’
‘Dust To Dust’
‘The Change Up’
‘Sleep Walking In A Dream’
‘Babylon Will Burn’
‘The Many Vs. The Few’
‘The Other Side’
‘Troubled Roads Lead To Freedom’
‘As We Are’
‘The Skies Are Burning’
‘The End Of The Beginning’
Bonus tracks:
‘Synchronicity II' (download only)
undercurrents plural of un·der·cur·rent (Noun)
1. A current of water below the surface, moving in a different direction from any surface current.
2. An underlying feeling or influence, esp. one that is contrary to the prevailing atmosphere and is not expressed openly.