8 сен 2022 : Не издававшийся трек от BLACK 'N BLUE
“Give Em The Old 1, 2, 3”, ранее не издававшийся трек BLACK 'N BLUE, доступен для прослушивания ниже. Он взят из нового бокс-сета "Bound For Hell: On The Sunset Strip".
Side A
Stormer - "Going To The City" *
L.A. Rocks - "Cocaine"
Max Havoc - "Bound For Hell"
Jaded Lady - "Rock N Roll Ain’t Pretty" *
Steeler - "Ready To Explode"
Lizzy Borden - "No Time To Lose"
Side B
SIN - "On The Run" *
Black ‘N Blue - "Give Em The Old 1, 2, 3" *
Bitch - "Damnation Alley"
Romeo - "Feelin To Rock"
V.V.S.I. - "Savage Kind of Girl" *
Side C
Hellion - "Up From The Depths"
Angeles - "Blade Of Steel"
Knightmare II - "Cold Reception"
Witch - "Cinderella (In Black Leather)"
Reddi Killowatt - "Liquid Lady"
Side D
Armored Saint - "Lesson Well Learned"
Leather Angel - "We Came To Kill"
Rough Cutt - "Take It Or Leave It" *
Lisa Baker - "Fool Of Lies"
Odin - "Judgement Day"
Bonus Cassette:
Black ‘N Blue - "Rules Were Made To Be Broken" *
Lisa Baker - "Every Girl’s Got A Fantasy"
Stormer - "Driving" *
Odin - "Midnight Flight"
Leather Angel - "Need Your Love"
* previously unreleased