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``United StatesСША
 Sludge Metal
 Black Sludge Metal
Jucifer, founded in Georgia in 1993, are pioneers of the sludge metal two piece. They are notorious for their use of massive amplification, and for their entirely nomadic lifestyle since moving into their tour vehicle a decade ago. Early on, Jucifer shared stages with many underground legends, including Lubricated Goat, Bloodloss (Mark Arm/Mudhoney), and Eyehategod. Years based in Athens, Georgia from 1991 until 2001 were pivotal both for Jucifer and the Southern scene itself, which has evolved to strongly reflect bands such as Jucifer and contemporaries Harvey Milk. In 1994 the band saw its first release, a cassette of four track recordings that went unnoticed by all but a handful of fans. During this time they also recorded at a friend's home studio, a session which has never seen the light other than the two songs which made Jucifer's first 7". Jucifer's second foray into the studio produced the iconoclastic Calling All Cars On The Vegas Strip. The album, released on Athens indie label Crack Rock Records, charted well on college radio with little promotion and was widely acclaimed by critics as groundbreaking. Attention from this drew scouts from various major labels--- most notably Capricorn Records, then home of 311, as they would ultimately sign Jucifer. Like many since, but few before, Jucifer's early recordings combined elements of metal and punk juxtaposed with oppositional sounds and instruments drawn from pop, folk, classical, and hip hop music. Over the years the name Jucifer has become synonymous with experimentation and breadth of concept. Jucifer also means a literal "wall of sound"--- morphing in shape from stage to stage but ever looming. Interviews have often found the band regaling with stories of decibel overload and its effect on fans, which can easily be envisioned as powerful in context of the sixty plus speakers Gazelle Amber Valentine regularly runs her guitar through. Jucifer has been constantly on tour for ten years and was on tour much of the ten before that. They've played and toured with hundreds of bands including Melvins, Melt-Banana, Mike Watt, High On Fire, Mastodon, Torche, Today Is The Day, Cutthroats 9, Keelhaul, Big Business, TSOL, Against Me!, Hawkwind, Genghis Tron, Thrones, Vic Chesnutt, Acid King, Skeletonwitch and Valient Thorr. Jucifer's latest album Throned In Blood comes out April 6, 2010.

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Начало в 20-00

Клуб Artplay, ул. Нижняя Сыромятническая, д. 10, стр. 9, Москва


Семейный hi-power дуэт Jucifer из США возвращается в Россию с масштабным туром! В этот раз ребята обещают порадовать вещами и с первых альбомов.

Музыканты, живущие по заветам хиппи и рубящие музыку по стопам Melvins и других экспериментаторов с тяжелым грязным звуком отрицавщих жанровые рамки и последовательность. Они покажут как на самом деле выглядит стена крепости из звука, Wall of Amber.

Амбер и Эдгар живут вместе почти 20 лет, большую часть этого времени путешествуя на своем фургоне по все Северной Америке, останавливаясь в пути для многочисленных концертов, записи дисков и выгуливания своих собак. За время существования группа успел поработать с лейблами уровня Caprciorn и Relapse. Выступавшие с теми же Melvins, Today is the Day, Electric Wizard, Converge, Eyehategod, Weedeater и множеством других представителей немэйнстримового авангарда.

Сочетая в своих песнях нити из различных стилей, с годами они сплели собственно звучание, где мягкую балладу может сменить апокалиптический марш, а мягкие мелодии взрывной ритм. Последний встреченный высокими оценками релиз Throned In Blood, краткое введение в историю человеческих войн и низостей, пропитавших нашу жизнь.
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26 май 2012, 17:27
А вот это пропускать второй раз не хочется совсем.
Про цены на билеты пока ничего неизвестно?


28 май 2012, 12:24
Я тоже схожу, думаю. Интересная группа.Когда они в прошлый раз выступали, я с ними ещё не был знаком...

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