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1 дек 2024 : 
Профессиональное видео с выступления SOiL

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SOIL хотят, но пока не могут

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SOIL перезаписали лучшее

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Басист SOIL — о том, как делить вокалиста с DROWNING POOL

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Кавер-версия WHITE ZOMBIE от SOIL

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Кавер-версия хита HALSEY от SOIL

15 мар 2022 : 
У SOIL есть два альбома

3 янв 2021 : 
SOIL работают над новым материалом

12 май 2020 : 
Видео с выступления SOiL

1 ноя 2019 : 
Новое видео SOIL

1 мар 2018 : 
SOIL думают о студии

30 авг 2017 : 
Новое видео SOIL

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Новый сингл SOIL

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Кавер-версия SOUNDGARDEN от SOIL

12 июл 2017 : 
Новый альбом SOIL выйдет осенью

1 апр 2017 : 
Новый альбом SOIL выйдет осенью

23 ноя 2016 : 
Вокалист SOIL рад победе Трампа

20 янв 2016 : 
Видео с текстом от SOiL

13 апр 2015 : 
Туровый автобус SOIL попал в аварию

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Вокалист SOIL перенес сердечный приступ

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В автобусе с SOIL

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Новая песня SOIL

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6 авг 2013 : 
Видео с выступления SOIL

26 июн 2013 : 
Новое видео SOIL
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|||| 11 май 2013

Название нового альбом SOIL

29 апреля Paul Michaels с радио 105.9 The Hog в Janesville, Wisconsin взял интервью у басиста SOIL Tim'a King'a, который сообщил, что выходящий в августе альбом будет называться "Whole".

SOIL's new CD is being recording with longtime producer Ulrich Wild. The band recently worked on 13 songs in pre-production with engineer Don Byczynski at BOTA Studio in Lake In The Hills, Illinois.

Ulrich previously produced SOIL's 2006 album "True Self" and co-produced the band's last effort, 2009's "Picture Perfect".

SOIL's forthcoming CD will mark the band's first release with singer Ryan McCombs since 2004's "Re.De.Fine".

"This new album has a very classic SOIL feel to it," Tim previously said.

"We [are] calling all the shots on this one," said King. "Every decision will be made by myself, Adam [Zadel, guitar], and Ryan."

Distribution in North America will be handled through Sony RED/MRI via Pavement Entertainment, in which SOIL has an interest. Europe/rest of world will go through SOIL's long time partner AFM Records. Pavement Entertainment president Mark Nawara, welcomes the experience. "I am happy to be a part of the new SOIL album," he says. "We have structured an innovative and unique business venture that lets the band stay 100 percent independent while giving them access to the many resources they require to release an album successfully."

In a recent interview with Metal Forces, McCombs stated about the band's next CD: "This is the first time Adam, Tim and I have been writing together since 'Re.De.Fine', so you have the key component of what made those records. I was always the lyric writer of those albums, and if I stumbled somewhere, Adam was always there to give me a little boost, and give me a little direction here and there. You've got us back together as far as the lyrics that I write go. You've got Adam too; he was 98.9% of the music on those records, and if he ever had any struggle with whatever — if he ever had any questions — I was always there to help with the arrangement of the songs. We really got the key components of those albums back together again, and I feel like the material that we're coming up with is that perfect anchor to where you had 'Scars' and 'Re.De.Fine'. I think this album is the next stage, the next album in line for SOIL."


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11 май 2013
Мужики, поправьте - нового альбомА.

просмотров: 2957

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