10 дек 2017 : Новая песня DOMGÅRD
"Kynjagaldr", новая песня группы DOMGåRD, доступна для прослушивания ниже. Этот трек взят из альбома "Ödelagt", выход которого запланирован на Carnal Records:
“Svartdjupets Lockelse”
“I Geirröds Hall”
“Aldar Røkkr”
“Lögr Óðreris - Urblodets Trollmakt”
“Grottkvinnans Hemlighet”
“Sejdmannens Förbannelse”
“Ødhe Vi”
The night of 30 october 1997 the seed was sown which soon grew to become Domgård, when Vindkall and Trollheim met through a mutual friend at an traditional arrangemant. After a longer discussion, which elucidated that they had similar visions, they decided to start a band together. Trollheim introduced his friend Orm to Vindkall and during the following dark winter months the three spent a lot of time in Orms basement which was decorated as a rehearsal room. Some tracks were recorded on tape but it circulated only among closer acquaintances.
In the surroundings of the place lied a desolated mountain called Domberget, and which also partly inspired to the name Domgård, and the company spent several inspiring nights there under the moon and stars. Something was born and many thoughts and ideas were developed. 1998 Ulv was connected to the musical host. The members were also active in other musical projects but gradually they all focused more of their energy on Domgård. After a time of rehearsing Domgård was resting but in the beginning of 1999 when the band got a new rehearsal place, including several rooms and which also became an alternative home for the members, a new active period begun. New material was written and rehearsal demos was recorded. Due to lack of time Trollheim left the band and after a time Vindkall introduced his recent friend Illbrand to Domgård and he became the new singer. A creative and enthusiastic period followed.
Domgård had since a time begun a darker chapter and some new course of events took place when some of the members gave full expression to violent visions of blood and flames. The foundation of Domgård wasn't only music and the ideas of an occult brotherhood of terror, whose essence should be reflected in the music, were realized. After an intense period the members of Domgård were arrested for several actions. Some months later a trial was processed against the members. Vindkall and Illbrand were judged to five years in prison while Orm was judged to two and a half years. Domgård was resting again, but grew at the same stronger and when Vindkall got access to a guitar in prison new musical creations were born. Domgård got a lot of attention in the media and several books were written which emphasized the band. Yet few people had have the possibility to hear their music even if some persons began to spread one of the bands older rehearsal demos.
Finally came the day when the members were released from prison, but Domgård continued as a duo that consisted of Vindkall and Ulv whom recorded the demo Blodskald in the summer of 2004. Orm wasn't a part of Domgård since the year 2000 and Illbrand had lost interest in playing music, even if he at some time discussed about working with Domgård again. But he chose to leave this physical world behind and hanged himself in July 2007, leaving a notification which proclaimed that this life wasn't rewarding enough for him and that he should search for his goal in the unknown beyond.
There have been a lot of circumstances around which have restrained the band from presenting their creations, and during the following three years Domgård proceeded with only Vindkall holding the banner. But in autumn 2008 Hrimner and Mørkestøl joined the horde and in the end of the year Hraegelmir, from the band Panphage, became a part of the assemblage. During the spring of 2009 Mørkestøl had to take the decision to leave the band, for this time at least, due to lack of time.
In March and April 2009 the trio of Domgård entered Studio Decay in Gothenburg to record Svartsejd, which is their part of a split together with Cursed 13, and it was later mastered in Necromorbus Studio. The split will be released December 21st 2009.
Vindkall and Heljarmadr from Cursed 13 also came to the agreement to join each others bands for the possibility to perform live rituals. So from the summer Domgård consists of four warriors and the horde is now more focused and durable than ever. At the eleventh year of Domgård a new triumphant chapter began...