Iced Earth
« Overture of the Wicked »
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1 | Ten Thousand Strong 03:54
 | 2 | Prophecy 06:00
 | 3 | Birth of the Wicked 04:31
 | 4 | The Coming Curse 08:00 |
   Tim Owens - Vocals
Troy Seele - Lead Guitar
Jon Schaffer - Rhythm, Lead & Acoustic Guitars, Vocals and Keys Dennis Hayes - Bass
Brent Smedley - Drums |
Tracks 2-4 are re-recordings of the "Something Wicked This Way Comes" trilogy from the album of the same name. |
 | Ten Thousand Strong
A gathering summoned by the Elder
The consequence of what’s imminent
A prophecy dark foreboding
Forces them to face human intent
The chosen seek refuge in the mountains
Reluctantly their loved ones recognize
The sacrifice they must adhere to
The only hope for fut |
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 Перед выходом концептуального, разбитого аж на два диска альбома, приквел к которому был написан еще в 98 году, Джон Шаффер не преминул напомнить всем тем, кто подзабыл, с чего же начался небольший вихрь трилогии ‘Something Wicked’, грозящийся перерасти в ураган 5 категории весной 2008 года, когда выйдет ‘самое лучшее и масштабное’ произведение Джона. Повторенье, как давно известно, мать учения, но тут есть и еще один занимательный момент: это еще и прекрасный повод вновь записать старый материал с новым вокалистом, фишка, которую Iced Earth разыгрывает уже в который раз. Но не будем уж придирчиво относится к небольшой слабости главного в Iced Earth, тем более, чем это не повод нос к носу столкнуть Барлоу и Риппера? При всем моем уважении к последнему, он по всем статьям проигрывает ‘оригинальному’ певцу в данной трилогии – той глубины и бархотистости оттенков в голосе, что была присуща Мэтью у Риппера нет и в помине, хотя в плане жесткости они идут ноздря в ноздрю и сказать, кто из них лучше или хуже, становится значительно сложнее. Что касается инструментальной части, то она в данном случае выигрывает: во-первых, все гораздо лучше прописано, а во-вторых, все партии не только лучше сыгранны, но они стали значительно логичнее и продуманнее (к примеру, The Coming Curse лишилась занудных хоровых распевок в конце, от чего только выиграла), избавившись от небольших провалов оригинала. Эх, если бы еще Мэтью оставался в коллективе… но это все мечты, далекий от реальности. К чести Джона, он предложил публике не только старый материал, но и приоткрыл завесу над новым – ‘Ten Thousand Strong’ это пилотный сингл с первого диска дилогии и вот к нему нет никаких претензий. Он мощный, яркий и вокал Тима в нем куда как более уместен, чем на ‘классике’. Уверен, что песня понравится всем, кто любит группу не только в старом составе, но и в новом. В итоге имеем исключительно фанатское издание (поэтому то оно и вышло в дигипаке), с одной стороны не такое ужасное, как могло ожидаться, а с другой очередной повод для ностальгии по канувшим в Лету годам. В конечном итоге, все спросы с Iced Earth начнутся с сентября, когда появится "Framing Armageddon - Something Wicked Part 1" (Диск предоставлен компанией СОЮЗ) |
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просмотров: 15639 |
Like a Martyr sacrifice
Await the day of clouding
Earth mother’s sharing in our pain
Erase the human memory
They know not of where they came
And though our hearts are broken
We have to wipe the tears away
In vain they did not suffer
Then Thousand Strong will seize the day
What we possess. Mankind is after
Direct descendants of the Architect
Children of God, seeds of creation
The stakes so high we must never relent
While in wait ‘till human minds are clouded
Initiation of the Master Plan
Assimilate and build new life among them
Centuries will past, patience will win
We are the bane of man
Await the day of clouding
Earth mother’s sharing in our pain
Erase the human memory
They know not of where they came
And though our hearts are broken
We have to wipe the tears away
In vain they did not suffer
Then Thousand Strong will seize the day
Earth Mother’s crying out in pain
We have to wipe the tears away
Our hearts are broken
Ten thousand strong seize the day
I can see clearly now, a painful vision indeed
An attack on hallowed ground, from high above
Alien to us, the species known as man
A serious threat, in the eyes of the Elder
So heed my warning, before our own existence falls near extinct
Our culture is lost in ancient mystery, covered in the sands of time
A sacred few survive the massacre this night
In secret they will meet a new society
Ten thousand years from now, a child will be born
I've seen the vision, the writing on the wall
He'll walk the Earth, two thousand years or more
Paving the way, for mankind's fall
So there is hope you see, but we must act with great speed
Assemble the chosen, the ones to lead, and morph them in the likeness of man
Oppressed for centuries, await the prophecy
The child will set us free, reclaim it rightfully
We'll take their identity and live among them free
All the while, plotting events that mold their history
We'll build the perfect beast with the knowledge that they seek
If it takes ten thousand years, we never will retreat
Assassins we will be, through human history
Jesus Christ to Kennedy, the Domino Decree
Disciples of the Watch, prepare the coming curse
If it takes ten thousand years, we never will retreat
And so, our world is doomed, we'll lay claim again some day
There is hope, in the birth of one, so many centuries away
Birth of the Wicked
Daylight breaks hard on sacred ground
For centuries we've questioned them of His birth
But in this hour, on this day, The Elder knew
Years of madness must now subdue
Order must be enforced to hide the truth
Cause on this day, in this hour it's coming true
Child of the wicked and ancient man
Baptized in black magic, their master plan
Born of the Watch, his prophecy, by their command
So, behold the birth, the wicked child
Born of the Beast, in eastern sands
He will arise, He will divide
He has the power to bring the end
It's up to us now to seal his fate
Marked with the proper math the child's none to late
Blessed by the Beast, our Chosen One was born this day
He'll rise from the ashes of our dying race
Manipulate history, time and space
The Elder, Men of the Watch, professed this day
So, behold the birth, the wicked child
Born of the Beast, in eastern sands
He will arise, He will divide
He has the power to bring the end
Behold the birth, the wicked child
Born of the Beast, in eastern sands
He will arise, He will divide
He has the power to bring the end
The Coming Curse
I walk the Earth just as they planned
Baptized in fire for my ancient land
The coming curse, your anti-Christ, I am the Watcher's eye
I vindicate and cleanse the Earth of all mankind
For many years, I've walked among you
Through the folds of time and space
Kingdoms fall, leaders die, as I see fit
I devour souls of those that pose a threat
I walk the Earth another day
The wicked one that comes this way
Savior to my own, devil to some
Mankind falls, something wicked comes
I bide my time planning your fate
With bated breath, The Elder wait
The coming curse, your anti-Christ, I am the Watcher's eye
For your crimes on our kind you all will die
I walk the Earth another day
The wicked one that comes this way
Savior to my own, devil to some
Mankind falls, something wicked comes
Forged in the sacred flames
On the sixth day
Of the sixth month
In the sixth hour
I am your anti-Christ, I will destroy mankind
Born of the beast and flames
I will devour, I will divide
Hellfire rages in my eyes
Blood will fall like rain this night
The coming curse, the anti-Christ, I am the Watcher's eye
I vindicate and cleanse the Earth of all mankind
I walk the Earth another day
The wicked one that comes this way
Savior to my own, devil to some
Mankind falls, something wicked comes