 Второй релиз Torchbearer объединяет с предыдущим наличие единой для альбома тематики (в данном случае морские сражения Первой Мирововй Войны), характерный звук, однако он уже несколько прилизан более обширным использованием классических инструментов (да, здесь есть инструментал!). Акцент сместился в сторону дэта (с лупой можно найти и немного трэша), что, впрочем, лучше подходит концепции альбома. Причём целостность каждой композиции и их тесная взаимосвязь просто-таки вынуждают прослушать альбом на едином дыхании и не один раз, ведь таких альбомов и таких групп очень мало. Шедеврально, что ещё сказать... |
On the dreadnoughts and cruisers
With all of the heart filled with fear
Yet strife and determination
Here with the stain of the sea on skin
Standing pale and grim
To clash and crash them down
The pitch black grave
The horizon seem so distant and dark
As the wind chills me to the bone
How many shall die of us that are here now
I must stand the test of battle
High rolling waves
Give away and break
For great beasts
Embodied with steel
Across the vast black sea
A formation of death
Here standing on deck
On the dreadnoughts and cruisers
With all of the heart filled with fear
Yet strife and determination
Here with the stain of the sea on skin
Standing pale and grim
To clash and crash them down
The pitch black grave
2. Last Line Of Defence
So this is the time
I see them closer now
Great ships coming right at us
Now there is no return
The first of canon blasts
The first of hundreds to come
The first of ships been hit
The first of many to go down
Of all that I have seen
And all that I have believed
Nothing has been the bad
All this confusion
And the chaos all around
Still there is no panic
Somehow I still carry on
The first of canon blasts
The first of hundreds to come
The first of ships been hit
The first of many to go down
3. Burial Waters, Deepsome Graves
Another ship there blew
We've been hit here too
If only this was through
Will I die here with you
God I really wish I knew
My brothers a few hundred feet to my night
I see them go down in a burning wreckage of flames
The burning oil on the surface
They burn, they drown
Reign of fire, steel that crumble
In rain of fire, enraged is the sea
Under command of Admiral Beatty
The squadron hunt the enemy south
Taken by surprise, forced to retreat
They did not know we foresaw their first draw
Another ship there blew
We've been hit here too
If only this was through
Will I die here with you
Reign of fire, steel that crumble
In rain of fire, enraged is the sea
4. Swift Turns Of War
After the Germans retreat
Our luck suddenly turned
And hipper made us turn north
Pursued by their dreadnoughts
Somehow our plan did fail
Two battle cruisers been sunk
But we must prevail
Yes, we must prevail
So thus the tables had turned it seemed
Little did they know what was to come
The dreadnoughts close behind us came
Straight into the blaze of Jellicoe's guns
The swift turns of war
Hear the bombardments roar
The swift turns of war
Hear the bombardments
As they now roar
And so the German fleet
Once again in (temporary) defeat
Fleeing for the Baltic Sea
But we won't let that be
The dreadnoughts close behind us came
Straight into the blaze of Jellicoe's guns
5. Battlespawn
Near the port of Great Yarmouth
92 feet of steel deep below
A pride for our Kriegsmarine
Here in august 1915
Commanded by Lieutenant Karl Gross
12 men and I set out for the northeast
With our 18-inch torpedoes and our machine guns
We were ready to repeat what had been done to Harpalyce
Two days in wait, then on Sunday eve
We spotted the Inverlyon, we steered to intercept
We were meant to go aboard and set her alight...
Near the port of Great Yarmouth
92 feet of steel deep below
A pride for our Kriegsmarine
Here in august 1915
Two days in wait, then on Sunday eve
We spotted the Inverlyon, we steered to intercept
With our 18-inch torpedoes and our machine guns
We were ready to repeat what had been done to Harpalyce
6. Where Night Is Total
Now all is lost
We must turn back
They knew our plan
We fell into their trap
Seems the Britts have won
All hope is gone
Under heavy fire
The flames are reaching higher
Just one grave error
And the outcome was set for us
One... grave... error
Now all is lost
We must turn back
They knew our plan
We fell into their trap
Seems the Britts have won
All hope is gone
Under heavy fire
The flames are reaching higher
Here in the end of may
Our fleets saddest day
In our final draw
We go down deep below
In this battle of Jutland
Where our German fleet was crushed
In this battle of Jutland
Where the reign of the sea was lost
7. Sealer Of Fates
A rapid guns blasts
The conning tower burst
Splinters of steel flying inside
Beheading the man beside me
The lieutenant must be dead
Cried deafening my ears
And I see that I bleed
But I don't know from where
We drifted on tide
And all of the shots kept coming
I paniced and screamed
Then we were gone
Ribbled by shellsplinter
Filling with water and smoke
We went down below
Without having fired even a shot
8. The Blunt Weapon
We head back in disgrace
With the failed vision
Of Kaiser Willhelm II
So many lives we've lost
This our blinded weapon
Fell into depths and despair
This nation's pride and honour
Lost and beyond repair
And so many dead
Now on the ocean floor lie
We head back in disgrace
With the failed vision
Of Kaiser Willhelm II
So many lives we've lost
What have we done
All was in vain
All blasts and fire
Drew us insane
With all the men that went down
The cold waters embrace
This our blinded weapon
Fell into depths and despair
This nation's pride and honour
Lost and beyond repair
And so many dead
Now on the ocean floor lie