 К выходу своего четвертого полноформатника в 1997 году американский death/thrash metal коллектив прошел через полосу трудностей и неурядиц, что, в конечном счете, и привело эту весьма талантливую и недооцененную группу к забвению. Конечно, были попытки воскрешения, к сожалению, весьма неубедительные, что и может доказать весьма средний LP 2006 года, «Out for Blood».
Альбом удивляет с первой же прослушанной вещи, «Aggression». Где тот гиперскоростной напор, где сумасшедшие визги Даррена, которые встречали нас на знаковых вещах вроде «Certain Death» и «Black»? Ребята, потеряв одного из участников – Роба Мура, явно повзрослели и остепенились. Песни среднетемповые, иногда, этак, можно сказать, с ленцой разгоняющиеся до приличных скоростей, вроде начала песни «Words of War» и короткой «Fuel», что впечатления, честно говоря, не производит. Так, хотели скорости, получите… Вообще, аналогии представленному материалу можно провести с тем, что делали Testament в начале 90-x, особенно их альбом «Ritual» 1992-го года. Правда, у «Завета» упор на мелодику был уже года так с 1989-го, с выхода «Practice What You Preach» они не гнушались балладами, такими как, собственно, «The Ballad» и «The Legacy», что для Sadus абсолютно нехарактерно. Концепция, как и атмосфера альбома, на мой взгляд, носит этакий депрессивно-меланхолично-отвлеченный характер, и отличается своеобразным шармом, этакий разъяренный зверь, не имеющий возможности прыгнуть и разорвать жертву, и ограничивающийся злобным рычанием из клетки. Все сыграно весьма качественно, эти товарищи явно умеют играть, ибо это первый состав знаковой ритм-секции ДиДжорджио/Аллен, засветившихся во многих культовых составах, таких как Death, вышеупомянутый Testament, Dragonlord (сайд-проект Эрика Питерсена, гитариста Testament, играющий мелодик-блэк-трэш), и других, которые и так всем известны. Особенно хорош здесь ДиДжорджио, впрочем, как и всегда. Бас выдвинут на передний план, чем, в принципе, всегда отличались записи Sadus, этакая демонстрация возможностей Стива. Обидно, конечно, что гитаристы Мур и Трэвис остались в тени своих более именитых коллег… Которые, насколько я знаю, ни в каких других коллективах более не замечены.
Подытоживая, должен сказать, что альбом весьма качественный, правда, так до сих пор не услышанный массовым слушателем, или хотя бы теми, кто знаком с ранним творчеством американцев, ибо с первого раза всю его прелесть явно не раскусить. Конечно, на «Elements» представлен не тот материал, который все привыкли слышать от яростных американцев, которые, наряду с Exodus, любили претворять свой лозунг «Death to posers» в жизнь… Где эти славные деньки, когда крашеных хайроносцев вроде Motley Crue и Stryper хорошенько поколачивали? Эх… К сожалению, звезда Sadus так и осталась не взошедшей, на рубеже 80-х/90-х. Альбом заслуживает твердой шестерки. |
Intense - Maddening - Fury... You make me feel aggression
I can't believe all I hear
As for you you'd better prepare to feel my rage
All I am is... aggression
To your face - I am the scorn - In your eyes - I am the thorn
Won't back down
Time is short - Your time is due - I'll be here when you're through
Revenge is mine
All I feel is aggression - All I am is aggression
Your words destroy yourself
You'll go down because of this I'll see to it
Severe - Outrage - Boiling - You make me feel aggression
No light no hope you fall
Vindicated I stand here and watch you fade
All that's left is... aggression
2. Crutch
I can't hear but all the screams - Coming down It's how it's been
Leave me now and they'll soon be gone - And if not the way I'll make them then
Find life or do without
Fight all the way slow death
A filthy breed is you and me
A cry out for help that no one sees
Do they scream for you - There's no way run away
Do they scream for you - You can't get away
Pain from within coming out I'm caving in
There's no way out
A lost soul no consciousness casts out itself
There's no way out
The weight is gone - Now live life
It seems you can't go on - It's a hard life
No more pain - Hard every way
Crutch - I can't go on
I can't hear but all the screams - Come down I can't retreat
Leave me now I'll soon be gone - If not the way I'll make them then
Find life or do without
Fight all the way a slow death
A filthy breed is you and me
A cry out for help that can't be seen
Do they scream for you - There's no way run away
Do they scream for you - Can't get away
There's no way out
3. Words Of War
One look and all were blind - All that have seen
All the pain - It can't live without me
Time is blind - As it runs right over me
All the pain it seems - Seems to find me
One word for you... hate
One step and you're history crushed dead
Wipe you out... deathly blow finishing stroke bloodshed
Homicidal - I am the one executioner of punishment
Hate - Words of war - I create
Prosper until death becomes the words of war
All that you have heard - All that you will find
Weakness by corruption - Pollution of the mind
Death by my say... cruel
No mercy by me - Immolate fate so cold
Bloodthirsty no one escape
The words of hate the world to cry... hate
Words of war I create
Prosper until death becomes the words of war
4. Safety In Numbers
Taught and raised the ways of the new world
Right from wrong - It's only influential
Generations pass - Provides no balance
Safety in numbers - Not afraid of the challenge
Face the change in everyday life
Evolution for all to be insane
Timeless wave it programs my soul
Beyond circumstances and despair
The chain of life to be insane
Revolves around my ways
The wrong and right in black and white
Useless lives will fade away
Reanimated yet segregated
Only to break the night by the day
The chain of life to be insane
Revolves around around my ways
Safety in numbers
Face the change in everyday life
Evolution for all to be insane
Timeless wave it programs my soul
Beyond circumstances and despair
The chain of life to be insane
Revolves around around my ways
Taught and raised the ways of the new world
Right from wrong - It's only influential
Generations pass - Provides no balance
Safety in numbers - Not afraid of the challenge
5. Mask
You hide behind a mask too confused to show what's real
Plastic sense of value to go with your plastic way of life
Your self-righteousness is corrupted by your tendencies to avoid your lies
Paranoia - Hypocrite - You burn another bridge
"Your self-righteousness is corrupted by your tendencies to avoid
confrontations causing a
fake relationship with the ones who support you and as you burn yet another
bridge you
fall into the trap of becoming a hypocrite of all the accusations you once
slayed me with".
Afraid - Confused - Coward behind the mask
You hide behind a mask too confused to tell the truth
Backwards way of thinking to go with your backward way of life
"You relay a false confidence and a sense of friendly surroundings but behind
doors you burn with hatred and loathing to anyone honest to not provide you
with a
total worship and give you full control which causes you to loose it and go
Afraid - Confused - Coward behind the mask
How could you not think that I won't even know
How could you not think that I can't even see
How could you not think that I don't even feel
How could I forget the words you said to me
How could I forget the things you took from me
How could I forget the way you were to me
I don't even care who's behind the mask
- don't fucking care who you really are
6. Fuel
One way promise me - Hope I disagree
They'll lie inherit me - No honesty now I do agree
Hope - Fear - Desire
My time is their gain
I will achieve despite the inhuman lie again
Faceless - Bastard wins
Fuel by fire
Deception is their tool - A vehicle with no rule
A trust built on emptiness - A covenant of uselessness
No priority above life
We'll do without what they won't do for me
It's they're loss now
Identified by empty hand their gain is me now
Fuel by fire
7. Power Of One
Trust interprets power - Lies may deceive
Behind facial masks - Dominance is achieved
Ruled by one - Unity now strong
Power to behold - Force all control
Wise men will dream - Of the one built to be
Faith in all who believe - Trust now achieved
Face to Face - Raised for today
Just abiding force - Provoked to destroy - DESTROY
Power of one - Power of one - Change has begun - Power of one
Trust interprets strength - All blind to their needs
Open eyes can't see all the lies
Face to face - Raised for today
Just abiding force - Provoked to destroy
Power of one - Power of one - Change has begun - Power of one
8. Stronger Than Life
No weak ones - Life goes on - Here I am - There's no end - This is life
No pussies squeak - When life gets tweaked
Stay straight be strong - Stay tight live long
Stronger than life
Pain creates strength - Motivation the growth of all
Now I'm whole I have all the faith I need
Strength through adversity is mine
Pain creates power it motivates us all
The life you make and what you create
Stronger than life you'll be this I can say for me now
I won't backdown - In your face I'll be
I won't backdown - Stronger than life
All weaknesses gone and I am the one
Living my way
Through time the mind grows strong
Leading my way
No pain - No gain - One way - Full strength
No pain - No gain - One way - Insane
Shaping my world for my own way
Who are you to say anything
No pain - No gain - One way - Full strength
No pain - No gain - One way - Insane
No weak ones - Life goes on - Here I am - There's no end
Stronger than life
9. Unreality
Questions arise from the unknown
Confusion brings curiosity
Whispers come as many regrets they've buried in the past
To witness the unreal... the unreal
A vision unfolds before my eyes
A vision of cold and pale gray skies
Minutes seem like hours
Alone we sit and stare and wait for them to come
To witness the unreal... the unreal
What's false - What's real - Truth is unknown
Serious - Mysterious - Are we alone
Voices from the black call to me
The eyes up in the void watching me
There lies in the skies secrets we seek
They're lies to mystify to keep us week
Echoes of the past reminding me
The lights up in the sky... unreality
10. In The End
Born in this world all alone - Can't even see I'm all alone
Open my eyes to see the light - Cry out for help but no one's there
Morning life - Craving light - Take in all - Watch me grow
In the end - There's no end - In the end - Life begins
One more is born - One more is gone
Life is death - Regenerate and recreate
One done life gone - You will be the one
All you wanted to be trusting me
In the end - There's no end - In the end - Life begins
All you wanted to be trusting me
Life is death - Regenerate and recreate