 Самый плохой диск немцев. Ни одной новой идеи, качество реализации, конечно, стоит уважения –от года к году группа растёт всё больше и больше, в смысле звук становиться каждый раз идеальнее, но вот музыкальный материал –даже и близко не стоял с предыдущими альбомами. Хотя стоит заметить что рецензии, которые я читал в интернете очень расхваливают данную работу – полный бред и ложь. Зацепила только открывашка «Dragonchaser», другие же песни даже в голове не остаются, и вообще я в шоке – тут присутствуют песни в так называемом стиле – happy power metal. В общем релиз – только для оголтелых фанатов At Vance и всего неоклассического. |
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После двух предыдущих альбомов (“No Escape” 1999 и “Heart Of Steel” 2000), обладавших статусом «средненько» или «ну, неплохо», немецкие последователи Мальмстина разродились своим третьим альбомом, который можно охарактеризовать лишь как «великолепно»! И ничего сверхъестественного парни не сделали, оставив и свой фирменный почерк, и характерный звук (как и на дебютнике, тут «косяк» с барабанами – они опять звучат как-то невнушительно, искусственно), и та же техника доблестных немцев. Но! Главным фактором, который заставляет меня так сильно любить этот альбом, это песни. Если кто-нибудь читал другие мои рецензии на неоклассику, то невооружённым глазом видно, что больше внимание я уделяю боевикам, они просто как наркотик для меня. А на “Dragonchaser” их мало того, что довольно много (аж 7 штук!) по сравнению с прошлыми альбомами, так они оказались на удивление яркими и запоминающимися. В особенности, меня заколдовали такие песни, как шикарнейшая открывашка “Dragonchaser”, скоростной номер “Ages Of Glory”, боевик в стиле Royal Hunt “Crucified”, интересный трэк “Too Late” и король пластинки – убивающий наповал мегахит “Two Kings”. К тому же, если почитать тексты, то здесь виден хоть и небольшой, но всё же прогресс. Лирика стала более разнообразной, в целом стало больше слов, что, несомненно, только в плюс – так мы ещё больше можем слышать красивый голос Оливера Хартманна. На тот момент это стал самый лучший альбом At Vance, да и потом достигнуть уровень этой пластинки смогли только “Only Human” (2003) и “The Evil In You” (2003). Но о них речь пойдёт в других рецензиях. |
Eye of the eagle
That cuts like a knife
Sharp like a razor
To tear down the bad
The force will be with you
When you fighting like mad
Thats why call you the DRAGONCHASER
You cover your skin
With the blood of your victim
But the leaf of an oak
Leaves woundable spot
The blood that you bleed
Is liquid as steel
The wounds that you cause
Will never heal
Chasing a dragon
Thats the war of your life
Eye of the eagle
That cuts like a knife
Sharp like a razor
To tear down the bad
The force will be with you
When you fighting like mad
2. Ages Of Glory
Peaceful they lived
In a world without war
Everything seemed to be clear
Riders approaching
Raming all down
Bringing them sadness and tears
Nothing was left
And all was gone
So they had to start their war
Ages of glory
So tells the story
They couldn't win
Because thet were born to loose
Kingdom of madness
Filled with their sadness
They were (the) chosen
To give their life away
Nobody argued
Nobody talked
They had their weapons to speak
Fields stained with blood
The battle was done
And the tears just melt in the sand
They lit a light
Fot those who had gone
They all knew
It was sad but true
3. Crucified
Is it any wonder
The spell you took me under
I have been a slave to your touch
But you stretched the borders too much
Can't you see that I'm thru with you
There is nothing left to do
Too many words that have been said
Don't you realize it's too late
Hate was what you've seed
War was on your mind
Stone cold
You didn't have no mercy with me
Can't you see that I'm boned
I am here and you are there
All alone but that's my share
This is what you've done to me
You have crucified my soul
Now that it's all over
And the truth has been told
What you gonna do with me
You've traded our love for gold
All the glamour that you own
Ain't worth nothing when you're alone
Is this really where you wanted to be
Here's the truth for you to see
Hate was what you've seed
War was on your mind
Stone cold
You didn't have no mercy with me
Can't you see that I'm boned
I am here and you are there
All alone but that's my share
This is what you've done to me
You have crucified my soul
4. Beethoven, 5th Sinfonie
5. Heaven Can Wait
My heart is empty
And my soul stone cold
Ages have past
Since I've been told
What's right or wrong
What to win or loose
I've lost my view
And I've paid my deuce
So know I'm fighting all alone
I'm on my knees
I'm down to the bone
You're nowhere near
You're out of reach
I've lost my words
I've lost my speech
But I'm surrounded
By walls of hate
And my loves trades into fear
There's no direction
No guiding light
I'm running blinded
Straight into the night
I loose my balance
And I'm falin my goals
Right into nowhere
Won't you lend me your hand
So know I'm fighting all alone
I'm on my knees
I'm down to the bone
You're nowhere near
You're out of reach
I've lost my words
I've lost my speech
But I'm surrounded
By walls of hate
And my loves trades into fear
6. The Winner Takes It All
I don't wanna talk about the things
We've gone through
Though it's hurting me now it's history
I've played all my cards and that's what
You've done too
Nothing more to say no more ace to play
The winner takes it all
The looser standing small
Beside the victory
That's her destiny
I was in your arms thinking I belonged there
I figured it made sense building me a fence
Building me a home thinking I'd be strong there
But I was a fool playing by the rules
The gods made throw a dice their minds
As cold as ice
And someone way down here looses
Someone dear
The winner takes it all
The looser has to fall
It's simple and it's plain
Why should I complain
But tell me does she kiss like i used to kiss you?
Does it feel the same when she calls your name
Somewhere deep inside you must know I miss you
But what can I say rules must be obeyed
The judges will decide the like of me abide
Spectators of the show always staying low
The game is on again a lover or a friend
A big thing or a small the winners takes it all
I don't wanna talk if it makes you feel sad
And I understand you've come to shake my hand
I apologize if it makes you feel bad
Seeing me so tense no self-confidence
But you see
The winner takes it all
The winner takes it all...
7. My Bleeding Heart
Now all that is left
Are these broken pieces of my life
And I'm asking myself
Was it all worth it
Were I was wrong
What was my mistake
I gave you all I had (to give)
But your love was just a fake
Can't you see
What you've done to me
You took all of me
But you didn't answer my call
You never knew me at all
My bleeding heart
Will tell you
All the pain you've caused
You've torn me apart
And my soul is crying
To bring back our love
Maybe you thought
That nothing in this could
Bring me down
But the truth is here for you
Cause my heart's not made of stone
I'm not the man
That I used to be
You tought me
What sadness means to me
What you see
Is what you've done to me
You just took my heart away
But I couldn't make you see
I could not make you stay
8. Two Kings
Raising like brothers
Sharing their dreams
Feeling protested
(but) it's not like it seemed
Jelousy grew
As time went on by
Nobody knew
That their love was a lie
Unspoken hate
Tor them apart
They had to wait
The fight couldn't start
Slaved by their descent
Unable to slove
Searching the reason
Searching the truth
Destiny paid it's dues
And they have nothing left to loose
(so they) both build a kingdom
Reigning different worlds
They were like
One have the poverty
One lived in luxury
They ruled
Both ruled their nation
With power and strength
Darkshaded warriors
Waiting to strike
Like vultures who circle
On the top of their victims
Patient they are waiting
'til their time has come
Tagedy took it's all
And the winner took it all
9. Too Late
You still believe that you are innocent
But all the pain you've caused will never end
You're like a demon and I'm under your spell
You promised the god
But you gave me the bad
And now you're alone
Cause I'm gone
Did you ever save your tears
And did you fight against your fears
Then would know the reason why
My love for you has died
Did you ever try to see
Then you would still believe in me
But it's tiem to face the truth
That it's too late for love
You promised the good
But all you gave me was bad
So now you're alone
And I'm forever gone
So now you're crawling to me on your knees
I cant forgive you can't fullfill your needs
I'll never trust in you again
[Coda:] too late
Too late
10. Aces Death