 Когда я ставил этот диск в проигрыватель, то ни о чем таком особом даже не подозревал, рассчитывая услышать что-то симфоник-металлическое с женским вокалом, как обещала рецензия в "Dark City". Ну, собственно, это самое (sympho-power with female vocals) я и услышал, только вот уже первая песня заставила меня насторожиться, а после второй я лихорадочно начал рыться в своих закромах, разыскивая альбом INTERTUS DEI "UNHOLY", который выходил по лицензии на "Irond" несколько лет назад. Ну, точно, характерную манеру игры на гитаре, словно на цыганской скрипке, спутать ни с кем совершенно невозможно, и это действительно оказался Богдан Костя. Более того, и Ана Младинович тоже пела на том альбоме… В общем, оказались старые знакомые, встреча с которыми ожидалась весьма приятной. Она и была таковой вплоть до седьмой песни ("Witch's Broom") - ребята играли весьма неплохой симфо-пауэр, слегка напоминающий EDENBRIDGE но с некой, я бы назвал ее, языческой, атмосферой, создаваемой оригинальной гитарной манерой Богдана (ничего подобного я никогда и ни у кого не слышал). Хотя вот на "Samhain" звучало нечто подобное рождественским песням, которые так популярны в Европе, только текст, мягко говоря, музыке не соответствовал. Да, так вот, "Witch's Broom", став своеобразной кульминацией альбома, одновременно стала и его своеобразным водоразделом. После нее - как отрезало. Оставшиеся пять композиций, по сравнению с первой половиной "LIGHTSEEKER" выглядят настолько бледно, что кажется, будто они написаны совершенно другими людьми. Даже гитара как будто зазвучала приглушеннее. И, кстати, сходство с EDENBRIDGE проявляется в эти моменты еще сильнее… Даже использование румынского языка в последней песне не спасает ситуацию, к этому времени музыканты уже так убаюкивают слушателя, что тому уже становится абсолютно все равно, на каком там языке поет певица. Настолько стандартными и предсказуемыми становятся оркестровки, настолько неоригинальными - мелодии, что даже не верится, что те же самые люди могли сочинить первые шесть песен (интро считать не будем). В-общем, "девятка" за первую часть, "пятерка" за вторую, а итог…
Here in the North I bring in Light and Earth
To strengthen now my second birth
2. Bind You Forever
Music by Bogdan “Bat” Costea
Lyrics by Bogdan “Bat” Costea
Almighty wind, feed my obsession
Give me the strength that I need
To fly above this land of hate
The human nature is a poisonous weed
Wash my sins away in a river of holy water
Leave all my fears far behind
Purify my soul in an ocean of smoke and fire
I ask the stars to free my mind
Follow my will, I bind you forever
To hide in the dark, never come out
Obey my magic, I bind you forever
To search for the pain you can’t live without
Almighty Earth, listen my calling
Hear now what I ask
Bury the wicked, swallow the evil
Wipe down the soul of the unholy mask
Wash my sins away in a river of holy water
Leave all my fears far behind
Purify my soul in an ocean of smoke and fire
I ask the stars to free my mind
Follow my will, I bind you forever
To hide in the dark, never come out
Obey my magic, I bind you forever
To search for the pain you can’t live without
3. Bittersweet Nightshade
Music by Bogdan “Bat” Costea & 6fingers
Lyrics by Bogdan “Bat” Costea
Armies of faeries
Fly now in golden circles
Climbing the Bittersweet
Your poison berries
Put me in ecstasy
The cover of your leaves
Is like a green cascade
Take me to the Moon
Swing me to the Sun
Sing with me the tune
Bewitching everyone
My sweetest hours
I wish will never run away
Climbing the Bittersweet
Your purple flowers
Like my goddess’s crown
Show me the truth
In my crystal blade
Take me to the Moon
Swing me to the Sun
Sing with me the tune
Bewitching everyone
4. Dance of the Wasp
Music by Bogdan “Bat” Costea & 6fingers
Lyrics by Bogdan “Bat” Costea
I know what you fear
But from me you’ll never get away
You hear my song in your ear now
No one can save you
I do the dance of the Wasp
I know it’s a trap
But my wings are too tired to fly
I’m caught in a honey jar
No one can hear me
I do the dance of the wasp
The wasp queen draws a warning
With every beat of her wings
Her curse brings your ending near
With every sting that she gives
I know your desire
And I know there is nothing you can do
You’re in the circle of fire now
No one can save you
I do the dance of the Wasp
The wasp queen draws a warning
With every beat of her wings
Her curse brings your ending near
With every sting that she gives
5. A New Paradise
Music by Bogdan “Bat” Costea & 6fingers
Lyrics by Bogdan “Bat” Costea
There’s a war now in Heaven
You can see it too
I want to change everything
I want something new
But please don’t send me away
My dream is not fulfilled
All I wanted was to sing
Just wanted to build
A new Paradise
Out of sight from your eyes
My troubles are ending
A new Paradise
Or a Hell in disguise
Is what I’m demanding
All alone in the darkness
I am waiting for you
Ready to cross the line
To a different truth
I do not like this void
I’m falling through
But I’m waiting to see a sign
Waiting to get to ...
A new Paradise
Out of sight from your eyes
My troubles are ending
A new Paradise
Or a Hell in disguise
Is what I’m demanding
6. Samhain
Music by 6fingers & Bogdan “Bat” Costea
Lyrics by Bogdan “Bat” Costea
You can smell it in the air
It is the time of burning leaves
The little girl peels the apple
Round and round
The Earth is alive
And she sees what she believes
The hazelnuts lie
Open on the ground
Let’s open the gates
So our loved ones may pass !
7. Witch’s Broom
Music by Bogdan “Bat” Costea & 6fingers
Lyrics by Bogdan “Bat” Costea
I’m on the Witch’s broom
Now the time has come
To follow my desire
To sneak into that room
Steal the Witch’s broom
And fly higher and higher
Silence all around me
I whisper the charm
As long as she’s asleep
My spell she cannot sweep
I’m safe from all harm
I climb on the Witch’s broom
In the heart of the night
I fly on the Witch’s broom
Fly away in my delight
Tonight I’ll fly to the moon
Please do not ask me why
And if you don’t believe
We’ll meet on Hallow’s Eve
And ride through the sky
The lightning shows my way
The owl scouts ahead
And in the darkest night
When everything is right
I’ll snatch you from your bed
I climb on the Witch’s broom
In the heart of the night
I fly on the Witch’s broom
Fly away in my delight
8. The Living Grimoire
Music by Bogdan “Bat” Costea & 6fingers
Lyrics by Bogdan “Bat” Costea
A little black bird called me
And told me I must run
There is evil in this house
Enslaving everyone
A little black bird called me
And told me that I could
Have all the power here
By knowing all the truth
I must now speak in silence
My path I must not stray
There’s a door into the mirror
I must go that way
And in the secret chamber
On an old armoire
I see the living Grimoire
A tool forged of flesh, altered by spirit
With a will of its own, all demons can hear it
I’ll sing on and on until the charge is complete
And I will not know defeat
Oh, Book of Shadows forgotten in time
Your magic, your power's reshaping my mind
Oh, Book of Shadows, I am your slave
Into eternity I’ll ride your magic wave
Almighty tome, open your eye
Unlock the secrets so I will never die
Teach me your ways so I’ll make no mistake
When I will rule the snake
Oh, Book of Shadows forgotten in time
Your magic, your power's reshaping my mind
Oh, Book of Shadows, I am your slave
Into eternity I’ll ride your magic wave
9.Black Lace
Music by Bogdan “Bat” Costea & 6fingers
Lyrics by Bogdan “Bat” Costea
And a curse has fallen on my head
To balance all the sins that I have done
It really doesn’t matter how many tears I’ve shed
If you see that dress you know you’d better run
Feel the sorrow in my heart
It tears me apart
Even though it’s not my will
You cannot hide from my embrace
Escape my black lace
So get ready for the kill
The lace will lure all men into my arms
A thing that I enjoy, I must confess
But in the end they die, so tells the charm
On every full moon I have to wear that dress
Feel the sorrow in my heart
It tears me apart
Even though it’s not my will
You cannot hide from my embrace
Escape my black lace
So get ready for the kill
10. Curse for Eternity
Music by Bogdan “Bat” Costea & 6fingers
Lyrics by Bogdan “Bat” Costea
Staring into the Sun
Blood stops running inside of me
Into a curse for eternity
Chasing the light away
The night is falling inside of me
Into a curse for eternity
It’s time to tell the story
Of a birth into the other side
In the midnight hour
With a kiss, I died
Statues bring to life
Another world in sight
Defying laws of physics
Creatures vanish in the night
On and on I turn to stone
Like the ages that fall upon my skin
And it feels like I’m burning
On and on I’m crawling into darkness
I bear a curse for eternity
Staring into the Sun
Blood stops running inside of me
Into a curse for eternity
Chasing the light away
The night is falling inside of me
Into a curse for eternity
My heart will now stop beating
I feel no regret this time
No fear and no sorrow
For the end of the line
In my eyes you can see
My last image of you
A solitary picture
Of the evil I can do
On and on I turn to stone
Like the ages that fall upon my skin
And it feels like I’m burning
On and on I’m crawling into darkness
I bear a curse for eternity
Staring into the Sun
Blood stops running inside of me
Into a curse for eternity
Chasing the light away
The night is falling inside of me
Into a curse for eternity
11. Wormwood
Music by Bogdan “Bat” Costea & 6fingers
Lyrics by Bogdan “Bat” Costea
Leave behind your worries, and then
Slip into my world of faeries
Nothing in this life can keep you down
Taste a drop of magic, and then
Look into that green and tragic
Devil, you will see it’s just a clown
The wheel is turning, the night is burning
Deep inside my heart
Can you feel its agony ?
The wheel is turning, the night is burning
Deep inside my heart
Like this spell
So mote it be !
Place the wormwood in my eyes, so I can see the truth
The bitter taste will rule my mind and I will feel no ruth
Burn the wormwood in the night, to set the spirits free
The innocence is left behind, to fight insanity
All around me is vibrating
Or am I hallucinating ?
Symphonies of chaos in my head
That green vial is my blight
Glowing in the moonlight
You cannot touch me when you’re dead
The wheel is turning, the night is burning
Deep inside my heart
Can you feel its agony ?
The wheel is turning, the night is burning
Deep inside my heart
Like this spell
So mote it be !
12. Inluminata
Music by 6fingers
Lyrics by 6fingers
Pe comori joacã focuri
E plinã pãdurea de soapte
Duhuri tainice jocuri
Devine o viatã
Iar visu-si întinde aripa
Din valuri de ceatã
Mi-te aratã si-ascultã
Zeitã, Reginã
Albã stãpînã-a noptii
Fi-mi cãlãuzã din nori
Aratã-mi drumul
L-am pierdut de prea multe ori
Scarã de-argint coboarã
Cerne luminã de stea
Deschide-mi ochii, ia-mã
În lumina ta !
Înapoi si-nainte
Plutesc, fir de praf între ele
Fãrã glas si cuvinte
În zbor
Sã aleg dã-mi putere
Sã-nchipui cãrarea spre poartã
Dintre mii de himere
Sus rãsari, mã primeste
Zeitã, Reginã
Albã stãpînã-a noptii
Fi-mi cãlãuzã din nori
Aratã-mi drumul
L-am pierdut de prea multe ori
Scarã de-argint coboarã
Cerne luminã de stea
Deschide-mi ochii, ia-mã
În lumina ta !
Sã vãd învatã-mã iar
Îndrumã-mi pasii
Dincolo de-al lumii hotar
Poarta m-asteaptã largã
Calea e-un fir nevãzut
Pãsesc pe nori, si parcã
Azi am renãscut !