« Domus Mundi »
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1 | Enrapture - Hinc Illae Lacrimae
 | 2 | Homage - Magni Mominis Umbra
 | 3 | Vestige - Non Omnis Moriar
 | 4 | Lure - Pallida Mors
 | 5 | Interlude - Ultima Ratio Regum
 | 6 | Reprisal - Malis Avibus
 | 7 | Premonition - Lex Talions
 | 8 | Eclipse - Vita Nova |
   Elena Schirenc - Vocals
Martin Schirenc - Bass, Keyboards, Vocals, Guitar
Mike Groeger - Drums, Percussion |
 | 1. Enrapture - Hinc Illae Lacrimae
Swelling pyres sway restlessly
From bleak to pale adorn the weald
Its wild reflection wondrous
A danse macabre in glass
Glimpse of festive silhouettes
Free of face, of name, of guilt
Enthroned in thorns, abismal eyes
Adorned with fiendish grin
What f |
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 Хм... Как бы это охарактеризовать-то? Вот что значит убогость словарного запаса.
Ну это что-то вроде пауэр-металла плюс хоралы плюс дэтовый войс плюс ещё куча прибамбасов.
Довольно трудная для восприятия вещь, но несомненно шедевр.
К нему можно сколько-нибудь приблизить по степени шедевральности и некоторого драйвового пофигизма, пожалуй только Waltari 1996.
В общем, это трудно объяснить словами, это надо обязательно прослушать и составить свой мнение. Но я протащился. ;)
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Да, забавное творение. Такого смешения стилей я еще ни разу не слышал! И вод ведь в чем класс музыкантов - все стили очень по-месту, ни одного лишнего, сыграно так, как оно и должно звучать! Но вот чего то более конкретного сказть у меня пожалуй не получится, и я полностью присоединяюсь к совету Flame, это надо слышать. Меня тоже поперло, 10 ставить не буду, а вот девять в самый раз! Но обязательно послушайте - такого еще не было! |
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Увидев в составе группы имя Мартина Ширенка, я, как соскучившившийся по безвременно почившим в бозе дэт'корщикам Pungent Stench, дрожащими руками ставил этот CD, кстати, оформленный и названный в классическом духе последних, в проигрыватель. Моим ожиданиям было не суждено сбыться - от PS мало чего осталось, разве что тяжесть, драйв и слегка похожая гитара. Но сожалеть об этом не приходится, т.к. ради появления ТАКОЙ группы им трижды стоило распасться. Слово драйв здесь возведено в куб. Гитара прописана просто великолепно, как и все остальные инструменты, среди которых есть и духовые !!! На альбоме два типа вокала, мужской и женский, и оба в полном порядке... Но самое главное изменение коснулось стилистики !!! Такой музыки, по крайней мере в столь законченном и оформленном виде, пока еще не исполнял и не исполняет никто, ибо она представляет собой смесь классического дэт'кора PS, дарка в духе Samael, частичек джаза и авангарда в духе великих Pan Thy Monium, а также... какого-то то ли тибетского, то ли индийского фольклора !!! Можно, конечно, смешать и побольше ингридиентов, но попробуйте сделать смесь такой же гармоничной и вкусной ! Это - один из лучших альбомов '99 года :))) |
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просмотров: 16286 |
Entangles silken nymphs with hordes?
To steal a glance pernicious
To heed diapason divine
The longing gaze toward drifting pairs
Uncovered dreams of gold and silk
Yet gold melts under gruelling blaze
Unbidden sentinel unveiled
Quiescent summons of revelation
From eyes angelic bidding forth
With ghastly fear and awe amassed
Becomes an unexpected guest
In silence takes his outstretched hand
Leads her in the chosen dance
A kind of minuet grotesque
Kindling fire of the profaned
The revelers of dark observe
The nymph in play with incubus
The jealous rage of succubus
Unfolds forbidden passion bold
The embers gasping for a breadth
The last guest crawls to find his rest
As music slowly dissipates
The nymph shares one last toast distressed
But Time unkind does not release
Majestic spirit from this hex
His temptress fair of flesh and blood
His Galatea etched in stone
In watchful eye he spies the night
Dare not disturb her yearning rest
Bestows her dreams by bedside realm
Of dancing silhouettes and pyres
2. Homage - Magni Nominis Umbra
A gentle rustling assents
to gusts of fury south and west
Foretelling of the nearing guest
of rapture and of doom forlorn
Behold the streams, the undesired
Beneath the shadow of his wings
Descending in his silent power
Majestic being the tempest brings
The desert sands may bury deep
Enigmas that were once to keep
But true to legend past engraved
Continueth the search for prey
Behold the streams, the undesired
Beneath the shadow of his wings
Descending in his silent power
As guard, as executioner
As dew bites dust to bitter end
And ivy breathes its deadly breath
The roving minstrel, troubadour
Intones his eastern song of yore
Behold the streams, the undesired
Beneath the shadow of his wings
Descending in his silent power
A grinning child in wretchedness
An aria of howling pain
An ode to torment and distress
A grip that holds beyond demise
An empty stillness in his eye
From whirling sands and heightened sun
To heightened moon and gusts of wind
As guard, as executioner
Beneath the shadow of his wings
3. Vestige - Non Omnis Moriar
Barren hills of darkened earth
Recollections young and old
Butchered, scattered manifold
Faded footprints in the snow
No demi-wolves with piercing eyes
Appear with painted masks of war
Now still and calm conquer these hills
Where once the rivers flowed with blood
In the midst of the shimmering frost
Where the tree of the sacred lie dead
To defeat all the lies and the tears
Hear the galloping ones ride through hell
How time forgets this sanguine creek
The heaped, the scattered, butchered ones
Their voices chanting narratives
Their movements hail to ghostly pasts
For demi-wolves still roam the skies
Coyotes, vultures at their side
One thousand horses ebony
Ethereal in phantom flight
As the chanting of Elders grows fierce
And the menacing wolves circle prey
To return to those glorious days
Hear he galloping ones ride through hell
4. Lure - Pallida Mors
Gleaming droplets douse the mead
bringing with its breeze the scent
Of weeping willows Babylon
bedding down for winter's chill
Like two young lovers intertwined
in the frivolity of life
Leaned one over with gallant whisper
betrothed domains of ceaseless time
Coaxing her to drop her veil
to shroud his cloak around her frailty
As two together become one
to ride the winds of no tomorrow
Coquette mortality enraptured
a beam of light adorned her lips
With head leaned back welcomed her captor
inhaled the sweet October mist
Caressing gently hallowed bodies
undulate for Dusk to see
Not yet kissed the waning siren
as Azrael waits patiently
For pendulum must swing away
from transient fear-uncertainty
Although he holds with timeless hands
the siren soul safe in his palms
5. Interlude - Ultima Ratio Regum
6. Reprisal - Malis Avibus
The ticking hour of Father Time releases memories locked in mind
A wandering beggar digging holes in all unspoken deeds of old
A yellow death lay on his face, a smile so fixed not of this race
Indeed he'd known where he would go, to where he feared it clearly showed
The devil I can safely tell
Has neither hoof, nor tail, nor sting
Nor is he, as some sages swear,
A spirit, neither here nor there
In nothing-yet in everything
He is what we are-a gentleman
A statesman spinning his web of crimes,
A swindler, living as he can
The ticking hour of Father Time released the memories locked in mind
The clock's monotonous tick obscured to most this man's so lonely cry
He'd said that with his clenched teeth, he'd seize the earth from underneath
He'd seize the earth from underneath, and drag it with him down to hell
[Lyrics based on Percy Bysshe Shelley's "Peter Bell the Third"]
7. Premonition - Lex Talionis
Stank lagoons with grasping claws a serpent have released
From dungeons of despair and farce to feast on brackish hearts
The walls a tint of crimson fierce speak of vacant names
Beheld by missive magot-pies, prophetic in their crow
In vested misery, thy devils damn thee black
Not all great Neptune's oceans may ever cleanse your robes
For Weyward Sisters guide the hand, the hand that held the scythe
To lands undiscerned in tongue, Cimmerians have roamed
Infidels of tawny hue cannot hide behind
The cross that bore a bastard child and reigns in fiery fear
No ends of earth may stifle choirs oracular from magot-pies
Perched upon a hungry vault to witness serpent's jaws
Mandibles, sabre-lined, ruthless tear through flesh
Grant the mercy shown to those in dungeons of the past
Forsaken hymn cacophonous concluded long and drawn
To realms of stank lagoons retreats Leviathan to find repose
8. Eclipse - Vita Nova
Dowager of wandering empires knocking at death's door
Putrid winds carried the voices wailing in the night
Solitude of land Europa; battalions ominous
Conquest dressed in ivory garb attack from east and west
Baleful ballad tragic spews
From her lips of lurid blue
Infantries of bony vampires draining one by one
From the headlands plunge like death-birds;predators descend
Prancing, laughing, undertakers don tools of dusky trade
Puppeteers in childish play,ghoulish marionettes
Baleful ballad tragic spews
From her lips of lurid blue
In a dream I saw her
Drape her cloak from sea to sea
In dawn of life she came to flee with lonesome shadows before noon
Who dare impede her timely flight or rob of quarry due?
The coy, unwilling silent bride; Misery stands by her side
The demon mourner bathes in tears of those she left behind