 Вообще-то этот альбом польского музыканта был записан еще в 1997 году и так и остался единственной работой THIRST. Тем не менее, в 2004 году никому неизвестный лейбл "Alles Stenar" выпустил это демо в виде CD, и, наверное, это стоило сделать, поскольку музыка этого проекта, без сомнения, определенного внимания заслуживала. Начнем с того, что лежит на поверхности - "PER ASPERA AD ASTRA" инспирирована великолепным альбомом ARCTURUS "ASPERA HIEMS SYMFONIA". И, собственно, ничего удивительного в этом нет. Многие в 1996 году испытали настоящий культурный шок, услышав дебютный альбом норвежцев, некоторые же (из числа музыкантов, особенно начинающих) попытались с разной степенью успеха им подражать. Вот среди этих последних и затесался некий Оккульта, чей гимн восхищения ARCTURUS обрел зримые формы лишь спустя восемь лет. Самое интересное, что в данном случае можно говорить о том, что столь длительная выдержка пошла музыке скорее на пользу, нежели наоборот. Наверное, должно было пройти некоторое время, чтобы она приобрела интерес сама по себе, а не как юношеское эпигонство. Итак, "PER ASPERA AD ASTRA" - симфонический, астральный блэк-метал с явной опорой на клавишную "спейсоподобную" атмосферу. При этом музыка напрочь лишена современных электронных и индастриальных фишек, которые группы этого направления начали вовсю использовать с нелегкой руки все тех же ARCTURUS и THE KOVENANT. Здесь еще нет никаких уступок авангардной сцене - только холодный черный свет космоса, только леденящие гимны Тайной Силе, только Чистое Искусство старого блэк-метал. "Sophisticated black-metal art" - так называли свою музыку EMPEROR. Так мы можем сказать и про единственный альбом польского музыканта.
My brothers were dying for the truth
I saw blood of my race
The race as old al eternity
I'm sitting by forest stream
I feel power of revenge inside me
The revenge which doze inside me for ages
Now the time of revenge has come
It's not a simple dream
I was living and fighting there
I want to go back there
But unavoiaable old age kills me
2. Irrestible Temptation
Throw off from your face the mask of goodness,
Throw off your conscience
Plunge deep into your mutilated soul
Touch minds, touch insane resons
Give the pleasure into your bleeding body
Move your mentality, set a limit to your blindness
Look at the world with sober eye, you're getting crazy
Possessed by sin, buried by evil
Unholy disposed towards life and religion
Joik! I'm going to overthrow the daylight
I'll open wide the gates to darknessbefore the world
I'll hew out in fire dreams that were born from lust
Ritually baptized in flames I am
Lost are those who trusted the liar
Come with me, we'll pave the way for darkness
Ghastly figures will capture my body
The day of the Prince of Darkness arrival is coming!
3. Born from Hate...
So, my soul is whittled, with axe of executioner
With soul covered in the abyss of night
I look in the dark with owl's eyes
And I can see shadow of my soul
Born from hate, born from pain
I am condamned to make devastation
Like an ancient fathers I have to fight
I'll touch the blood with my hands it will be done
I'm going through pool sowed by dead bodies
My axe in my hands shivers
My revenge, my devastation
I pray for the old days without god and cross
Still I'm going and I don't care
I have to do what I have to do
Rules lost in time
I will tear out from deepest light
4. Next Night will Come
Northern wind whispears blasphemous words of prayers
Circle of monks is singing glorious psalm
In thirteen arms chandelier black candles are lighting
Their shining harbringer a day of battle
Frostly wind brings sound of murderous fights
Northern warriors are rising their swords
There are sounds of tortures between flames
Death is triumph and his shadow
We have to destroy this race of fools
Spit on their own blood
let fire and sword destroy their orders
Our victory will bring darkness
Walking on a large battlefield
Sowed with dead bodies
I can see dead bodies of my brothers
Their sacrifice brought victory
Next night will come tomorrow for forge new axes
And next crusade will bring the call of revenge again
Villages will burn, blood will being shed-fire, massacre
And evil moonlight will mark the end of the revenge
5. The Lord in the Sky
Deep night born million of stars
Moonlight appears far away
It wakes fear, it wakes sorrow
And destroys light of day with his power
Frostly winter night is his daughter
She kills life with her own ice
Only moon is the lord in the sky
Ancient master of nightlife
Like wolf on step precipice
I worship you and give you my admiration
And psalm comes out out from my mouths
Born in dark corner of my soul
Your shine which born my wilderness
Gives me bestial power
And transforms me into something else
A man, which don't know a mercy
I run in thickness
And I meet my victim
Kill - I see only that
And I taste blood on my mouths
Whisper of stream wakes me
My body is placed there
I don't know - was it dream or truth
It is ungures riddle of my soul
6. Fall of the Kingdom of Brightness
Though from abyss seed born
And throw down in hellish depths
He stands with army of darkness, prideagain
And with fire he knocks in your gates of light
Above your head heavy ceiling will hang
Of shapeless damned beasts
The light which gives you power is going down
And your bastards will fallow in blood
You are crying about your fate
Darkness has come for you - shiver up
And when you will hear howling of wolves
The time will come when your kingdom will turn to dust
The end of tyrany is near
Great emperor will sit on yout throne
It means the King's return
True Master Of The Universe