 Мелодичный блэк-метал из Польши… Нельзя сказать, что ABUSED MAJESTY играют симфо-блэк, все-таки клавишные оркестровки музыканты используют крайне дозированно, так, иногда проскользнет что-то вроде фортепьянных пассажей, да временами что-то такое атмосферное гуляет на заднем плане. А впереди энергичные, даже сочные гитары, классические блэк-металлические бласт-биты и два типа вокала (гроулинг и скриминг) тоже самого что ни на есть традиционного для такой музыки тембра. Словом, даже в самой Польше можно найти массу подобных групп, причем, далеко даже ходить будет не надо, достаточно взять последний альбом VESANIA или вспомнить о дебюте нынешних дэтстеров THY DISEASE. Ну да это к слову, поскольку меньше всего хотелось бы обвинять молодых музыкантов в отсутствии самостоятельности, а уж тем более в плагиате, но факт остается фактом - "SERPENTHRONE" выглядит этаким среднестатистическим производным от современной блэк-металлической сцены. Модно сейчас вводить дэт-металлические риффы? Пожалуйста… Говорите, два типа вокала используют? Их есть у нас… Симфонизм не в фаворе? Так мы его уберем на самый задний план. И все так аккуратно, что даже и придраться не к чему. Звук просто отменный, мелодии не то, чтобы доступны, но вполне отчетливы и даже не одинаковы, гитарная работа не блещет гениальностью, но вполне достойна. Да, и в добавление ко всему ребята еще и концептуальную фэнтези-историю для своего альбома сочинили (ну, прямо ранний BLOODTHORN, с которым тоже возникают ассоциации - а с кем они тут не возникают?). Причем, я бы не сказал, что у меня есть какие-то серьезные претензии к альбому - его просто приятно слушать, но не более того, отложиться в памяти музыка поляков просто не способна. |
had to rest by their master's side committing ritual suicide
But their sleep was light to be ready on time for the wartime blaze
And arising from the ashes, to join the flaming army
Being united in the Flaming Dragon
to draw their swords again
By the side of the great King of Serpents,
they are supreme defenders of the Earth
From the Nida of Fire they are men of mist
and smoke roused from sleep
To strike the enemy from the depths of flaming water
From sacred rivers of fire, like a fiery hurricane, to strike the invaders
The troop of spectres is sleeping, waiting to be alive again
Ages pass but ghostly hands are still ready to grasp their weapon
And to restore the memory of the past of the ancient sons of the Earth
Among them there is the Great King of Serpents,
the Son of Time, the Lord of Mist,
Three immortal old men have kept their prophecy
Among the nine rings of time
He fell asleep but he will return, equally mighty,
he will lead the army of spectres
And he will destroy the hungry hordes
from the Satan's Mountains
He will take the young warrior's soul
Who was born in the hour of death
of Hamon Father And the Spirit of the World
The Son of the Three...
2. The Path Of Sword
Among the inaccessible hills, the land of the oldest people
In the fortified fortress, the temple of Stony Rings
Chosen sons of the Earth and its defenders,
and the tree of life Ledian were prepared to fight
They died always in the same way
it was heroic death in battle
But among them there was one
who was supposed to be a knight
He was called the Son of the Three
as no one knew his real parents
Being born with the birthmark
of the Spirit of the World
Who died in the same day and in the same hour
He was taken away from his parents and given
to the three old men from the black mountain
His education was coming to an end
It was the day of duel
Four hundred of the temple's young defenders
were fighting with the skilled warriors,
The invaders of their native land - now the prisoners
kept and looked after for this time
Who were promised freedom if provided they won the duel
They faced the bloody test, shedding the blood on the battlefield
None of the captives regained freedom, none of them defeated
The young defender, the tree of life Ledian in a direct battle
Father, take this sacrifice from me, and if you do,
I will become your warrior for ages
Lead my mighty arm
To the glory of Ledian defenders
Ojcze przyjmij tк ofiarк ode mnie,
jeњli j№ przyjmiesz, pozostanк na zawsze twym sіug№
The Son of the Three's
long sword firstly deprived
a young soldier's body of its arm
Blood gushed profusely on the ground
beneath the warriors' legs
The next blow separated
the head from the trunk
and it rolled on the battlefield
Marking its trace with a bloody path, the young barbarian lifted it
And holding it by its hair, drunk the blood to quench his thirst...
later on he removed its skin
Not being aware that the King of Snakes
was born
in his soul
3. Reviving Of The Master Of The Dead
In the deepest cave
of the Mountain of the Dead
There was a body of the Moonlit Knight,
the master of the dead
Numb from stillness and a restless sleep
Chained firmly to the stone
The tree immortal old men,
the highest priests of god Hamon
Knew that the only way
to revive the sleeping knight' body
Was through making sacrifice
of virgin blood
From the beginning of the World
The power of the Temple of Nine Rings
Had been lasting intact in its majesty
But here the enemy pulled out his pointed swords
So let's make the last desperate step
And let's free imprisoned in the emptiness god
Let him guide, lead his army
Leading to victory of both the alive and the dead
She stood in front of him,
stunningly beautiful
Wearing flowing,
purely white robe
Her first touch awakened blood in his numb, cold body
Spasms trembled his long lifeless muscles
He rose to his feet, clinging his chains
Enormous like a statue, conqueror of the worlds
For the ritual to be accomplished
he only had to make love to her
Who stood in front of him ready for everything
Despite the pain, the young girl's body wasn't resisting to
The fallen master
The fallen master,
arising from the emptiness
After a while
the chains around
his body cracked
And the three old men
brought the master of the dead
the helmet of a long dead hero
Her first touch
awakened blood in his numb,
cold body spasms
trembled his long lifeless muscles
he rose to his feet,
clinging his chains
enormous like a statue,
conqueror of the worlds
4. The Crown Of The Serpentine King
Me, the Moonlit Knight and king's heir
I am giving you all my word
In the face of God, the Father of the World
and the Three immortal old elders
I promise on my sword
and the ancient serpent' soul enchanted in it
To defend the land of our fathers'
- an ancient abode and our nation's graveyard
And if there's such a need to sacrifice my life for them
5. The Fall Of Black Fortress
Look at walls of the Fortress of Ghosts
That has never been captured before
Look at sullen towers, sockets of windows,
At the gloomy air of walls made of stone
For the last time
Look at her majestic silhouette
Towering over the ancient oaks
She was the guardian of this land
But soon her yards
And nearby fields will be full of blood
Since our gods have forgotten
about their favourite people
It was too late
When we saw the hostile hordes
There had been something vicious
in the air for a long time
Insane old men
were shouting out their prophecies
But no one
wanted to believe them
Until now. Until this moment
And now
In front of us
There is the legion
Of warriors in full armour
The enemy began a long siege of the Black Fortress
But its seasoned defenders turned out to be invincible
Afterwards the invader found the only effective way
He decided to make them starve
The time passed but brave warriors were invariably invincible
The invader attacked defenders a few more times
But after every raid the invaders were coming back terrified
Saying they don't want to be gobbled by spectres...
Dark silhouettes of naked warriors carrying enormous swords
were seen coming out of the mist
They were massacring the enemies roaring hoarsely,
cutting them into pieces
Afterwards they were greedily drinking blood running down their swords
Stuck in the hostile warriors' bodies
And here came the end
There are too few of us to resist any longer
We will not dishonour our land by giving up
Let's put the fortress on fire
And when the smoke reaches our enemy
The People of Mists will be there too
They say that spectres lead mists
But it is mists that will lead us
We will go at dusk
To seek death in the enemy's camp...
6. A Burning Army
Enough blood sank into our ancestors' land
Let's open the graves, let's awake the dragon of storm
Let the hurricane army led by the ravens' king
Take a heavy toll among the mist
Let every man able to carry a sword
Stand at the bottom of a sacred mountain
To descend to the cave saying prayers
In which the source of living water originates
He will fall asleep there,
It will be a dream of the immortal
And he will wake up after nine days
As flaming Obr, horrendous warrior
A defender of the Earth of a horrifying look
Revived in the flaming dragon from Epireum
Who was sleeping at the roots of the tree of life
He will arise next to his brothers
From the depths of the river of fire, flaming water
A burning army
Wskrzeszony w smoku ognistym z epireum,
Ktуry spaі u korzeni drzewa їycia
Powstanie u boku swych braci
Z gікbin rzeki ognia wуd pіon№cych
Human eyes couldn't perceive a route of the horrifying army
Since at the time storm clouds grabbed the ravens' king
And strode with him across the country
Promising death in pain and torments to the human race's enemies
And he will set off with his secret army
The people of mists turned into the Flaming Serpent
To turn Nida's water red
From the enemies' blood and the ancient law
A burning army
7. Upon The Throne Of Serpents
At the bottom of serpentine throne
The lords of the whole world went down on their knees
The power of the people of Earth was blooming
A destiny of the great empires was being decided
The mighty of the world were dazzled by power
The lords of the world were carrying out their duty
And when the hard times came
Hunger, plague and death were taking their toll
Powerlessness took their dream away
The great warriors celebrated honour
Traitors conspired betrayal
The deceitful engaged in intrigues
But today the remnants fall, splashed with blood
At the bottom of serpentine throne
U stуp wкїowego tronu
Padali na kolana wіadcy caіego њwiata
Kwitіa potкga ludu ziemi
A gdy nastaіy zіe czasy
Gіуd, zaraza i њmierж zbieraіy swe їniwo
8. Ravens Brought Them Victory
9. The Inferno That Took His Life
For the last time corps of the flaming army triumphed outstandingly
The Serpentine King not meeting his death on the battlefield
To keep his promise given the gods
He pointed the blade of his sword towards to his chest
And that's how the last defender of the Temple of Time died
His faithful warriors followed him burning at the stake
To join their master in the flames but this time no one dug their graves
Nor laid them among the ashes for the eternal rest
Their ashes were placed in coffins deep in the Sacred River
And her former course was brought back after the ceremony
When all rituals came to an end and Nida' s waters returned
Flocks of ravens were seen, they flew away from the debris towards the Moon
And that's how the last defender of the Temple of Time died
His faithful warriors followed him burning at the stake
To join their master in the flames but this time no one dug their graves
Nor laid them among the ashes for the eternal rest
10. The Epilogue - A Prophecy: Fall Of The Last Temple Of Time
The spirit of the Serpentine King will never reborn
In the young warrior's heart
His sword, Absorber of the Worlds
Stuck in the body of the master of the dead is eaten by rust
The spirit of the Serpentine King
will never reborn
In the young warrior's heart
And there won't
be any worthy leader
To guide
our army
Our enemies
will sense that
And thousands of them
will come to our borders
But the morale among the army will weaken
A strong flaming gale will blow
To declare the last home of God Father
and the Spirit of the World fallen
And the nine rings of the Temple of the Time
will fall down one by one
Burying both the defenders and the invaders
And the three immortal will find an eternal shelter
Deep in the heart of the Sacred Mountain
And the nine rings of the Temple of the Time
will fall down one by one
Burying both the defenders and the invaders
And the three immortal will find an eternal shelter
Deep in the heart of the Sacred Mountain