 "Lords of the Nightrealm" - это второй полноформатный альбом Setherial. Сразу в глазат бросается обложка, достаточно сильно отличающаяся от той, что "украшала" предыдущий "Nord". Названия песен также претерпели изменения - теперь они только на английском, а об их тематике можно судить по названиям. Первая песня (по-моему, лучшая в альбоме) - "Satan's Realm". Но сами песни изменились куда сильнее. На этом альбоме не осталось практически ничего, что мы могли услышать на "Nord". Скорости здесь гораздо выше, а следовательно, инструменты звучат совсем по-другому. Ни о каких "акустических поблажках" речи уже не идет. Весь альбом выдержан именно в духе "скорость-ярость". Сами песни стали короче и несколько однообразнее. Но музыканты не новички. Часто встречаются интересные моменты, а общую картину разбавляют неплохие гитарные "запилы", буквально "вытаскивающие" некоторые песни из того болота, куда их, бывает, возникает охота отправить. Звучание инструментов не впечатляет совсем. Вопли вокалиста звучат приглушенно, что напрягает достаточно сильно. Партии ударных также подкачали, поскольку, барабанщик не выдает практически ничего интересного, хотя на предыдущем альбоме барабаны звучали лучше и игра ударника была интересней. Разве что гитара звучит более-менее нормально и, как я уже сказал, зачастую улучшает впечатление от прослушанного Но, в общем-то, альбом неплох. Несмотря на невнятное звучание некоторых инструментов, слушается он вполне прилично. С этого альбома и начался "поздний" Setherial, период которого оказался значительно более долгим, нежели период "раннего" СЭтэриал, представленный парой, если не ошибаюсь, демо и первым альбомом.
Для любителей "чтоб побыстрее"... |
I have worshipped thee below in centuries of time
Scripts older than time itself reveals the coming of our lord
In the domain of the blackest dark I gaze into the flames
Satan; let the scytche of death sweep across the landscape
A horizon covered with darkness; the fog creeps over the mountains
Lay low the ramparts; open wide the portals of hell
In nomine dei nostri Satthanas...
...In the name of the master Satan, his excellence Lucifer
I summon the forces of darkness and the infernal powers within
Beyond the black fog; Satan's realm
Beyond the black fog; the realm of Satan
The moon turns bloodred and the holocaust storms rises from the north
Awaiting the hordes of hell to come forth
Hate is the heart, Death; the striving vision
...My dark soul is immortal
"Scripts older than time itself reveals the coming of the wrath,
unchained is the devils of Ira. Satan's wings his scytche of death"
Raging battles, Bathin; mighty warlord
Again you shall lead the men of might, against the week and feeble light
Beyond the black fog; Satan's realm
Beyond the black fog; the realm of Satan
2. Shades Over Universe
Raging demonwinds, shattered battlefields
Flaming fires cast it's shades over universe
Through the firestorms, flashing lightning glows
Heaven's end; he descends as the light grows dim
I am the unearthly shadow
The one who lurks in the night
A new dimension beholds
Satan's rise
Through storms of might be rides
The prince of hell among us
Come hear our battle cry
Descend with purest blackness
I am the unearthly shadow
The one who lurks in the night
A new dimension beholds
Satan's rise
Rip the skies; and fill them with torture and pain,
fill the world with thy spawn
Walh the night;and make it forever remains;
may you roar in rebirth
He arrives; he descends
King of shadowrealms and ruler of the whole
He is sin, he is majesty
Standing tall we await him to grasp the earth
I am the unearthly shadow
The one who lurks in the night
A new dimension beholds
Satan's rise
3. Into Everlasting Fire
The olden night still draws me
Rays of the moonlight weeps over an infinity...
...Of these mighty mountains and forests
Within this mighty landscape
Mournful whispers of melancholy echoes
From a sombre cavern
A maze filled with gloomy passages
Grotesque shades
Wander the walls, where no light exist
From the thrones of the dephts
demons fly amongst the winds of twilight...
...Into the unearthly shadows
Awe o' theese spirits of the night
Embrace my darkened soul with your wings
Together we summon the beast
Invoke this magical empire
Satan thou art the impenetrable darkness
In my soul
The devil among of Ira whirling
Around this magical circle
Waiting for my life to end
In the honour of my emperor
To dwell among the strong, rule over the weak
Hell rex Sathanas; I drink from the chalice of blood
Raising the dagger; recite the words of thy names
With the eyes of the serpent; I watch these wastelands...
...The winds fortell of your arrival
Satan thou who granted me this vision
I have always knew that darkness prevails
And when the soil will burst in flames
Satan; take my soul
Into everlasting fire
Satan; take my soul
The infernal empire of Sheol...
...I shall forever dwell
4. Summon The Lord With Horns
Eyes in dusk, demons descend through the gloom
Lightning cracks the red sky; shadows by the moon
Summon the lord with horns
With the voices of countless souls
Thou shalt slay the earth
Oh, lord of the darkest realm
Bring me rebirth
Swept in black; alone I wait for your call
Through the silent nightsky, lightning touch the orb
Summon the night; and make it stay
Horn crowned king; come guide my way
Chaos roars; through the night
Newborn world; slowly dies
Summon the lord with horns
Rise; darkness calls thee
I stand to fave thee
Dawn, this is the dusk at dawn
Shadows walk the earth
Spawn, I am unholy spawn
Son of hell on earth
Rise, darkness calls thee
I stand to face thee
Satan lord; bring me the wisdom eternal
Infernal realm; dark one make me immortal
Satan lord; angels burning in the fire
Satanic arrival; no light shall ever remain
5. Diabolus Enim
A mighty breeze from a black void
Infernal presence; Lucifer watches through the fires
Nightwandering demons rejoice in the dunnest shadows
A cold eternity of silence;
Satan reign
Hear me, powers of the night; dwellers of the abyss
Spread your magick, let the wolves howl again
Obsessed by your black art; the force of your existance
Sway your darkened wings, extinguish light's piety
The heavens bleed
Oh mighty kings of hell; bringers of hate and damnation
Set thy legions free, make the soil burst in flames
The heavens bleed
The ground; in fire, aslegions rape the skies
Darkness grasp the earth and angels die
Set the world aflame, let chaos reign
Through the fragments of a time beyond the spaces
Born to burn to reign; descend with rage of hell
Oh mighty kings of hell; bringers of haye and damnation
Set thy legions free, make the soil burst in flames
"Paron aron azinomas, baske bano tudan donas
Geheamel cla orlay, berec he' pantaras tay"
Satan, Lucifer, Belial, Leviathan
6. Enthroned In Dusk And Shadows
Blazing skies, roaring thunder above
My couldron high towards the stars, hear my hail
Enthroned in dusk and shadows; I hail thee lord of all
Supreme I roar in hatred, evoking demon's spawn
Unholy and unbounded, to stand forever more
Reborn through the hellish fires, to be the overlord
Dark; reborn now hell I will serve
May you roar with might
Satan; reveal thy unholy widom
Thou who knoweth all
Chaos reigns, through the blackstorms I fall
Demoncrowned at the gates of Sheol I reign
Oh; destructor within creator
Thine touch fill weak with fright
Superior lord of demons
Arise through shrouds of night
"Eternal night"
Dark wings; blackshrowded lords of nightside,
break the walls where you dwell
Storms cry, angels fall from heaven,
as the pantheon unleash
Genesis of the nemisis
7. Through Sombre Times
Awe to thee ancient winds have whispered thy name
Since the birth of time
And thine breath have always guided
The blackened souls of all existance
Thou who dwell beyond the boundaries of life
Moving amongst the shades
Thou art wise; I praise thee forever dark lord
Swept as one with the night
...Thine touch fills the sands of time, and earth
Supreme I stand; born to burn by the gates of hell
Cleansing flames where I dwell
Hail thee; lord of lords and darkness
Eyes shine through dusk
Night grows dim; blurred like the mist from a dream
Demons move through it's shapes
Night breeds sin; setting the heavens aflame
Fires reign over earth
Stars shine; reflecting ages old
Tumbling by; demons roar
Sun dies, a pale horizon glows
Night is born to remain
Hail thee; infernal prince of legions
Eyes shine through dusk
...Thine touch fills the sands of time, and earth
Supreme I stand; born to burn by the gates of hell
Cleansing flames where I dwell
Lord Satan; descend through the blackening skies
Come, spread your wings; hear my cry
Shade the earth; reveal to us all of your might
Create your kingdom on earth
Night grows dim; blurred like the mist from a dream
Demons move through it's shapes
Flung wide the gates; order through chaos, life through death
Wisdom through the fall of ignorance
Arise through the blackstorms and smell the inscence
Descend from infernal hate; eternal war has begun...
8. Lords Of The Nightrealm
Guardians of the black art, renders of evil
Marked with the seal of Satan, demonic supremacy
The stars tremble as we ride within the flaming winds
With our disciples of demon legions, spreading damnation
Like a sweeping mantle across the landscapes
"Through the ages our disciples have always rendered
homages to us, thus we are of him; lords of the nightrealm"
We are the sign of the apocalypse, storms of armageddon
We are the holocaust of the faith of god, executioner of the feeble ones
We shall turn paradise into furnaces of boiling cauldrons, depths of infernal fires
Within the great halls of our realm of darkness, secrets hidden
Beneath the majestic thrones, scripts with spells of possession to invert creation
A satanic infinity, destruction of heaven's kingdom
Mournful cries, the fires of hinnom burning once again
Hell eternal, lords of infernal
Satan grants us the power, the manifestation of demonic spectres...
....to clasp the night and make it eternal
We reign the night, thus we are of him
The nemesis of light, unleash Satan's wrath