« Into the Grave »
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1 | Deformed 04:07
 | 2 | In Love 03:36
 | 3 | For Your God 03:46
 | 4 | Obscure Infinity 03:08
 | 5 | Hating Life 03:02
 | 6 | Into The Grave 04:08
 | 7 | Extremely Rotten Flesh 04:35
 | 8 | Haunted 03:38
 | 9 | Day of Mourning 03:35
 | 10 | Inhuman 03:52
 | 11 | Banished To Live 04:50
 | | Total playing time: 42:24 |
   Jorgen Sandstrom - vocals, guitars
Ola Lindgren - guitars, vocals
Jonas - bass
Jens Paulsson - drums |
Rare Bonus Track:
12. Tremendous Pain (originally appeared on the “Tremendous Pain” 7” EP)
13. Putrefaction Remains (originally appeared on the “In The Eyes Of Death I” Compilation Album)
14. Haunted (originally appeared on the “In The Eyes Of Death I” Compilation Album)
15. Day Of Mourning (previously unreleased version from the EP/ Compilation Album recording session)
16. Eroded (originally appeared on the “Tremendous Pain” 7” EP & “ITEOD I” Compilation Album)
17. Inhuman (previously unreleased version from the EP/ Compilation Album recording session)
18. Obscure Infinity (pre-production demo recording May 1991)
19. Soulless (video clip)
Recorded & mixed at Sunlight Studio 17-30 June’91
Produced & mixed by Thomas Skogsberg & Grave
All music & lyrics by Grave
Reissue coordinated by Marco Barbieri
Remastered by Alan Douches
Design & layout by Raj Naik
Originally cover artwork by Axel Herrmann |
 | 1. Deformed
Wired by the smell of death
As your end is drawing near
He make yo cry he make you bleed
But you feel no fucking fear
God won't wake you from your sleep
Banished from life
the stinking air
Drastic suffering,
you are deformed
Your screams fill the stinking  |
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 Дебютный альбом шведских музыкантов Grave по праву является одной из классических пластинок европейской дэт сцены. Отличный гроулинг, простые, но цепляющие мелодии и своеобразный саунд начала 90-х послужат лучшей визитной карточкой команды. Хорошая комбинация быстрых кусков и тягучих медленных партий наполняет этот диск особой атмосферой, запись без использования примочек честна и чиста как слеза. И пусть со временем, когда вы углубитесь в death metal и найдете для себя более виртуозных и интересных исполнителей, музыка Grave покажется вам наивной и примитивной, для знакомства со стилем “Into The Grave” подойдет как нельзя кстати. Альбом интересен еще и тем, что это единственная номерная пластинка, на которой играли два гитариста, а начиная с 1992 года за партии гитары отвечал только Ола. Переиздание содержит уйму бонус треков, включая материал с EP “Tremendous Pain”, несколько песен с компиляций, демо и видеоклип на песню “Soulless” с одноименного альбома 1994 года, а в буклете можно найти небольшой рассказ Йоргена Сандстрема о записи этого альбома. (Диск предоставлен компанией Фоно) |
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Дебютная работа шведов Grave – хорошая аллюзия к тому, что делали английские грайндеры в 80-х, только в дэт-металической обработке. Мощный гимн бруталу, который не особенно налягая на скоростную составляющую, предпочел наращивать гротескную тяжесть… На втором альбоме стиль этих шведов приобретет относительно более тонкие черты, а пока все очень грубо, общо и весьма привлекательно именно атмосферой неизощренного ужастика. Столь низкий звук, позаимствованный, видимо, с первых работ Carcass, не потерял своего очарования и в холодной Скандинавии. «Into the Grave» со смаком протаскивает свое массивное тело по ушам слушателя, вразвалочку переступая гулкими ударными и вдавливая в спинку стула рыком. Деформированные, искореженные потуги соло-гитары – вот хороший пример того, что должно случиться с любителем более артистичной музыки после знакомства с этим порождением хтонического метала. Бас-бочка на первом альбоме еще имеет поистине всесокрушающую силу, сразу сосредотачивая внимание на себе. Особенно колоритно смотрится в ее исполнении старательный, но не слишком частый бластбит, который добавляет работе лишнего допотопного очарования. В отличие от действительно нечитаемых релизов первых брутальщиков 80-х, блюдо от Grave умело сервировано, не потеряв при этом своей разухабистой и косолапой походки. Наслаждаться его медвежьим очарованием подача материала не мешает. Что-то соответствующее в Швеции можно было наблюдать у ранних Carnage или General Surgery, но не в столь утрированной и в более гибкой форме… |
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Как только не называлась группа до того как обрести свое имя - Rising Power (по песне AC/DC с альбома "Flick of the Switch"), Destroyer, Anguish и др. Под вывеской Corpse группа записала несколько довольно занятных, если не сказать впечатляющих демо, прежде чем в 1987 году перед фестивалем в городе Visby не обрела свое нынешнее название – Grave. Записанный на студии-легенде "Sunlight", при непосредственном участии не менее легендарного, чем сама студия, Tomas'а Skogsberg'а (можно сказать, что Томас - это Мэтт Ландж от шведского дэта), дебютный альбом «Into the Gravе» закрепил за Grave славу самой брутальной группы из обитавших на тот момент в Стокгольме. Альбом великолепно записан, и слушается с удовольствием от начала и до самого конца. Поэтому выделять какие-то отдельные треки бессмысленно, хотя, конечно, особо запоминаются "Obscure Infinity", титульная "Into the Grave", и вязкая и тягучая в начале "Extremely Rotten Flesh". Вокал заслуживает большой похвалы, чего не скажешь, например, о дебютном альбоме тех же Dismember, записанном в той же студии. После записи этого альбома группа впервые поехала в турне. В Европе Grave выступали с Malevolent Creation. Про бонус-треки говорить не хочу, потому что сваленный в кучу ненужный материал, не имеющий прямого отношения к классной записи оригинала, я редко когда слушаю.
Но вообще рука не поднимется занизить оценку этому великолепному альбому, хотя, все же, лучшие альбомы у группы еще впереди. |
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"Into The Grave" - истоки скандинавского дэта. Материал в меру сырой, отвратный, жесткий и определивший манеру звучания группы в дальнейшем. Основной упор сделан на периодически замысловатые гитарные партии с притупленными соло. Как обычно, на фоне всех остальных выделяется безукоризненная работа ударника и сухой рык Линдгрена.
Музыканты вправе гордиться собой, их дебют является одним из самых успешных на скандинавской экстремальной сцене. |
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просмотров: 24273 |
Painful death is waiting you
God won't wake you from your sleep
Banished from life
the stinking air
Drastic suffering,
you are deformed
Revolting face
putrid remains
One eye left,
bloody hands
Banished from life
the stinking air
Drastic suffering,
you are deformed
2. In Love
You lie so nice in front of me
As I brought you from your grave
You lost some skin and a lot of weight
But still you look sexy in your new shape
People blame me for being insane
But I am just in love
Why doesn't anybody understand
That sickness is my command
Every morning I think you are there
I ca still feel the warmth from your body
I've missed you for far too long
That's why I bring you back where you belong
People blame me for being insane
But I am just in love
Why doesn't anybody understand
That sickness is my command
I have thoughts of commit suicide
So I can be where you are now
Where you are I want to be
That's why I bring you back to me
When we get home, I'll split your legs
On this dark day of desecration
I love you as much now as back then
When you were alive and loving wife
After this I'll try again
To pull the trigger and make my day
3. For Your God
Holy Mary is crying blood
As you are dying for your God
Sacrifice in the church of sin
Blood pours still, demon's win
Victim in the claws of evil
Bodies split in front of his eyes
Pray to god one more time
Before you hear the bells chime
You searched for salvation, but entered damnation
Trapped by the claws of death, you die for your god
Gates of pearl, place of sin
Priests will die when the ritual begins
Feel the heat, taste the smoke
You pray to god as you choke
You searched for salvation, but entered damnation
Trapped by the claws of death, you die for your god
You were born thorugh me and you shall die for me
You shall destroy the son of the holy
When I later call for you, you shall be slayed on the altar
As a sacrifice so I can exist and rule the world with evil
Holy Mary is crying blood
As you are dying for your God
Sacrifice in the church of sin
Blood pours still, demon's win
Victim in the claws of evil
Bodies split in front of his eyes
Pray to god one more time
Before you hear the bells chime
You searched for salvation, but entered damnation
Trapped by the claws of death, you die for your god
4. Obscure Infinity
Why it is so dark and cold,
is this a dream or what?
This place is so silent and calm,
I'm left alone destined to rot.
I hear them cry above me but why?
I'm not dead, suffer from this
premature burial
is this my final end?
A slow death by suffocation
turns my dream into reality
End of my existence, dead for all eternity
Brutaly banished from life,
a fear that grows inside,
cast out of society because of my insanity
Life in fear and misery
I don't want to live no more
End my pain, let me die
strangle me nice and slow
Soon I'm gone forever and no one cares why
A pain I can't den, as I'm about to die.
Slowly the air fades out
and I know that I soon wll die
In pain I choke, in fear I will die
A part of my body remains after death
opens the porthole for my eternal rest
Take me away, pull me over the edge
I don't want want this pain, I just want my death
A slow death by suffocation
turns my dreams to reality
End of my fucking existence
dead for all eternity
Obscure infinity, obscure infinity.
5. Hating Life
As you're lying for your death
and wait for the sign, to walk through
The portholes to achieve eternal life
Soon to change your life to face the
truth that life after death is a lie
Hating life, your faith has died
Now when your end is near
you enter the dark
you feel the pain and want to die
So where is your light
and life after death
It's into the grave
eternal rest
Where is your light?
Where is your god?
Where is your eternal life?
Ashes to ashes
dust to dust
into the dark
into the realm of death
Hating life, your faith has died
6. Into The Grave
Enter the gates, gates to madness
You feel that the end is near
you know that your end is hear
Shadows from hell reflect in your mind
into the darkside you go for eternal rest
Winds of death are blowing cold
annihilated earth is what it leaves behind
Funeral in the night, open grave
Your coffin stands open, your face is pale,
servants of the dark are taking you into the dark soil
You descend your soul
into the darkness, into the grave
Your life on earth belongs to the past,
into eternal death, your faith has died,
into the darkness, into the grave.
Face the death, look him in the eye,
you can't turn back once you've come this far.
Pray for your life to a non-existing god,
realize that it's over.
Into the darkness, into the grave
Your life on earth belongs to the past
into eternal death, your faith has died
Into the darkness, into the grave
7. Extremely Rotten Flesh
Bodies rotting
faces dark
sent in forever fear
all your flesh will rot
Rotten corpse,
dead in cruelty and pain
to end up in this special way
Extremely rotten flesh
Trapped in a wooden case
slaughtered at birth you died
the fault of a deformed face
you have to die
Bodies rotting
faces dark
sent in forever fear
all your flesh will rot
Rotten corpse,
dead in cruelty and pain
to end up in this special way
Extremely rotten flesh
8. Haunted
Season of the undead nears
lying waiting the rite
spiritual visions appear
to fulfill the prophecy
These walls stained
by blood of immortality
haunted through centiries
by souls of morality
Laid down to rest
in unholy ground
ancient creation man
supposed to never appear.
These walls stained
by blood of immortality
haunted through centiries
by souls of morality
Season of the undead nears
lying waiting the rite
spiritual visions appear
to fulfill the prophecy
These walls stained
by blood of immortality
haunted through centiries
by souls of morality
9. Day Of Mourning
Sadistic, killing of your mind
Pathetic, mutants in your brain
Damage, is already done
Failure, of the sacrifice
Confronting with your maker,
paranoid vision a dream
Flesh is dripping cold
Day of mourning
Death is on your back
Watching, the angels die.
Altaer, the virgin's blood.
Drips, on the floor.
Praise your holy maker
Awaiting the hour of your death,
Create your own vision,
What will come after life.
You feel no pain no more
Burn with me till your flesh drips away
Tortured bodies all around
Eternal hate inside your mind
Reborn to eternity, blessing your desire
Epidemic world outside, the change has begun.
Sadistic, killing of your mind.
pathetic, mutants in your brain.
Damage, is already done.
Failure, of the sacrifice.
Confronting with your maker,
paranoid vision a dream
Flesh dripping cold
Day of mourning.
10. Inhuman
Walk the last steps of the face of the earth
Dismembered bodies, fallen victims of decay
Fallen from above, prophecy of death
Agonizing torment to wipe out the inhuman
Shattered shreds of life, tearing my inner side
Rise from the turf, as my guts regurge
Procession to the wise, gasping to survive
Mutilated stiffs, desecrating tombs.
God of all life and humanity
Slayed by evil conspiracy
Putrefying all of the remaining life
Dismember his body as you watch
Shattered shreds of life, tearing my inner side
Rise from the turf, as my guts regurge
Procession to the wise, gasping to survive
Mutilated stiffs, desecrating tombs.
Now you will die
As you take your final breath
Visions appear
From the darkest death
Walk the last steps of the face of the earth
Dismembered bodies, fallen victims of decay
Fallen from above, prophecy of death
Agonizing torment to wipe out the inhuman
Shattered shreds of life, tearing my inner side
Rise from the turf, as my guts regurge
Procession to the wise, gasping to survive
Mutilated stiffs, desecrating tombs.
11. Banished To Live
A life in terror in a landscape cursed by hate
Where people fear each other and seal each other's fate
The most self-destructive creature has been created
Slaying its victims and the world to them related
In fear they are banished to live
In pain they are destined to die
From whom who will take their lives
Sent to the final confrontation
It's time for pain to set in
As the creature believes in resurrection
It's time for them to smell the coffin
As they once are lost and into the sickness they fall
There's no way they will see the light
when death makes his call
In fear they are banished to live
In pain they are destined to die
From whom who will take their lives
For reasons so fucked up,
you destroy what you built up
The end has come and their belief
will turn to pain and be their grief
There is no escape from this world of hate
As time passes by you know it's too late
Trapped within your fear screaming out your pain
It's time for you to die, never awake again
A life in terror in a landscape cursed by hate
Where people fear each other and seal each other's fate
The most self-destructive creature has been created
Slaying its victims and the world to them related
In fear they are banished to live
In pain they are destined to die
From whom who will take their lives