 Сведения об этой группе у меня весьма ограниченны - только то, что она из Германии и их стиль можно назвать Power/Thrash/Speed. Гитарный звук, риффы и ударные мне напомнили Metallica, вокал у меня вызвал отдаленные ассоциации с Ансельмо из Pantera, а медленные вставки - с прогрессив-металлическим Opeth и даже с русским техно-дэтом Hieronymus Bosch :) Вместе все это достаточно гармонично сочетается, и никаких явно заимствованных идей я здесь не увидела. Как ни странно, хоть в
названии стиля и есть приставка speed, но особой скоростью песни не отличаются, чем я осталась довольна - все же мне больше по душе трэш средней скорости. Правда, этот альбом для трэша немного "мягковат", но все же имеет полное право быть названным именно так. Безупречные риффы, соляки и ритм (именно в этом плане, от партий ударных и гитар, особенно в треках "Collision Course" и "Blamed For Nothing", я в восторге), довольно выдержанная и ровная музыка, которая между тем не оставила меня равнодушной. Power в альбоме тоже присутствует - но, к счастью, в
меру. Большинство песен с этого альбома я бы назвала трэш-балладами в духе "Kill'em All" уже упоминавшейся Металлики, изрядно замедленных и приправленных чем-то вроде смеси из прогрессива и павера, хотя на самом деле трудно сказать, что же на самом деле представляет из себя эта смесь. Вокал Стейнхауэра, солиста Paradox, мне гораздо более симпатичен, чем вокал Хэтфилда на "Kill'em All", ибо нет излишних выкриков/неровностей и звучит он более мелодично, выдержанно и завершенно, без сырости. В итоге, если быть честной, особого восторга "Collision Course" у меня не вызвал, может быть потому, что я не являюсь фанаткой Thrash/Speed и подобных стилей, но я прониклась этим творением. Очень качественная работа. При случае обязательно познакомлюсь с остальным
творчеством группы. Думая над оценкой, решила-таки вместо девяти поставить восемь баллов за некоторую "затянутость", без которой видимо, как без ложки дегтя в бочке меда, не обойтись :) |
The people of the world - on a collision course
Dictators and religions - the population as their toys
Racial hate unfurled - it's a collision course
Humanity collides - it's a collision course
Stop - breaking the rules of nature
Blind - can't you see the danger
Mute - standing there in silence
Screaming echoes of hate and violence
(A puppet you no longer shall be - set yourself free)
The troops are sent out - for a fast kill
Are we directed without an owl will
Do we have to obey - in order to survive
Do we have to march on to sacrifice life
A possibility (it would be) - to neglet the domination
Play a parody (parody) - war assassination
The people of the world - on a collision course
Dictators and religions - the population as their toys
Nations of the earth - it's a collision course
Humanity collides - it's a collision course
Rearrange the Past
There is no proof the bringers of death seem to leave their sins behind
Cause their deeds were not observed will be lefy as unpunished crimes
They gpt nothing to lose and nothing to win - dead within their lives
Who cares about truth - who cares about sin - who is a killer at large
Look into their eyes
No use for prayers and forgiveness hearts have turned to stone
They don't care, they are aware that they are all alone
This is the age were killers run free denying their own past
Washing their hands but the dirt beneath will forever last
Look into their eyes
Their eyes can't hide the truth...even if they rearrange the past
Historical facts - modificated no consciousness of wrong and right
Memory, history was manipulated horror was changed
Into fairy tales to keep alive
A prophecy we have in store for those about spoken of
We can see the closing door to eternity and peace
Time preceeding life is fleeing towards the bitter end
Then they will ask - was is worth all this never again
Look into their eyes
Their eyes can't hide the truth...even if they rearrange the past
Rearrange the past
Rearrange the past
Rearrange the past
Path of Denial
Never saw it any other way - for him it was the truth
He lerned it early: the method of denying
When accused - the easiest to say was "no not me"
Pointing the finger at somebody else
Was far from lying
Sealed his fate by denial, never defend - never repent
Life no holding is trial - never again
Here is the end of the path of denial
The reason wasn't personal fear - just a way to get on
Weakness of character - no force to fight
But striving ahead
Instead of standing up - he broke down
And lied like a child
No energy for conflict - no power to arise
Sealed his fate by denial, never defend - never repent
Life no holding is trial - never again
Here is the end of the path of denial
Falling backwards - falling down the stairs of life
Down on the knees - crowling to escape his fate
Crying it out - too late to relieve the soul
Used to be proud - now he's gonna pay his toll
Throning in fame on the top stair of commerce and society
Nothing was wrong to get get there - reckless for success
Reality lurking to bring him to fall, a silent strike
A little mistake an undercover eye
He couldn't stand the test
Sealed his fate by denial, never defend - never repent
Life no holding is trial - never again
Here is the end of the path of denial
Feel the pressure of this time hear your heartbeat pounding twice
Man's emotions is growing cold always asked but never told
See the colours turn to grey our life has led astray
Life is so complicated - the hope is lost in time
Problems underrated - there is a way
(Out of the dark)
What we need right now is a saviour from these times
To take us far away where our inner child can rise
Now the time is close at hand fate's so hard to understand
Mother earth will take revenge for the spoil and all the stench
Everyday maybe our last remind the shadows of the past
Life is so complicated - the hope is lost in time
Problems underrated - there is a way
(Out of the dark)
What we need right now is a saviour from these times
To take us far away where our inner child can rise
Confidence is hard to find success is all we have in mind
Love and faith are getting rare god help us now we better care
Please release us from our sins and in the end no one wins
Life is so complicated - the hope is lost in time
Problems underrated - there is a way
(Out of the dark)
What we need right now is a saviour from these times
To take us far away where our inner child can rise
Blamed For Nothing
The hammer has fallen - the sentence has been past
I can't imagine now long time can last
It's just a factor - between birth and death
Left isn't much and it's only getting less
I don't know why but I've been blamed for nothin'
Look at me, I'm unable to move my hands
You're making a big mistake - I'm victim of justice hate
It seems judge and jury forget what justice really is
One way thinking - games with paragraphs
Abusal of law and reckless denial of facts
I don't know why but I've been blamed for nothin'
Look at me, I'm unable to move my hands
I don't know why but I've been blamed for nothin'
I'm not the one I deserve no punishment
Listen, I am innocent - yes I am
There is no reason to repent
I don't know why but I've been blamed for nothin'
Look at me, I'm unable to move my hands
I don't know why but I've been blamed for nothin'
I'm not the one I deserve no punishment
Can't you see I'm no killer - I can prove my innocence
Won't you realize it's impossible to kill with the hand
Witnesses missing - the truth is clear to see
Just no one else to accuse except for me
I don't know why but I've been blamed for nothin'
Look at me, I'm unable to move my hands
I don't know why but I've been blamed for nothin'
I'm not the one I deserve no punishment
Blamed for nothin'
Prostitution of Society
All the things we must achieve
To keep our state alive
A prostitution of society
Truth - is what they calm to say
That it's for the sake - of the human race
Shame - they should be ashamed
They're the ones to blame
When we lose the game
We vote to be free - society - will never die
Fools - are those who still believe
That society is free - it's not reality
The lies - produced by gouvernment
Yes I do believe - that we are deceived
We vote to be free - society - will never die
All those word we try to understand
Are all together so irrelevant
Just open your eyes to insanity
And to prostitution of society
Use - your brain to check your soul
You have lost control - you no longer rule
But you - are not the only fool
This is how we work - of which we are the victims
We vote to be free - society - will never die
All those word we try to understand
Are all together so irrelevant
Just open your eyes to insanity
And to prostitution of society
We vote to be free - society - will never die
Control - is what they strain to hold
So they rule alone - an egoistic role
Time - we cannot rewind
But we have to find - salvation from this crime
Now we know it's real - the words we hear
Produce no fear
All those word we try to understand
Are all together so irrelevant
Just open your eyes to insanity
And to prostitution of society
Shattered Illusions
She was born in a country place untouched soul, innocent face
Finest education anyone could get with high society wisdom she was fed
Oh no - she is leaving home she ain't ready to leave this idyll
Oh no - she is all alone an illusion of a childhood-thrill
Lost in the streets - a fatal decision
More than real - fantasy destruction
Blinded by light - glamorous confusion
Hide in the dark - shattered illusions
Taking the tray away from her home so excited there was no time to moan
And as she saw the lights of the city they looked at her shining with pity
Oh no - she is leaving home entering the world of enhancing light
Oh no - she is all alone the grab of the city hloding her tight
Lost in the streets - a fatal decision
More than real - fantasy destruction
Blinded by light - glamorous confusion
Hide in the dark - shattered illusions
Life beginning to end in a blur - gone away from home
She has left her home forever - lost for all time
She lost her life - to crime and agony she was so blind - overdosed vanity
So disillusioned shattered childhood dreams
The new friends turned out to be fools falling in love with the angel of doom
Deadly poison seeping through her veins (drug bound) - her body for sale
Oh no - she is all alone she has entered the word of light
Oh no - far away from home it's her destiny to lose this fight
Lost in the streets - a fatal decision
More than real - fantasy destruction
Blinded by light - glamorous confusion
Hide in the dark - shattered illusions
If I could rewind - the turning hands of time
Only progressing forwards on a constant speed
A pace without disgrace - right to infinity
We must go on without correction of our deeds
It sounds like irony - "we all are free"
Captured by our past eternally
Those to me are fools - "who try to change"
The facts of history
Like our acts of hate - which will never fade
Inside our memory like a secret haze
On the day we die - sins evade from inside
Never to fade - impossible to erase
It sounds like irony - "we all are free"
Captured by our past eternally
Those to me are fools - "who try to change"
The facts of history
That's why we feel - sadness...madness
So many tears we shed - a lake of tears
To wash the sins away - but they never dissapear
Memories always coming through
Life does not forget the truth
Our ancestors accused - same us our children
They point their fingers at us (it's us) you were killing
Time is running out - to correct the direction
Is there only sadness left or time - for correction?
A possibility - "that we are free"
To change fate with fantasy
We can make the rules "change the lanes"
Away from hate - away from hate
Away from sadness...madness...
Attracting looks of hatred - hate is in their souls
Past and future fight without control
Do you feel their anger? - what have they been told?
The books of history have to be closed
Falling...beneath the shadows of the past
Strawling...to leave the past behind
You are just a victim of our memory
Forget the past and just be free
Falling...the blood in your veins seems to burn
Burning...burning up inside
Deep in there down in your heart
Down in your soul there's something cold
And you feel the misery
And you hear them pray
Overshadowed...history terrifying me
Overshadowed...must we feel this pain
Of the shadows in our soul
(You're) falling...inner feelings so absurd
Turning...back the hands of time
Deep in there down in your heart
Down in your soul there's something cold
And you feel the misery
And you hear them pray
Overshadowed...history terrifying me
Overshadowed...must we feel this pain
Of the shadows in our soul
It's calling
Dynamite (bonus track)
Kick your ass to heaven
With rock'n roll tonight
I'll make this night a special one
Make you feel alright
Shoot my heat into your body
Give ya all my size
I'm gonna beat the beat tonight
It's time to break the ice
Dynamite, dynamite
Dynamite, dynamite
Hit the top together
Get ya with my spell
I'm gonna make my shot tonight
Take you down to hell
Eat your meat until you're breathless
Twirl your hips around
I'm gonna break my neck tonight
I'll get you off the ground
Dynamite, your'redynamite
Dynamite, dynamite
Get it now or never
Let's get it really tight
We'll make this night a special one
Make us feel alright
Put your heat into my body
Give ya all my size
We gonna beat the beat tonight
Come on let's break the ice
Dynamite, you're dynamite
Dynamite, dynamite