 «Shogun» — второй альбом Stormwitch после ухода Харальда Шпенглера (Lee Tarot) и Штефана Кауфмана (Steve Merchant), являвшихся на протяжении всех предыдущих лет в группе авторами музыки. Звучание с тех пор, безусловно, значительно поменялось. Однако не настолько, чтобы сказать, что эти двое были в группе главными: «War of the Wizards», записанный новым составом, хоть и уступал в чем-то и отличался, и оказался спорным, все-таки представлял некоторую ценность для фанатов. Главное, что отличает работы нового состава, это полностью концептуальный подход: «Shogun», как и «War of the Wizards» (отсылающий к Властелину Колец), — это концептуальный альбом по мотивам одноименного романа Джеймса Клавелла. Что ж, рано или поздно — о чем говорили отдельные песни с отсылками к другим произведениям — это должно было произойти. Это дает повод считать, что Stormwitch не сбилась с пути, а, наоборот, идет прямиком по логическому пути совершенствования. Но все-таки так считать будет сложно, если не понять того, что «Shogun» — альбом больше не для фанов, а для искусства. Самый неоднозначный альбом в истории группы, в котором меньше всего металла.
«War of the Wizards» сделал шаг в сторону пауэра, что весьма ярко выразилось в несвойственной Stormwitch радужности: хотя тексты кое-где и сохраняли мрачные темы, музыка посветлела заметно. «Shogun» же поражает эклектизмом: здесь и хэви, и пауэр, и софт-, хард-рок, прогрессив и даже совершенно классическая песня «Seven Faces (And Two Hearts)». На этом альбоме группа играет лишь с одним гитаристом, на месте женского бэк-вокала надежно утвердились хоровые партии (да еще какие!), продолжительность песен возросла, усложнилась их структура, а голос... голос бессменного вокалиста группы Энди Мюка — одно из главных достоинств альбома — записан и звучит потрясающе! Композиция альбома, вероятно, повторяет книгу: живое вступление, лирическая середина и эпический конец. Да и слушать по частям данную работу — просто кощунство.
Альбом, преимущественно со среднетемповыми песнями, сшит помпезными и выразительными балладами. Особо выделяются «Garden Of Pain», с шикарным припевом, который запоминается уже к концу песни; «Seven Faces (And Two Hearts)», великолепная баллада под акустическую гитару; «The King Of Winds» — чистейший пауэр с красивыми пассажами в конце, хором, выразительными клавишными и венчающим все это пронзительным голосом вокалиста; «I'll Never Forgive» — сложная многочастная композиция, в общем характеризующая собой альбом. Для написания текстов выбраны интересные места сюжета, мрачных и ужасных персонажей, пугающих рассказов больше нет. Но да, это романтика!
Что можно ожидать от неоднозначного альбома? — Неоднозначных чувств! Сложно дать оценку: вроде бы ничего необычного, но в то же время — необычно всё. Не то, чего ожидаешь, но достойное большего, чем может показаться. Каждая песня на альбоме может понравиться, поразить, но стоит ли говорить — что не всех? Это, конечно же, совершенно непривычный Stormwitch. Слишком романтичный для металла. Слишком нежный. Но, тем не менее, это один из лучших концептуальных альбомов в metal, что, возможно, неоднозначно и спорно звучит, — однако мне, как знакомому с романом слушателю, не стыдно такое заявлять. Ведь если Stormwitch действительно "мастера романтики", то чем не доказательство тому прекрасное переложение литературного романа в музыкальную форму? |
The sea took him with it's mighty hand
Tossed him up, he's stranded in a unknown land
Stranded - in a foreign land!
Stranded - without people he could understand
He's a man, proud and strong
A man, with just one aim
A man, who never did any wrong
And he is not to blame
Stranded - in a foreign land!
Stranger in a very strange land
He met his old foes the priests again
He had no weapon in his hand
Against their might he stood one man
The sea took him with it's mighty hand
Tossed him up, he's stranded in a unknown land
But in spite of being lonely
Still he didn't lose his pride
Struggling on and hoping only
He shook fear off with all his might
The sea took him with it's mighty hand
Tossed him up, he's stranded in a unknown land
2. Liar
A circle of warriors, weapons in the hand
All their heads on the ground
The victor's sitting near on empty stand
While the wind whirls leaves around
Here comes the Dai-San, the master of life and death
And a priest - oh god, the shock takes away my breath
If this black snake shall speak for me
Easely he will tell him ties - in the name of god, you see!
The Dai-San commands the man in the robe
And he bows low in awe
Obeys the command, betraying my hope
Follows the churches law
You chase for treasures, because your real god is just
Even if I lose my life - your soul you've sold
I've found the way to your abundance
That you've kept dark, for eternity
Everyone's lost, they had no chance
To flee from this cruel destiny
I'm not blind - you're a liar
What can I do now, how can I restrain
The time has come, I'll have to do: Dai-San let me explain
I will crush your cross
Look, the Dai-San comprehends
Tell what you want
This paralyzing fear now ends
Why are there false priests in this world?
Why do they turn good into bad?
Why do so many follow
Why don't you trust, trust in your own head
After all - I will not hesitate
After all - I'll go my way
Whether fear or rage can bring me to
To betray my believe!
3. Garden Of Pain
Moonlight softly covered the garden
Picked out a silvery glittering stone
No breeze to ruffle grass and leaves
No sound from the village to disturb the peace
Yabu he's in meditation
And nearly banned his thought's at all
Finally he can hear the scream
"Scream, scream for my lust!"
Heat crept up to his loins
His breathing grew heavy
He pays attention to what they say
Dawn will break soon
In the garden of pain
Silvery shines the moon
In the garden of pain
The scent of the ocean filled the air
Disturbed by the smell of burning flesh
The victim screams and Yabu moans
Inside the house his virgin was waiting
He heard no he saw
The man boiling alive
Slowly dying for him
You can feel it too
In the garden of pain
4. Seven Faces (And Two Hearts)
The Spaniard - is he an enemy?
He seems so frank, so free
The Spaniard - he looks like good company
A sailor, just like me
At least somebody I can ask
Whose language I understand
But can I trust him with the task
Of guiding me through this land?
So many questions I have got
On the country, whose streets I walk
I'm sure he can tell me a lot
So the Spaniard began to talk:
" I can give the advice for which you ask
Never to trust their smiling mask
They will tell you how nice
They find your blue eyes
But that's there parts
don't show your cards
They wear seven faces and two hearts !"
"Never show your real face
Don't show them joy or sorrow
Protect yourself from death's embrace!
That way you'll still live tomorrow
I'll lead you to one their kings, you see
He's one of the five who rule
It's entirely up to you what you'll be
A free man or a tool!"
5. Forbidden
In the lighted splendid hall
You can see them all
Waiting for their General and their Lord
Poorly dressed or in fine lace
From faroff or near
The smile is frozen on each face
They're all in fear
Now he comes he's shining bright
Showing all his might
He decide's who has to live and who's to die
Now he looks at John " Hey you!
Stranger, fast you'll learn
Choose your words true
Lie to me, and you will burn!"
"Yes we're trying to fight
For our land is occupied
We've got the only excuse there is - believe me"
"Forbidden almost everyttjng that we need
Therefore we must fight, we will succeed"
With a laugh he watches him
That was the begin
Of a friendship, which was strange and sad
Lost are who commit the sin
By just giving in
Rule with your heart
And act out your part
"A new world, a new man
Live the new life you began
Keep your footsteps in my path, believe me!"
6. Victory Is Mine
John feels the stare
He turns and he's there
In the middle of a lonely huge place
The priest speaks to him:
"You think you'll win"
With a sneering grin in his nice face
"You think that you're safe
For the King you are brave
But for me, you're a devil
You push with might just
Into the King's trust
You're quite on the level"
"Don't play the holy man
Your aims, I will shatter
I'll speak out the ban,
What happens, doesn't matter"
"I'm alright-for the fight!"
Answers John, because I'm doing fine"
Victory is mine
"Hurry up John
I wish you were gone
I don't want to be your enemy
I want you to live
More I can't give
It's not in the might of me"
"Don't trust in this land
They're head and shoulders above
First they take your hand
And then they cut it off"
"I'm alright - for the fight!"
Answers John, "because I'm doing fine"
Victory is mine
7. Let Lessons Begin
"Don't even try to read our mind"
His lovely teacher told in her soft voice
"Our minds and hearts are of another kind
If you want to learn you've got no choice
You have to learn to build a wall around you
And never to show your real face
There's none to trust and none to lean onto
Learn that, and you will find your real place"
He-watched her face and admired her beauty
A lovely,woman and doing her duty
He thoght and beginning to rise
He said "Mariko you are wise"
"I will learn a lot
I certainly want to survive
This fate I have got
l will let it spoil my life
The stars said I need not give in
So I will learn let lessons begin"
For once don't always think of tomorrow
Such a lot can happen in one short day
Save yourself many worries and sorrow
Try simply to live and enjoy I say"
He looked at her and knew that for his life
He had to have this woman for his wife
" I'll be patient" he promised
While thinking how can I get kissed?
8. The King Of Winds
Breathless silence - danger's in the air
His friend, the stormwind - takes him everywhere
He whispers "Come on"
"I Will take you - higher than the sky
Hear it, feel it - now the earth will die
Through me, you have won"
High above there rules the King of winds - and he's
down and see the earth is quaking, shaking
Break in two
High above there rules the King of winds - and he's
down and he thinks: weeping, creeping
Death awaits for you
Death by torture - Mother Earth is still
Her wounds - are bleeding she kills without her will
The lonely one dies
I would wish you - a friend in need for you
That loves your live - you can rely onto
Together we'll rise
High above there rules the King of winds - and
he's looking
down and see the man are healing, feeling
All the same
High above there rules the king of winds - and
he's looking
down and he thinks: giving living
Let's play the newborn game
9. She's The Sun
Embracing shadows lie on me
The night shall stay
I don't wan to see
The righteous way
I know that she isn't free
She gave her word
Her life has to be
As a proud bird
In a royal cage, she lives her life
The fate forbid's to be a wife
She's the sun and golden shimes her light
She'sthe sun, her smile ligts up the night
She's a queen - and out of reach to me
She's a queen - it hurts to set her free
I know, that she has to fight
Lend her hand
For her King, the right
And her land
In a royal cage, she lives her life
The fate forbid's to be a wife
The secret Gods - they pray for you
They save your life, me too
The secret ways - you have to go
You'll have to win, I know
10. Good Times - Bad Times
We have sailed across the oceans
We have searched for secret lands
Stand at by, we shared emotions
We had the future in our hands
We lived eye to eye with dangers
Some of us had claimed the sea
Through the victims, no longer strangers
So we sweared: To be or not to be!
Now I'm standing here - around me old friends
I'm looking into faces - they're so strange to me
All they do disgusts me - nothing makes a sense
They sponge on another - they're no longer free
Why they've turned so bad?
I'm real sad, why they're so glad?
They're noisy like chifdren- they're dancing
and singing
They give themselves up - to live for joy
Without a leader, they nevermore winning
They're totally drunken, from mate to boy
Why they've turned so bad?
I'm real sad, why they're so glad?
You're bastards, I see - there's no way - together
Good times and bad times, we had
Wake up, stop it, wasting your time
You can't be so blind, to see the fact
Now look at me, to see the sign
Or else all will end, like a foolish act
Why they've turned so bad?
I'm real sad, why they're so glad?
You're bastards, I see - there's no way - together
Start thinking for a change
Widen your old mind's range
Don't give way to stupid indifference
Living means learning - only that makes sense
Wake up, stop it, wasting your time
You can'y be so blind, to see the fact
Now lookat at me, to see the sign
Or else all will end, like a foolish act
Why they've turned so bad?
I'm real sad, why they're so glad?
You're bastards, I see - there's no way - together
11. I'll Never Forgive
The night was made for dreaming
I miss you so, my dear
Life had lost it's meaning
You're no longer near
There's nothing left for me to do
I couldn't win
My guardian angel, it was you
Going on, is a sin
"For better or for worse" I said
No my time has come
" For better or for worse" I said
Tomorrow I don't see the sun
In the silence of midnight
The tower stands ready to fight
One of them thinks of his treason
Done for a mean reason
Now he opens the gate
For returning tonight its to late
John and his friends sit together
They think that tomorrow looks better
They can't foresee they're in danger
There lifes are in the hand of a stranger
Shadows sneak through the hall
They're killing the guards by the wall
"Wake up, wake up, the foe's inside!"
John is the first, who hear's the cries
"Wake up, wake up, the foe's insidel"
Everyone runs for his life
Through the cries he heard her voice
"Run they just want me!"
She shielded him, he got no choice
"Where are you? I can't see!"
Fire danced before his eyes
When she stopped to live
He only felt that she must die
"I'll never forgive!"
Blinded and beaten he's lying
On his forsaken rest
John's will to live - it is dying
All his hopes, they went west
Who's fault? Who pulled the strings?
Who is the traitor of kings?
All his thoughts gathered round her
About her, senseless sad death
He hates himself, he could'nt help her
Then she took the last breath
I know, revenge is divine
But this time, vengeance is mine!
"Wake up, wake up, ...
Now we're all here. But one of us is missing
I remember her love. She died without fear
Every second, reminiscing. For us, she was
the white dove. One thing I swear:
Revenge I will take for this aim, I will live!
Nothing is fair. I'll not forsake
I will never forgive!
12. Somewhere
Lonely the beach was lying
Golden fades the sun
All his dreams, all hope was gone
Since he saw her dying
He can't find no more
Peace of mind - a light behind the door
He looses off the string
And reads, without his heart
"I chose your life - that's my part
You want everything
But you can't see the signs"
He could read between the lines
Somewhere we'll meet again, I know
Somewhere, you'll take my hand
Somewhere we'll meet again, I know
Somewhere, far away, there is a land
"We've just borrowed time
Now listen, what I'll say
Live rejoicing every day
Fulfill the hope of mine
And go just your own way
We will meet again somdeday"