Alice Cooper
« Constrictor »
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1 | Teenage Frankenstein
 | 2 | Give It Up
 | 3 | Thrill My Gorilla
 | 4 | Life And Death Of The Party
 | 5 | Simple Disobedience
 | 6 | The World Needs Guts
 | 7 | Trick Bag
 | 8 | Crawlin'
 | 9 | Great American Success Story
 | 10 | He's Back (The Man Behind The Mask) |
   Alice Cooper - vocals
Kane Roberts - guitars, keyboards, bass, drums
Label: Mca Special Products
Guest musicians:
Donnie Kisselbach - bass
Kip Winger - bass
Paul Delph - keyboards, backing vocals on "He's Back"
Tom Kelly - backing vocals on "He's Back"
Beau Hill - backing vocals |
 | Teenage Frankenstein
I'm the kid on the block with my head made of rock
And I ain't got nobody
I'm the state of the art, got a brain a la carte
I make the babies cry
I ain't one of the crowd, I ain't one of the guys
They just avoid me, they run and they hide
Are my col |
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 The nightmare returns! После почти трех лет молчания король шок рока Элис Купер возвращается в своей новой ипостаси. Крепко поразмыслив о своем будущем, на этом затянувшемся отпуске, Элис принял решение в корне поменять свой стиль и имидж. Итак, "DaDa" оказался последним хард роковым релизом Купера, теперь он играет махровый и немного глэмовый хэви метал! Причина этих перемен вполне ясна, ведь с середины 70-ых у Элиса не было ни по настоящему хороших альбомов, ни соответственно особого успеха. А в середине 80-ых глэм был на пике популярности, и грех было не влиться в это течение. Конечно, некоторые поклонники творчества Купера отвернулись от него, не в силах слышать незамысловатые песни, в которых не было и малой толики каких либо кошмаров, но зато и новых фанатов появилось очень много. Лично мне нравится Элис в любой своей форме, и этот альбом я считаю крайне удавшимся возвращением короля на большую сцену. Как я уже упоминал, альбом выдержан в стилистике хэви глэма, с мощными хоровыми подпевками и достаточно простыми в аранжировках песнями. Наиболее удачными получились мощные боевики "Teenage Frankenstein", "Thrill My Gorilla" (классное название, не правда ли?) и ураганный гимн "The World Need Guts". Также очень приятно слушаются более спокойные номера, вроде насквозь попсовой "Trick Bag" или мелодичной "Life And Death Of The Party". Ну а в самом конце альбома притаился истинный шедевр "He's Back (The Man Behind The Mask)" - ритмичное диско (!!!) с жутким текстом про маньяка убийцу. Вот уж действительно, he's back! На мой взгляд, "Constrictor" получился просто идеальным возвращением, никакого эксплуатирования старых идей, только свежие музыкальные веяния того времени. И что удивляет больше всего - это качество представленного материала, на первый же альбом на непаханой для себя целине Элис не допустил ни одной слабой песни. Чистое попадание в десятку. Ну, или точнее в девятку, чтобы осталось место для оценок последующих далее работ. |
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Ну вот и свершилось... Элис вернулся! Почти три года тишины не прошли даром и теперь начало 80-х можно забыть, как страшный сон. Элис изличился от алкоголизма, который явно погнал его не в ту степь в предыдущих альбомах. "Constrictor" так и отдаёт свежестью, да и на самого Элиса стало куда более приятно смотреть, теперь он уже не выглядит настолько болезненно худым. Ну да ладно, пора вплотную перейти к альбому. Звучание сильно утяжелилось, теперь это глэмовый хард рок в чистом виде, ни больше, ни меньше. Появились мощные (для хард рока) гитарные риффы и несомненно украсила альбом великоллепная игра гитариста-культуриста Кейна Робертса (Kane Roberts). Стоит заметить, что весь материал для альбома Купер и Робертс написали вместе. Ну а теперь о самих песнях:
1. "Teenage Frankenstein"
Первые же аккорды и по телу побежали мурашки, неспроста эта песня стоит на альбоме первой. Очень мелодично и этот мелодизм совсем не идёт в урон тяжести. Текст написан в классическом стиле Элиса: эдакая страшилка, про подростка своей "милой" внешностью очень напоминающего Франкенштейна.
2. "Give It Up"
И опять потрясающая ритмика и приятный обволакивающий, местами, слегка мягкий и привычно хриповатый голос Купера.
3. "Thrill My Gorrila"
Песня с какой-то озорной мелодией, и не менее озорным текстом
4. "Life And Death Of The Party"
И вновь очень мелодично! Среднетемповая песня с потрясающими гитарными виражами и немного грустным текстом, которая будь чуть медленнее стала бы балладой.
5. "Simply Disobedience"
Я бы сказал, что это очень напоминает марш. Монотонные ударные и такие же монотонные напевки. Хуже предыдущих, но впечатление от альбома не портит.
6. "The World Needs Guts"
Ну а это самый настоящий гимн, который получили изголодавшиеся фэны. Даже не знаю, что ещё сказать. Мощно, захватывающе, в общем это надо слышать!
7. "Trick Bag"
Довольно необычная песня для данного альбома. Заметно легче предыдущих, но всё-равно неплохо.
8. "Crawlin'"
Ещё одна среднетемповая песня с ярко выраженными клавишными.
9. "The Great American Success Story"
И вновь начало заставляет нас невольно подёргивать головой в такт. Энергичная песня с приятными хоровыми напевками в припеве.
10. "He's Back (The Man Behind The Mask)"
И вот он - шедевр альбома! Казалось бы, слишком лёгкая вещь для нового стиля Купера, но всё дело в том , что это не просто номерная песня альбома, а саундтрек к новому (в те времена) фильму ужасов "Пятница, 13 - 6: Джейсон Жив". В демо версии тут и мотив-то был другой, но создатели фильма посчитали, что это слишком тяжело и Купер смягчил звучание. Мне кажется так получилось даже гораздо лучше. Кстати, на эту песню был снят отличный клип. Кроме "He's Back..." в фильм также вошли "Teenage Frankenstein" и "Hard Rock Summer" (хорошая вещь почему-то не вошедшая ни в один альбом).
Итак подводя итоги этот альбом словно глоток свежего воздуха для всех поклонников творчества Элиса Купера. Твёрдая десятка. |
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просмотров: 35187 |
I spend my whole life burning, turning
I'm a teenage Frankenstein
The local freak with the twisted mind
I'm a teenage Frankenstein
These ain't my hands and these legs ain't mine
Got a synthetic face, got some scars and a brace
My hands are rough and bloody
I walk into the night, women faint at the sight
I ain't no cutie pie
I can't walk in the day, I must walk in the night
Stay in the shadows, stay out of the light
Are my shoulders too wide? Is my head screwed on tight?
I spend my whole life burning, turning
I'm a teenage Frankenstein
The local freak with the twisted mind
I'm a teenage Frankenstein
These ain't my arms and these legs ain't mine, no
I ain't one of the crowd, I ain't one of the guys
They just avoid me, they run and they hide
Are my colours too bright? Are my eyes set too wide?
I spend my whole life burning, turning
I'm a teenage Frankenstein
The local freak with the twisted mind
I'm a teenage Frankenstein
These ain't my hands and these legs ain't mine
I'm a teenage Frankenstein
The local freak with the twisted mind
I'm a teenage Frankenstein
These ain't my arms and these legs ain't mine
Give it up
You got your sugar, you got your spice
You got a kitten, now isn't that nice?
You just can't wait for a picnic in spring
I just get nauseous when I think of those things
You wait and wait and you wait for a lifetime
For a little piece of cake in the night time, yeah
You wait and wait, you can't wait any longer
You wait and wait, couldn't be any wronger, no
Give it up
Give it up
Give it up
You shop around for a sensible car
You hold your breath when you wish on a star
You settle down in a warm little house
You make some babies with your warm little spouse, how nice
You wait and wait and you wait for a lifetime
For a little piece of cake in the night time, yeah
You wait and wait, you can't wait any longer
You wait and wait, couldn't be any wronger, no
Give it up
Give it up
Give it up
Just when you got it made and all your bills are paid
You stumble and fall into your grave, too bad
Give it up
You wait and wait and you wait for a lifetime
For a little piece of cake in the night time, yeah
You wait and wait, you can't wait any longer
You wait and wait, couldn't be any wronger, no
Give it up - don't let it get you down
Give it up - you really, really blew it
Give it up - turn your head around
Give it up - used to be so hip with you hung out on the strip
Give it up - don't let it get you down
Give it up - you really, really blew it
Give it up - turn your head around
Give it up - got some Gucci on the wear, got some musse in your hair
Give it up - don't let it get you down
Give it up - you really, really blew it
Give it up - turn your head around
Give it up - got a perfect little smile, you're growing old in style
Give it up - don't let it get you down
Give it up - you really, really blew it
Give it up - turn your head around
Give it up - oh, games over
Give it up
Thrill my gorilla
Sukie honey, we're gonna turn back the clock
To a time when we danced to volcanic rock
We loved to hunt and kill, that's how we used to be
We drank the blood we spilled and growled at our enemies
Where were you when the monkey hit the fan?
Thrill my gorilla
Where were you when monkey turned to man?
Thrill my gorilla
Sukie honey, weren't you right there with me?
I seem to remember chasing you from tree to tree
Those prehistoric nights are coming back to me
We must have been the first to go down in history
Where were you when the monkey hit the fan?
Thrill my gorilla
Where were you when monkey turned to man?
Thrill my gorilla
We lay on our skins, original sins
We touch, we feel, we scream, we squeal
Thrill my gorilla
Thrill my gorilla
We lay on our skins, original sins
We touch, we feel, we scream, we squeal
Thrill my gorilla
Thrill my gorilla
Where were you when the monkey hit the fan?
Thrill my gorilla
Where were you when monkey turned to man?
Weren't you right there with me? Thrill my gorilla
Where were you when the monkey hit the fan?
Thrill my gorilla
Where were you when monkey turned to man?
Weren't you right there with me? Thrill my gorilla
Life and death of the party
You walk in the room, everybody stares
The talking stops, there's a silence there
The room is yours, you own it now
You're in control and everybody down here knows
You got a place in my heart, I don't want you there
But you come and you go like a millionaire
You take a walk right across my soul
You're in control and everybody down here knows
You're the life and the death of the party
You got my heart right by the throat
You're the life and the death of the party
When the stage lights rise you start and stop the show
You love me bad, you love me good
You're unimpressed, that's understood
I lost it all, you knew I would
You're in control and everybody down here knows
You're the life and the death of the party
You got my heart right by the throat
You're the life and the death of the party
And with your head held high you start and stop the show
It's just one night
It's just one time
It's just one hotel room
It's just another dream that can't come true
You're the life and the death of the party
You got my heart right by the throat
You're the life and the death of the party
And when the stage lights rise you start and stop the show
You got my heart right by the throat
You're the life and the death of the party
And with your head held high you start and stop the show
You got my heart right by the throat
You're the life and the death of the party
And when the stage lights rise you start and stop the show
You got my heart right by the throat
You're the life and the death of the party
And with your head held high you start and stop the show
You got my heart right by the throat
You're the life and the death of the party
And when the stage lights rise you start and stop the show
Simple disobedience
Looks like all your laws are broken, all your lines are down
And all your officers are shook up babbling little clowns
Looks like all your power's gone, it's sprayed upon the wall
In blood and spit it spells out your inevitable fall
And all the hungry outlaws have taken up a stance
Simple disobedience
All the hungry outlaws have taken up a stance
Simple disobedience
Now all your complex little schemes that form your masterplan
Are scrambled up and that is something you just don't understand
A cyclone of confusion rips right through your holy troops
The very thing that weakens you gives power gives me juice
And all the hungry outlaws have taken up a stance
Simple disobedience
All the hungry outlaws have taken up a stance
Simple disobedience
Take your laser microscope and try to find an answer
No antidote or drug to cure our special strain of cancer
It spreads its revolution wide from cell to cell to cell
Your kingdom's like your body - it dies and goes to hell
And all the hungry outlaws have taken up a stance
Simple disobedience
And all the hungry outlaws are waiting for a chance
Simple disobedience
And all the hungry outlaws have taken up a stance
Simple disobedience
And all the hungry outlaws are waiting for a chance
Simple disobedience
The world needs guts
Hey, you! Fighting for your life
Where you've never fought before
Hey, you! Running from the scene
And nailing down your door
Oh yeah! Back'em off, brother
Oh yeah! Terminate the mother now
You know you gotta get hard
The world needs guts, the world needs power
Show me some blood, show me some cuts
Show me some scars, the world needs guts
The world needs us
Hey, you! Crying 'cause your best
Friend's splattered against the wall
Hey, you! Some maniac butcher's
Trying to hack away your balls
Oh yeah! Back'em off, brother
Oh yeah! Terminate the mother now
You know you gotta get hard
The world needs guts, the world needs power
Show me some blood, show me some cuts
Show me some scars, the world needs guts
The world needs us
Hey, hey, what's in your eyes? I think I'm getting through
Say, say that you despise the things they did to you
Pray, pray someday their throats are in your hands
Take them, shake them 'till they understand
Hey, you! You gonna let some
Scumbag stab you in the back
Hey, you! Turn around kicking
And rearrange your sack
Oh yeah! Back'em off, brother
Oh yeah! Terminate the mother now
You know you gotta get hard
The world needs guts, we need more power
Show me some blood, show me some cuts
Show me some scars, the world needs guts
The world needs us
We need more power
Show me some blood, show me some cuts
Show me some scars, the world needs us
The world needs guts
We need more power
Show me some blood, show me some cuts
Show me some scars, show me some blood
The world needs us
Trick bag
Tie you up baby, really tight, in a lover's knot
I'm in the mood for my leather boots with the leopard spots
Take you down to my side of town where I learned to love
Strap you down, honey, pet you nice with my velvet glove
You dial my number so let me take the lead
I'm the man, understand
With the smooth slight of hand
And all the magic you need
Trick bag - sit back and just enjoy the show
Burn you with desire
Trick bag - come on and let your body go
Gonna lay it on thick so the memory'll stick
Chew me up with your perfect mouth, don't you spit me out
I'll teach you good, little Miss Hollywood, what it's all about
You call me up, baby, in the middle of the night
You say you're sweating red
And you're dripping on the bed
Tripping in the moonlight
Trick bag - sit back and just enjoy the show
Burn you with my fire
Trick bag - come on and let your body go
Gonna lay it on thick so the memory'll stick
You call me up, baby, in the middle of the night
You say you're sweating red
And you're dripping on your bed
Tripping in the moonlight
Trick bag - sit back and just enjoy the show
Trick bag - come on and let your body go
I'm gonna make it stick
Trick bag - sit back and just enjoy the show
Trick bag - come on and let your body go
My hands are quick
Trick bag - sit back and just enjoy the show
Trick bag - come on and let your body go
Go, go, go!
Trick bag
Trick bag
Trick bag
Trick bag
Your dress is hanging on a hook on the door
My jeans are lying in a pile on the floor
Flat on my back, trying to catch my breath
When we were rocking tonight I thought that we were gonna rock to death
But what's that in your eyes?
I'm no longer paralysed
Here we go again
Crawlin' - you come crawling to me
I go crawling to you
We come crawlin' - you come crawling to me
I go crawling to you
Your hair is tangled and your lipstick is gone
You're stretched out, calling my name with just your high heels on
We hunt each other on our hands and our knees
Well, I'm an alley cat and you're a hot little siamese
But what's that in your eyes?
I'm no longer paralysed
Here we go again
Crawlin' - you come crawling to me
I go crawling to you
We come crawlin' - you come crawling to me
I go crawling to you
Crawlin' - come crawling
You come crawling to me
I was nakes as tree
Crawlin' - come crawling
I come crawling to you
Give it right back to me
Crawlin' - come crawling
You come crawling to me
I think I'm gonna pop your knee
Crawlin' - come crawling
You come crawling to me
Come on!
Crawl to me
Come on and crawl to me
Come on and crawl to me
Crawl to me
The great american success story
He was born in a depressed nation
Started tough and worked his way right off the street
Thumbed his nose at a graduation
Wheeled and dealed, his education was complete
He's got all his hair but his life is a wreck
Always been a brat, he don't get no respect
He's got the time, he's got the money
You better get out of his way
You better watch out for him, sonny
Back to school - he's gonna take that plunge
Gonna jump back in there
Back to school - he's gonna shape his mind
Gonna shed old skin there
Spent some time in appreciation of finer arts
And the human body mysteries
Scoring high in procreation
Got an 'A' in the study of female anatomy
He thinks about his teacher in his literary class
He's staring at her legs but he's dreaming 'bout her face
He's got the time, he's got the money
You better get out of his way
You better watch out for him, sonny
Back to school - he's gonna take that plunge
Gonna jump back in there
Back to school - he's gonna shape his mind
Gonna shed old skin there
Back to school - he's gonna take that plunge
Gonna jump back in there
Back to school - he's gonna shape his mind
Gonna shed old skin there
He's got all his hair but his life is a wreck
Always been a brat, he don't get no respect
He's got the time, he's got the money
You better get out of his way
You better watch out for him, sonny
Back to school - he's gonna take that plunge
Gonna jump back in there
Back to school - he's gonna shape his mind
Gonna shed old skin there
Back to school - he's gonna take that plunge
Gonna shed old skin there
Back to school
Back to school
Back to school
Back to school
He's back (the man behind the mask)
You're with your baby and you're parked alone
On a summer night, you're deep in love
But you're deeper in the woods
You think you're doing alright
Did you hear that voice? Did you see that face?
Or was it just a dream? This can't be real
That only happens, babe
On the movie screen
But he's back - he's the man behind the mask
And he's out of control
He's back - the man behind the mask
And he crawled out of his hole
You're swimming with your girl out on lovers lake
And the wind blows cold, it chills your bones
But you're still on the lake
That's a bad mistake
But the moon was full and you had a chance
To be all alone but you're not alone
This is your last dance
And your last romance
'Cause he's back - he's the man behind the mask
And he's out of control
He's back - the man behind the mask
And he crawled out of his hole
If you see him coming get away if you can
Just keep on running, run as fast as you can
He's a dangerous, dangerous man
And he's out tonight, and he's watching you
And he knows you house
No, don't turn out the lights
'Cause he's back - he's the man behind the mask
And he's out of control
He's back - the man behind the mask
And he's after your soul
He's back - he's the man behind the mask
And he's out of control
He's back - the man behind the mask
And he's after your soul