Eternal Tears of Sorrow
« Vilda Mannu »
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1 | Northern Doom 04:35
 | 2 | Burning Flames' Embrace 04:07
 | 3 | Goashem 03:53
 | 4 | Scars Of Wisdom 04:56
 | 5 | Raven (In Your Eyes) 05:27
 | 6 | Nightwind's Lullaby 05:35
 | 7 | Vilda Mбnnu 05:52
 | 8 | Coronach 04:53
 | 9 | Nodde Rahgam 01:12
 | 10 | Seita 03:06
 | | Total playing time 43:36 |
   Altti Veteloinen - vocals, bass
Jarmo Puolakanaho - guitars, keyboards
Olli-Pekka Torro - guitar, keyboards, vocals
Guest musicians:
Heli Luokkala - clean vocals on "Raven" & "Lullaby" |
All music, lyrics and arrangements by Eternal Tears of Sorrow
Recorded and mixed at Tico-Tico Studio in summer '98
Engineered by Ahti Kortelainen
Assistant engineering by Tupi
Mixed by Ahti Kortelainen & Eternal Tears of Sorrow
Mastered by Mika Jussila at Finnvox Studios
Layout by Stephen "Steppenwolf" O'Malley |
 | 1. Northern Doom
I remember, it was December, the darkest winter, my body shivered
The coldest snow, cold northwind blew, the greatest storm hit like the thorns
The place'd been chosen and God howled there
The wind was his voice, the snow was his soil
Without a heart in those frozen years
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 Второй альбом финских мелодичных металлистов. Диск начинается с леденящего душу ветра и воем волка, а потом срывается в мелодичную долбежку с известным каркающим вокалом. Итак, музыка: ритмичные и шустрые ритм гитарные риффы и не на секунду не замолкающая солирующая гитара, играющая мелодию песни переходящая в последствии в мощную и быструю соло партию, мощная ритм секция, практически не имеющая нынешней клавишной составляющей. Только гитары, барабаны, бас и вокал, создающие мелодичный дэт/блэк метал с какой-то финской отчужденностью. Как всегда, ребята сделали прекрасную дэтовую балладу с женским вокалом, от которой мурашки бегут по спине, и приятную на слух акустический инструментал. На альбоме присутствуют, как и скоростные боевики, так и тягучие, но очень мелодичные песни, которые забиваются в голову своей мелодикой. Все же песни немного надоедают своим однообразным рифом, как только об этом подумаешь, он сразу переходит в соло партию, и снова начинаешь наслаждаться звуками музыки. Здесь четко слышны влияния таких грандов как In Flames (его старая версия), Children of Bodom (рассвет их мелодичного пауер дэт/блэка), Sentenced (времен «Amok»), Amorphis (времен их мелодичного дэт/дума) и посредством этого ребята создали свой узнаваемый стиль, который сейчас видоизменился немного с основной клавишной составляющей. Но этот диск заставляет осознавать группу не как клон вышеперечисленных команд, а как впитавших все самое лучшее их и создавших что-то свое. Фанатам группы и стиля для прослушивания обязательно, и для тех, кто хочет насладиться умным, красивым и качественным мелодичным дэт/блэком – это для вас!!! 9/10 |
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Помнится, было время, когда я скупал альбомы метал-групп из Финляндии только из-за того, что они - из Финляндии. Причина была проста: на примере Nightwish, Children Of Bodom и Sentenced я осознал, что в этой северной стране почти все умеют играть очень мелодично, а главное, красиво. Знакомство же с этой группой я начал именно с "Vilda Mannu", и с первого раза мы (я и продавец в магазине) даже толком не смогли сообразить, в каком жанре они играют: вроде дэт, но вокал и специфическое звучание отдавали блэком (тогда я ещё и не слыхивал о такой вещи как мелодэт). В итоге, всё равно решил купить. При первом прослушивании я смог выделить только песни "Northern Doom", "Burning Flame's Embrace" и "Nightwinds Lullaby", остальное прошло как-то незаметно, а иногда и просто слушать не хотелось. При последующих, периодических вытаскиваниях с полки этого альбома ситуация не изменилась, музыка на нём скучна и сера, как и оформление буклета. Гитаристы рубят мощно и быстро, но, похоже, даже и не пытаются внести хоть что-то трогательное и интересное. Вокал хоть и нормальный, но слушать его в течение всего альбома утомляет неимоверно. Клавишных кот наплакал, и единственное место, где они явно пришлись ко двору - это композиция "Nightwind's Lullaby" - без сомнения, лучшая вещь на альбоме, ярковыраженная баллада с женским вокалом и красивейшей лирикой, повествующей о потерянном матерью-ветром маленьком ребёнке, который плачет и умирает под тенью берёзы...
Но кроме этого на альбоме, по большому счёту, слушать нечего (ну, может, кроме первых двух вещей), не спасает даже наличие атмосферы настоящей холодной, заснеженной финской ночи. И слава Богу, что данный диск не отбил у меня желания знакомится с группой дальше, ибо тогда я бы не купил их лучший на данный момент диск - "Chaotic Beauty". |
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просмотров: 13780 |
Northern doom, life in the frostThe coldest bloom, the time has stopped
Lethal wind, the freezing orgyCold death, there's no glory
Northern bloom, the heart I've lostThe coldest doom, my life has stopped
Killing wind, the lethal orgyBlood must be shed, mine is this story
Without heart I'm cold as snow, I try to reach for it once more
I follow the sunlight and hear the howl, the last light will end up in God's
I thought I could make it to the end, but finally my faith started to bend
Surviving, it was all I thought, I wanted to live still one hundred years more
I remember, it was December, the darkest winter, my body shivered
The coldest snow, cold northwind blew, the greatest storm hit like the thorns
The place'd been chosen and God howled there, the wind was his voice, the snow
was his soil
Without a heart in those frozen years, his searching ended and my heart was
He made me bleed when I was asleep, I bled for the frost, I bled for my fears
He stole my heart and carried it away... And when cried, only the echoes
Clear wisdom I finally had, I felt so empty, I felt so sad
He took my heart so far away, I started my life as a northern slave
2. Burning Flames' Embrace
Walking towards the night... The flames once burnt inside
Back then I was alive when the fire walked by my side
The screaming fire burnt the leaves of mine and left the ashes of divine
All the leaves contained my name The shadows took them and carried away
Firewalk, I want to feel it again... Dance on the flames, does it feel the
Tears of blood, they burn my face... I want to feel the burning flames' embrace
The cold night freezing up my sins, the memories of ice burn my skin
But I see the flames of gold dancing and the last one of the leaves is still
Now all the ashes contain my name I'm one with the dark, I've lost the flame
My unleashed thoughts flying to the distant land of dreams... And disappear in
the sand
Emptiness has filled my heart... I see a blaze but it's much too far
I try to reach for it, it's calling my name... I know it's my fire with its
warm embrace
Like a frozen flower covered with ice, my soul is cold and ready to die
This holy secret turned to a sacred lie I followed it and lost my guide
3. Goashem
I close my eyes to see within myself as the first snow falls on me
I close my ears to hear my inner voice and the cold wind freezes me
This is my land, our holy land, I don't want to leave this place
But there are unholy men all around us and they want to take it away
Their hearts are filled with mean passion... Red blood on their hands
Tonight is the last night we're a part of this land
I open my eyes and my ears, I see nothing but darkness
I hear the wind behind the distant hills far beyond this vale
This is my land, our holy land, I don't want leave this place
But there are unholy men all around us and they want take it away
We have to go, travel to the hills, maybe we will find the answer there
Follow me, my people, we must wander to the land of the long shades
I am Alge from the land of Wuowjoљ, the only son of Goashem
I'm the leader of these people now from the vale of white reindeer
4. Scars Of Wisdom
Sometimes it's just the time to rest and leave all your pain behind
Time heals the wounds of loneliness and leaves the scars of wisdom into your
Romance, it didn't last Emotions were frozen by the past
My heart bears the scars Wall of pain covers my heart
Yearning to fly once again, on the broken wings of hope I will rise
Flying with a singing nightingale and join the final dawn of my life
See her eye to eye, find the end of time
Falling down so lonely, down to her arms
5. Raven (In Your Eyes)
Every day is like a new hell, every night my eyes swell
Turn my pain into pleasure, kill my desire for you
My dreams feel so real, they are more than just dreams
I see the Raven in your eyes Come into my grief
I see the Raven in your eyes and my passion rise
After the fevered night, I see through your disguise
Waiting for the sun to rise, my soul will see the light
Forget the thorns the cutting blades, Remember the beauty that fades
Eyes... Eyes... Your eyes... Raven eyes...
Haunt me like a breeze, discover my true dreams
Search for my fantasies, don't forget my fevered dreams
You're my religion that I feel, you're the angel that I see
Dreams of passion come and go... I'm touched by your sweet soul
I see the Raven in your eyes and my passion rise
After the fevered night, I see through your disguise
Waiting for the sun to rise, my soul will see the light
Forget the thorns the cutting blades, Remember the rose that fades
Look inside of me to my soul, see how cold I am
Where does it all begin, and where does it end?
You're still my quiet angel, the angel with Raven eyes
My dear, quiet guide, with black raven eyes
6. Nightwind's Lullaby
Like a mother takes care of her children, the nightwind cries for her
Hear those silent whispers... Like an infant's very first words
Light a candle for those who once were, and the dreams that never came true
Hear the silent crying of souls who lost their way home
See a child and how he dies under the shade of a birch
The silent nightwind's lullaby rocks the cradle of this world
Like a falling star of darkness gives the final sign of its life
This forsaken child of the full moon searching for a peaceful place to die
He sees a tree, the mighty one, like the one of his early years
Now he feels the safe under the tree and calls his mother wind
See the circle of light and the child and his heart full of nightly peace
Hear the divine tune, the prettiest one, the nightwind's nightly verse
Light a candle for those who once were (and their) hopeful dreams that never
came true
Hear the silent weeping of souls who lost their way home
7. Vilda Mannu
Alone on the top of the fells I chant for the wild moon
I wrote my chant for the moon's glory, for the lighter of my mood
I wish I could be one of his sons and one with the earth
So I could walk on the lunar path and chant forever
I'm the son of the moon, I'm one with the creator...
I praise the moon, wild moon is my nature
My life is so short but yours is sustained
And when I'll leave my chant will remain always with you my friend
On a crystal clear night I stare at the moon once raped by the sun, the
guardian of the woods
The spirit of the night, it gave me the wild life
Under the shape of the moon I've found the final truth
8. Coronach
Alone with the questions, an outcast for many years
He has seen those marble archways and the avenue of crimson tears
Now shadows are staring at him but he turns his face away
They remind him of his true self, gone with the first winter day
Yesterday's like a dream and tomorrow's like a mirage
When's the time to get eternal rest? When's the endless roaming over?
His frequent groans were only silent whispers in the whirlwind
He ended up in this timeless race just for his father's sins
On his father's grave he swore: "I'll accomplish your endless task"
But his wings were burnt by the sunlight and his mirth hiding behind the mask
Then he heard the stentorian noise beyond the mountains
The ancient coronach of flora and fauna
He remembered an old gnostic tale of the coruscating crystal of tranquillity
He had travelled through time, seen the runes of the light and the dark
He found the answer to his questions: "How to free his chained heart"
The eternal one can finally rest, he is one of the mortals now
The beauty of the crystal glowing and his eyes shining with it, somehow
Yesterday's like a dream and tomorrow's like a mirage
Now's the time to get eternal rest, now's the endless roaming over
9. Nodde Rahgam
10. Seita
A great stone of the Ancient ones... It has passed from a father to a son
All the years it has been the same... The greatest saint of the northern ways
So many storms have passed by, so many lives still have to die
Before Seita is satisfied and gives us the peaceful life
Mighty shades of the sunless days are our cradles as well as graves
Seita never betrays his sons, Northern folk's holiest God
So many storms have passed by, so many lives still have to be sacrificed
Before Seita is satisfied and gives us the peaceful life