« Flick of the Switch »
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1 | Rising Power
 | 2 | This House Is On Fire
 | 3 | Flick Of The Switch
 | 4 | Nervous Shakedoown
 | 5 | Landslide
 | 6 | Guns For Hire
 | 7 | Deep In The Hole
 | 8 | Bedlam In Belgium
 | 9 | Badlands
 | 10 | Brain Shake
 | | Total playing time: 37:02 |
   Brian Johnson - Lead Vocals
Angus Young - Lead Guitar
Malcolm Young - Rhythm Guitar, backing vocals
Cliff Williams - Bass Guitar, backing vocals
Phil Rudd - Drums
Simon Wright - Drums (Videos only) |
All songs composed by A. Young, M. Young, & B. Johnson.
Produced by AC/DC
Originally released in August 1983
Available worldwide
Different track listing in Korea.
(Young, Young & Johnson)
Dog day Tuesday
Hope that girl she come today
Hard life it's a city life
Sweat came pourin' down
I got my feet up like to love
Through the dawn till I've blown
All I want's to love you down
Love the way she move around
Need no excuse
To let it all h |
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 Весьма неоднозначный альбом. Большинство критиков считают его и последующий “Fly On The Wall” (1985) чуть ли ни самыми провальными в дискографии группы. И, видимо, что-то в этом есть. Но не все так однозначно. Ваш покорный слуга, переслушивая альбомы AC/DC из своей коллекции, обнаружил интересную закономерность - мне гораздо интереснее работы группы, как раз 83-го и 85-го годов, чем хитовые “Back In Black”(1980) или ”For Those About to Rock”(1981). Стараясь быть объективным и отдавая должное двум замечательным классическим альбомам группы Ангуса Янга, я попробовал разобраться в своем странном пристрастии к неизбалованному вниманием «Щелчку выключателем».
Аранжировки песен“Flick Of The Switch” супротив предыдущих альбомов, на мой взгляд, стали более простыми и резкими, прямолинейными и где-то даже суховатыми. Мелодические линии в композициях ушли от рок-н-ролльного веселья эпохи Бона Скотта и стали где-то даже суровыми. В отдельных песнях даже появилась какая-то монотонность - “Deep In The Hole” и “Brain Shake” , а другие выражают однозначную агрессивность – “Flick Of The Switch”, третьи завораживают красивейшим рифом в куплете – “This House Is On Fire”, четвертые потрясают зарядом жесткого рок-н-ролла – ”Landslide”. Но все они несут на себе печать поиска и экспериментов музыкантов с аранжировками. Становление группы происходило в хард-роковые 70-е, а здесь AC/DC работают в эпоху превалирования на роковой сцене heavy metal (NWOBHM и прочая). Естественно, логичным путем развития в те годы, виделось некоторое утяжеление звука и отказ от наследия прошлого десятилетия, как попытка идти в ногу со временем. Возможно, ужесточение саунда группы произошло также по причине продюсирования “Flick Of The Switch” самими братьями Янгам, а не Маттом Лангом, работавшим с AC/DC над последними тремя сверхуспешными альбомами.
Я знаю любителей музыки AC/DC, которые предпочитают второй период творчества группы, с Брайаном Джонсоном, и альбом “Flick Of The Switch” является для них знаковым отражением той эпохи. Мне одинаково дороги альбомы группы и с Боном Скоттом, и с Брайаном Джонсоном, и меньше восьми баллов этому творению поставить не могу. Этот диск нетипичен, но не убог, он просто другой. |
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Единственный альбом, который для меня находится на одном уровне с "Back In Black". Его тяжесть, агрессия, напористость заставляют меня по крайней мере любить его не мене, чем черный альбом 80-го. Наверное, самый экстремальный альбом группы. Риффы эдесь довольно незамысловаты, но и не являютя обычным биением по струнам, как всегда, в ходу соляки уникума в шортах (Янга), построение ударных здесь сложнее, чем на всех ранних работах, все более хрипящий вокал просто великолепен и потрясающе вписывается в общую концепцию музыки. Просто не могу поставить меньше 10, ну а кто не согласен, пусть выскажется (уверен, таких немало). |
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Скорее соглашусь с Нортвалрусом, чем с Оменом. Альбомчик действительно слабоват. Из всех вещей могу слушать только Лэндслайд (не знаю почему эта вещь отсутствует на прилагающемся к рецензии треклисте, у меня всё было!) Дело не в том, что меня с чего-то на скорости заклинило, а в том, что она заставляет действительно рубиться, как под Холл Лотта Роузи, например, и совсем не надоедает. Еще кое-как можно слушать "This House Is On Fire" и куски на "Nervous Shakedown" и "Flick Of The Switch". Остальные же песни медленны, припев монотонен, и после пары прослушиваний сидишь и думаешь, "Вот если бы еще один Лэндслайд в начало и в конец, было бы круто, энергично и весело. А так - скучное убожество." |
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Спешу высказаться, ибо ставить такому г... 10 баллов - чистой руки кощунство! После блестящих предыдущих альбомов, каждый из которых, начиная с 76-го года, был хитовым минимум на 90 процентов от начала до конца, австралийская братва выдала невразумительную однообразную кашу, продлившуюся и на следующем диске, но там к этому уже были готовы слушатели, и восприняли как неизбежность, да и клипов наснимали кучу, а к этому альбому их и нет, вроде бы. До Яйцеразрушителя 95-го года этот диск - худший у группы, уверен, многие подпишутся под этим. 5 баллов - только за былые заслуги, относительный энтузиазм и единственную, на мой взгляд, неплохую вещь - "Bedlam In Belgium", выделяющуюся на остальном сероватом фоне. Увы, золотые времена этой пятерки крутых мужиков закончились - и первым звонком этому стал данный диск. |
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просмотров: 41965 |
My body's for abuse
(Rising power)
We'll raise the night
(Rising power)
(Rising power)
We'll wake the dead
(Rising power)
You've got a love life up all night
Darkest hour at the dead of night
Seen her walkin' down the street
The kind of woman that brings on heat
Love her dusk till dawn
Come the morning she was gone
Took me out to my surprise
Money all gone left high and dry
Need no excuse
To let it all hang loose
My body's for abuse
(Rising power)
We'll raise the night
(Rising power)
(Rising power)
We'll wake the dead
(Rising power)
You'll end up torn to shreds
Don't need no excuse
My body's for abuse
(Rising power)
We'll raise the night
(Rising power)
(Rising power)
We'll raise the dead
(Rising power)
You'll end up torn to shreds
I'm gonna rise
Rising power
The power rise
From you
© 1983, J Albert & Son Pty Ltd.
(Young, Young & Johnson)
Yonder she walks
Yonder she walks
Hitting 103
A little tongue in cheek
Hot personality
She bring on the flames
And it's burning it's burning
My body's achin' tossin' and turnin'
House is on fire
House is on fire
This house is on fire
And my flame is gonna burn in
She got me runnin' for shelter
Needing quarantine
She got me red hot and wired
Call on emergency
She bring on the flames
And it's burning it's burning
My body's achin' tossin' and turnin'
House is on fire
House is on fire
This house is on fire
And my flame is gonna burn in
You got me burnin' and burnin'
You got me tossin' and turnin'
You got me burnin' ahhh
This house is on fire
House is on fire
This house is on fire
House is on fire
This house is on fire
This house is on fire
House is on fire
And my flame is gonna burn in
I'll bet it's gonna burn
I'm gonna burn
Eh eh eh
© 1983, J Albert & Son Pty Ltd.
(Young, Young & Johnson)
Oh yeah
Well there's a love gone down on mine
Suicidal voltage line
She send signals out of distress
She devil she evil
She got you reelin' on a rockin' machine
With a flick of the switch
With a flick of the switch
She'll blow you sky high
With a flick of the switch
With a flick of the switch
She can satisfy
She gonna blow you all sky high
Flash the eye electrify
A power force you should feel
She devil she evil
She get you screamin' on a lightnin' machine
With a flick of the switch
Flick of the switch
She blow you sky high
With a flick of the switch
Flick of the switch
She can satisfy
Give you pain
Blow your brain
Flick the switch
Flick the switch
With a flick of the switch she blow you sky high
With a flick of the switch she can satisfy
With a flick of the switch it gonna burn you down
With a flick of the switch raise to the ground
With a flick of the switch
With a flick of the switch
With a flick of the switch she gonna give you pain
Flick of the switch she gonna blow your brain
Blow your brain
She gonna put the light out on
© 1983, J Albert & Son Pty Ltd.
(Young, Young & Johnson)
Freeze said the man cruising the beat
You get your hands up spread your feet
Don't you move an inch I heard him say
Or you'll be doing time until the judgement day
And he said
Don't tell me no lies gimme alibis
Cause if you cross my path you'll be doing life
It's a dirty lie
It's a shakedown (and it's a nervous shakedown)
Another shakedown (another nervous shakedown)
Well it's a shakedown (and it's a nervous shakedown)
We gotta shakedown
Another nervous shakedown
It's lookin' like a set-up
Take a dime said the man you can make one call
You got a one way ticket to the county hall
When the judge looked high and I looked low
When he smiled at me it was a one man show
He said
2 to 5 the jury decides
Double parole if you survive
It's a dirty lie
It's a shakedown (and it's a nervous shakedown)
Another shakedown (another nervous shakedown)
Well it's a shakedown (and it's a nervous shakedown)
We gotta shakedown
Another nervous shakedown
Lord they're gonna get you this time
And throw away the key
Yeah, it's a shakedown (and it's a nervous shakedown)
Another shakedown (another nervous shakedown)
You got a shakedown (and it's a nervous shakedown)
Well it's a shakedown (another nervous shakedown)
Shake it down shake it down (and it's a nervous shakedown)
Well it's a shakedown (another nervous shakedown)
Shake it down shake it down (and it's a nervous shakedown)
It's a shakedown
It's a shakedown on
© 1983, J Albert & Son Pty Ltd.
(Young, Young & Johnson)
I want you to hear me out there
This is for all you bad boys
This a story of the satan rock 'n' roll
I want you to put your hand in your pocket
Take ten dollars out and send it to me ah ah
Galileo, a big man, listen to me baby, I'm gonna say it again
Well momma don't scold her son
For what he been doing upstairs
Daddy don't take him out no no
Sister just pull his hair
This boy is lost
It's a livin' nightmare, it ain't fair
That boy he don't know how to lose
He's out to win
He got the lot to top the last shot
Shaker he's a breaker he's a maker he's a landslide
Walkin' talkin' rockin' landslide
Now momma he ain't no toy
Never ever get his share
Get his stack in a gunnysack
Still be room for air
This boy is lost
It's a rockin' double dare, he's out to scare
That boy he don't know how to lose
He's out to win
He got the lot to top the last shot
Shaker he's a breaker he's a maker he's a landslide
Walkin' talkin' rockin' landslide
(Landslide, landslide, landslide, landslide)
Preacher done say his prayer
Take him to the promised land
Momma done allow no get down here
Never gonna get up there
This boy is lost
Like a rebel without cause
But he's the boss
That boy he don't know how to lose
He's gonna win
He got the lot to top the last shot
Breaker he's a shaker he's a maker he's a (landslide)
Landslide, (landslide)
Walkin' talkin' rockin' landslide
(Landslide), landslide, (landslide)
Walkin' talkin' rockin' landslide
Landslide, landslide
That man's a one man landslide
That boy's a walk talk rockin' landslide
Get down
© 1983, J Albert & Son Pty Ltd.
(Young, Young & Johnson)
The word is out that I'm about
And I come gunnin' for you
I'm a real entertainer a mischief maker
A lover of no fixed abode
Ooh quick draw on the floor
No law give you more
Sweet talkin' lover of sin
You want what you get
You get what you want
Look out woman
I got guns for hire
Shoot you with desire
The gun's for hire
Shoot you with desire
I'm a wanted poster a needed man
Wanted right across the land
I'm a smooth operator a big dictator
Gonna mark you with my brand
My gun's for hire
Shoot you with desire
Got guns for hire
Shoot you with desire
Quick draw
On the floor
Big shot
Stick 'em up
Hot to trot big shot take the lot
Never get the drop on me
I'm a real entertainer mischief maker
Love in seven languages
My gun's for hire
Shoot you with desire
This gun's for hire
I shoot you with desire
My gun's for hire
Shoot you with desire
A gun's for hire
I shoot you with desire
What you got
Big shot
You can't get
You can't get the drop
On me
© 1983, J Albert & Son Pty Ltd.
(Young, Young & Johnson)
I've been enchained
She got shackles on me
That woman to blame
For the hell and misery
Can't find my way outta here
Shoot me down in a burnin' fear
Going down for a stretch of years
Way down below
I'm deep in, deep in
Deep in the hole
Deep in, deep in
Deep in the hole
I'm down in, down in
Down in the hole
Well I'm deep in, deep in
That woman got me deep in the hole
I'm sinkin' down
She got me down on the floor
Can't touch both walls
The further down I go
Pulls the string on my riding bow
Makes me sing when she find my load
Ain't no slave you do what you're told
You sold your soul
I'm deep in, deep in
Deep in the hole
Deep in, deep in
Deep in the hole
I'm down in, down in
Down in the hole
Well I'm deep in, deep in
That woman got me deep in the hole
I'm deep in, deep in
Deep in the hole
Deep in, deep in
Deep in the hole
I'm down in, down in
Down in the hole
I'm deep in, deep in
Deep in the hole
Deep in the hole, firing your load
Deep in the hole, save your soul
Deep in, deep in
Deep in the hole
Deep in, deep in
That woman got me deep in the hole
Deep in the hole
Deep in the hole
I'm deep in the hole
© 1983, J Albert & Son Pty Ltd.
(Young, Young & Johnson)
Yeah, yeah
The blood in my veins was runnin' right through my brain
There was a cop with a gun
Who was runnin' around insane
Three fifty arrests
No bullet proof vest
Now ain't that a shame
We wanted to play
Play for the crowd
Law said no way
Cause you're on your way out
Bedlam in Belgium
Bedlam in Belgium
The place was a jumpin'
And the booze was going down
There's a curfew at ten
You been working overtime
We don't play just for pay
So we'd like to stay
Stay just the same
He gave me a crack in the back with his gun
Hurt me so bad I could feel the blood run
Bedlam in Belgium
It was bedlam in Belgium
Bedlam in Belgium
Came for a good time and left on the run
Bedlam in Belgium, yeah
Who's to blame
It's a shame
In Belgium
It was bedlam
Getting ready
Stayed on the stage cops in a rage
Crowd yelled for more it was war, war, war
Bedlam in Belgium
It was bedlam in Belgium
Bedlam in Belgium
Came for a good time and left on the run
Bedlam in Belgium
It was bedlam (in Belgium)
It was bedlam (in Belgium)
It was bedlam
And law got the drop on
© 1983, J Albert & Son Pty Ltd.
(Young, Young & Johnson)
I'm a pistol packin' man
With a gun in my hand
Lookin' for a woman that'll understand
You like to roll and I like to ride
I'll stop at nothing never take me alive
I'm a man with a fast hand
Lovin' on a last stand
Outlaw quick draw
Evil talkin' bandit man
In the badlands
In the badlands
I got a .45 that'll make you fry
Burn your chassis lassie like the 4th of July
I ride it hard I ride it high
Make love to you till you reach for the sky
I'm a man with a fast hand
Got it on a last stand
Outlaw, quick draw
Evil talkin' bandit man
In the badlands
In the badlands
In the badlands
In the badlands
Well I'm guilty
Saddle up my six pack
Ain't gonna back track
My shooter loaded
Come on girl I'm gonna give you a thrill
In the badlands
In the badlands
In the badlands
In the badlands
In the badlands, looking for a woman
In the badlands, as bad as me
In the badlands, gonna take her with me
In the badlands
© 1983, J Albert & Son Pty Ltd.
(Young, Young & Johnson)
Alright hold tight
I really wanna ball tonight
On a bender no space defender
A joy on the floor I'll get it tight
Toe to toe with a black widow
Fee fi fum smell the blood of rock 'n' roll
All out drive on a rockin' suicide
My feet are jumpin' she's a joy to ride
Joy to ride, joy to ride
She's a joy to drive on a rockin' suicide
Brain shake, brain shake, brain shake
All I can take
It's a brain shake, brain shake, brain shake
She's a mean lean rockin' machine
A hip huggin' blue jean dream
She's a woman worth givin'
A sweet sweet kissin'
Lips are runnin' round on me
Well it's a toe to toe with a black widow
Fee fi fum smell the blood of rock 'n' roll
All out drive on a rockin' suicide
My feet are jumpin' she's a joy to ride
Joy to ride, joy to ride
She's a joy to drive on a rockin' suicide
Brain shake, brain shake, brain shake
Ready to shake
It's a brain shake, brain shake, brain shake
It's a brain shake, brain shake, brain shake
For mercy's sake
It's a brain shake, brain shake, brain shake
Cause she's a joy to ride
Joy to ride, joy to ride
She's an all out drive on a rockin' suicide
I said shake
Brain shake, brain shake, brain shake
Ready to shake
It's a brain shake, brain shake, brain shake
It's a brain shake, brain shake, brain shake
For mercy's sake
It's a brain shake, brain shake, brain shake
All I could take
It's a brain shake, brain shake, brain shake
You can't fake
It's a brain shake, brain shake, brain shake
Well it's a brain shake, brain shake, brain shake
For mercy's sake
It's a brain shake, brain shake, brain shake
It's a brain
It's a brain
It's a brain
© 1983, J Albert & Son Pty Ltd.