Saevus Helcath Guitars, Bass
Althagor Vocals
Mechblastess Drums
Acherontass Vocals (additional)
K.K. Guitars (acoustic) (track 8)
Amduscias Guitars (lead) (tracks 1, 2, 7)
Andreas "Denwar" Vocals (additional) (track 10)
Label: World Terror Committee Productions
Additional line-up (Taken from the CD booklet):
• Vibrating ambient trances on "Cathedral of Set" and "Cantibus ad Messorem, Sanctus Mors" by The Temple of Algolagnia.
• Draconian invocating chants on "Sapphires of Vritra" and "Draco Adligat Mundi" by Chiva and Monk Adramelekh.
Recorded and mixed at Incorporated M. Studios.
Mastered at Necromorbus Studios in Alvik, Sweden.
Holy Poison Design Artwork, Layout
Tore Stjerna Mastering
Bill Pappas Recording
G.K. Recording (additional) (guitars, bass)
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