« Dark Clouds in a Perfect Sky »
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1 | Der Letzte Tag 04:30
 | 2 | Anger 03:53
 | 3 | Lost Soul 05:02
 | 4 | Perfect Love 04:19
 | 5 | Heart in Chains 04:32
 | 6 | Die Zeit 03:52
 | 7 | Black Angel 04:22
 | 8 | (The) Devil Inside You 04:44
 | 9 | Rebirth 03:57
 | 10 | Are You Missing Me? 03:50
 | 11 | Ballade 03:22
 | | Total playing time 47:30 |
   Sabine Dunser - vocals
Jurgen Broger - guitars
Pete Streit - guitars
Tom Saxer - bass
Franco Koller - drums |
 | 1. Der Letzte Tag
Es geschah in der Zeit,
Als die Sonne die Erde zum Glьhen brachte
Und die Menschen sich nach der Nacht sehnten,
Nach den Schatten
Und der Linderung ihrer Qual:
Die Luft steht stickig still
Die Erde in der Hitze bebt
Kein Windhauch lindert die Qual
Schweiss rinnt von de |
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 "Еще один готик-металлический альбом с девушкой на вокале..." подумаете вы, увидев название и стиль, но, к счастью, это не так. В целом же вы будете правы - сейчас на метал-сцене довольно много команд, работающих в этом стиле, которые используют уже наработанные фишки, привносят в музыку чуточку своего колорита и на этом выезжают.
Вообще говоря, музыка, которую можно услышать на этом альбоме не является gothic metal в его стандартном понимании. Основа музыки - хэви, как это не странно. Из чего я делаю такой вывод - мощные ударные, драйвовые риффы, типичные для стиля построения композиций и, конечно же, гитарные соло (порой очень даже недетские, как в "Lost Soul") - элемент, к которому очень нечасто прибегают готик-металлические группы.Думаю, не стоит особо останавливаться на мелодической составляющей музыки, потому как она по определению прекрасна - вокалистка (наверное, ее и зовут Элис) отлично владеет своим голосом, который, собственно, и является творцом всей этой мелодичности. Отмечу интересную особенность альбома, которая очень "бросается в уши" при первых прослушиваниях - не очень внятные куплеты и просто завораживающие припевы почти во всех песнях.
Ах да, забыл сказать что, куратором проекта является Алекс Крулл (Alex Krull), и в паре песен можно услышать его звериниый гроул. Но, как по мне, этот элемент не очень вписывается в данную работу.
Тексты тоже не являются чем-то новым - любовь... неразделенная, конечно, иначе не была бы это готика. В основном тексты на английском, но есть пара песен на родном для коллектива немецком.
Правда, вот еще какой момент относительно диска - так как первая его часть трещит (вот-вот лопнет) от хитов, то в свете этого вторая, не менее качественная, но менее хитовая, слушается уже без такого энтузиазма, с которым проглатываются первые 5 песен. |
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Прослушав альбом, я пришел к выводу, что готический метал сильно закрепился как стиль среди музыкантов и фэнов. Что ж, Elis не отстают от своих собратьев по стилю и создают прекрасный готический метал, с чувственным вокалом Сабины Дэнслер. Обо всем по порядку. Музыка - мелодичный риффовый метал с соло-партиями, что является редкостью для этого стиля, бас прописан в меру, не выпирает вперед и не задвинут назад, барабаны на месте, там где и должны быть. В общем, сведено и записано качественно, ведь Napalm за хлам не возьмется. Тексты, как на немецком, но в основном на английском языке, про любовь, смерть и прочие грустности. Качественная работа, интересная и с запоминающимися мелодиями, что не песня, то хит. Вердикт - 10/10. |
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просмотров: 10559 |
Fieber tobt im weissen Leib
Kein Windhauch lindert die Qual
Auf sanften Flьgeln schwebt die Nacht herbei
Der letzte Tag
Schliesst dunkle Augen mit weichem Flьgelschlag
Auf sanften Flьgeln schwebt die Nacht herbei
Die leise Klag
Schwindet ungehцrt, da sie nichts vermag
Staub liegt in der heissen Luft
Das Atmen fдllt ihm schwer
Kein Windhauch lindert die Qual
Flehend an seinem Bette wacht
Die Geliebte wartend auf die Nacht
Kein Windhauch lindert die Qual
Auf sanften Flьgeln schwebt die Nacht herbei
Der letzte Tag
Schliesst dunkle Augen mit weichem Flьgelschlag
Auf sanften Flьgeln schwebt die Nacht herbei
Die leise Klag
Schwindet ungehцrt, da sie nichts vermag
Es geschah in der Zeit
Und endlich kam die Nacht
2. Anger
Come calm my anger
Our love is like a perfect sky
Deep blue and the sun is shining
But it seems that sometimes
There have to be some clouds
And suddenly I feel this destructive anger
Deep inside
And suddenly I feel this destructive anger
Is about to rise
Please come and calm this anger
You're the one to calm this anger
And if you can't calm this anger
It'll surely devour me this anger
Dark clouds is a perfect sky
And the air is getting colder
The rain starts to fall
We feel stormy wind in our faces
And suddenly I feel this destructive anger
Deep inside
And suddenly I feel this destructive anger
Is about to rise
Please come and calm this anger
You're the one to calm this anger
And if you can't calm this anger
It'll surely devour me this anger
Glaring lightning breaks the clouds
And thunder is rumbling loudly
The elements have turned mad
It seems that it all will break down
Please come and calm this anger
You're the one to calm this anger
And if you can't calm this anger
It'll surely devour me this anger
3. Lost Soul
He took my soul
Took my soul
In his hands
My mind got dark
Mind got dark
In his hands
When did I begin
To follow the shadows
They fill my dreams with pain and sadness
When did I begin
To feel the sorrows
Then I laid my soul into your hands
He said sweet words
Said sweet words
With his voice
He seduced me softly
Seduced you
With his voice
When did I begin
To follow the shadows
They fill my dreams with pain and sadness
When did I begin
To feel the sorrows
Then I laid my soul into your hands
Once times were not so dark
But then the shadows took hold
Of my soul
Since then I feel
My mind's lost in madness
Lost my soul
In the dark
Lost my mind
In the dark
4. Perfect Love
Peel off my skin, make me helpless
Taste my body
Let me die in your sweet embrace
I never thought that I could find
Someone like you and still
I feel the union of souls
I never thought that I could find
A love so perfect and still
I'm here in your arms
Peel off my skin, make me helpless
Taste my body
Let me die in your sweet embrace
I never thought that I could find
Peace of mind and still
I'm staying here with you
I never thought that I could find
A lust so devouring and still
I'm caught in this passion
I never thought that I could find
All I was searching and still
I found you
5. Heart In Chains
Your cold cold heart has drowned my life in pain
Your cold cold heart has tortured my mind and soul
You have never learnt
To leave your prison
Your heart lies in chains
And who will break them
Your heart lies in chains
Maybe you will find a way to forgive yourself
Your cold cold heart has drowned my life in pain
Maybe one day you will find the peace for your mind
Your cold cold heart has tortured my mind and soul
It tears you all apart
Restrained emotions
You're denying all your feelings
And it will break you
You're denying all your feelings
Maybe you will find a way to forgive yourself
Your cold cold heart has drowned my life in pain
Maybe one day you will find the peace for your mind
Your cold cold heart has tortured my mind and soul
Your cold cold heart has drowned my life in pain
Your cold cold heart has tortured my mind and soul
Your cold cold heart made wounds so deep, they will never heal
6. Die Zeit
Soviel Zeit und soviel Leid
Sklave der Unendlichtkeit
Gefangen im Kafig deines Ichs
Einen Ausweg siehst du nicht
Soviel Zeit und soviel Streit
Verdammt in Bitterkeit
Ketten aus Stahl, die brichst du nicht
Verbirg dein Angesicht
Die Zeit
Rinnt dir durch die Hдnde
Die Zeit
Sag mir was hast du getan
Die Zeit
Vergeht ohne Ende
Die Zeit
Sag mir was wird danach sein
Soviel Zeit und soviel Neid
Qualt dich mit Grausamkeit
Gefangen im Dunkeln und das Licht
Verbrennt dir dein Gesicht
Soviel Zeit und soviel Streit
Gefesselt in Unzulдnglichkeit
Zurьck bleibt Hass, die Liebe flieht
Und keiner der es sieht
Die Zeit
Rinnt dir durch die Hдnde
Die Zeit
Sag mir was hast du getan
Die Zeit
Vergeht ohne Ende
Die Zeit
Sag mir was wird danach sein
7. Black Angel
I was walking through the night
Suddenly I remarked a sound in the winds
An angel like voice singing a tale
Through the cold and stormy night
Flies an angel
The black angel
White skin, red lips and long black hair,
Her wing is broken
The guardian angel
Listening breathless to her voice
Which has touched me right there in my heart
I felt the tears run down my face
Through the cold and stormy night
Flies an angel
The black angel
White skin, red lips and long black hair,
Her wing is broken
The guardian angel
The storm drags on her clothes
Like an invisible warrior
Her wing broke with a sound
So disgusting that it froze my heart
Her voice became weaker
Losing this fight of blackness
8. Devil Inside You
Why can't I hear you breath
Why can't I hold you now
You just told me on the phone
Bad news I can't believe they're true
Fate is so cruel to you it seems
It caught you at your weakest point
Nothing left of your whole world
Besides chaos and smoking ruins
You thought there's nothing more to lose
You're wrong and he presents the proof
Please fight the devil inside you
Not enough time for us to spend
Why can't I hear you breath
Why can't I hold you now
You will need all of your strength
I hope that you can carry on
You fought the shadows of the ghosts
Now he's the one you will fight next
Knocking at your door as if
He is a guest you like to see
Don't let him in, just push him back
He is not welcome in your house
Please fight the devil inside you
Not enough time for us to spend
9. Rebirth
The long summer
Has gone
The autumn leaves
Start to fall
Yesterday I was touched by the breath of winter
His cold fingers searched for my heart
But in my heart I felt the warmth of this summer
So the first snowflakes melted away
The long summer
Has gone
The autumn leaves
Start to fall
I felt the world hold its breath
And everything turned slower
All was silent, softened by the snow
The world is going to sleep now
In a freezing white coat
But I know what I will see its rebirth
The world's breath is slow
The first snowflakes fall
10. Are You Missing Me?
Are you missing me?
Not knowing where I am
Out there somewhere
Do you remember me?
Do you think of me?
When you are on your own
Do you wish that we
Had the chance to meet?
Never met you
Searching my roots
Lack of identity
Searching a proof
Are you the one
Searching my roots
Give me a sign
Searching a proof
I hope that you'll agree
Sometimes we will meet
And you'll tell me your reasons
For giving me away
A day so long ago
Did you ever see my face?
Or hold me in your arms
Do you feel sorry now?
What were our reasons for
Giving me away
And still I'm thanking you
Maybe it was the best to do
Never met you
Searching my roots
Lack of identity
Searching a proof
Are you the one
Searching my roots
Give me a sign
Searching a proof
I hope that you'll agree
Sometimes we will meet
And you'll tell me your reasons
For leaving me alone
I hope that you'll agree
Sometimes we will meet
And you'll tell me your reasons
For giving me away
Never met you
Searching my roots
Lack of identity
Searching a proof
Are you the one
Searching my roots
Give me a sign
Searching a proof
I hope that you'll agree
Sometimes we will meet
And you'll tell me your reasons
For leaving me alone
I hope that you'll agree
Sometimes we will meet
And you'll tell me your reasons
For giving me away
Do you think of me
When you are on your own?
Do you wish that we
Had the chance to meet...?
11. Ballade
Da lцschte sein Licht in ihrer Hand,
Der Wind verwehte drei Zeichen im Sand -
Laut sang, o sang das Meer.
Ein Narre schrieb drei Zeichen in Sand,
Eine bleiche Magd da vor ihm stand.
Laut sang, so sang das Meer.
Da lцschte sein Licht in ihrer Hand,
Der Wind verwehte drei Zeichen im Sand -
Laut sang, o sang das Meer.
Sie hielt einen Becher in der Hand,
Der schimmerte bis auf zum Rand,
Wie Blut so rot und schwer.
Kein Wort ward gesprochen - die Sonne schwand,
Da nahm der Narre aus ihrer Hand
Den Becher und trank ihn leer.
Da lцschte sein Licht in ihrer Hand,
Der Wind verwehte drei Zeichen im Sand -
Laut sang, o sang das Meer.
12. Show Me Heaven
[Bonus On Digi Pack]
There you go
flashing fever from your eyes.
Hey babe, come over here
and shut them tight.
I'm not denyin'
we're flying above it all.
Hold my hand, don't let me fall.
You've such amazing grace.
I've never felt this way.
Oh, show me heaven, cover me
leave me breathless.
Oh, show me heaven, babe.
Here I go
I'm shakin' just like the breeze.
Hey babe, I need your hand to steady me.
I'm not denyin'
I'm frightened as much as you.
Though I'm barely touching you,
I've shivers down my spine;
and it feels divine.
Oh, show me heaven...
If you know what it's like
to dream a dream
baby hold me tight
and let this be.
Oh, show me heaven...