 Третий альбом этого английского коллектива, главное действующее лицо которого некогда было связано с CRADLE OF FILTH, под стать предущему релизу “The Slaughter Of Innocence, A Requiem For The Mighty”, удался музыкантам на славу.
Во-первых, удалось сохранить неповторимый стиль звучания. Стена звука, бешеная барабанная дробь и тревожные клавиши, выдвинутые на первый план. В сочетании с дъявольской агрессией этот ход удался особенно хорошо. Создается специфическая атмосфера, которую можно даже назвать «готической», но гораздо более озлобленной в десятки раз.
Во-вторых, вокал... Про него можно говорить очень долго и не сказать ничего. Манера исполнения осталась, что и прежде. Умопомрачительный скриминг на пронзительнейших тонах. Он чем-то похож на скриминг Дэни Филса времен “The Principle of Evil Made Flesh”. Только еще более пронзительный. Но совсем не такой, как на альбоме того же Дэни “Cruelty and the Beast”, например. В общем, это нужно слышать.
Лирика, к сожалению, ничем особенно не примечательна. Конечно, она более интересна, чем у большинства коллективов играющих симфо-блэк, но далеко не шедевральна. До того же Дэни Филса ее создателю далеко. Впрочем, это компенсируется незаурядной музыкой и манерой исполнения.
Если присмотреться к альбому, то станет ясно, что он является доведенной до ума версией предыдущего релиза. Но только по «модельной», так сказать, основе. Наиболее же оригинальные ходы группы, подчеркивающие ее стиль, были существенно оптимизированы. Музыкальный темп стал еще более стремительным, скриминг пронзительнее и громче, клавишные пассажи интереснее... К недостатком можно разве что отнести отход от схемы: блэковые композии – эмбиент композиции – блэковые композици... На альбоме она повторяется лишь однажды, тогда, как на предыдущем релизе она была использована дважды. Из-за этого становится труднее изучить материал, так как его беспристанная агрессивность, ничем не смягчаемая, просто приглушает восприятие.
Подводя итоги, хотелось бы еще раз подчеркнуть, что не стоит рассматривать эту группу, как клон CRADLE OF FILTH, ведь в ней много самобытного или, на худой конец, того, от чего Филс и компания ушли после первого LP 1994 года. Объективно говоря, рассматриваемый в этой рецензии альбом – довольно оригинальное, доведенное до ума, симфо-блэк металлическое произведение, которое ничем не уступает тому же “Vempire…” CRADLE OF FILTH. Причем, HECATE ENTHRONED удалось сохранить баланс между симфоническо-готической частью и частью блэк металлической, что еще раз подчеркивает мастерство музыкантов. Всем, кто неравнодушен к подобному музыкальному направлению, имеет смысл ознакомится с этим прекрасным релизом, достойным высшей оценки. |
As demons rise and re-ascend
Here is were evenings serenades
Amidst the dawn as gracious slaves
For my words are without sound
Far beyond and well renown
Centuries of dusk in time
Bleeding shadows of thy shrine
Within, thy darkness frey born of kaos in decay
Reaping shadows unto thee
A gracious death for all to see
As infinite avails
The human race that never fails
Played upon thy calming heart
Eyes of terror bleeding hard
That I doth control thee
Leading southward to the key
Hanging from the brances frail
Queen of darkness to unveil
Where whispers charm thy emptiness
And pierce thy tenous membrane
That striketh through my anguished heart
And tainted skys, where once demons remained
As the silent darkness breeding
Winters hate in silouettic sky
Stained with blood of an ancient slumber
With such a passionate melancholy
Of ages past and times to come
Shall speak in sound and slay in tongues
And spirits chanting satans hail
As darkness falls unto thy veil
Between in death thy black spirit
>From thy pain we shall commit
Sleeping shadows demons fray
From beyond in massacre's pain
Fore thou art draped in sin
Amidst the shadows I have been
And seek the silent sentinel
On battlefields where they fell
Desire rekindles thee
Nearer than infinite
The dying scent of fragrant death
Fore spell of winter I possess
That I might dream thy pain
Invoke to tee like dragons slain
A lullaby like song of grave
Caressing shadows, demons slave
Thou alone soth se me in this sorrow
Fore thou art beautiful, fore thou art bright
Flashing thy splendour amidst the midnight
Thou canst not flee, mine shalt thou be
Of all enchantment
Thou shalt a goddess be
3. Centuries Of Wolven Hunger
Give me the art of cheating and deceiving of thy dreams
May each and all become the death of ancient winter screams
Thus on her knees shall bequeath
The cold, cold moon writhes under
What thou desirest thou shalt obtain
As the war begins, Jehovah be slain
Darkness seeps upon abyss
Shall victimise the serpents kiss
Feast and drain thy goblet deep
A silence torn unto defeat
I wait for thee of killing spree
The soul and pain both unredeemed
As silence burns in witching hour
As thou wilt seek to hear them scream
Since thou hath made thy offering
The truth be known of evening spring
Who the chase by night preferest thee
Misfortuned deemed uncertainty
Thou who wakest in starry slumber
Of the stars and of the moon
The wolven screams of thy desire
Of the horn thyself the huntress
Huntress of the night forseen
Of cloaking blackness too obscene
Although our sight - ARADIA
The dance in flames for thy slumber
4. Forever In Ebony Drowning
The bestial sunset black at dawn
As I embrace thee
The dark god and I will keep thee safe
Scream to us in terror
Fore darkness is the essence of revenge and all mortality
I am the ending before life begins again
Ritualised as darkness falls to call the unbeleivers
Satan majesty of night shall punish its deceivers
Thou art immortal reign of terror and seductive pain
From the darkness
The moon dwelleth I
And all kaos rise
Incantation breathe
Consecration be
The seasons are as one derived
I pour my soul as nocturnal wine
Who wouldst break thy hallowing point, as darkness neverending of mist
between, we shall be seen, and thus evil descending
The seasons are as one derived
Of kaos and eternal shrines
From ashes of their ruined eden
Cloaked and veiled we follow demon
Thou art aged in tribulation
Silent, dark, forbidding one
Of every aeon of lore within
Bleak with the shadows and captured in sin
As one or the other is ending this way
To bring shame on the fools who have nothing to say
Deep in the shadows I learned how to curse
Fore the ending is nearer than that of the earth
The lenght of their suffering prolonged in time
As dreaming of winter becomes a new shrine
Forgotten, forlorn in ebony I drown
As king of the night and darkness I'm crowned
In chapters of kaos and magik within
Shall repent all my sorrow and indulge in sin
The seaons are as one derived
As kaos falls and eternal shrines
Who wouldst break thy hallowing point as darkness neverending
Of mist between, we shall be seen, and thus evil descending, thou art
immortal reign of terror and seductive pain
5. Upon The Kingdom Throne
Interlaced within your rapture
Wrapped in twighlight from hereafter
So that you might know the flavour of that desire
Destiny through dreams of sorrow
All life ends weak and hollow
And cannot know your tears of light shall remain
"The skys alone told tales of fire
Conspiracy of pain and desire
Raping heavens to the thunders roar"
Oh, dost thou
Dost thou taste the languid sweetness of my love
For revenge of fire on heaven
Of what has been left within
And the chaptered pain of horror
Deeply sighs and spreads her wings
You shall hear me with your ears
That are deaf to spoken tongues
Enchanting all forsaken
Voices poisoning their lungs
And to be spoken forever
In webs of enshadowed destiny
They do not penetrate the conscious mind
Reflecting sanity
Drawing all life and light into them
Leaveth thou in their turmoil draining again
The sound of emotion, thy thunderous heart
And tethered forever in your thoughts from afar
Beneath the veil of tears they wear
They see not clear enough to care
Darkness seething avalon, fore skys reap death and heavens tear
And speak in tongue of secrets told
Of spirits kindred, bought and sold
A kingdom beneath a veil of dark shalt remain
Your velvet skin in breath of sorrow
A token of thy graveless honour
Fore thou art the touch of death like winters sigh
And to remain in this forever
Draped in darkness here together
So many dreams but never sleeping
Anguished pain, eternal weeping
6. For Thee, In Sinful Obscurity
7. Dark Requiems And Unsilent Massacre
Thy souls in flames of anger, and cruelty cradle thee
In times of war and dragons lore, unleashing unto me
Deepest red born winter, for none so dark as thou
With kaos as its figurines, and monuments of stone
Invoke to thee, dark majesty silence told in darkness breathe
Shall soak with blood in secrets told through forests dusk of putrid dreams
Stained with blood our seal shall be alive
Suffering, indulged in sin as flesh and fire are one within
Raping heavens to the thunders roar
Bring forth the circle and the skys we shall command
And deathly haunting avalon forever in this land
With hate embracing vengeance of power on thy seal
Shall blessedly affect their death, enchanting all surreal
Blackening kaos ripping through my soul
"Beneath souls of infinite light, as darkness falls upon all
As invocations of terror and destruction
Condemn and deny those of feeble weakness"
Upon the altar
Darkness destroy thou
We are of winter
Release seals of death
All about this ruined tomb, fragment silence of forever
Dreaming ancient winters in the moonlight
SIlence of forever drowning
And fall, embrace me to the sun
And failed to wake, to be then forsaken
As gardens die and heavens shake
We are the silence of forever burning bright
Darkness, crawls in all eternity
As fear be their martyr
Draped in darkest ebony
Upon the altar darkness reaches through my soul
Enchanting in the garden be thy kingdom on the throne
Dark satanic majesty, give unto me the seal of the damned
So that I may conjure thee, as infinity burns
The reflections of deepest emotion burning within
Death and all avalon awaiting, as blackness surrounding,
Immortality prevail in emotion... in emotion...
Anoo nomine satanas nightfall...
In the name of the dark one
Ad majorem satanas gloreiam
8. Thy Sorrow Bequeathed
And wash away this sweet despair
I give all that I am to you
For reasons they cannot quite discern
Somewhere deep within the night
Darkness chimes in justice
Reasons for armistace
Unaware, between thy values of grace
Freedom yet inferno
Spiting all incarnal
Ever so silent the graveridden kiss
Breaking in mercy, shall fall to thy knees
As kaos damnation, spreading its wings
Through winds of salvation our sorrow doth share
And armed with the seals of blackness we wear
Woven silken darkness from thy dreams
Lo' the ancient queen
Thy paleness still bequeathed
And shadowing thy nest of dawn
Beneath the throne we shall redeemed
We shall redeem our nature
In shadows that I cast is yours
Of spinning visions of other shores
Fore art reflecting deeming night
And shall reside in candlelight
Alive, come forth, thou art in yearning
Irrevocably their worth
And certain guardians of the gates
I am the living part of death
And so beyond understanding of thee
Unleashing darkness gripped in light with fury
Wrapped in purpose yet with everything to see
Darkness bestowed unto thee
And shall declare thy living breath
For none so certain to cheat death
9. The Scarlet Forsaken
As the scarlet and amber, peers in through forsaken
Thy gravelessness whisper remains
Where time can never dwell in this solitary hell
Even though we are free of its chains
For I am not as once I was
I yearn to search and watch return
Meeting shadows, seasons tare
As once they roamed without a care
The blood and wine, for art divine
All mist in seething, never sleeping
As I wait in thy rapture, the sound of our laughter
Sword in my hand I shall arise
For darkness in waiting, prevail and forsaking
Enshadowing evil divine
From an evergreen land where the lore shall command
The patrons of right shall remain
And dwelleth forever int he lands of the nether
Be found in trains of nightmare thy darkness remains
A precarious entity subjected to change
A yearning expressed sprung through tales of death
As infinity unites, with kaos we remain
For centuries of dark shall crack open the moonlight sky
This mournful sound as darkness falls upon thy face
I cannot see beyond the haze that distorts thy shadow
'Neath of terrible slaves
And wouldst thou trade thy dying soul
For the life that burns
That a thousand lifetimes be hidden in frost
Held captive forever for the war they've lost
Draped in sinister pain, only terror remains
And the scarlet forsaken be hidden in shame
10. Ancient Graveless Dawn
To a place of ancient splendour
I returned to moments night
To catch the lightning in your eye
And tame it with a lullaby
Darkness falls upon thy face
All figments of the human race
It is as if I've always known
For none but them the overthrown
Deep in the shadows the prism is thine
And death lying waiting within horned god sign
The graves lying silently seeping their worth
As creatures, as warriors once roaming the earth
Destiny of ancient sorrows
Falls through shattered dreams
That pierces like a lightning bolt
Re-kindling thy darkest scream
Ancient, of dawn
For none so art like him, as I am darkness spawned
Releasing shadows as we fall, I am your empath
Slowly growing pale, capturing the dusk in sin
Darkness, breathes superior, swallowing the moonlight sky
As fate within thy destiny that came to life in one black night
Faith in all the keepers of our legend
Death intertwined and embracing all time
All figments eluded that practically shine
Have faith in your warriors, weak as their worth
And slain in amusing satanical curse
"And upon my word we shall unite
Heeding eternal blackness
For none so like him as us
As deepest storms roll
And falling rain on to thy face
Remember me as king upon the throne of pain"
And midnight of hunger ripping forth with hate
As vengeance chimes thy fate
Upon an altar, a song played upon the wind
As covens, indulged in sin