« System X »
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1 | United We Stand 03:04
 | 2 | Perfect Crime 04:23
 | 3 | End Of The World 05:05
 | 4 | She's A Nighttime Lover 04:30
 | 5 | Slow Kill 04:57
 | 6 | Why Do They Do That' 03:53
 | 7 | Rock & Roll Heroes 04:38
 | 8 | Gotta Get Home 03:20
 | 9 | What Kind Of Sanity 03:26
 | 10 | Falling In Love With A Stranger 03:34 |
   Graham Bonnet - vocals
Chris Impellitteri - guitars
Edward Harris Roth - keyboards
James Amelio Pulli - bass
Glen Sobel - drums |
 | 1. United We Stand
It was 8:45 New York time when disaster filled the sky
Death struck and the towers rocked, then we began to die
All the steel came crashing down and rose in a cloud of smoke
The world watched on CNN and stood in a state of shock
You fool, I say to the eastern man, your  |
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 Странно как-то получается, альбом «System X» - это второй диск на вокале с Грэмом Боннетом (Alcatrazz), и должен сказать что это одно из самых лучших творений группы, если вообще не лучшее. Дебютный диск «Stand In Line» с Боннетом вызвал у меня просто тонну положительных эмоций, а вот рассматриваемый опус по-моему может обоснованно войти в историю хэви метала как одно из лучших работ нового тысячелетия! Давайте разберемся и копнём поглубже. Альбом словно возвращает нас в славные времена восьмидесятых, поскольку в его структуре можно встретить хард рок наподобие Rainbow и хэви самого Impellitteri золотых времён. Качество записи весьма оригинально, но как раз к нему у меня и будут небольшие претензии – как-то звучит всё не очень плотно, басам явно не хватает жирности, а гитарным риффам жёсткости, барабаны наверное самое больное место – иногда складывается впечатление, что они просто пластмассовые! Но, все эти огрехи в звуке абсолютно компенсирует сильнейший и великолепнейший музыкальный материал. Должен заметить также что ребята очень плотно подошли и к созданию трезвой и умной лирики. Тут вам и темы насилия, религии, расовой дискриминации, проституции, любви и даже каких-то шизоидальных и маньяко-депрессивных вариаций! К тому же «System X» – это самый эмоциональный альбом в дискографии коллектива, в нём наиболее ярко изображены чувства агрессии, депрессивности и духа раздолбайства восьмидесятых годов. Вокал Грэма будто неподвластен времени, он также как и десяток лет тому назад радует слух своим харизматичным, хрипловатым голосом, и конечно в этом плане очень удачно сделано сведение диска – вокал идёт на первом плане и даже в самых громких местах музыка не заглушает его. Из особо зацепивших меня песен выделю крыше срывающую и дико скоростную вещь «Perfect Crime», мистическую «End Of The World», весёлую и драйвовую «She’s Nighttime Lover», словно дань классике Рэйнбоу вызывает ассоциации с «Lost In Hollywood» или «All Night Long». Особенно создать угнетающую обстановку получилось мрачнейшей композицией «Slow Kill», злобной и психоделической «Why Do They Do That». Необычайно брутальной получилась тема «United We Stand». А классический стиль Impellitteri девяностых годов представляют такие прекрасные боевики как «Rock & Roll Heroes» и «Gotta Get Home». Закрывается альбом сногсшибательным хард-хэви боевиком «Falling In Love With A Stranger», который является феноменальной переработкой всех выдающихся идей Ричи Блэкмора, трансформированных в хэви метал. В общем, если вы поклонник старого доброго хэви, то вы просто обязаны ознакомится с этой работой! |
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Слушаю альбом “System X” через восемь лет после выхода. Скорее всего, мне бы это творение Импеллиттери понравилось даже в начале пост-миллениумных времен, когда в моей CD-вертушке крутились в основном death и black-металлические коллективы. Бешеная энергетика, гармонично вплавленная в яркий мелодизм заводных композиций группы, не может оставить равнодушным большинство любителей хэви-метал.
При прослушивании диска в первую очередь обращают на себя внимание отсылки к звучанию хард-роковой легенды Rainbow. Одним из основных факторов, повлиявших на определенный Rainbow-образный саунд альбома, здесь является вокал Грэма Боннета. Хоть Боннет и пел всего на одном альбоме Ричи Блэкмора, но как он пел! Его манера вокала по-своему уникальна и может придать шарм любому произведению в рамках тяжелого стиля (хард-рок и хэви-метал).
Ну и, конечно, великолепная зажигательная гитара Криса Импеллиттери. Его творчество зачастую преподносят, как музицирование в стиле Ингви Мальмстина. Не верьте. При всем моем уважении к трудам безумного шведского супер-гитариста, у “System X” концепция другая. Кроме скорости и отчетливого влияния неоклассического метала в партиях гитары, здесь в наличии гармоничная структура композиций. Соло-гитара не тянет все внимание на себя, но присутствует в композициях в разумном, не напрягающем объеме. Она украшает песни. Качество игры Криса просто фантастическое, и мелодично, и технично. Скоростные пассажи кристально чисто исполнены, да и к более спокойным фрагментам партий соло претензий нет. Любители высокотехничной гитарной игры получат 100 % удовольствие.
Несколько не соответствует общему уровню звучания запись ударных, но не катастрофически. Чуть ниже среднего. На общем фоне терпимо.
Замечательная работа. Хотелось бы надеяться, что у Криса еще будет материал, как минимум, не слабее этого убойнейшего альбома. |
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Крис Импеллиттери остался верен себе и выдал очередной крепко-сбитый хэви-металлический альбом. И все бы хорошо, да только каркающий вокал Грэма Боннета, будучи куда менее мелодичным, чем у пустившегося в сольное плавание Роба Рока, немного подпортил картину. Спой эти песни Роб, и альбом вышел бы еще лучше. |
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просмотров: 18589 |
You better run and you better hide cause you pissed off America
We ain't gonna live in fear
We're men of God and American
United we stand hand in hand
And when I touch the stars
I feel alive in the land of pride
I pledge allegiance to the flag of America
This prick on a power trip unleashed the dogs of war
You say you're a man of God but you're just the devil's whore
You fool, I say to the eastern man, your evil ain't gonna win
You better run and you better hide cause you pissed off America
We ain't gonna live in fear
We're men of God and American
United we stand hand in hand
And when I touch the stars
I feel alive in the land of pride
I pledge allegiance to the flag of America
United we stand America
United we stand America
United we stand America
United we stand America
2. Perfect Crime
I'm sucking on a 40 with friends who just adore me
Oh how they love that old English accent
They of the black persuasion, missed out of being African
Hard to hold back that bottled up tension
Hide in the color of the white man's skin
We'll do the evil deed, he'll fall for our sin
Shoot to kill, can't blame that white
His mom and dad will make it right
Hide in the color of the white man's skin
Do the evil deed, he'll fall for our sin
No judge or jury would convict a white
Your deceptions are black and white
Broke out that golden carriage
To ride to Greenwich Village
Your turn to drive somebody said to me
Because you're of that white persuasion
You will never draw attention
Who we take down and who is left bleeding
Hide in the color of the white man's skin
We'll do the evil deed, he'll fall for our sin
Shoot to kill, can't blame that white
His mom and dad will make it right
Hide in the color of the white man's skin
Do the evil deed, he'll fall for our sin
No judge or jury would convict a white
Cause the color is black and white
Hide in the color of the white man's skin
We'll do the evil deed, he'll fall for our sin
No judge or jury would convict his kind
The money and the power would make them all blind
Hide in the color of the white man's skin
Do the evil deed, he'll fall for our sin
Shoot to kill, can't blame that white
Mom and Dad will make it right
Hide in the color of the white man's skin
Do the evil deed, he'll fall for our sin
Shoot to kill, can't blame that white
Mom and Dad will make it right
No judge or jury would convict his kind
The money and the power would make them all blind
Hide in the color of the white man's skin
The deception - It's the perfect crime
3. End Of The World
There was anger and violence, fear and pain
The world was in battle with Mr. Insane
The psychotic leader felt no shame
Killing his people for monetary gain
The act of a madman Hitler before
Lights the sky with nuclear war
Chaotic confusion, hysterical fear
An evil was rising, the end was near
Lighting struck and the world shook like a hurricane
For all to see
The rise and fall of the land we called our paradise
For all to see
Heaven and hell
It's the end of the world
Heaven and hell
It's the end of the world
The president crying "What have we done"
Hold your fire! No use for that gun
The eyes of a nation scream in pain
A burning sensation, it's nuclear rain
People dying, what do we do
Call the savior - the red, white and blue
Lighting struck and the world shook like a hurricane
For all to see
The rise and fall of the land we called our paradise
For all to see
Heaven and hell
The fate of the nation
Heaven and hell
The fate of the nation
Lighting struck and the world shook like a hurricane
For all to see
The rise and fall of the land we called our paradise
For all to see
Lighting struck and the world shook like a hurricane
For all to see
The rise and fall of the land we called our paradise
For all to see
Heaven and hell
It's the end of the world
Heaven and hell
The fate of the nation
Heaven and hell
The fate of the nation
Heaven and hell
The fate of the nation
Heaven and hell
It's the end of the world
The fate of the nation
Heaven and hell
It's the end of the world
4. She's A Nightime Lover
That's right
Love for money
Walk the streets in Hollywood, spread your legs tonight
Give your body to any man to pay the bills on time
Oh don't you feel the shame
You're just a player in the game
Nighttime lover
And though your makeup runs from standing in the rain
The cars keep pulling over and you drive away
She's a nighttime lover
Oooh nighttime lover
She'll never meet your mother
Never meet your mother
She's a nighttime lover
Oooh nighttime lover
But you'll never ever know her
Oooh nighttime lover
That's right
In the heat of angel town the cops all know your name
But they will never take you down, they've known you way too long
So you'll never have to hide
What you're selling on the side
Nighttime lover
I wonder if you do your crying in the rain
So no one knows what you are feeling
She's a nighttime lover
Oooh nighttime lover
She'll never meet your mother
Never meet your mother
She's a nighttime lover
Oooh nighttime lover
But you'll never ever know her
Oooh nighttime lover
She's a nighttime lover
Oooh nighttime lover
She'll never meet your mother
Never meet your mother
She's a nighttime lover
Oooh nighttime lover
And you will never get to know her
Oooh nighttime lover
She's a nighttime lover
Oooh nighttime lover
She'll never meet your mother
Never meet your mother
She's a nighttime lover
Oooh nighttime lover
But you'll never know her
That's right
5. Slow Kill
In the papers I read how they found her
On her face was the look of death
In this house from hell
In the papers I read how they had found her
On her face was the look of death, a forgotten prisoner
In a small space under the stairs
Hidden away for so many years
No one would miss her
In this house from hell
Was an evil pill
For this mother's baby
Such a sweet slow kill
Slow kill
As they took them away, still said they loved her
But they both had abused their child, it was a murder
Dear Mom and Dad slightly insane
Their little girl locked up in chains
To be theirs forever
In this house from hell
Was an evil pill
For this mother's baby
Such a sweet slow kill
Slow kill
In this house from hell
Was an evil pill
For this mother's baby
Such a sweet slow kill
In this house from
In this house from hell
Was an evil pill
For this mother's baby
Such a sweet slow kill
Slow kill
In this house from
In this house from
In this house from
In this house from hell
6. Why Do They Do That
Someone broke down my door
Smashed the glass in the windows broken
Then one more twist of the blade
They just keyed the car
No one here knows me for I just moved in here
But now I keep looking behind me
Seems pretty clear that I'm not wanted here
Oh, why did they do that
Tell me why
Oh, why would they do that
Tell me why
In my new neighborhood
Thought that I'd add more color
They'd take me in
And I'd be the adopted child
But I think some shit would hit me with a ball bat
If by chance I wasn't looking
Fusion of conscience confusion to me
Oh, why did they do that
Tell me why
Oh, why would they do that
I gotta know why
Oh, why did they do that
Tell me why
Oh, why would they do that
Please tell me why
Oh, why did they do that
Oh, why would they do that
7. Rock And Roll Heroes
There's blood on the boards where passionate words
Bleed down from the stage to arena
The pilgrims are back with money they stashed
A gift to the gods of the hour
Never too loud drummer kicks the band right in the ass
No one shot gun, they're all drivers - this is the master class
Rock & Roll heroes
Forever immortal
The masters of music
Idols and legends
The man with the voice has opened his throat
Spits out the words of the story
His fingers are speeding, shredding the strings
Stripping them down to the wire
Photographs on cotton T-shirts - 30 bucks a pop
Ball hats, sweatshirts, come and get your pictures autographed
Rock & Roll heroes
Forever immortal
The masters of music
Idols and legends
Rock & Roll heroes
Forever immortal
The masters of music
Idols and legends
I want my Rock & Roll heroes
I want my Rock & Roll heroes
I want my Rock & Roll heroes
I want my Rock & Roll heroes
Rock & Roll heroes
Forever immortal
The masters of music
Idols and legends
Rock & Roll heroes
Forever immortal
The masters of music
Idols and legends
8. Gotta Get Home
I got a camera round my neck
No money in my pocket
Here comes the "Tea a Wana" police
I'm running, guess I lost it
Then I heard "STOP" and I turned around
And saw that gun aiming at me
I gotta get home
Gotta get home
I gotta get home
Gotta get home
I never wanted to go there
But I was told "You got to see it"
If you can take all the verbal abuse
And the smell of the streets, it's worth it
Pharmacies like supermarkets
Photographs on painted donkeys
Real cheap booze to hold you prisoner
I gotta get home
Gotta get home
I gotta get home
Gotta get home
I gotta get home
I gotta get home
Gotta get home
I gotta get home
Gotta get home
I gotta get home
Gotta get home
I gotta get home
Gotta get home
9. What Kind Of Sanity
You sold your soul for a moment of passion
And now your life is pure addiction, oh oh oh
Burn the needle, inject your vein
Leave behind your reality
What kind of sanity
Would throw their lives away
They're way too young to be
Part of the tragedy
Ready to die for the grand illusion
Risk your life with no hesitation, oh oh oh
Burn the needle, inject your vein
Leave behind your reality
What kind of sanity
Would throw their lives away
They're way too young to be
Part of the tragedy
What kind of sanity
Will take their pain away
They're way too young to be
Part of the tragedy
What kind of sanity
Would throw their lives away
They're way too young to be
Part of the tragedy
What kind of sanity
Will take their pain away
They're way too young to be
Part of the tragedy
[repeat till fade]
10. Falling In Love With A Stranger
First time I saw you
I walked into the wall and felt no pain
Could this be love
Or was it just infatuation
You wore those high heels and see thru dress
You drove me crazy, now I'm a mess
I wanna hold you all night long I confess
Come to me and be my baby
Oh oh oh oh oh
I think I'm falling
Falling in love with a stranger
I think I'm falling
Falling in love with a danger
No complications, no kind of stress
That girl is physical when I'm in her bed
No masturbation, no fantasy
She's hot and dirty and aiming at me
My momma told me (to) look to the sea
There's plenty of fish waiting for me
So I went fishing and planted the seed
Now she's wearing my ring
Come to me and be my baby
Oh oh oh oh oh
I think I'm falling
Falling in love with a stranger
I think I'm falling
Falling in love with a danger
I think I'm falling
Falling in love with a stranger
I think I'm falling
Falling in love with a danger
I think I'm falling
Falling in love with a stranger
I think I'm falling
Falling in love with a danger
I think I'm falling
Falling in love with a stranger
I think I'm falling
Falling in love with a danger
[repeat till fade]