 "Everblack" - весомый аргумент Mercenary для прорыва в высшую лигу мелодик-дэта. Группа не копирует кого-либо из коллег, а создает свою музыку. И музыка получается просто восхитительной: очень тяжелой и очень мелодичной. Вокалистов в группе аж двое, и оба очень хороши ("жирный" гроулинг и "чистый" вокал). Интересна работа соло-гитариста, присутствуют клавишные, которые, что приятно, не лезут на передний план. Звук тяжел и "мясист". Альбом вышел отличным, а такие вещи как "Seize the night" и "Screaming from the heavens" - классика современного метала. |
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Второй альбом. Четыре года, прошедшие с момента выхода дебютного альбома, как мне кажется, очень большой срок. И если сравнить альбом “First Breath” (1998) и, собственно, рецензируемый “Everblack” (2002), то может показаться, что это – альбомы двух совершенно разных групп. Первенец отличался малым количеством мелодики и большим количеством тупоголовых риффов, а также никудышной запоминаемостью песен и плохим вокалом. Здесь же это всё полностью исправлено, парни явно проделали большую работу. Начиная с этого альбома, у Mercenary появился свой собственный стиль, неповторимый колорит. В нём есть что-то от Hypocrisy, но явного сходства вы не найдёте, это лишь иногда возникающее ощущение, которое больше сравнимо с небольшой галлюцинацией – вам кажется, что вы видите какую-то вещь, а в следующую секунду видение исчезает. Разнообразные гитарные риффы и красивые соло, украшенные сочным пульсирующим басом, интересными барабанными партиями (за счёт заигрывания с «тарелочками» вызывающими отдалённые ассоциации с Darkane) и великолепнейшими многоголосыми партиями. В группе появилось трое новых людей – гитарист Сигнар Петерсен и братья Мортен и Миккель Сандагеры, отвечающие за клавишные и вокальные партии соответственно. Заслугу нового вокалиста видно невооружённым глазом – его сильнейший чистый вокал и отчаянный скрим просто изменили лицо группы, а вкупе с мелодически возросшим ором басиста Хенрика Андерсена, который ещё и мощным гроулом стал петь, дали невообразимый эффект. Такие грамотные и разнообразные вокальные партии – довольно редкое явление в мелодик-дэте. Благодаря клавишнику музыка группы стала более мелодичной и возвышенной. Все вышеизложенные факторы повлияли и на сами песни – теперь большинство из них запоминается с первого раза, а некоторые, такие, как сильнейшие по своей мелодике “Seize The Night” и “Darkspeed”, иначе, как хитами (или как любит выражаться один мой друг, киллерами) на века, язык не повернётся назвать. К тому же, альбом был записан в Hansen Studios, моей любимой студии звукозаписи (если вы слушали альбомы “Deaf To Our Prayers” и “Iconoclast” группы Heaven Shall Burn, “A New Disease Is Born” группы Nightrage или любой альбом группы Raunchy, вы должны понять, какой звук имеется на “Everblack”), и поэтому классный звук гарантирован. Как следствие скажу, что парни заслужили высокую оценку. “Everblack” – действительно, интересная и достойная работа. Приятного прослушивания! |
For the mission possible
Desperation low
For falling fathers
On your broken ribs
Behold the second coming
Since we drew the first breath
We're in control for operation
Narrow minded ignorants
Come that way, I'll raise the flag
Hear them all forever chanting
Picture this
The impact of soldiers blazing
Like a deadly tidal wave
A sight that's so amazing
It surely takes your breath away
Mass hysteria
We love the feeling
extremely arise
Like the crescent moon
That speaks to me
Behold the second coming
Since we drew the first breath
We're in control for operation
Narrow minded ignorants
Come that way, I'll raise the flag
Hear the whole world chanting
The future is now or never
A phase to overcome
Mercenary lives forever
We'll conquer one by one
Purple heart
The metal of honour is chosen
For the ones that slay the weak
Our mission everblasting
Ddestination bittersweet
This evergrowing dream
Disappears without a trace
Forever flowing steram
Runnung deep inside my veins
We're the brothers of slaughter
Operation Everblack
3. Seize The Night
[Music: Kral / Jakob / Rasmus]
Gone in six six seconds, ticking away
As the sun soon sets
The corner stone of my regrets
The shadow shades me alwaus...
I am reduced to darkness
The burden I never lost
Nocturnal heartless
I've never seen the day
Like father like son
I inherit the chronicle
The heritage continues
Like mother like daughter
The witches of underworld
Burned at the stake a long time ago
So now I hunger
For the taste of new blood
I am the lonely hunter
Come follow mу as I...
Seize the night
The epidemic awakes me
In transformation
I spread my wings, and drift away
The countless necks, I have poisoned
Carpe nocte
I've never seen the day anyway
I close my eyes to what's not there
I think it's strange you never knew
Silently watching
from my steel black coffin
My arms lay crosed
I await another flight
That takes me one step closer, to light
The smell of blood enchants me
I am reduced to darkness
The burden I never lost
Like a poison ivy
Come follow mу as I...
Seize the night
The epidemic awakes me
In desperation
I spread my wings, and fly away...
The countless necks, I have poisoned
Carpe nocte
I've never seen the day anyway...
My soul perished, as my mirror reflection vanished
Been born 2000 years ago
I'm the brother of Jesus...
The shadow that shades me
And keep me forever black
The light surrenders upon my domicide
The cross of Christ
The twin that blinds my bloodshut eyes
Like garlic that penetretes my skin
Awaken me
You never spoke to me
Your demon heart
And your evil ways
Seize the night
The epidemic, awakes me
In transformation
I spread my wings, and drift away
The countless necks, I have poisoned
Carpe nocte
I've never seen the day anyway...
4. Screaming From The Heavens
[Music: Jakob]
After all
The way you wanna live like this
And all along the way
It was meaningless
Will I gain the same
The hiding of your shadow
The feeling is fading
Forever, forever after
The burning sensation
The turning temptation
Screaming from the heavens
Would sweep the global
Disease, I'm hopeful
Bleeding desire
The burning sensation
The turning temptation
Forever, forever after
The burning sensation
The turning temptation
Screaming from the heavens
and down upon thee
In tears of sadness
(The shadow makes me forever dream)
After all
The way you wanna live like this
And all along the way
It was meaningless
Will I gain the same
The hiding of your shadow
The feeling still fading
Forever, forever after
The burning sensation
The turning temptation
Forever, forever dreaming
Of the heaven
The bloodrede heaven...
5. Dead.com
[Music: Jakob]
(You will follow orders
Obey my command at all times
Or you will be punished)
Spikes yeah
And you're gonna get'em
As I crept away
From the sun in the sea
Who would you betray?
Cretaintly not me
Because I'm restless master
Just like you teach your slaves
The massses join in laughter
Land of the free
Home of the slaves
Pictures of peace
Blessing the graves
Come follow me
I'll be the one
Setting your free
From dead.com
Shot down by a 12 gauge
Shotgun, never feel safe
Struck hard by a spiked fist
Cold blood runs down your face
As your hate grows stronger
Towards the one
You're underneath
Not far from going under
Don't wave your rank at me
Because I'm restless master
Just like you teach your slaves
The massses join in laughter
Land of the free
Home of the slaves
Pictures of peace
Blessing the graves
Come follow me
I'll be the one
Setting your free
From dead.com
Come dead
Don't wave your rank at me...
Because I'm restless
Just like you teach your slaves
(Shot down)
Shot down by a 12 gauge
Shotgun, never feel safe
Struck hard by a spiked fist
Cold blood runs down your face
Just like you teach your slaves...
At the masters grave
Land of the free
Home of the brave
Pictures of peace
Blessing the graves
Come follow me
I'll be the one
Setting your free
From dead.com
Land of the free
Home of the brave
Pictures of peace
Blessing the graves
Come follow me
I'll be the one
Setting your free
We're all in line creeping in pain
(Dead calm
Dead calm...
Come dead)
6. Darkspeed
[Music: Jakob]
Now I know, where to go
The miles are many
But I'll get there
In the fast lane
Full speed ahead
Down by the green line
And never red
Brakes are burning, adrenaline
2000 miles or more, on through the night
To the limit, I shall fly
It's my destiny, my final ride
Darkspeed, I trusted thee
Believe in me
Nightsight, inverted backwards
It's a dream
On the run
The road keeps on turning, away
Now I'm gone
Forever you'll be searching, for me
How many heartbeats take lightyears
At darkspeed, look to the skyline
And bleed all you need
Still I wonder, how I got here?
On the frreway it happens every year
To the limit, I shall fly
It's my destiny
The final ride
The final ride...
The road is burning
At the rate of darkspeed
You'll never find me
Dark ashes to ashes
You can eat my dust
Swallow you may
Spit it out if you must...
On the run
The road keeps on turning, away
Now I'm gone
Forever you'll be searching, for me
How many heartbeats
Take lightyears at darkspeed
Look to the skyline
And bleed all you need
On and on
The road keeps on turning, away
Now you'll be
Searching darkspeed
7. Bloodrush
[Music: Kral / Jakob / Signar]
What a rush...
When we're on stage
You can't do nothing but
Relate to something
We feed the feeling
Of the natural highs
And the God forbode the blood...
Would you separate the truths
Through lies
In the constellation grey
Inner eye
Running through your veins
Do you know our names?
Forgotten soldiers
We're soldiers of fortune
Do not deceive us
We'll never retreat...
The blood that flows through you
Is thinner that the wine
We used to dine
With sinners like ourselves
And the God forbode the blood...
Would you separate the truths
Through lies
In the constellation grey
Inner eye
Forever you will bleed
And life would surely be
Never bright...
Running through your veins
Do you know our names?
Forgotten soldiers
We're soldiers of fortune
Do not deceive us
We'll never retreat...
Explore... the bloodrush
The bloodred highs
The bleeding eye
Explore... the bloodrush
The bloodred highs
The bleeding eye
And the God forbode the blood...
Would you separate the truths
Through lies
In the constellation grey
Inner eye
Running through your veins
Do you know our names?
Forgotten soldiers
We're soldiers of fortune
Do not deceive us
We'll never retreat...
(As we sat around the table
Drinking the blood from our glasses
What a rush...
Than Jesus said to me
I can cure you my friend...
If everything else fails
I'll show you the way
Out of the darkness
And into the light)
Show me the way
Bleeding the trail
Don't be afraid
Lead me again
8. A Darker Shade Of Black
[Music: Jakob]
Join me
... The dark ...
Welcome to the Unaited States of Neuropa
Welcomes you all
Here's plenty of place for all
The criminals
United we fall...
For the military union
Someday we'll wonder
What happened to our kingdom?
It's a tragedy
Won't you join us
In the mass destruction
And the wildlife reduction...
Futuristic futurama
We're caught up
In this dramatised way
Strategies of hate
It's a steady regression
For the final settlement
We're the winners of nothing
Soon disconnected
And the sinners of something... else
Won't you join us
In a darker shade of black
And a brighter shade of grey
The authorities
Must not be notified
'Cause then the media
Will be terrorized
Fall the military union
Someday we'll wonder
What happened to our kingdom
Seems so far away
Deeper into oblivious
A night like no other
Share my passion
On this lonely offer
Won't you join us?
In this monetary union
The continetal mission
Now, now won't you join us
Won't you join us?
In a darker shade of black
And a brighter shade of grey
Some day
9. Bulletblues
[Music: Jakob]
Consider slaughter as entertainment
The shockshow, ensures success
Nostalgia isn't what it used to be
Is this murder in the first degree
Your eyes were false
Mirrors to you soul
All along
Inverted backwards
Manipulating me
Now I see it, so differently
Herу today, gone tomorrow
Wherever you go, I'll stand behind you
Hear me out now, listen closely
It's all a dream, and we're all in it
Breathing down the barrel of a shotgun
A fireline of powdered dust
A deadly sniper on the roof
Take a shot, I'm bulletproof
The ability to walk away
Come to grips
Seize the day
Turn the spotlight
Face to face
Come what may
I'm a man with a mission
Herу today, gone tomorrow
Wherever you go, I'll stand behind you
Hear me out now, listen closely
It's all a dream, and we're all in it
We're all inside a dream
We're still waking up
Waking up...
Consider slaughter as entertainment
The shockshow, ensures success
Nostalgia isn't what it used to be
Deja vu in the first degree
If you aim right between my eyes...
Pull the triger, if you dare...
Another bullet rain of lies...
Shoot me once
Shoot me twice
Shoot me down, yeah, yeah
10. Rescue Me
[Music: Jakob]
And now, you remind me
Of the life, we used to live
It stings, just like jealosy
Is it love, in disguise
When we started to drift away
From the perfect past we had
And you wanted to play the game
Of my bittersweet feelings...
(The feelings were so bittersweet)
Don't let me go
My onle love is leaving
Won't you rescue me?
You're my soul companion
Love is what we make it
I could never feel
What I feel right now
And you feeling the same way too?
And dream, what I dreamt back then
I'm forever blackening...
(Becoming black forever)
Won't you rescue me?
Broken heart is bleeding
Love is what we make it
I could never...
Break it...
But still I did
And you cannot blame me
And still, this is my honesty
As I always wanted to be
Why do I feel so bittersweet?
The distance, killing me
In time, when we grow older
May life smile upon you dear
My heart would never surely be colder
Going through the years in tears...
(Cold heart is bleeding
Turns tears to dust)
My onle love is leaving
We will be forgiven
My broken heart is bleeding
We will be forgiven...
Don't you rescue me
I found my real salvation
Don't you rescue me
She's my true temptation
Don't you rescue me...
11. Alliance
[Music: Kral]
Shoulder to shoulder
In union we stand
The power brigade
Blasting all the way through the God's land
Side by side
It's the alliance we've planned
If anyone falls, it should be hand in hand
Side by side
Join the alliance
Side by side
You came to see us rock, rock hard
We penetrate the barrier
Of noise that never stops, not now
Join the mass crusaders
And be forever free
From evergreens and neverblacks
In all eternity
We'll keep the flag from burning
Like this
One more time
Join the alliance
Partners in crime
(The mission is simply this
As you enter enemy territory
Hold your weapons high
May God have mercy on your soul)
Cursed be the man
Who is not in the mass crusade
Stretching the banner
That's five miles wide
Blessing the flag
That is fifty feet tall
Kissing the ring
That burns forever your name
Eye to eye
With the alliance in flames
You came to see us rock, rock hard
We penetrate the barrier
Of noise that never stops, not now
Join the mass crusaders
And be forever free
From evergreens and neverblacks
In all eternity
We'll keep the flag from burning
Like this...
Cursed be the man
Who is not in the mass crusade
Shoulder to shoulder
In union we stand
The power brigade
Blasting all the way through the God's land
Side by side
It's the alliance we've planned
If anyone falls, it should be hand in hand