« Dreamslave »
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1 | Act I: There is No Time for Inaction.
 | 2 | Under the Silent Moon
 | 3 | Dreamslave
 | 4 | Masquerade
 | 5 | Act II: In the World of Violence and Lies
 | 6 | Master Of Everything
 | 7 | Supremacy Over the World
 | 8 | The Main Art of Mortal.
 | 9 | Slave Forever
 | 10 | Act III: Time of Eternal Dream
 | 11 | Crash of Hope
 | 12 | Last Day of the Real Existence.
 | 13 | Eternal Dream
 | 14 | Act IV: Infinite Road To Hell
 | 15 | Dark Veil of Dreams
 | 16 | Where Once the Moon Rose |
   Alexander Afonenko - vocals, bass
Andrey Tselobenok - guitars
Oleg Maslakov - guitars
Sergey “Dead” Tselobenok - drums
Additional musicians:
Sergey Tsvikevich - keyboards & orchestral arrangement
Tatjana Lazarjkova - solo cello tracks
Andrey Polovchenia - vargan, bagpipe, pipes, surma
Konstantin Kontsevoj - back vocal in “ Where Once the Moon Rose”
Sergey Nikolaenko - sound effects & programming |
All songs by Alexander Afonenko & Asguard
Text & arrangements, some treatments by Alexander Afonenko
Recorded & mixed in January 2004 – July 2004 at “Moustache and John” Studio, Mogilev, Belarus
Produced & engineered by Sergey Nikolaenko, Alexander Afonenko, Andrey Mazhara
Mastered at CDM Studio, Moscow, Russia by Sergey Atrashkevich
Artwork & design by Waldmahr Smerdulak
Foto by Irina Shkredova |
 | 2. Under the Silent Moon
If all around is so good, that
you can’t believe it
ask yourself
“Aren’t you dead?”
And if not - this is
the most
fearful reason
to doubt
your real existence.
3. Dreamslave
Don’t be a slave.
Only this way
you will be able
to put an end
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 Не берусь судить насколько известны в России белорусы Asguard, и тем интереснее будет с ними знакомство, ведь всегда приятно узнать еще одну неплохую банду, родившуюся на просторах бывшего советского союза. “Dreamslave” – это третье студийное творение наших соседей (первые две работы издавались на More Hate по лицензии от американского Devil Doll Rec.). Построенный в форме монументального произведения и разбитый на 4 акта, альбом может быть интересен всем поклонникам финской мелодик блэк дэтовой сцены. Комбинируя между различными направлениями, белорусы предлагают музыку на любой вкус: первый акт, с обилием клавишных партий, разбавленный соло в духе Iron Maiden, придется по вкусу любителям мелодики; второй акт, более суровый и со сменой акцентов в сторону блэка, без сомнения, порадует любителей чего потяжелее; третий акт, на мой взгляд самый интересный, вобрал лучшие черты первых двух и содержит наибольшее число приятных композиций в духе dark metal, с красивыми гитарными соло и легкими клавишными вкраплениями. Любители групп типа Catamenia или Cryhavoc должны по достоинству оценить творческие задумки музыкантов из Asguard, и наверняка в их лице найдут достойных кумиров, с удивлением узнав, что не только финны могут сочинять ту музыку, что нашла дорогу к их сердцам. Однако у альбома есть один большой недостаток. При всех положительных составляющих, как то - мастерство музыкантов и хороший звук, нет главного в таких случаях эффекта: вспомнить после остановки диска какой либо трек с него будет затруднительно… Если же с вами такого не случиться, то “Dreamslave” будет частым гостем в вашем плеере, я же, сколько не пытался, достичь нужного эффекта так и не смог. (Диск предоставлен компанией CD Maximum) |
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Самое сложное - писать рецензию на альбом, в котором понравилось ВСЁ. Ну что такого еще можно сказать, если и музыка, и реализация - на высшем уровне? Но тем не менее попробую. Хорошую работу приятно лишний раз похвалить. Очередной альбом, выпущенный этими талантливыми белорусами, вряд ли сумеет оставить равнодушным хотя бы одного ценителя атмосферного блэка с элементами pagan. Замечательные мелодии легко ложатся на слух и сходу запоминаются, а сочетание мрачной агрессивности и симфонической возвышенности в совокупности составляют очень интересный материал. В умении обращаться со своими инструментами музыкантам не откажешь: приятно интеллектуальные гитары, выверенный ритм барабанов и очень экспрессивный хриплый скриминг звучат крайне профессионально и не без эмоций. Наличие большого количества "природных" сэмплов и эпические клавишные придают музыке особую возвышенность и атмосферу, превращая альбом в увлекательное повествование. Запись выполнена на вполне приличном по мировым стандартам уровне и позволяет слушателю в полной мере оценить каждый инструмент, причем не в ущерб общему восприятию. Приятное и в меру спокойное оформление буклета радует глаз, а незамысловатые, но не менее приятные тексты отлично соответствуют музыке и дополняют общую картину. В целом - отличный диск, достойный не только просторов СНГ, но и мировой сцены. Грамотное сочетание всех компонентов, составляющую эту сложную, мрачную и интересную работу, порадует любого меломана от метала. Остается только пожелать белорусам творческой фантазии и упорства и ждать очередной альбом. (Диск предоставлен компанией CD Maximum) |
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просмотров: 9318 |
Throw down the chain of birth
and death.
But pain penetrated into me
while I was thinking, retired into myself.
How little I was left to live…
Hurry up before this body
perishes and disappears,
Before diseases and old age
fall upon me,
Hurry up,
there is no time
for inaction.
And thinking
over the nature
of transient
forms of being.
I achieved my liberation
as the words
of Creator
sounded for me.
4. Masquerade
Under the mask of death
Is the mask of dream
Under the mask of dream
Is the mask of lie
Under the mask of lie
Is the mask of death
Dream is after life.
Lie comes after dream
Death comes after lie
Dark is after death
Fear’s after dark
And it’s just the beginning…
The truth is that…
You thought you had won and remained alone, and were the master of everything
But there isn’t a place for the good in the world.
Evil and hell is here.
They all have betrayed you.
Why save them from crucifixion?
Hammer in a nail into consciousness of their mind.
By pushing them into the abyss
Of death, evil and misery
5. Act II: In the World of Violence and Lies
6. Master Of Everything
Moonlight hidden
by the cloud,
lighting in the sky
drawing patterns
which belong
only to nature
Chirping of cicadas have drowned
in the most beautiful tones
of nocturnal music
There is a road in the dark floodlit
by strange shimmer coming from the stars
Transparent but impenetrable
figure of the night
enraptures you.
Unique and incomparable
To anything feeling of lightness
Is Full of your
innermost dreams
Which are revived by
the ideas flying towards
light breath
of the wind
being free like dreams…
It could be compared only
to the feeling of a flight.
You are the master of everything,
It all belongs to you.
Power over everything you see
And feel gives you,
supremacy over omnipresent
and everlasting nature
power over all - alive and lifeless,
but mighty - that which don’t obey any human law.
You are the only master of everything.
But it was just a dream.
Didn’t I realize where I was?
I couldn’t doubt the reality
Of all that had happened to me -
so real it was
I became like an infant, who thought
in the language only he could understand
I couldn’t have thought
I was a slave to my dream
And was dying slowly.
But I did live, I am alive and I will be!
(I supposed so).
7. Supremacy over the world
Supremacy over the world,
Eternal life & power didn’t let me
Realize unreality of the
Things happening.
I couldn’t have thought,
That I was asleep.
And how pleasant, deceptive
And cruel my dreams were!
All unreal replaced the reality.
Bright splashing light turned into
Soft glimmer of a calm night –
Of the night in which all wishes and dreams
Became spiritualized
And thoughts interlaced with reality
Where only you were the master
Of everything,
Where the night was
Drawing outlines
Of eternity,
Which was beyond any
Human mind.
I couldn’t realize where
I was really living
And what was a reality
And what was a fantasy
Denying it all presaged
Further defeats
And losing things that
Could be only yours
8. The main art of mortal
Isn’t it the main art
of mortal - being the master
and ruling everything,
you see…
It is managing destinies,
Taking lives,
And giving existence
which depends
only on you!
Breaking your laws in any way
Must result in punishment of death!
As only you are the master,
And power - the greatest thing
In this world - belongs just to you.
There is only you!
And this is the way it must be,
Only this way!
Only you send death,
only you leave life,
only you pass
a final verdict,
only you decide,
how many items there should
be on the debtor list.
9. Slave forever
In this world, that is real
For ordinary mortals,
In the world of violence & lie,
Where the law of self-preservation
And survival is holding sway,
I’m no one, I’m just
A link of enormous,
Useless existence,
That is known as life
But there I’m the master of that
Unknown and unimaginable.
It might be my mistake,
I might have yielded to my illusions,
But it’s too late to change anything,
I’m leaving this world and now
I’m the master, master of my dream,
And my life.
Something is braking inside of me
Or outside of me,
Something involuntary or unrealized,
Similar to another, superior mind,
Which controls you,
And orders you to stay.
But there is no return.
I’ve trapped into a prison of illusions,
Prison of reality and fantasy,
Into a prison of my dream.
Oh, My God, it’s just a dream,
It was only a dream,
But not simply a dream
- brutal dream in which
You are a master
For some time,
But a slave
10. Act III: Time of Eternal Dream
11. Crash Of Hope
All my life has passed before my eyes.
All disappointments,
Mistakes and all,
That will never come true.
I am going away forever,
All is left behind,
All that occurred,
All that was supposed to have happened
But will never be.
Oh, if someone had only known
How painfully and offensively
Was leaving something that hadn’t been finished,
Something that you had left inside of yourself
Something that could have been realized but will never happen
And will leave with you forever.
But every man has a hope,
Light which glimmers,
On which you lay all
That you didn’t manage
Or didn’t have time to do
But if you are deprived of the last hope,
Last desire, last request,
That is what death is -
failure of hope, thoughts, ideas
failure of the last that you have -
Belief in hopeful future,
In a happy life.
12. Last day of the real existence
When you realize
That what you believed in due to your levity
was only illusion,
Illusion or sham
And being more exact
Utopia of that unfeasible
And unreal Happiness,
that had been prepared
By the fate
And which you had destroyed,
Having believed that
You were the master
Of the world,
master of eternal life,
and that you could control destiny
But you didn’t believe
That it was only a dream
And that all dreams
Sometimes came to an end.
This is the last day
Of real existence.
The Sun is shining differently,
Something playful, seducing, and
Attractive is felt
In this world, in this
indescribable beauty of nature.
This is just sunlight
That is slightly hidden
By a cloud.
Creation entrancing me…
Who are you?
An unknown genius creator
Who was able to create
This world, this wood
This field, this rain.
Oh, My God, this is rain.
Warm summer rain,
My last summer rain.
My tears of deep sorrow,
Tears of revelation,
Tears of bitterness.
I’ll never see it again.
How could I be so mistaken,
How could I believe in unreal,
Attractive, but deceptive.
the last summer rain, so tender,
so warm like the most secret dreams
Which you are going through the last time
The time has come,
Time of retribution,
Time of this unknown,
which seemed so attractive
And turned out to be
So deceptive.
Time of a dream,
And eternal sleep.
13. Eternal dream.
It’s a dream again.
It’s a life again.
But is it a life?
Or it is a fantasy,
A wish to turn desirable
Into reality?
But it seems to be cruel.
There is no that wonderful
Night which I admired
So much,
I only see thickening darkness,
And gloom which
Is approaching.
But what is it?
It is coming after me
To seize me forever,
Because I’m not
The first and
By no means the last
Who has believed
In all this.
It has come,
It orders me.
For the first time in my life
I have brought my thoughts
Desires and dreams together
And the voice of my
Internal being,
The voice of my soul,
outburst of emotions
And thoughts has prayed for mercy and rest.
All my being resisted,
Telling Him:
I can’t. I don’t want.
I won’t.
But nobody heard my entreaty,
The voice of my soul
faded in to the night.
In response there was
Only a terrible
Cold roar of the dark, silent,
Ruthless night,
The roar of the alien’s mind:
“You Must…!”
He can only rule
There wasn’t a sign of compassion,
in him.
It was a cold, callous and angry cry,
Of that night that had inspired me once.
Night that had taken me away
To another world,
Where I had to stay,
But to stay as a slave,
Where I would be forever on fire
And damn this life, existence, this dream.
14. Act IV: Infinite Road To Hell
15. Dark veil of dream.
Dark shadows, obscure veil of dream.
Thoughts freezing the mind.
Pensive mood of motionlessly
frozen nightmare
and terror as if it is repeating the same phrase over
and over: the one and only the one who is going to live forever,
will be buried alive forever.
Lacerated, hanged alive and
writhing with agony bodies embellish
the main road to the sanctuary of eternal life,
eternal dream, eternal irony and self-oblivion – road to Hell.
Insufferable sorrows and sufferings can not put an end to existence of these miserable, deceived creatures,
who just for a moment, but felt themselves masters of that tremendous
and indescribable, that what only they could sense,
and that what would remain in their memories forever…
that what they would be deprived of, that for what they had been able
to renounce the real world and simply become a part of embellishment of the endless road – what they considered eternity, masters of dream, eternal dream…
16. Where Once the Moon Rose