 На первый концертный альбом в дискографии Evergrey я возлагал большие надежды. Но как же я был разочарован, прослушав его и узнав, что название Вечно Серые не просто обыкновенное название группы, оно обозначает ещё и музыку, и даже, в некоторой степени, стиль жизни. Как и название группы, зальник жутко серый, хмурый и мрачный. Такое ощущение, будто Том Энглунд был сонный и страшно нервный, потому как это всё отразилось в виде тотального отсутствия драйва, искры и энергетики. Однако это только одна сторона медали. Другая сторона вот какая – качество записи отличное, все инструменты подведены под студийное звучание и не несут в себе никаких удивлений или недоразумений, шум толпы представлен в нормальных пропорциях, а вот вокал Энглунда – это самое больное место на всей пластинке. Как я уже говорил, Тому Энглунду слабо удаётся завести зал, как мне показалось, и поёт он как-то очень не собранно, часто то срываясь, то наоборот, чересчур уж распеваясь. Нет, конечно же, вокал его силён и крепок, но звучит он как-то слишком плоско по сравнению со студийным вариантом, к тому же присутствие хора в количестве трёх человек должно было создать некую плотность и мощь в припевах, но и тут музыкантам незачёт! Припевы звучат как-то невнятно и замучено, а иногда вокалисты даже не попадают в такт. Другое дело сетлист концертного диска! Вот он составлен на славу, и хотя было взято много песен из последнего альбома «The Inner Circle» – целых шесть композиций, остальные четырнадцать вещей вполне достаточно, чтобы иметь хоть какое-то представление об этой замечательной группе. Как тому и полагается, были взяты самые лучшие песни, то есть - хиты из каждого альбома. Единственное чего я не пойму так это отсутствие двух самых ударных вещей «In The Wake Of The Weary» и «The Great Deceiver», с двух последних альбомов «Recreation Day» и «The Inner Circle». Как же так их можно было пропустить? Несмотря на то, что данное произведение не идеально, всё же музыкантами была проделана огромная работа, ведь ребята всё-таки старались, и создали для всех своих фэнов целых два живых диска с двадцатью композициями, а после CD, должен также был выйти и идентичный ДВД диск. В общем, 2005 год не прошёл зря как для группы, так и для её поклонников. |
Lost all my senses
Emotionally numb
Nothing's sacred & no one's safe
I'm feeding on denial
Getting careless soon bound to fail
Fooled by my own betrayal
Are you lost in fury?
Fearing to fail
Are you aching for vengeance?
And got lost on the way
Are you hiding your anger?
Fearing truth will prevail
Ashamed of the present
And what you've become today
False world created...
Lost all my senses...
3. End Of Your Days
I've tried it all
It's gone too far
And the worst of all
Is the promise that I can't keep
I have emptied every source
I have learned all there is to know
To stand by as you wither
To watch your spirit drain
I just wish hope could last forever
Last forever
So here we are
The end of your days
So here we are
So here we are
I have lost, I have failed
My promise not kept & I'm sorry
I have emptied every source
I have learned all there is to know
So here we are
Holding hand at the end of days
Your eyes slowly shuts
You hand lets go & I kiss you farewell
So here we are
The end of your days
So here we are
So here we are
I have lost, I have failed
My promise not kept & I'm sorry
So here we are
I promised hope forever, but I'm sorry
4. More Than Ever
[Music: Danhage, Lyrics: Englund]
Time for a breather let it all sink in
A pause from the deceiver and to reach deep within
I close my eyes if only for a second
To let my courage rise
All I need is one more reason
To fail you as you failed me
Waiting for the waves to break
Hoping for the tide to change
Embracing the awaiting aim
Believing more than ever
Believing more than ever
I've tried too many times to leave you
Just as many times as I've cried to see you
Every road has its end and my end's here
And so does my faith
5. She Speaks To The Dead
[Lyrics: Evergrey]
(Father I've seen her through the window)
(she's been summoning spirits)
(she's brought a curse on us all)
(And for that she has to be punished)
(And I got these voices in my head)
(Telling me I got to stop her)
('cause she speaks to the dead)
Darkness casts upon us all
Gone is the light that used to fall
Darkness casts upon us all
Dead is life buried since old
Sorrow voices
I'm being embraced by the dark black hole
[Solo Englund]
Watched you your blasphemy
Your filthy soul must be cleansed by me
I'm your salvation
I'm your christ
But instead of me you'll be crucified
She speaks to the dead
And I'll crave her confession
Cause she speaks to the dead
[Solo Bronell]
There she is
Lighting the candles
I'm watching her again
Becoming at one with the shadows
She must be punished
And I am the one
To exorcise the demons
Make sure it's done
She speaks to the dead
And I'll crave her confession
Cause she speaks to the dead
[Solo Englund]
[Solo Bronell]
6. Rulers Of The Mind
[Lyrics: Englund]
You can't possibly know me
What I feel cause even I don't
A strange sensation of never being lonely
Has made me question the essence of existence
...of life
Are we parts of a puzzle
Small pieces in a major plan
Fuppets on a string being run by a master
Formed and shaped like clay
[Solo Englund / Solo Danhage]
I'm trying but failing unanswered cries unites
The struggling of finding the truth behind the lies
I'm trying they're laughing my rulers of the mind
I'm trying... I'm trying
Their constant presence deceives me
I can't tell when I'm awake or when I dream
And my hiding is useless
My anxiety reveals me
Gives me away
I'm trying but failing unanswered cries unites
The struggling of finding the truth behind the lies
I'm trying they're laughing my rulers of the mind
I'm trying... I'm trying...
7. Blackened Dawn
Will the sun be rising that I wont know
'cause light reaches me not
I know I'm aging and that I can't see
In darkness I am fumbling
With these hands as my eyes
Sensitive fingers lead my way
Through this pit of no light
I cried before my gods
I wept for my sins
Blackened dawn
And what kind of god
Would have me deserve this
Blackened dawn
Clouds gathering darkness
The already black sky
Rain starts falling
Soaks the far ground sour ground
Cries from where
Demons inside of me
As the son of eternal night
Wants to become
The son of light
Like a candle someone blew out
The glow is there but slowly fading
The ashes as my soul lies shattered
I cried before my gods
I wept for my sins
Blackened dawn
And what kind of god
Would have me deserve this
Blackened dawn
In the dark of this blackened dawn
8. Waking Up Blind
[Music: Englund, Lyrics: Englund]
Leave the lie you got to find a way
Ask yourself why and give yourself a reason to stay
Leave the lie I am begging in vain
We're all left to fight with why
You're not the same.
Left behind we are stranded not free
In silence I cry what went wrong was it me
Led to believe in a truth that was false
Truth built on greed and the faith of the weak
Walking up blind and blind you must be
So stupid of me to believe in your hypocrisy
Gave it all up for life in a dream
So foolish of me to not stop your infidelity
Unfaithful to life
9. As I Lie Here Bleeding
I place my foot on the first step
That leads me down into my fate
So father please forgive me
As I cannot see it end
I am now up on the table
It trembles under my weight
I wipe away the cold sweat
Close my eyes &...
Falling out of what I know is true
Falling come shelter me as I lie here bleeding
Falling away from what I thought was you
Falling come shelter me as I lie here bleeding
So speak & I listen
I'll take the time to hear you out
So scream & I sure listen
I just need a little time
Gathering the pieces of a stronger me
Helpless weak & battered
My wounds are bleeding
Falling out of what I know is true...
Gathering the pieces...
Falling out of what I know is true...
10. Mislead
[Lyrics: Englund]
Strapped in a bed with no clothes
The room has no windows
I try to remember last night
But there's nothing
It is cold and my body starts to shiver
I try to fight it but trying makes me nauseous
I'm having a hard time deciding
If this is where they take me
Where they take me
I'm crawling back to sleep
And I still can't believe
Howcome you lost your faith in me
I spoke with nothing but honesty
I don't recognise the silence
I can feel it the reality of it scares me
Sounds of steps outside
Keys in the door-lock
White robes they're human
I've been misled
I'm crawling back to sleep
And I still can't believe
Howcome you lost your faith in me
I spoke with nothing but honesty
[Solo Danhage]
I'm crawling back to sleep
And I still can't believe
Howcome you lost your faith in me
Why did you lose your faith
11. Mark Of The Triangle
[Lyrics: Englund]
The sun is back again the day is here
Try to recall try to remember
What night brought upon me this time
There it is I've seen it before recognise the shape
I'm scarred but not sore
Recognise the shape I recognise the shape
I've been marked by the triangle
Screams for answers
Lost beyond control
And I
I try to find a reason
But here I am a hollow soul
Here I am
I've been marked by the triangle
The night has come
It brings the fear
It's never-ending everlasting
What was that sound
Is somebody here
I can sense their presence
The room is getting colder
Screams for answers
Lost beyond control
And I
I try to find a reason
But here I am a hollow soul
Here I am
I've been marked by the triangle
[Solo Englund / Danhage]
It's getting harder to breath
Please go away
You've already taken my dignity
And what more could you possibly need
The darkness is gone
It's day...
Screams for answers
Lost beyond control
And I
I can't find a reason
So here I am a hollow soul
Here I am
I've been marked by the triangle
12. When The Walls Go Down
[Music: Englund / Zander / Danhage / Ekdahl]
Lord, if you don't help me I can't get through this.
I can't...
Lord, I'm too old for games,
Foolish wisdom...
And I'm tired of rhetoric, meaningless rhetoric that never changes
Lord, just help me,
Just help me...
I was feeling god's pain and I've never had anything that's been any worse to god,
In my fifty years that wasn't born in agony, never, never...
Damn empty...
And I know that simons won't do it,
I know that revelation won't do it,
Comedies won't do it,
I know now, oh my god do I know it...
Until I'm in agony,
Until I'm in anguish over it,
I'm preaching sermons...
Oh god...
I broke down and I wept and I mourned,
Does it matter to you at all?
I can't handle this,
I can barely make it into here...
Little by little you're losing me, you're almost caught...
Love with christ.
People I know that were my friends,
I've seen them go one by one, some of my closest friends...
You're changing from what you were,
Little by little somethings happening to you...
Will he bring you to your knees?
That's all the devil wants to do take the fight out of you, and kill it,
So you won't in prayer anymore,
So you won't weep before god anymore,
Go to HELL,
No weeping, not one prayer, still nothing,
This is life and death - and the walls go down and ruin sets in...
Where's the tears?
Where's the mourning?
Where's the confessing?
The love of christ?
I had to get the agony of gods heart...
13. Harmless Wishes
[Music: Danhange / Englund / Zander, Lyrics: Englund]
Relentless I'm speechless
I'm fooled by my inner weakness
Enticing Inspiring
Your words were so convincing
Delightful but soulless
Claimed harmless wishes seems less
Just frightening
No more dawning days
Only whispers of darkened ways
Forever falling tears
Forever falling
No more screams in vain
No more dreams put to shame
It's only me
Only me
Defenseless and smiling
Her innocence is shining
His own flesh and own blood
His words were so convincing
Delightful so beautiful
Can't stop what he's been told
She's three years old
No more dawning days
Only whispers of darkened ways
Forever falling tears
Forever falling
No more screams in vain
No more dreams put to shame
It's only me who's forever
Falling, sleepwalking, desperate, calling
No more dawning days
Only whispers of darkened ways
Forever falling tears
Lands in the hands of somber fate
14. Essence Of Conviction
[Music: Englund / Danhage / Ekdahl, Lyrics: Englund]
Her gentle hand in his
Revelation serves as bliss
They walk away from sunshine
Led to believe the lie
His lust for untouched youth
A well kept secret sealed
His every night confession
Reveals the most profane obsession
Their trust is won and fate is conquered
The essence of conviction
Why me?
I did no wrong
I did not know
You lied to me
I meant no harm
And I am blaming me
Hand in hand down the altar aisle
Her father's presence brings her to a smile
A grand welcome from the assembled crowd
Greeted as the "circles" first child
Undressed to nothing and held to the sky
Her smile is gone and she starts to cry
Desperately seeking her father's eyes
But he sees nothing
He's blind.
15. Solitude Within
[Lyrics: Englund]
Cold is the air that I breath sleepless
But I don't mind the rain
With fear I strive
But still enjoying the pain
I'm awaiting the dawn
As I welcome the end
If you ever felt the way that I feel helpless
And help is all you need
In tears you try
But there is no way
No way you can win
Solitude Within
But I don't mind the rain
Fear of...
My heart is pounding
Never so frightened
My body's trembling
I'm dying
But I don't mind the rain
Fear of
Being alone again
All I ever wished for
Was a vengeance on solitude
And all I ever longed for...
The presence of you
But I don't mind the rain
Fear of
Being alone again
But I don't mind the rain
Fear of
Solitude Within
16. Nosferatu
[Lyrics: Englund]
[Solo: Englund]
Where ever you'll go I'll be
Where ever you'll be I'll find you
I am despair
I am the cries of the abandoned child
The pain of the battered beast
The screams of the soul you keep
I am
I appear as mist and I come as fog
I fall as rain and I rise like dawn
I plant dark seeds to harvest...
To harvest the souls
To harvest the souls
Call of your angels or I'll make them stay
My fate is written and I'll make you fall from grace
You must leave your breathing life
Only to be reborn in mine
All the stories you've heard are true
The tales of my darkness too
I am the myth
I am the legend but your father too
I grant you my kingdom son
Don't you long to be what I've become
I invite you in
To live this life of immortal sin
Your birth has made you the chosen one
Your innocence so perfect for a darkened son
You'll live a life where death means no harm
You'll feed on others seduced by your deadly charm
Call of your angels or I'll make them stay
My fate is written and I'll make you fall from grace
You must leave your breathing life
Only to be reborn in mine
[Solo Bronell]
17. Recreation Day
1 step at the time
Small progess seems futile
But is as valuable as life
I'm engaged to longing
With sorrow as the ring
Controlling me, denying me
My every mourning is in every way
The beginning of a recreation day
Time heals, but still the mourning reigns
I still breath when the loss reminds me again
I am here
Life is fear & sorrow's all I know
Am I in dept cause so it seems
But what I owe
I don't know
Devoured by guilt & cursed beyond control
My every morning is in every way
The beginning of a recreation day
18. For Every Tear That Falls
Stranded on a shore of no light
The waves brings me sorrow
And with a vision of past in my mind
All I crave is to see you back in life
I call your name
But you wont hear me
I seek your eyes but they wont see
And when I reach for your hands
I realise I can't feel them no more
I see your eyes
I feel your pain
Sailing waters I am drifting inside
The wind brings me sadness
And with a vision of pain in my mind
All I wanted was not to see you die
I call you name
But you wont hear me
I seek your eyes but they wont see
And when I'm burning inside
I hope you're there
Cant you see my tears
I see your crying
And I have tried to forget
You'll always be in my mind
I stare the eyes of a man alone
A man I used to care for
A man I used to know
For every tear that falls
A wound grows bigger
Into my already bleeding soul
If I had only been there
Oh god I wish I could have saved you
I still remember the times we shared
I've tried to keep inside the grief I suffer
I can't believe that I been swept away
Like I never existed
As a part of your life
[Solo: Englund]
I'm still stranded on the shore of no light
And the same wave still brings me sorrow
And I'm drifting yes drifting inside
And my wound grows bigger
For every tear that falls
For every tear that falls
19. Touch Of Blessing
[Music: Englund, Lyrics: Englund]
Climbing walls of an endless circle
Walking paths you never heard of
Struggling in an endless battle
Searching for a higher purpose
Drowning in betrayals river
The freezing cold will make you shiver
Join the world of greater learning
Crown me king and be my servants
Mislead by beauty
One you rarely find
So loving and friendly
It's one of a kind
Their arms wide open
Willing to take me in
No doubts in choosing
A world free from sin
All the dreams I had
All my future wishes
Put aside for a greater journey
All the things I planned
Left my friends so coldly
Put aside for a
20. The Masterplan
[Lyrics: Englund]
Look at me
And tell me if there's something
Strange you see
Am I special - something's wrong
- can't be the only one
Talk to me stare me in the eyes
And say you know it too
It really doesn't matter
I know your fear - seen it all
The truth
We are all a part of
Forced to live within
A conspiracy for ages
The masterplan
Tell you about my theory
Cleanse myself from secrecy
Prove it's not all fantasies
All to live in decency
My quest for answers
The truth of what lies behind
The search is over
And I'm in shock of what I've found
We are all a part of
Forced to live within
A conspiracy for ages
The masterplan
[Solo Danhage / Englund]
We are all a part of
Forced to live within
A conspiracy for ages
The masterplan
[Solo Danhage]