« Under the Influence »
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1 | Shred 04:05
 | 2 | Never Say Never 04:59
 | 3 | Hello From the Gutter 04:14
 | 4 | Mad Gone World 04:32
 | 5 | Brainfade 04:09
 | 6 | Drunken Wisdom 06:18
 | 7 | End of the Line 07:03
 | 8 | Head First 06:03
 | 9 | Overkill III (Under the Influence) 06:31
 | | Total playing time: 47:54 |
   Bobby Ellsworth - vocals
Bobby Gustafson - guitars
D.D. Verni - bass
Sid Falck - drums |
 | 1. Shred
Last time you saw me,
I was walking, out the door.
Got a nasty habit,
Comin'..., back for more.
Ain't just a threat no!
It's a promise, well kept.
So when all is said and done,
I came to shred...
Shred! Simply stated,
Shred! In a word.
Shred! Simply stated,
Dirty l |
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 На своём третьем альбоме «Under The Influence» развитие коснулось и этих стоических и бескомпромиссных американских трешеров. На место барабанщика Рэта Скэйтса пришёл Сид Фалк. Из музыкальной палитры напрочь пропали элементы стиля спид металл, и воцарилось полное треш металлическое буйство. Кроме того, на передний план вылезла чётко ощутимая треш металлическая бас гитара, которая своей жесткостью и остротой может легко перемолоть мозги кому угодно. К сожалению, с этими изменениями почти пропала и вся мелодика, сделав из Overkill ещё одну просто треш металл группу. На этом в принципе можно было бы и закончить данную рецензию, если бы не одно жирное НО. Музыканты настоящие профи и отсутствие цепляющих мелодий они компенсируют огромной дозой энергии и драйва, а также приличными показателями техничности и инструментальной виртуозности. Дело в том, что теперь уже музыкантов нельзя назвать неотёсанными молодчиками, нарезающими треш только ради одного – просто тупо потрясти башкой и хорошо оторваться. Теперь они возводят стиль треш металл в более высокий статус, показывая его с другой стороны – со стороны специфического музыкального искусства. Таким образом, группа резко, всего лишь за один год, изменила своё звучание, и стала уже полностью походить на тот Overkill, который мы с вами можем наблюдать и сегодня. Из самых интересных композиций я бы выделил открывающий забойный трек «Shred», потенциальный хит «Hallo From The Gutter», который крутили даже на МТВишном «Headbangers Ball», сумасшедший угар «Mad Gone World», который может служить и служит хорошим примером для многих пауэр трешевых коллективов, забавную прогрессивную тему «Drunken Wisdom», а также заключительный на альбоме номер «Overkill 3 (Under The Influence)», первые две части, которого можно встретить и в предыдущих дисках «Feel The Fire» и «Taking Over», но здесь он появляется уже последний раз в творчестве банды. В целом, альбом по мелодическим меркам не представляет никакой ценности, но вот с точки зрения треш металла – «Under the Influence» работа неплохая. Однако складывается впечатление, будто с выпуска сильнейшего дебютного альбома «Feel The Fire» группа медленно, но уверенно снижает свои позиции. |
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После успешных пластинок “Feel the Fire” и “Taking Over”, которые были отличными образцами мелодик-трэша, казалось бы, самое время выпускать шедевр, но нет, – “Under the Influence”, на самом деле, крайне слабая работа. Альбом начинается просто крышесносящей «Shred», но вскоре слушатель поймёт, что эта песня лишена целостности и разделена на куски, абсолютно не связанные между собою. С последующими песнями та же ситуация. Что же случилось? Overkill так сильно торопились выпустить новый альбом, что забыли об элементарной целостности и грамотных структурах композиций? Мало того, на альбоме почти нет той мелодики, что радовала слушателя на предыдущих двух дисках. Но вскоре можно понять, что Overkill-то во всех этих минусах не сильно виноваты, – большая часть вины лежит на ужасном звуке: слишком много лишних шумов, риффы смазаны, а бас-гитара сильно доминирует над другими инструментами. На следующем Overkill’овском альбоме звук в несколько раз лучше, а ведь разница между “Under the Influence” и “The Years of Decay” составляет всего один год. Собственно, из-за этого ужасного звука у нас даже нет возможности полностью оценить талант ребят. Мало того, что звук делает песни смазанными, так и сами Overkill’овцы, в погоне за более сложными структурами, посочиняли распадающиеся на кусочки композиции. Из песен выделить можно всего лишь один трек – "End of the Line". Эта песня очень сильно выпадает из общего фона, т.к. в ней имеется очень мелодичный кусочек в середине с потрясающим соло. Впрочем, если хорошо вслушаться, то можно насладиться этим альбомом, можно даже уловить мелодику, но для этого придётся одолеть в схватке ужаснейший саунд. |
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просмотров: 34106 |
Spreadin' like the plague. in every little town.
Capturing the spirit! and goin' to the head.
Comin' from a blindspot,
Comin' out to shred! shred!
You know me...
Next time you see me!
I'll be walking, through that door.
And all those nasty habits,
Risin' up once more.
Here comes the promise,
In actions not said.
So make no bones about it...
I'm back to shred....!
You or me.
Shred! Simply.
Shred! Shred!
Shred! In a word...
Shred! Shred! Shred!
Shred!!! Shred!
2. Never Say Never
I climb the mountian, for all to see.
Systematic ascention! is a part of me.
I've felt the fire! been taken over.
I'm pushin' forward and getting closer.
From the fire to the streets.
I've seen it all...
I've melted in the heat,
An' I heard the call.
And then a brand new day!
A chance to be reborn.
I've seen another way.
No time to sit and mourn.
There's a light that shines at the tunnel's end.
It lights... my every step.
I came here to win.
Never say never.
Shadows of things that might have been.
Or another sunset simply gone.
Ponder questions without answers.
Indecision spreads like cancer.
Wash the dirt from beneath your nails
One has tried, one has never failed!!!
I'm getting closer, can see the top.
And when I started! knew I'd never stop.
The road was long and hard! the climb was rough.
But to a greater end, ya hang... tough.
Pulled it from inside of me.
It drove me forever.
Didn't want to sit and rot.
Wanted better.
From the fire to the streets.
You never never
Never say never!
Never say never!
No! never! Hey!
3. Hello From The Gutter
All those dreams and broken glass.
Swept down the sewer with the rest of the trash.
Never to be seen again.
Now you're makin' a home in a garbage can!!!
But here's a little story that I lived to tell.
Hello from the gutter!
Hello from our little hell...!
Wasted days, watsed nights.
Hypnotized by the city lights!
Another king, another queen.
Livin' in the shadows so they can't be seen!
Remember all the world lies at your feet.
And the big apple's rotten,
Rotten in the heat.
Hello! Hello!
Hello from the gutter.
Hello! Hello!
Hello from the gutter!!!
Hello! Hello!
Hello from the gutter.
Hello! Hello!
Hello from the gutter...!!!
Gutter child, sweet sixteen.
Broadway stars that have never been!!!
All those dreams and broken glass,
Swept down the sewer with the rest of the trash.
Well here's a little story that we lived to tell.
Hello from the gutter!
Hello from our little hell...!
Hello from the gutter.
Hello from the gutter. Hey!
Welcome the the gutter!
We've been expecting you!
4. Mad Gone World
Cutting through confusion,
Takes you far away.
Confusing an illusion,
With thoughts that go astray.
In a world gone mad and thriving in the boundaries of your brain,
Imprisoned in a world created soley for the purpose of a crunch.
What ya see and what ya feel,
Are nothing nothing real.
A visionary climax!
An imagery so clear.
Losing touch or reason,
Both quickly slip away.
Imprisoned in a world created soley for the purpose of a...
Save me from this mad gone world.
Save me from myself.
Save me from this mad gone world!!!
I need help.
Save me from this mad gone world.
Save me from decisions.
Save me from this mad gone world!!!
And indecision!!!
One million minutes...
One million nights.
One million dreams I've had!
And a million fights.
Livin' in a mad gone world,
Livin' blind.
Livin' with this worldly madness,
Just a state of mind.
Just a state of mind.
Mad! Mad gone world!
5. Brainfade
Spit it out, suck it in.
Let that genius flow.
All the answers to all the questions,
There's nothing you don't know.
Experience is an asset,
When you've done most anything.
Just call it intuition.
Just call it anything!
Watch him fade,
The jack of all trades.
Backed against the wall...!
Watch him fade,
He's quite afraid,
To contradict it all!
I know you like a book.
I know all the lies.
I know, that you know,
Your mouth is catchin' flies.
Blank expression, a burnt out bulb,
A thimble full of wit.
Endless stories never follow,
In short you're full of shit.
Watch him fade,
The jack of all trade.
Backed against that wall...
To an all but captive audience,
Watch out!
Here it comes!
Take a minute to think,
Stop flappin' your gums
You're gettin' in deep.
And I'm fallin' asleep.
When you're talkin' to me,
It's easy to see,
That what comes outta your mouth,
I can't beleive!
"Hey you know, you ain't gonna beleive,
this is what really happened last night.
Vegas, I went out there, I went, I lost a hundred bucks.
I go all the way back to the RV, right?
I get back, I don't even drink any times.
I got another hundred bucks, I didn't wanna be screwed up.
I finally won all my money back. Unbeleivable... by the way,
what the hell did you guys do with all the towels?
I'm gonna have to explain this to the desk clerk."
Brain! fade!
Spit it out, suck it in.
Let that genius flow.
All the answers to all the questions,
There's nothing you don't know.
Blank expression, a burnt out bulb,
A thimble full of wit.
Endless stories never follow,
In short you're full of shit!!!
Watch him fade,
The jack of all trades.
Backed against the wall...!
Watch him fade,
He's quite afraid,
He'll contradict it all!
Watch him fade,
The jack of all trades.
Up against that wall...!
Watch him fade,
He's quite afraid,
He'll contradict it all!
6. Drunken Wisdom
Stop cryin'.
Ain't feeling sorry for you.
Why don't you fade away?
Got no time.
No time for what I gotta do.
And get a message through.
Kiss my ass.
Your bitchin's a bore.
Don't wanna hear it no... more.
So stop cryin'.
Ain't feelin' nothing for you.
Don't like it there's the door.
Sorry if I'm not as nice as you could be!
Why don't you take the time to see?
That the world! does not revolve around only you.
And we got better things to do.
You're starvin'.
Just startin' to talk.
I think you know it all...
I'm sick.
I eat this shit everyday,
Why don't we give you a call.
And a reason to live.
You answer questions for me..!
With a brain like a sieve,
Why don't you let it be?
Come back here, drink our beer,
Bend my ear with no idea!
Wrong or right,
A true philosopher.
Defining our performance.
Why don't you get yourself a life?
Just get the fuck out.
We don't care, what they say,
We'll be there tommorrow! like we're here today.
And all the criticism in the world,
Won't change a note we play!!!
Mix it up, throw it down,
We came to play, not to mess around.
We don't care, what they say,
We'll be there tommorrow like we're here today.
Don't do it for the money.
Do it for the thrill.
True to life is what you get,
We're, livin' for the kill.
7. End Of The Line
Take a look.
Take a good long look, and tell me what you see.
Through time passing.
Make a stand.
In your way,
Leaves way... too much for me.
On the edge,
I was there when lightning struck,
I watched the idols fall.
I could see it coming,
Could read the writing on the wall!
Time. Time after time.
The end of the line.
We stand and watch it fade away...
Sign of the time's the end of the line.
It's your move.
So play... it right.
Sometimes you get just one chance.
If I had the time I still wouldn't dance.
I was there when lightning struck,
And yes I kept my head.
I could feel them coming,
Could feel the living dead!!! Dead! Dead!!!
Save your breath,
Don't pray for me, pray for yourself.
Through time, keeling.
It's the end.
It snuck up...
Quick and took you by surprise.
The waiting's over.
I was there when lightning struck,
I watched the idols crawl.
It was the second coming.
It was written on the wall!
8. Head First
I push to the left, you pull to the right!
It's a stand off.
Gainin' no ground.
Outta the dark and into the lights!
It's a breakthrough.
Startin' with sound.
I can't forget the look on your face!
In shock,
Startin' ta sweat.
All wet make a bet!
It hasn't even started yet.
But I got a nickel that says it will!!!
Head first!
You'll compromise,
You'll let us in,
You'll spread 'em wide,
We're divin' in head first!
Head first!
Climb on the horse and start to ride!
Slow curves.
Swingin' the bat.
Up down the front and side to side!
Code blue.
We need it stat.
I got the reason that makes you go!
Mid air.
Suspended animation.
Layin' down on the rug,
Start it with a little tug,
And I got a nickel that sez you will!!!
It all starts with a kiss of death!
Move on.
Down to ya knees.
In head first take a deep breath!
Down there.
So at ease.
It all ends with an all out dive!
This time.
I think ya do.
Say you will say ya won't.
I don't care if ya don't.
But I got a nickel that sez you do!
9. Overkill III (Under The Influence)
Shall I wake or shall I sleep?
With dreams so warm so soft so deep.
A never ending tale enhanced.
A never ending thought...
Its... entranced...!!
Take from me. what you need.
Take my heart my soul my seed.
A lasting presence inside my mind.
At last a presence, a contract signed.
Turned my back, when I first saw you.
Turned to stone, when I ignored you!
Then something greater then my will,
Turned me round to Overkill.
From the shadows, called my name.
From the cold in, to the flame.
The wings around me kept me warm.
Through hollow eyes I was reborn.
All around me once dispised,
Could see the world now...
Through his eyes!
A people lead by blind ambition.
Signed on for life, into submission.
Hear me...
I hear your call!
I'd give it all.
If all my dreams come to life.
Hear me...
I hear your call!
I'd give it all.
If all my fears come to light.
Shall I wake or shall I dream?
Shall I become just what it seems,
A never ending tale fulfilled,
A never ending Overkill!!!
To see to taste, to touch the world
In jaded glory. danced and whirled!
To see it happen, as was told.
As new beginnings, now unfold.
Light the sky, the glow above.
See the bat, eat the dove!
Another stage, completed mission.
Signed on for life into submission.