 Музыка этой группы довольно приятна и легка для восприятия, однако ничего выдающегося из себя не представляет. Типичный такой коммерческий фолк-рок с чересчур частым использованием оркестра, больше всего напоминающий Eagles, в т.ч. и по вокалу, только менее интересный. Команда представляла собой трио вокалистов-гитаристов (почти что «роботы-гитаристы» :-)), ну а басистов и ударников они приглашали сессионных. Кстати, группа образовалась в Великобритании, однако сами ребята были американцами – их отцы были военнослужащими. Название группы появилось не только как воспоминание о родине, куда парни уехали уже для выпуска дебютного альбома, но и в честь любимого ими полуакустического трио Crosby, Stills & Nash. Кстати, продюсером на данном альбоме, уже четвертом по счету, стал Джордж Мартин. Поклонники «битлов» поймут, что эта за личность.
Начинается альбом с красивого минутного инструментала «Miniature» с мягкими клавишными и торжественно звучащими струнными и духовыми. Ну а далее идет целый набор довольно простых композиций, причем ни одна из них не превышает по времени 3,5 минут, а в ритм-секции никогда не используется жесткая гитара. Одной из особенностей музыки является вынесение на передний план бас-гитары, которая очень часто сопровождает фортепьянные проигрыши. Лучшими вещами я бы назвал «Tin Man», с аллюзией на Оловянного Человечка из «Волшебника страны Оз» (в русском варианте – Железный Дровосек), и «Hollywood», со звуками улицы и сигналящих машин, в которой Голливуд описывается как довольно приятное место; однако и они более чем на четверочку по 5-балльной системе не тянут.
В остальных кое-какой интерес представляют отдельные музыкальные моменты и иногда тексты: «Another Try» с флейтой, рассказывающая о пьющем отце и плачущей по этому поводу матери; «Lonely People» с акустической гитарой и гармоникой, являющаяся обращением ко всем тем, кому жизнь не мила; «Glad to See You», рассказывающая о неожиданной встрече с девушкой, которая когда-то оставила лирического героя; прикольная «Mad Dog», еще одно признание в любви; «Baby It’s Up to You», размышление о том, что делать, когда отношения зашли в тупик; «You», с милой игрой на флейте и текстом на тему «Ты от меня ушла, ну и никто тебя теперь не любит»; «Old Man Took», в котором рассказывается о знакомом лирического героя – пожилом рыбаке, наставляющем его; «What Does It Matter», представляющая вариации на тему «Glad to See You», только тут герой относится к своей давней знакомой уже более безразлично; «In the Country» с прикольной гармоникой, звенящими перкуссиями и звуками шумной толпы в конце – послушав эту вещь, действительно хочется отправиться в деревню (только не картошку копать!).
Если не хотите сильно загружать мозги, то такая музыка вполне подойдет. |
And cause never was the reason for the evening
Or the tropic of sir Galahad
So please believe in me
When I say I’m spinning round, round, round, round
Smoke glass stain bright color
Image going down, down, down, down
Soapsuds green like bubbles
Oh, Oz never did give nothing to the tin man
That he didn’t, didn’t already have
And cause never was the reason for the evening
Or the tropic of sir Galahad
So please believe in me
When I say I’m spinning round, round, round, round
Smoke glass stain bright color
Image going down, down, down, down
Soapsuds green like bubbles
No, Oz never did give nothing to the tin man
That he didn’t, didn’t already have
And cause never was the reason for the evening
Or the tropic of sir Galahad
So please believe in me
3. Another Try
Hey, daddy just lost his pay
What did he do it for
It never made it through our door
He drank the whole week away
And what can a family say
There must be a better way
Now mama don’t start to cry
Let’s give him another try
Pick up the telephone
Tell him you want him home
To sit and watch the evenings pass
And readin’ the leaves of grass
I’m caught in a closing door
It’s pinning me to the floor
Now mama don’t start to cry
Let’s give him another try
I’m caught in a closing door
It’s pinning me to the floor
Now mama don’t start to cry
Let’s give him another try
When we’re old and gray
And the things we say are the things we really mean
So why cause a scene
When things ain’t what they seem
’cause the end result’s the same
Now what can a family say
There must be a better way
Now mama don’t start to cry
Let’s give him another try
4. Lonely People
This is for all the lonely people
Thinking that life has passed them by
Don’t give up until you drink from the silver cup
And ride that highway in the sky
This is for all the single people
Thinking that love has left them dry
Don’t give up until you drink from the silver cup
You never know until you try
Well, I’m on my way
Yes, I’m back to stay
Well, I’m on my way back home (hit it)
This is for all the lonely people
Thinking that life has passed them by
Don’t give up until you drink from the silver cup
And never take you down or never give you up
You never know until you try
5. Glad to See You
(Written by Dan Peek)
Bells ring in my ear
Voices I hear
Whispering daily to me
Love in your fire
High on a wire
When I know you’re near me
God, I’m glad to see you
I thought you’d left me far away
I wouldn’t give much to be you
But I want you to know I feel this way
All over the world
Flags are being unfurled
Waving before the dawning
I’m watching the show
The last one to know
Which way that things are going
God, I’m glad to know you
I thought you’d left me far away
I wouldn’t give much to be you
But I want you to know I feel this way
Cars fighting their way
Out of L.A.
On a Sunday morning
I’m watching the show
The last one to know
Which way that things are going
God, I’m glad to see you
I thought you’d left me far away
I wouldn’t give much to be you
But I want you to know I feel this way
God, I’m glad to know you
6. Mad Dog
Through the darkness I see you again
Watch my temperature rise
Can’t believe my eyes, don’t tell me
I’ve had way too much tonight
Drank the potion stronger than me
Got me all confused
Why you so amused, don’t tell me
You’ve had way too much tonight
Please don’t tell me no
God, I miss you so
One thing you should know
God, I love you so, oh
Had way too much tonight
I’m a mad dog at times like these
Don’t know where to turn
Ain’t the time to learn my lesson
I’ve had way too much tonight
Ain’t the time to learn my lesson
I’ve had way too much to-
Really too much to-
I’ve had way too much tonight
I’ve had way too much to-
Really too much to-
I’ve had way too much tonight
7. Hollywood
Orange and yellow and purple and green
The lights of the city at night set the scene
Stumble through the bars of forget-me-not lane
Sparkle through the glitter but don’t show the pain
In Hollywood
Underneath a golden palm tree
Come to the party the drinks are on me
For free
Heartbeats echo through a cavern of love
Come to the tavern I’ll meet you up above
Soaring through the heavens, what a fabulous ride
But everybody’s heading for the same place to hide
In Hollywood
Underneath a golden palm tree
Come to the party the drinks are on me
For free
The drink’s on me
For free
The drink’s on me
For free
The drink’s on me
The drink’s on me
The drink’s on me
The drink’s on me
8. Baby It’s Up to You
Time to make a change
Time to rearrange
Sooner or later
It’s somethin’ you gotta do
Baby it’s up to you
What are you gonna do
Lately it’s up to you
Who’s gonna help you through
Every now and then
Trying to pretend
I don’t wanna see you
Sorry but that ain’t true
Baby it’s up to you
What are you gonna do
Lately it’s up to you
Who’s gonna see you through
Every now and then
Trying to pretend
I don’t wanna see you
Sorry but that ain’t true
Baby it’s up to you
What are you gonna do
Lately it’s up to you
What are you gonna do
Baby it’s up to you (baby it’s up to you)
Baby it’s up to you (baby it’s up to you)
Baby it’s up to you
Who’s gonna help you through
9. You
(Written by Dan Peek)
How’d you ever get so cool
Your mother must have kept you out of school
You never learned the golden rule
You think you’ve got a reputation
You had a smile on your face too soon
Too bad you never learned the tune
Without me, who loves you now
You had a smile on your face too soon
Too bad you never learned the tune
Without me, who loves you now
Go to who loves you now
And tell ’em you’re sorry
Don’t need eyes to see you
No one else can tell you how
We were so close to you
There was not anything we wouldn’t do
For you
Nobody loves you now
Nobody loves you now
Nobody loves you now
Nobody loves you now
10. Old Man Took
For the last time
I watched old man took bait his hook
And then throw his line
Pick up his wine
He’s a friend of mine
Known him all my life and his wife
’neath the swayin’ pine
And the clingin’ vine
Just before he left
He said now young man
Take good care don’t let the bugs bite
Please make sure to say a word at night
For all your brothers feeling blue
Blue, blue, blue
All the time
So I stayed awhile
Took my tea alone, called it home
Like a playing child
Running wild
Heard a bluejay call
Said we got you now
Hope you bow
To the old man’s word
I’m sure you heard
Just before he left
He said now young man
Take good care don’t let the bugs bite
Please make sure to say a word at night
For all your brothers feeling blue
Blue, blue, blue
All the time
Now young man
Take good care don’t let the bugs bite
Please make sure to say a word at night
For all your brothers feeling blue
Feeling blue
Feeling blue
Feeling blue
Feeling blue
Feeling blue
Feeling blue
Feeling blue
Feeling blue ...
11. What Does It Matter
(Written by Gerry Beckley)
Look the lady’s got a photograph
Silver framed and velvet backed
Well, she took it quite a while ago
Funny that she never let me know
What does it matter to me
If it doesn’t show
I just don’t know
It’s only just a memory
Just a little history
Oh, oh, oh
And now she’s wearing satin shoes
Gilded hair to pay the dues
I guess that I should tip my hat
I wonder if she’d think of looking back
What does it matter to me
If it doesn’t show
I just don’t know
It’s only just a memory
Just a little history
Oh, oh
In the parking lot late at night
Paper straws never worked out right
I knew I wanted to
But didn’t know why
So I just said hi
(everybody sing along now)
12. In the Country
(Written by Dan Peek)
All you brothers and sisters
Lookin’ for a better way
Why don’t you all go to the country
Hitch a ride from the city
Get away for the day
The summertime is gonna take you
People playing music won’t forsake you
But when it’s hot
You gotta go all the way
All you dancers and twisters
Lookin’ for a place to play
Why don’t you all go to the country
People in the city
Get away for the day
I don’t know how I’m gonna do it
But someone else will push me to it
But when it’s hot
You gotta go all the way
The summertime is gonna take you
People playing music won’t forsake you
I don’t know how I’m gonna do it
But someone else will push me to it