 Случайно попался мне в руки этот вот диск. Имея дома первый альбом, я сразу же не колеблясь принялся за прослушивание. Хм...трек первый, хе-хе, опять депрессивное интро, но на этот раз слышен едва заметный "шепот"...а вот что я услышал потом меня немного поразило, поразило то что второй трек альбома начался так внезапно, как ураган, такого я не слышал на первом одноименном альбоме, мои колонки забились в огненном шквале, на протяжении всей песни мне приподносились сюрпризы. Синтезатор! Плавное переливание синтезатора, опять же на первом диске он отсутствует напроч. А здесь он прекрасно дополнил музыку не в коем случае не испортив дикую атмосферу, а наоборот предал ей более плотную энергетику. Структура композиций стала более сложной, качество музыки также возросло, третья...четвертая....альбом слушается буквально на одном дыхании! Моя любимая 6 песня, такой красивой музыки я давно не слушал, жадно перебирая последние работы всех групп в этом стиле. Если первый альбом был более депресивным..медленным, то на этом диске вы услышите больше ярости, агресии...вообщем диск мне очень понравился, сохраняя настоящее звучание блека он все же являет собой множество идей и звучит очень даже неплохо на фоне остальных. |
My holy world now divide into parts, The Day and The Night!
But we don't sleep in night and our power will grow and we ready for fight!
My dark winter kingdom, where powers of darkness.
Here eternal wisdom... My frozen throne.
Where's my scepter? He is my hand!
I'm a king in my home... My frozen throne!
Light spawned by false God, in human souls now! Now human race is sheeps!
And world screaming, nature dying, in man's mind disorder and Earth weeps.
We born in this world to create hateful legion of scorn!
If you want, be global holocaust! If not, then no more born!!!
My dark winter kingdom, where powers of darkness.
Here eternal wisdom... My frozen throne.
Where's my scepter? He is my hand!
I'm a king in my home... My frozen throne!
Everytime I Die
Moonlight shadows my eyes see.
In dark forest my soul is free.
Black spirit in me, dissolved in night.
Darkness embraced me, only moon is bright.
Raven on my shoulder. Wolf at my legs.
In this place my powers full and my health.
I enjoy of this unhuman lands.
Here I hunter, here all my friends.
When sunlight filling darkness.
And morning come, into me emptiness.
My suffering were growing, with every ray.
Everytime I die. I'm zombie, my spirit in fly.
Pain and suffering, my soul feel.
In day only my flesh, All is not real.
Anywhere alien eyes, i live in lies.
In sunlights my existence, never be.
I'm dying in painful solitude.
Hateful, Dreadful, where is my tribute?
The black epoch coming soon.
I feel that, we will rise like moon.
In a death of a night, I hide my soul in sleep.
Sometime in a death of a night my soul weep.
Somewhere one more soul, call my name.
Someday I find her, our pain will fall with rain.
I'm Possessed.
Like a angel, your blaze, I see.
My sacrificial virgin, Worship Me!!!
I hate you, I hate all.
All my powers infernal.
My mind is thrilling, when your flesh into my eyes.
My desire is growing, when from you, bloody flow arise.
When full moon in a sky.
I begin satisfy my excess.
I enjoy my violence.
Sometimes I'm Possessed.
I'm possessed.
Slow, bushy and crimson creek.
Flow from her belly and mouth...
My lust is great!!! Power is weak.
Like a Bloody Diamonds...
Drops of gore fall at my sword.
Moveing in down, seeping into cunt.
My tongue, rageing in flesh.
My lips feel, taste, sweet!!!
After Enjoyed, I begin coition.
I didn't control my sexual emotion.
My pillar of love, shipped in her wound.
In instinct, moving in bleeding flesh.
Under sound of her death, pain moan.
Hoarse screams and odour of rot.
Forces me come to highest bliss.
I am infernal sadist..
Victory On Deity
Measly religion, exist two thousand years.
Wiped their laps, in faith, born in fears.
Miserable mumble, to their deity, who's false.
What they can make by their meaningless wails?
Hear me all, my allys, who wait.
All Earth will be our home, all disappear.
Nothing can't disturb us!
Their end is come. Our triumph near!
Victory on deity.
Comeing time, when conception of light will be absent.
Victory on deity. Useless any resistance.
Comeing time, when Earth will cease own existence.
What protect him, when legions of scorn.
Сrush on the Earth, thousand years of pain.
Honour and faithfulness, their faith was born by
Not fear and lie, but internal self-preservation feeling.
From all who's trying to protect.
Will be created weapon, against him.
Drone from heavens, mean that doomsday has come, Obey!.
Fall of gold splinters on domes.
Churchs now embraced by flame.
Pitiless hurricane of chaos sweep away all at his way.
Majestic Flame Of Darkness
From the dark, horror, cold.
Mirrors see how I go.
I moveing in my beautiful kingdom.
Where my home, darkness, life.
Majestic flame of darkness.
From dark hearts and souls.
Majestic flame of darkness.
From dark feeling, eternal flame.
Romantic smell of death.
I like my holy place.
I see my love, my temptress.
Artificial light, heating my face.
Majestic flame of darkness.
From dark hearts and souls.
Majestic flame of darkness.
From dark feeling, eternal flame.
Here so cold, very cold.
Here not place for world regress.
Wisdom and ancient powers here.
Candles crying at wax like tear.
Dark... Is Just My Way
Candel's flame – my light.
In a wall my blood is bright.
In any day I will omen.
Like pestilence, I spawning torments.
Everywhere I feel cold.
I enjoy, when evil me devoured.
Searching, I will obsess.
In waiting of smell of death!
Dark...is just my way.
Night after night, day after day.
People was scared me.
Because, We sowing satan's seed!
My morbid mind feel only hate!
In self-preservation way my fate!
In today's world we – heretics.
She have black soul and eyes, are you witch!??
Whahahahaha...you don't know us.
We part of you, live after dusk.
Dark...is just our way.
Night after night, day after day.
It's manifesto? May be, may not.
We born with other mind you forgot.
Our soul fill with other light!
From born 'till death we live to fight
Dark...is just own way.
Night after night, day after day.
Dark...is just my way.
Night after night, day after day.
Way Of Existence
Signs of decay.
Smouldering your flesh.
Born with dying like toy.
In hands of death.
Death – so strange...
Didn't understand...
Why your corpse in land?
Time has come.
Annihilation has begun!
Support the Dark Legion!
And human kind been gone!
When night fall...
Crimson display come...
Hear spirit call...
Feel the end of all!
Cursed smell.
Falling from grace.
To sick disgrace.
Human race in hell!
Funeral like tradition.
Different methods, conditions..
Only the Death actual!
Because be dead you all!
Spiritual development.
Lost...ancient wisdom too.
Stay and die for you religion!
Only this way waiting for you!
Outro (Anxiety)
Mysterious images and silent screams.
My essence and behaviour wants be free.
I live primeval life – there.
Where dreams. Where society make up their rules.
Sometimes...I think about my past.
Sometimes...that will never last.
Sometimes...may be all disappear...
Sometimes...from my mind like tear.
Anxiety...pain will grow...
Anxiety...emotions is flow.
Anxiety...powers of my soul.
Anxiety...instinct of self-preservation.
Dark forests, vast lands – i feel their calls.
From depths of my unexplored consciousness.
Thy released spirit of society, who's abjectness.
I feel their rotten souls, disclaimed of pain.
Forgeted...Eternity... I worship your majesty.
Thousands years was burning...
Thousands candles in tombs Entombed in dust...
My Anxiety is Reality...
My Anxiety is Reality...