 Третий альбом прогрессив рокеров заявил о себе как о сложном, концептуальном и прогрессивном творении. Но оказалось на самом то деле это творение длинным, нудным и скучным пережевывание по восемь-десять минут одинаковых мелодических кусков, без какой-либо цели, просто так, дабы создать обманчивый размах и широту произведения. Но это что касается мелодической стороны рассматриваемой пластинки. Если же углубляться в технические детали, то выглядит ситуация несомненно внушительно. Качество записи на высоком профессиональном уровне. Аранжировки просто великолепны. Вокал Барнетта стал вновь привлекательным и более агрессивным, и даже живым и несколько колючим, хотя до сих пор весьма эмоциональным и чувственным. Переводить все тексты, чтобы сказать о точном содержании и всей концепции диска я не берусь, но по общим впечатлениям – текстовая палитра выглядит достаточно сильно и интересно. Это нечто философское и в каком-то роде фантастическое и, конечно же, ощутимо мрачное и депрессивное. Взять хотя бы открывающую песню – не тяжёлый забойный боевик, а очень мягкая, грустная и мелодичная баллада «The End», повествующая о конце всего – любви и жизни. Это кстати ещё и самый большой хит, а также лучший номер на альбоме. Несмотря на такой серьёзный и можно сказать ловкий подход к оформлению, парни сочинили довольно-таки мало хороших, действительно цепляющих песен. Хотя всё-таки несколько шедевров сюда как-то да затесалось. Это, конечно же, чумовой медляк «The Wrong Side Of The Moon», с ведущей партией аккордеона. Эта композиция мне живо напомнила некоторые вещи Пинк Флойда, несмотря на то, что обладает она мелодикой в чисто Rough Silk`овском ключе. В общем, очень сильная композиция, показывающая, что у данного коллектива ещё всё впереди. К моему огромному сожалению, до названных песен совершенно не дотягивает ни одна из оставшихся композиций. И особенно расстраивает отсутствие какого-нибудь тяжёлого супер-хита. Как бы то ни было, назвать остальной материал проходящим я не могу. Но вот его узкая направленность на слушателей и поклонников прогрессивного рока – видна с первого взгляда, что не так уж и плохо, стоит заметить. Только судя по всему остальных рокеров далёких от прога «The Circle Of Pain» вряд ли сможет чем-то привлечь или заинтересовать. Если же сравнить с предыдущим альбомом "Walls Of Never", то напрашиваются не совсем позитивные ассоциации. В целом, не совсем плохая работа, хотя и реально посредственная. |
what are we fightin' for
why do we still want more?
another lie - another battlecry
as time goes by this is the end of love
this is the end of hope
this is the end and this is the time
and maybe it's just a simple rhyme
this is the end of life
and this is the end of the fight
there's so much we never should understand
and this is the end
the little boy's now grey to pass away
waitin' for his judgement day
- come what may
when dreams decay
and here I stand and watch the waters flow
and still I don't know
where do we go from here?
2. Insania
here's to you, my fatherland
silent scream - my only friend
traces - disillusion - down
masquerader - sailor - clown
I was born without a home
blue wherever I may roam
seems like finally I would find
everlasting peace of mind
- Insania
all the laughter - all the pain
all the troubles - all the rain
all the fun we had - INSANIA
all the rumors - all the heat
all the prayers to the backbeat
all the things we said - INSANIA - gone too far... in my heart - in my soul
I take a dice and let it roll
there's a place for the last and the only ones
there's place for disgrace where the braindeer runs
to the pole.
All my life I tried to hide
where the rising shaddows ride
teardrops from a spaceship flown
silent waters made of stone - Insania...
3. Circle Of Pain
man will come and man will go
man will fight and still don't know
why man must altuays rise and fall
take the gun and want it all
man of hatred - man of gain
man of children died in vain
man of war - what for?
man must eat and man must kill
man must pay another bill
man must do what leaders say
but men believe in "their own way"
man hits wife and wife beats kid
kid kicks dog but the dog's too fit
to bite the cat for a chain
and the circle of pain
men of steel and men of pride
do sometimes need a place to hide
men of trust and men of black
some men are never comin' back
man needs money - money needs fame
man who loses tries to blame
the world, the stars, the rain
and the circle of pain stairway melter
lightning strikes when
frightening shelter likes - you
circle of pain - mankind insane
over and over - you cannot deny
that the world's biggest lie
does remain - in the circle of pain
man needs trouble - man needs sin
man must play and always win
man needs women - you ain't got one?
well, real men hide their tears in blood
man must walk alone but tall
and man must hate the wake up call
men go down the drain - circle of pain
funny how it seems to be a little bit of history
funny how it seems to be a little bit of ....life?
4. Les Chiens De La Guerre
it happened in the gutters
near the dirty river's shore
where the rats were the readers
and on the run
from the rising sun
and the war
they ain't gonna follow their leaders
down the drain
in the pouring rain
in the chest of someone who just lost his life
with the light of dawn was found a soldier's knife
cold september day - dark and grey
watch out - beware
les chiens de la guerre
tears like raindrops fall - reaper's call
la peine des meres
les chiens de la guerre in the name of the father - in the name of the gun
in the name of whatever
they'll find a reason
when it's hunting season
and fun
'cause some brains were never
made for thinkin'
and there's still some drinkin' to be done
seas of blood and slime
helmets filled with hate
raise your glass, my friend
it's time to kill your mate
cold september day.............
[For the ones who don't speak French, here are some translations:]
[les chiens de la guerre = the dogs of war]
[la peine des meres = the pain of mothers]
5. Life Goes On
you got fallen reasons in one blink
you got people always tryin' to think
you got sisters in a traffic jam
my body's like a tram
you got trouble melted by the heat
liberty on dead end street
you got an iron lion sighin' when you're cryin'
and life goes on
on and on - tomorrow I'll be gone
but life goes on
so you were born where the black cats stray
back on your feet - that's the price you got to pay
for daylight dreams in the midnight hour
intelligence is power! to find a rose way down below
scared to death where egos grow
whenever a wish cuts like a knife
then life goes on
on and on - tomorrow I'll be gone
but life goes on
in this world of my reaction
I can't find a reason why
in this world of disattraction
may the force be with your lie forever
me, myself and I belong together
and life goes on
on and on - tomorrow I'll be gone
but life goes on
6. When The Skunk's Got You Down
you won't find no satisfaction, brother
when the skunk's got you down
'cause when you smell kinda funny
you can look as sunny as you want
the skunk's got you runnin' in and outta town
There are many kinds of resurrection
Or maybe, interattraction no, even Satan's protection
won't melt your crown
when the skunk's got you down
and you do the crawl
you're fucked up way beyon belief
and that's all.
7. ...And The Winds Scream In Anger
one Cain of a friend
pain in the end - that's the roll of the dice
eyes filled with tears
when brain disappears - that's the roll of the dice
well, life's a gamble just
and traps are callin' us
we live from day to day without a care
we may forget sometimes as leaves are fallin'
the crets are howling 'cause they're out to get their share
so it's one for insanity - two for the size
"no" for an answer - the roll of the dice ...and the winds scream in anger
and the faces of time turn to lies
the winds scream in anger
it's the roll of the dice
it's more than a kiss
what we call the abyss - that's the roll of the dice
so lay down your card
it may break you apart - that's the roll of the dice
...and the winds scream in anger
and the faces of time turn to lies
the winds scream in anger
it's the roll of the dice
8. For Once In My Life
for once in my life
for once in my life
I feel like a reason would lately arrive
with a name to recall
for once in the night
for once in the night
I feel like some fortune was with me to light
one new flame - after all
rains to the ground - rains to the world of tomorrow
saints to be found
yesterday - come what may still
one more day
- say you will -
another try - you and I
ain't gonna cry no more - cry no more - ain't gonna cry no more
for once in my life
for once in my life
trust is a blade now that cuts like a knife
and a dream to come true for once in my tears
for once in my tears
there's destiny callin' and pain disappears
and the skies burn so blue
rains to the ground - rains to the world of tomorrow
saints to be found
yesterday - come what may still
one more day
- say you will -
another try - you and I
ain't gonna cry no more - cry no more - ain't gonna cry no more
little boy standin' by the window
tell the world what you're gonna be
little boy on the edge of silence
open eyes for new aims to see
come a day you may touch a rainbow
come a day you may fade away
come a word you may say in anger
come a price you may have to pay......
9. On The Wrong Side Of The Moon
you gotta call me when it's dark there
on the wrong side of the moon
and when the toys of love will turn
into evil hounds of doom
when silence is holy
in the cages of light
you will remember
the shadows of the fight
I will be there - after the war
I will be there - forevermore
and I will be there - with the wind and the rain
I will be there - somehow - someway - somewhere
burning in season
of pain and despair
over the mountains where no one seems to care
a new ray of hope will come and light up the night
as long as you need me I will be by your side I will be there – after the war
I will be there - forevermore
and I will be there - with the wind and the rain
I will be there - somehow - someway - somewhere
someday we'll try
and heaven can wait
reach for the sky - and get away - get away
so I will be there - after the war
I will be there - forevermore
and I will be there - with the wind and the rain
I will be there - somehow - someway - somewhere
10. The mysterious Boot Hill Grave Inscription
mother said: "don't believe in dreams"
she said: "life's too hard to swing against the streams"
then she gave you a kiss and turned out the light
but you couldn't sleep at all
and you made your decision
to hold on tight -
to keep your heart
wide open - just to play your part and fight
and never take this small forever
- some give all
the mysterious boot hill grave inscription
"We don't need no one"
one for the dreamer in a world made of stone
two for the stranger who's left without hope and alone
call me a drifter with a faith bound to die
will you still betray - cover each day with a lie?
and time - time will tell
time will show you a reason why
too late to try
just fate - goodbye the mysterious boot hill grave inscription
"We don't need no one"
- Some give all when all give some
and when the world's just a comedy
some will leave and some will fall
cause when I do give something
- some give all
do you remember the fears and the lights
do you believe in the silence and dark sleepless nights
once a companion - always a fool
over, done, finished and out and again just the rule
and time - time will tell
time will show you a reason why
too late to try
just fate - goodbye
the mysterious boot hill grave inscription
"We don't need no one"
- some give all when all give some
and when the world's just a comedy
some will leave and some will fall
cause when I do give something
- some give all
......and everybody calls your name
11. The Angel And The Raven
one stormy night an angel fell
the raven sold his dreams in hell
to keep the light from burning skies
like he's been told to roll the dice
the angel smiled and said hello
I'm just a tale from long ago
the endless mile I've walked alone
l've roamed the trail of tears and stone fogs rise - when dreams decay
fools - wise - who dares to say
it's over now - it's over now - someway - somehow
the wheel stopped turning
it's over now - it's over now - it's over now
and real
the raven laughed and then he cried
of war and blood and those who died
"...one friend to have is worth the weight
and what you've got - you'll see too late..."
12. The Beginning
[instrumental, it's a joke]
13. Ready For Take-Off
[Bonus track on the Japanese release]
I call and under
a red sky I run to you
life is like thunder
I come undone
and blue
and we never shall be satisfied
we'll be dancin' when our future has died
without a cause
cradles of never
wisdom is cruel
or lie? It's not forever
when I touch the fool:
we die!!!!!!!!!!
and we never shall be satisfied
we'll be dancin' when our future's died
without a cause
I knew to sing of
I knew to sing of
I knew a world to sing of.