Nine Inch Nails
« Hesitation Marks »
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1 | The Eater of Dreams 0:52
 | 2 | Copy of A 5:23
 | 3 | Came Back Haunted 5:17
 | 4 | Find My Way 5:16
 | 5 | All Time Low 6:18
 | 6 | Disappointed 5:44
 | 7 | Everything 3:20
 | 8 | Satellite 5:03
 | 9 | Various Methods of Escape 5:01
 | 10 | Running 4:08
 | 11 | I Would for You 4:33
 | 12 | In Two 5:32
 | 13 | While I'm Still Here 4:03
 | 14 | Black Noise 1:29 |
   Trent Reznor - writing, performance, production
Session musicians:
Pino Palladino
Lindsey Buckingham
Adrian Belew
Eugene Goreshter
Alessandro Cortini
Ilan Rubin
Joshua Eustis |
Atticus Ross - production
Alan Moulder - production, mixing
Tom Baker - mastering
Russell Mills - artwork
Rob Sheridan - art direction |
 | 1. The Eater Of Dreams
2. Copy Of A
I am just a copy of a copy of a copy
Everything I say has come before
Assembled into something into something into something
I am never certain anymore
I am just a shadow of a shadow of a shadow
Always trying to catch up with |
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 Пять лет, что разделяют "Hesitation Marks" и предыдущий студийный релиз Nine Inch Nails "The Slip", для Трента Резнора были крайне плодотворными. За это время он успел жениться, пару раз отпраздновать рождение наследников, совместно с Аттикусом Россом написать пару саундтреков к фильмам Дэвида Финчера («Социальная сеть» и «Девушка с татуировкой дракона»), за первый из них получить премии «Золотой глобус» и «Оскар». Помимо этого, со своей женой Трент занимался не только улучшением демографической ситуации: вместе с ней и Аттикусом в 2010 он представил новый музыкальный проект - How to Destroy Angels, специализирующийся на пост-индастриале и дарк-эмбиенте с женским вокалом. В общем, сделано было немало. И послушав новый материал, становится понятно, что он является своеобразной рефлексией, альбомом воспоминаний. Ведь уже далеко не секрет, что нет уже большого человека с большой пушкой, который мог заставить отсосать дуло пистолета или прострелить им голову, а пулевое отверстие использовать для… ну, вы поняли (см. "Big Man with a Gun"). Достаточно послушать "Everything", чтобы понять какие изменения произошли с музыкантом на уровне мироощущения и восприятия себя в этом мире. "Я пережил все / Я попробовал все", поет Трент в самом начале песни, и тут уж ему веришь на слово. А подводя некий итог в конце, Резнор уже недвусмысленно дает понять, что он пришел к тому, что можно назвать умиротворением: "I am home, I believe / I am home, I am free/ I am home, I can see / Always here, finally"… Но все же первым синглом с альбома стала "Came Back Haunted", которая еще показывала некоторые сомнения по поводу того, кем он является в данный момент, и что еще предстоит сделать: "And my fate, this has just begun/ Consequences for what I've done". Ну, а оглянуться назад и посмотреть с чего сам начинал, Трент пытается в "Copy of A": "Look what you had to start/ Why all the change of heart/ Look what you've gone and done/ Well that doesn't sound like fun". Что же касается музыкальной палитры, то она окрашена всеми цветами радуги: здесь Вам и синтипоп с индустриальным роком, и новая волна с эмбиентом: в общем, все то, что Резнора интересовало в музыке на протяжении жизни. Вторая половина альбома вообще напоминает музыкальный гипноз. В принципе, после прослушивания альбома становятся чуть понятнее упреки особо воинственных поклонников, каждый год, без всяких оснований, ждущих выхода второго "The Downward Spiral". Да, от былой агрессии не осталось и следа. К слову, она исчезла из творчества NIN гораздо раньше. Да, песню "Satellite" спокойно бы мог исполнить Justin Timberlake (хотя, в настоящий момент это уже не кажется таким уж недостатком). Но все это разговоры в пользу бедных: альбом стилистически разноплановый, блестяще реализованный (благодаря тому же Аттикусу Россу и Алану Маулдеру). Этот альбом просто интересно слушать и не менее интересно переслушивать, как раз благодаря написанному выше. Оформлением "Мелких ран, нанесённых при самоповреждении" (таков смысл названия пластинки) занимался Расселл Миллз, работы которого два десятилетия назад были использованы для уже упоминавшегося мною альбома "The Downward Spiral". В общем, любить или ненавидеть эту запись - ваше дело. Я лишь скажу, что для меня этот альбом стал одним из фаворитов года. Не из-за фигуры фронтмена, не из-за былых заслуг или культовой вывески группы. Таковым он стал благодаря притягательной и свежей музыкальной начинке. |
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К моменту написания "Hesitation Marks" у Резнора произошли перемены во взглядах на жизнь и на своё место в ней. Это не могло не отразиться на его музыке. Она стала намного спокойнее, а пение Резнора гармонично дополняет музыкальную палитру. Приятно, что он именно поёт, а не читает текст, как это было на "Year Zero". Спокойная музыка, вроде той, что на "Hesitation Marks", способствует полному расслаблению, что очень кстати после очередного рабочего дня. Здесь есть очень красивые меланхоличные вещи, вроде "Find My Way", или хорошие энергичные песни, как например "Copy Of A" и "Everything". Мне не очень нравится то, что Резнор делал с 1999 года, однако "Hesitation Marks" произвёл на меня положительное впечатление. Nine Inch Nails с этим альбомом стали меняться, и меняться в лучшую сторону. Да и время сейчас другое. Этот альбом - полная противоположность раннему творчеству группы, которому были присущи агрессивные и депрессивные песни. В общем, выражусь так: "Broken" и "The Downward Spiral" хороши по-своему, "Hesitation Marks" хорош по-своему. Так же, как и в случае с работами первой половины 90-х, при прослушивании этого альбома складывается ощущение общей картины, каждая песня идеально дополняет следующую. Надеюсь, Резнор продолжит сочинять песни в этом направлении, уж больно здорово вышло на этот раз. |
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просмотров: 27239 |
I am just an echo of an echo of an echo
Listening to someone's cry for help
Look what you had to start
Why all the change of heart
Well you need to play your part
A copy of a copy of a
Look what you gone and done
Well that doesn't sound like fun
So I'm not the only one
A copy of a copy of
I am little pieces
Pieces that were picked up on the way
Invented with a purpose
A purpose that's become quite clear today
Look what you had to start
Why all the change of heart
Well you need to play your part
A copy of a copy of a
Look what you gone and done
Well that doesn't sound like fun
So I'm not the only one
Yeah copy of a copy of a
I am just a finger on a trigger on a finger
Doing everything I'm told to do
Always my intention my intention your intention
Just doing everything you tell me to
Look what you had to start
Why all the change of heart
Well you need to play your part
A copy of a copy of a
Now look what you gone and done
Well that doesn't sound like fun
See I'm not the only one
A copy of a copy of a
Look what you had to start (Look what you had to start)
Why all the change of heart (Why all the change of heart)
Yeah you need to play your part (you need to play your part)
A copy of a copy of a copy of a copy of a
Now look what you gone and done (look what you gone and done)
Well that doesn't sound like fun (that doesn't sound like fun)
Yeah I'm not the only one (I'm not the only one)
A copy of a copy of a copy of a copy of a
3. Came Back Haunted
The throat is deep and the mouth is wide
Saw some things on the other side
Made me promise to never tell
But you know me, I can't help myself
Now I've got something you have to see
They put something inside of me
The smile is red and its eyes are black
I don't think I'll be coming back
I don't believe it
I had to see it
I came back haunted
I came back haunted
I said goodbye but I
I had to try
I came back haunted
C-c-c-came back haunted
Everywhere now reminding me
I am not who I used to be
I'm afraid this has just begun
Consequences for what I've done, yeah
I don't believe it
I had to see it
I came back, I came back haunted
C-c-c-came back haunted
I said goodbye but I
I had to try
I came back, I came back haunted
I c-c-c-came back haunted
I don't believe it
I had to see it
I came back, I came back haunted
C-c-c-came back haunted
I said goodbye but I
I had to try
I came back, I came back haunted
C-c-c-came back haunted
They tried to tell me but I
I couldn't stop myself and I
I came back, I came back haunted
C-c-c-came back haunted
Just can't
Came back ha-ha-haunted
Just can't
4. Find My Way
Now my path has gone astray
I'm just tryin' to find my way
Wandered here from far away
I'm just tryin' to find my way...
You were never meant to see
All those things inside of me
Now that you've gone away
I'm just tryin' to find my way...
Uh uh uh ohhh...
Uh uh uh ohhh...
Uh uh uh ohhh... (Ooooooooh)
Uh uh uh ohhh...
I have made a great mistake
Pray The Lord my soul to take
Ghosts of who we used to be
I can feel them come for me
It looks as thought they're here to stay
I'm just tryin' to find my way...
Uh uh uh ohhh...
Uh uh uh ohhh... (Ooooooooh)
Uh uh uh ohhh...
Uh uh uh ohhh...
I have been to everyplace
I have been to everywhere
I'm just tryin' to find my way...
(All I got so far)
5. All Time Low
I've heard all I need to know
Your voice in fucking echo stereo
This particular scenario
Looks like another all time low
Why did you go and let them in
See this is where the fun begins
You barely even pierced the skin
Just wait 'til you see what has come in
Get down on the floor
Shut the god damn door
We'll do this all before
They're coming back for more
So give me just a little, baby
Just something to get by
It's gonna last forever, baby
We'll get the other side
And we will live forever, baby
And stretch across the sky
I'll follow right behind you, baby
We're never gonna die
Everything is not okay
We lost too much along the way
The passengers are out today
It looks as though they're here to stay
This paranoia turns to fear
This too is whispering in your ear
Pretending but I know you hear
That's how we fucking end up here
So give me just a little, baby
Just something to get by
It's gonna last forever, baby
We'll get the other side
And we will live forever, baby
And stretch across the sky
I'll follow right behind you, baby
We're never gonna die
We're never gonna die
How did we get so high
Stretch across the sky
Stretch across the sky
Stretch across the sky
Stretch across the sky
Stretch across the sky
Stretch across the sky
Stretch across the sky
Stretch across the sky
6. Disappointed
If I were you I wouldn't trust
A single word I say
Think by now you should know
That nothing's gonna change
Can I ask you something; what did you expect
So disappointed with what you get
Do you ever want to just get outta here
So disappointed; just disappear
Look at you, Superman
With all the world to change
Think by now you'd figure out
That nothing's gonna change
And I am part of the reason
Can I ask you something; what did you expect
So disappointed with what you get
Do you ever want to just get outta here
So disappointed; just disappear
7. Everything
I survived everything
I have tried everything
Everything everything
And anything
All the walls begin to dissolve away
Do your hands begin to shake, shake, shake, shake, shake?
And just do what you think you used to be
All begins to bend then break, break, break, break
Wave goodbye
Wish me well
I've become
Something else
Something else, something else
It's just the world
But this thing that lives inside of me
The sound that rocks awake, awake, awake, awake, break
And if he depletes what's owed to me
And he comes to grab and take and take and take
I am whole
I believe
I am whole
I am free
I am whole
I can see
Always here
I am whole
I believe
I am whole
I am free
8. Satellite
Do your trails, like fingernails
Scratch across, the sky?
Hard to know, figure out
Tell the truth, from lies
Everywhere, listening
Ever word, you say
Think I found, a way around
Ya think I found, a way
Come on
Come on
Come on
Come on
Come on
Satellite, I'm watching you
I'm one step, ahead
Satellite, I'm part of you
I'm inside, your head
Yes we can, yes we did
Eliminate, despair
Better watch, what you think
What was that, you said?
Everywhere, and everything
And every word, you say
Think I found, a way out
Think I found, a way
Come on
Satellite, I'm watching you
I'm one step, ahead
Satellite, I'm part of you
I'm inside, your head
Satellite, I'm watching you
I'm one step, ahead
Satellite, I'm part of you
I'm inside, your head
Satellite, I know you're up there somewhere
Satellite, I know you're up there somewhere
Satellite, (so very high)
I know you're up there somewhere
Satellite, (so very high)
I know you're up there somewhere
Satellite, (so very high)
I know you're up there somewhere
Satellite, (so very high)
I know you're up there somewhere
Satellite, (so very high)
I know you're up there somewhere
Satellite, (so very high)
I know you're up there somewhere
So very high
So very high
9. Various Methods Of Escape
Hallucinate in high fidelity
The pieces of a plan
Extraction of the highest quality
Blood from my own hand
A line of lyric looping through my head
Nobody listening
It doesn't really matter anymore
Yes it doesn't mean a thing
I've gotta let go
I've gotta get straight
Why'd you have to make it so hard
Let me get away
An eye for chasing wonders to behold
Statements so profound
A place to bury everything I did
And burn it to the ground
A fire illuminates the final scene
The past repeats itself
I cannot tell the difference anymore
I cannot trust myself
I've gotta let go
I've gotta get straight
Why'd you have to make it so hard
Let me get away
I've gotta let go
I've gotta get straight
Why'd you have to make it so hard
Let me get away
I think
I could
Lose myself in here
I think
I could
Lose myself in here
I think
I could
Lose myself in here
I think
I could
Lose myself in here
I've gotta let go
I've gotta get straight
Why'd you have to make it so hard
Let me get away
Got to let him go
Find another way
Why'd you have to make it so hard
Let me get away
10. Running
I followed you again this morning
Just close enough to feel you near
Pretending everyone could see me
Just slip away and dissapear
They're right behind
There's someone behind you
They're all behind you,
They're on the run
As good as blind,
I'm out of time
Somewhere to find,
So well defined
They're all aligned
They're intertwined
You're undermined
There's someone behind
They recognize,
So hard to find
As good as blind,
I'm out of time
I'm running out of places I can hide from this
I'm running out of places I can hide from this
I'm running out of places I can hide from this
I'm running out of places I can hide from this
I had a friend, I think you knew me
I couldn't seem to make you see
I know they're watching me and falling
I know I'll never get away
I'm running out of places I can hide from this
(I'm running out)
11. I Would For You
What a pathetic string of words
Just leave them lying on the floor
The warning posted on the door
Not over here not anymore
There was a place that could have been
Step over all it used to be
Since you have let yourself come in
Somethings I'd rather you not see
See I keep lying to myself
Don't know what else there is to do
If I could be somebody else
Well I think I would for you
Didn't It seemed like something more
So long I can't remember when
All this has happened all before
And this will happen all again
And I only have myself to blame
And I only have myself to blame
See I keep lying to myself
Don't know what else there is to do
If I could be somebody else
Well I think I would for you
See I keep lying to myself
Don't know what else there is to do
If I could be somebody else
Well I think I would for you
12. In Two
Split in to,
Something else
Precious skin,
Save yourself
Have to hurt,
What you were
Yes of course,
It's gonna hurt
Nature is violent
The very nature of the beast is violent
N-n-n-now know that was someone else
N-n-n-now know that wasn't me, no
It's getting harder to tell the two of you apart
It's getting harder to tell the two of you apart
I can't believe they can ever remember which one you are
It's getting harder to tell the two of you apart
Just become,
Your disease
Them behind,
You are free
What you want,
You deserve
Yes of course,
This is going to hurt
It's getting harder to tell the two of you apart
It's getting harder to tell the two of you apart
I can't believe they can ever remember which one you are
It's getting harder to tell the two of you apart
I just don't know anymore [10x]
I just don't know
13. While I'm Still Here
Only thing I've ever done
/Ticking time is running out/
Closest I've ever come
/Ticking time is running out/
Oh so tired on my own
/Ticking time is running out/
Best days I've ever known
/Ticking time is running out/
Yesterday I found out the world was ending
Yesterday I found out the world was ending
A little more
every day
falls apart and
slips away
I don't mind
I'm okay
wish it didn't
have to end this way
These four walls are closing in
/Ticking time is running out/
Of all the things that might have been
/Ticking time is running out/ yeah
Watch young lovers walking by
/Ticking time is running out/ yeah
God forgive me if I cry
/Ticking time is running out/
A little more
every day
falls apart and
slips away
I don't mind
I'm okay
nothing ever
stays the same
While we can
remember when
always running
even then
Stay with me
hold me near
And I'm still here
14. Black Noise