 Новенький EP от Людоедов... давненько мы не получали чего-то в этом роде (все должны быро вспомнить 93-й год и EP "Молоток смешит лицо")... Итак, что мы имеем... Два трека от сессии "Gore Obsessed"... Работы, прям скажем, так себе... Systematic Elimination вполне забойная штука и смело могла бы стоять треком #1 вместо Savage Buttchery... Единственная проблема -- ноль оригинальности и самоплагиат... Заглавная песня Worm Infested на меня не произвела абсолютно никакого впечатления. В плюс ей идет только то, что ее отлично иллюстрировали на ковер-арте EP... Скажу так -- у чувака с обложки Vile появилась отличная чувиха :) ... Дальше -- ковер ACCEPT -- Demon’s Night весьма достойная работа. Потом -- The Undead Will Feast... По-моему эта штука когда-то издавалась как бонус трек на дебютнике... Это для ностальгирюущих по Людоедам начала 90-тых... ИМХО, гадость... Далее... Еще один ковер. На этот раз POSSESSED'87, альбом The Eyes Of Horror, первый трек -- Confessions. Очь веселенькая песенка, мне очь понравилась. Ранее она издавалась как бонус к Кровожадию, но я ее услышал впервые (кстати, она мне чем-то напомнила заключительный трек с Металлики 88 года). И, наконец, ковер вышеупомянутой M$ -- No Remorse. С сим творением мы знакомы как с бонусом к альбому 2002 года. Сей ковер у мя особого восторга не вызывает. Вроде все, подводим итоги. Огрызки Gore Obsessed, веселый ковер POSSESSED, чумовая оболожка и драйв от Людоедов. Итого... |
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Забавный альбомчик, главным образом из-за того, что половина песен – кавер-версии. Наиболее удачной, на мой взгляд, является песня POSSESSED, живая и энергичная. Причем, в ней вокалист поет голосом средней брутальности, что придает ей больше живости по сравнению с двумя другими каверами. Акцептовская “Demon’s Night” также ничего. Металликовская “No Remorse” тоже во общем-то неплохо сыграна, но выглядит она несколько страновато, видимо не совсем подходит для канибальского вокала. Оставшиеся три вещи ничего интересного не представляют – обычное рубилово. В связи с этим невольно приходишь к мысли, что главное достоинство сего творения – его непродолжительность (всего 6 песен). Хотя, в целом, довольно интересный диск для упертых поклонников тупого долбизма. |
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просмотров: 31085 |
Mutilate, withered lives, ominous
Systematic elimination
Systematic elimination
Die human thing rot eternally
One, one by one are left to bleed
Cries bellowing instant misery
Gone, life is gone lying in death's bed
The act of mudering so empowering
Exact number of dead will be unkown
Intact corpse are few and far between
One, one by one
Killing and killing at will
Methodic destruction must thrive
Values of horror instilled
Deep in a most sinister mind
Rancorous, barbaraous
Scurrilous, ominous
You will now die
Annihilate the populace
To conserate this earth as a grave
One, one by one
Systematic elimination
Systematic elimination
One by one rot eternally
2. Worm Infested
Enter the graveyard,
Searching for a female corpse
Dead for thirteen years
The perfect whore to fill my need
Dig her body up
Crack open gruesome tomb
Covert necrophilia
Why must I masturbate at the sight of maggots
That are crawling on her face ?
Drawn to the coffin's stench that holds an impure
Wench, inhumanity
Half skeletal remains
Insatiable desire to inseminate
Swarm a parasitic plague enables me to emulate
A state of constant disarray
Worm infested, worm infested, worm infested
Worm infested, worm infested, worm infested
Chew the bitches fuckin' head
Eat her fetid skin and relish in the violation
Tear tissue from the bone as these actions go
Unkown; vicious cruelty
Vile distal cruelty
Snapping bones in two, defiling cavities continues
Fierce repulsive fanasies enables me to emulate
A state of constant disarray
Worm infested, worm infested, worm infested
I must fuck her worm infested, worm infested
Excoriate, disseminate, demoralize, to sodomize
Excoriate, disseminate, demoralize, to sodomize
Despicable degradation, excoriate her
Inimical depredation, disseminate her
Ignominious domination, demoralize her
Presumptuous defecation to sodomize her
Why must I masturbate at the sight of maggots
That are crawling on her face ?
Drawn to the coffin's stench that holds an impure
Wench, inhumanity
Half skeletal remains
Insatiable desire to inseminate
Swarm a parasitic plague enables me to emulate
A state of constant disarray
Dead for thirteen years
The perfect whore to fill my need
Despicable degradation, excoriate her
Inimical depredation, disseminate her
Ignominious domination, demoralize her
Presumptuous defecation to sodomize her
Worm infested, worm infested, worm infested
I must fuck her worm infested, worm infested
Worm infested cunt
3. Demon's Night
[Originally performed by Accept]
Sparks - the eyes of fire
Flying high in the night
Storms - the arms of evil
It's gonna take your life
You know the bats crying
Hell bent for the death
Rain - the tears of the devil
Gonna lay you to rest
Rolling a thunder - a curse on that night
We've got your number - no use to hide
You - you've lost your freedom
To the masters of force
Ride on the waves of magic
Dark nights will be your course
Rolling a thunder - a curse on that night
We've got your number - no use to hide
Demon's night - no way out
Demon's night - the angels fight
Demon's night - cries of pain
Demon's night
Demon's night - a night to die
Lights - blinding your mind
Like a flash out of hell
Sounds - that no one will hear
It's a demon's bell
Look in the face of horror
It's a dangerous night
Scream for your mother's children
You've lost your human right
Rolling a thunder - a curse on that night
We've got your number - no use to hide
Demon's night - no way out
Demon's night - the angels fight
Demon's night - cries of pain
Demon's night
Demon's night - a night to die
Rolling a thunder - a curse on that night
We've got your number - no use to hide
Demon's night - no way out
Demon's night - the angels fight
Demon's night - cries of pain
Demon's night
A night to die
4. The Undead Will Feast
[The original version is from "Eaten Back To Life" 1990 album]
Undead feast, as they tear upon your weak flesh
Terror builds, at the thought of being dead
Prophecy of the wisemen of old
Now comes true, as the corpses break the soil
Ancient spell breaks the sleep of the dead
The dead awake, what the populace is fearing
Panic strikes as the nations run in fear
Oceans boil with blood of human victims
Suicide, the only way to avoid being eaten by the undead
Grave yards coming alive with zombies, hungry for living flesh
Psychotic, transmutated corpses, upsuring the population
Sickening disaster of epidemic proportions, devouring us
Tables turn as a victim I've become now
State of death only waiting to return
Vital signs that show I'm dead
This can't happen, I'm rising from my own grave
Hunger grows not nutritional but instinctual
Flesh becomes my only crave of this live
Unthinking state, a state of metamorphosis
Seeking food to keep me dead
Degenerate, a product of man's frustration for his terror
Insatiable hunger for mankind, building with each kill
Seeking human victims to meet my fill
Cannibal I've become, what's happened to my brain
Feast on the corpse, suck out his brain
As its fluids drip down the drain
Chew on the bones, drink from its bladder
The vile stench only makes me madder
In through the mouth, out the forehead
Brains fall out, skin turns red
Violent surge, a spear through the skull
Felt the urge, now my heart's full
I crave gore, I'll eat your guts
I love gore, blood drives me nuts
I drink blood, I don't like water
Intestines my cud, I feast in the slaughter
Twist its neck, make it crack
Suicide, the only way to avoid being eaten by the undead
Grave yards coming alive with zombies, hungry for living flesh
Psychotic, transmutated corpses, upsuring the population
Sickening disaster of epidemic proportions, devouring us
Blood I want to drink, I want to suck
Brains I want to eat, the rest I'll chuck
Bones into a spear, I'll carve and kill
Hunger for the quest, I'll never fill
I crave gore, I'll eat your guts
5. Confessions
[Originally perfomed by Possessed]
Crimes of passion
Ruled his mind
The anger inside
Compassion he will never find
The pain and pleasure
Of the blade
And he loved
The screams she made
Forgive me father
For I have sinned
Because the anger
Burned within
He saw it in her eyes
They wouldn't hide
Betrayal and her wicked lies
From a dying man
Listen now
And understand
In the night
That summons fright
He looked
Into her eyes
And tells her
Tonight she dies
But to you
I must confess
That when she died
She was the best
6. No Remorse
[Originally performed by Metallica]
No mercy for what we are doing
No thought to even what we have done
We don't need to feel the sorrow
No remorse for the helpless one
War without end
No remorse No repent
We don't care what it meant
Another day Another death
Another sorrow Another breath
No remorse No repent
We don't care what it meant
Another day Another death
Another sorrow Another breath
Blood feeds the war machine
as it eats its way across the land
We don't need the feel the sorrow
No remorse is the one command
War without end
No remorse No repent
We don't care what it meant
Another day Another death
Another sorrow Another breath
No remorse No repent
We don't care what it meant
Another day Another death
Another sorrow Another breath
Only the strong survive
No one to save the weaker race
We are ready to kill all comers
Like a loaded gun right at your face
War without end
No remorse No repent
We don't care what it meant
Another day Another death
Another sorrow Another breath
No remorse No repent
We don't care what it meant
Another day Another death
Another sorrow Another breath
Bullets are flying
People are dying
with madness surrounding all hell's breaking loose
Soldiers are hounding
Bodies are mounting
cannons are shouting to take their abuse
With war machines going
Blood starts to flowing
No mercy given to anyone hear
The furious fighting
Swords are like lighting
It all becomes frightening to you
Know death is near
No remorse