« Words of Nostradameus »
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 | 1. Words Of Nostradameus
Pain, greed, death,
Welcome the final prophecy,
Rage, war,
Shall destroy the world
A new dawn shall rise up and shine
This is the words of Nostradameus
I'm hearing strange sounds
In my study room
I know the time to act is now
I know visions will prevail for tru |
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 Трудно сказать, чем этот альбом отличается от многих других неплохих дисков в стиле пауер-метал. Да, слушается неплохо, текты несмотря на отсутствие рифмы производят должное впечатление. Хотя нельзя не отметить, что ничего нового группа своим появлением в стиль не привнесла. Качественная запись, отличный вокал (ему можно поставит 10\10), хорошее звучание инструментов - всем, кто любит хороший пауер, рекомендую; остальным, кто хочет отличный пауер на завтрак, обед и ужин, - слушать Сонату Арктику |
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Ну, господа!.. Ну, знаете ли!!! Такое бывает очень нечасто. Прочитав кучу восторженных рецензий и, наконец, прикупив себе это дело и прослушав, я до сих пор никак не могу понять, как ЭТО вообще могло хоть кому-нибудь понравиться?! Nostradameus не то что ничем непримечательный павер, это даже на хреновый плагиат не тянет. Вокалист просто никакой, в чём можно легко убедиться, сравнив его с тем же Йоакимом Кансом, коего можно слышать на заключительной, единственной композиции, которую язык поворачивается назвать таковой. Все мелодии... нет, "мелодии" - это слишком сильно сказано... ноты всех остальных номеров больше похожи на этюды во втором классе музыкальной школы, призванные отработать технику в ущерб именно композиции, тому, что на самом деле является музыкой. Зато как здорово всё офрмлено! Какой буклет! Какое замечательное интро! Какое завешение с гуэст-вокалом!.. Всё как раз для того, чтобы пипл постарался поскорей урвать пластинку, не удосужившись прослушать её у прилавка. Никогда больше так не куплюсь. |
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Дебютный альбом шведских предсказателей произвел на меня в свое время очень яркое впечатление! Честно говоря, не ожидал услышать что-то подобное, тем более в XXI веке! Сверхскоростной, мегазабойный и ультрамелодичный материал. Настоящий спид-металлический напор, невероятно техничные соло, размашистые припевы и довольно оригинальный вокал.
Итак, что мы имеем: красивое тревожное интро, интересная "песня-минутка" "Resurrection", незабываемая баллада "Without Your Love" и 8 бронебойных боевиков. Среднетемповые композиции напрочь отсутствуют. Так же как и проходные песни - на диске сплошные хиты, но все-таки больше всех приглянулась "Black Fate" с грустным вступлением и двумя потрясающими соляками.
Ну что тут можно еще добавить: альбом великолепен, просто бомба!
К сожалению, после пары очень интересных работ ребята постепенно сдулись и ударились в совершенно невнятный пауэр-трэш... |
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просмотров: 7756 |
Take place before my ball
of crystal so blue...
2. The Vision
Watching over misty heavens
Great landscape passes by
Feeling blood adrenalized, that's running
through my veins
As the first of lightning cracks out
My heart's pounding soon we'll see
Listen careful to my words and you will be
There will be a giant battle
Mountains of bodies, blood sheds around
Help is wanted by the full moon
See across the hills
The hope is near
The prophets are here
Through shredded landscapes we've come
To bring you hope and help
The future is our words
Our truth is all you need
You see it's breaking through now
Armageddon is here
Behold this eras end
Our prophecy's fulfilled
Birds of omen hoovers around
By reign of evil we'll stand strong
Self destuction is ther fall
the enemy is fought
Thanks to blessed foretell we won
Brothers of arms and sacred blood
Maybe we can build up this world after it's
See across the hills
The hope is near
The prophets are here
Through shredded landscapes we've come
To bring you hope and help
The future is our words
Our truth is all you need...
Through shredded landscapes we've come...
Through shredded landscapes we've come...
3. Out Of This World
I gaze into my crystal ball
and what do I see
A man with power has gone insane
and that is scaring me
A threat that can destroy the world
is rising in the sky
I see the world is near the end
I tremble and I cry
I want out of this world
The time for us is running short
When number three becomes the fourth
I want out of this world
I see a million people die
It's up to us to stop the war
When time has come there will be
nothing left for you and me
Cause toxic waste and nuclear winter
is all we see
And every try to maje things right
they all will be to late
Yeah, this is how it all will be in 2048
I want out of this world
The time for us is running short
When number three becomes the fourth
I want out of this world
I see a million people die
It's up to us to stop the war
Cause every try...
I want out od this world...
4. Nightmare Prophecy
Raging war cries out in war
Caused by rage of war god Mars
His warlike spirit will live on and on
Ola ancestors will come forth
From the deepest depths of hell
To where the seven kings of king
is held forevermore
Seventy times the blood
is spilled in battle
Who once created were
by the force of darkness
Deep in my log I write these words
for the world to read
Who will believe a seers mind
as I'm passed away in peace
Deep in my log I write these words
for the world to read
Book of visions will not fail
And now I'll rest in peace
Thousand ships will sail the seas
Biggest fleet in history
When the candle's out
will be the time when all occurs
Seventy times...
Deep in my log...
5. Without Your Love
Love is great but yet painfully
Making scars I never would believe
You might know what I'm thinking of
I cry my tears eternally
Read this lines and understand
I will never be free
Free from the force of loneliness
As the past still haunts
We had joy and we had hard times
Now I see how my big mistake were dum
You might know what I'm thinking of
Please forgive me for being such a fool
Read these lines and understand
I will never be free
Free from thoughts of regretfulness
Time is running late...
This is not the way I wanna live my life
This is not the way I thought it would be
To live without your love
To live without your smile
So my friend, please come back to me now
But oh no, I know it's to late
To make our souls bounds of immortality
You have gone just on and on
From your love and devotioness for me
Read these lines and understand
I will never be free
Free from thoughts of tradegy
Set my spirit free
This is not the way...
Read these lines and understand
I will never be free
Free from this legacy
Your love gave to me
This is not the way...
This is not the way...
6. Master Of The Night
For so many years I've been looking
for a way to understand
All the prophets and preachers
who tells me what to do
They says "that is right ans that is wrong no
matter what you do"
I say why can't I enjoy
my life without being cursed
Thousand rules you're telling
me that I must obey
I hate those fucking prejudies
more than I can say
Buried deep inside our minds
so hard to take away
Opinions based on lack of knowledge
telling me to pray
On the wings of steel we're on a journey
Through the halls of night over the hills
Across the sea of fear we fly through the dark
Waiting for the sign from the
master of the night
Everywhere in the world
there's fanatic people trying to subdue
All creative thoughts and all
human rights you have
You've been given a gift been given the right to
decide on your own
Gotta use that gift gotta use it right and be
the one you want
Thousand rules...
On the wings of steel...
On the wings of steel...
On the wings of steel...
7. Black Fate
In the beginning I saw only
silence and cold
Then the vision I told, after I've behold
A child was born under devilish reign
To support the one under blackened name
His powers grew strong
as he aged to a man
To perform his task at the chosen time
Servant of darkness and demigod
He enslaved the ones
of this beautiful world
Evil possess hte strangest shapes
And in a dark age, can it be stopped?
The year two thousand has just stroke
And the holy core of mankind
Who will stop it now
Before it's too late
It's up to you...
I see only war
As the sands are running low
In this world we must realize
And wake up before it's over
Sometimes the prophecies is not fulfilled
Let's just hope that this one is not for real
And thus I will end the third prophecy
This is the wake up call for all mankind
Evil possess...
I see only war...
I see only war...
8. The Crown's Inn
I saw my place among the royal court
To be the one for people there
I could have been the king's almighty eye
As I appeared they praised my name
Hired for his highness
I told my prophecies
I gazed into the future
But I saw none of this
I'm a prophet out of time
For thousand years the force has driven us
For thousand years we've told our signs
For thousand years we've foretold miseries
For thousand years we will keep on
But the king changed his mind
Or was it just all lies?
I should have seen it coming
In visions in the past
Thrown into the crown's "inn"
Paying for my "sins"
With guards by my side
I walk towards my destiny
A snare is hanged around my neck
I'm now facing death
I'm staring mad towards the gallows pole
Afterlife embrace my soul
Chanting cries from a roaring crowd
Is telling me to burn in hell
The time has passed away
And now it's time to go
Out on a thrilling journey
Through halls of astral time
This is my last goodbye
Now it's time to die
Now it's time to die
9. Resurrection
I'll rise, I'll rise
Back from the dead again
Oh, sweet revenge
Fire and slaughter
Alive, alive
From the grave I've risen
A sword day, a red day
Time has come for vengeance
Burn now, burn now
Burn now in hell, people of the damned
10. Brothers In Chains
Since the day when you were born
You've meant so much to me
We played together in the sand
And dreamed how it would be
Later on when we'd grown up
We were gonna save the world
From the evil creatures who had made
our lives a misery
By the evil wizard we were torn apart
On our own we tried to make a better start
Now you say you live
Your life the way you want
But never let them chain your mind
Your eyes were once so bright
But now the flame is gone
What have you done with your life?
What has happened can't you see
what you're heading for
Break your chains and try to live
you've done it once before
Now you say you live...
Now you say you live...
11. One For All, All For One
We've gathered here today my friends
One for all, all for one
To swear allegiance to the king
of endless faith and pride
We swear to fight until the end
One for all, all for one
Defend the crown and keep the hope
alive for all mankind
At first we didn't know
What to do with our lives
We were weck in our minds
We never even tried
To do what we were meant to do
To live our lives the way we should
But then, we finally realized
One for all, and all for one
We're keeping the flame alive until we die
One for all, and all for one
We'll fight all the forces of dark
We'll never surrender our souls
We'll never betray our king
We're standing here today my friends
One for all, all for one
On the field of death, we're standing proud and
know we're gonna die
But still we're standing side by side
One for all, all for one
We never will forget the oath we swore when
we were young
When we didn't know
What to do with our lives
We were weck in our minds
And never even tried
To do what we were meant to do
To live our lives the way we should
But then, we finally realized
One for all, and all for one
We're keeping the flame alive until we die
One for all, and all for one
We'll fight all the forces of dark
We'll never surrender our souls
We'll never betray our king
We'll do what were meant to do
We'll live our lives the way we should
'Cause we have finally realized
One for all...