 Тимо Толкки — признанный маэстро в металле. Если уж назвал что металл-оперой, то кто скажет, что это не метал-опера? Кому судить о вкусах маэстро? А именно так и называет он свой новый концептуальный альбом "The Land of New Hope" — очень красивое и интересное творение.
Сразу хочется отметить, что слушая релиз, делать никаких сравнений желания не возникает, хотя это может произойти случайно и само собой: сколько бы ни было в металле "опер", совершенно очевидно, что данная делалась без оглядки на иные.
Нарочито простые, но очень красивые и драматичные песни. Если аранжировать как надо — получится толкковский Stratovarius. И хотя для полноценной оперы количество оркестровок весьма невелико, но я, как любитель классических опер, с чистым сердцем уже со второго прослушивания принял данную работу как металл-оперу. Во многом благодаря органичности повествования. Концептуальность требует связности в музыкальном и идейном плане — на альбоме все органично. Путешествие группы выживших после земного катаклизма преисполнено надежды найти место под названием Земля Новой Надежды. Они помнят о старом мире и оплакивают его, но надеются и верят в новый. Ни в чем не сделано "из мухи слона": все красиво, умеренно и, что самое главное, именно такое, каким его видит автор — маэстро Толкки. Звездный музыкальный состав (в качестве приглашенных: Рассел Аллен из Symphony X, Bob Rock (Impellitteri), Элиз Рид (Amaranthe), Михаэль Киске (ex-Helloween), Тони Какко (Sonata Arctica), Алекс Хольцварт (Rhapsody of Fire), на клавишах другие знаменитости, включая Йенса Йоханссона) тоже не дает повода говорить плохое о качестве материала и его исполнении. Тони Какко и Киске появляются всего однажды, но их исполнение изумляет. Голос Боба Рока ярче всего запоминается в индивидуальном исполнении "To the Edge of the Earth". Элиз Рид, Рассел Аллен, появляющаяся однажды Шарон ден Адель — все поют прекрасно как порознь, так и вместе. Хоры, конечно, меньше всего свойственны металлу, но ни одна опера без них не обходится. Самые запоминающиеся номера — "We Will Find A Way", "A World Without Us", "The Magic Of The Night", "The Land Of New Hope" и заглавная "Avalanche Anthem", хотя после небольшого количества прослушиваний все песни с легкостью запоминаются. Но лучшей композицией на альбоме, как мне кажется, является "The Land Of New Hope", которую сделал таковым не только талант Толкки, но и голос Киске, необычайно сильный и красивый, который остался таким же, каким был двадцать лет назад.
В целом, работа без претензий на что-либо. Толкки получилось создать необычный, хороший альбом, который, к сожалению, не всем ушам металлистов "по зубам". Это не попытка сыграть на равных или обыграть другие металл-оперы, не коммерческий проект и уж точно не творение зазнавшегося человека. Данная работа — ценный вклад в культуру металла, особенно столь неоднозначного "оперного" направления. |
Avalanche, Avalanche Anthem
This is the price we pay
Avalanche, Avalanche Anthem
There's nothing left to stay
Avalanche, Avalanche Anthem
Creation on its knees
Avalanche, Avalanche Anthem
Now everyone agrees
2. A World Without Us
A world without us
How is the world withou us?
Is there a chance to adjust?
Where is the beauty we all knew?
Faded away to the dew
And in this end is there hope
Is there a way for us to cope?
With total destruction of all
This is our final call
And so we run and so we hide
Cause it's all done, most of us died
A world without us we're not learning
A world without us not returning
To the new horizons we will roam
We will find at any cost
The beauty that was lost
So into the brave new world we go
Mankind is descends to the grave
Because of the road we did pave
There's nothing left for us to do
The deeds are done, time to go
Still we run, still we hide
And so we live, but most will die
A world without us we're not learning
A world without us not returning
To the new horizons we will roam
We will find at any cost
The beauty that was lost
So into the brave new world we go
3. Enshrined In My Memory
Is in every step that I take from you
Is in every move that I make
Is it so much easier to lie?
Is it so much easier to fly?
Everything that I used to have
Is forever gone
You and I must rewrite this song
We chose some words that did not belong
Everything that we used to have is enshrined in my memory
I won't give in, won't give up the fight
I sail way from the darkest night
Into the future with what we had enshrined in my memory
Deeper and deeper my path is going
Breathing in the air for lasting lie
I bring all the good things from the past
Find a way of how to make them last
Everything that I once used to have
I will have again
You and I must rewrite this song
We chose some words that did not belong
Everything that we used to have is enshrined in my memory
I won't give in, won't give up the fight
I sail way from the darkest night
Into the future with what we had enshrined in my memory
4. In The Name Of The Rose
How... how innocence is dying here tonight
In the morning sun
And all that we fought for
Just embers that are glowing in the dark
When the day is done
Still innocence just has to die
Pure and simple, beautiful
And sorrow Still fills my broken heart
In the name of the rose
Die in the rose
Looking through the morning haze I realize
In the name of the rose
Die for the rose
Everything I've ever been forevermore
In the name of the rose
Dying, the innocence is dying here tonight
We got to move on
Fighting, we got to keep on fighting 'til the end
We got to journey on
Towards the avalon we go
The best is yet to come so follow me and others to
The promised land
In the name of the rose
Die in the rose
Looking through the morning haze I realize
In the name of the rose
Die for the rose
Everything I've ever been forevermore
In the name of the rose
In the name of the rose
In the name of the rose
Looking through the morning haze I realize
I'm Die for the rose
Everything I've ever been forevermore
In the name of the rose
Die in the rose
Looking through the morning haze I realize
In the name of the rose
Die for the rose
Everything I've ever been forevermore
In the name of the rose
5. We Will Find A Way
Moving along, deeper and deeper we go
Light fades away, the enemy is near
Got to be strong, further and further we go
Into the deep the great unknown is waiting
Long time ago hiding my fears in the dark
It's not too late cause it's time to go
We will find a way
There's nothing else to say
We will find the light
The future is shining bright
We will find a way
There's nothing more to say
And in the night
Won't give up the fight
This just feels so right
And we'll find a way
We will find a way
The magic is here
It feels so strong without fear
We're coming home
The land of the hope is near
Long time ago hiding my fears in the dark
It's not too late cause it's time to go
We will find a way
There's nothing else to say
We will find the light
The future is shining bright
We will find a way
There's nothing more to say
And in the night
Won't give up the fight
This just feels so right
And we'll find a way
6. Shine
Dear old world now I must go
Make me believe
That I can love again
The beauty of the universe
Beneth eternal skies
My soul was born to be free
Shine, just see how we are shining
The everlasting light
Will guide us through a brand new day
Dancing with the gods above
I feel like I have wings
The hymn to life I sing
The silence, we seek to reborn
Goodbye, no words to say
Heaven is in our reach
Shine, just see how we are shining
The everlasting light
Will guide us through a brand new day
Shine, just see how we are shining
The everlasting light
Will guide us through a brand new day
7. The Magic Of The Night
Long time ago
We knew the way
Now all is lost
Nothing to say
We went astray
Future unclear
Nothing left to do
Started a fight
It was in vain
Marching along
With armies of fools
Lambs to the slaughter
Chaos unseen
Destruction everywhere
Now here in this place it's so calm
The darkness caresing us all
The magic of the night
Can you feel it in the air?
The magic of the night
Better take care
Onwards we go
To the unknown
Still searching for the avalon
Mist on the air
Heavens is near
The ancient tale is true
Now here in this place it's so calm
The darkness caresing us all
The magic of the night
Can you feel it in the air?
The magic of the night
You better take care
The magic of the night
Can you feel it in the air?
The magic of the night
You better take care, beware
The magic of the night
Can you feel it in the air?
The magic of the night
You better take care, beware
You better take care
8. To The Edge Of The World
Avalon, I know we are so near
I hear its call
There's no way that we will fall
We're here and we're standing tall
Long time ago
We left all behind to seek this place
We only heard of in fairytales
But now it's reality
Our journey's nearning the end
We'll be there
'Round and 'round we go
Facing the mystery
Every moment fades away
Into the history
Each new second and the hour
We'll find what we're looking for
Even if we have to roam to the edge of the world
We face the truth
We die in the name of the rose, we're true
There's magic in the air tonight
Everything feels so right
We're shining white
There is no return it is too late
The gates are near soon we'll face our final fate
Our journey is at the end
We are there
'Round and 'round we go
Facing the mystery
Every moment fades away
Into the history
Each new second and the hour
We'll find what we're looking for
Even if we have to roam to the edge of the world
9. I'll Sing You Home
So here we stand
Our backs against the wall
Opened eyes
We are here, we are here
Come with me
It is not far anymore
Hear my voice
Let it ring, let it ring
I'll sing you home
I'll show the way
Into the light of darkest day
Into the night
Without a fight
I'll sing you home, I'll sing you home
10. The Land Of New Hope
Time goes on forever
We're caught in the game of never
You have come a long way
To find your destiny
The dawn of new way has started
Close your eye and leave all behind
Pure of heart are the ones that can pass through my gate
Leave your old ways and follow the shining light
There is a danger, the dark is always around
Come with me and open your hearts
What you'll see is not somethings you yet understand
I guard this land, it has always been this way
The dark is strong, but it has no place in here
This is the land of new hope
Pure of heart can make their home
It's hidden in your heart, where no one's searching for
There's so much to learn
Just make the turn
I'll show you the way to a new day
You've come home and you've been through much
What you have seen, is the price that you all did pay
But everything can start all over
Time is forever and it's here where we build our future
This is the land of new hope
Where pure of heart can make their home
It's hidden in your heart, where no one's searching for
There's so much to learn
Just make the turn
I'll show you the way to a new day
This is the land of new hope
Where pure of heart can make their home
It's hidden in your heart, where no one's searching for
When all lonely souls unite
Return to the light
Rejoice forever in you