 Когда перед вами возникает старый лысый дядька, и протягивает мешок подарков, не торопитесь с подозрением коситься на календарь. Да, не Новый год! Нет, не Дед Мороз (Санта Клаус, Папа Ноэль, Йоулупукки - в зависимости от вашего месторасположения)! Нет, он не пал жертвой химиотерапии! И вообще – протрите глаза – не мешок это вовсе, да и подарок там всего один. И тот оформлен настолько безвкусно и шаблонно, что иначе как образцом тевтонского металла быть не может. И вот тут-то вы наконец угадали!
Честно говоря, едва только по сети распространились сведения, что красавчик Игорь Джианола покинул группу, а вслед за ним, жалуясь на старческие болячки, отчалил и Кауфман, мой интерес к будущему проекта немедленно возрос. И вовсе не потому, что наличие в составе брюнетистого итальянца как-то влияло на восприятие творчества диркшнайдеровского коллектива. И уход Кауфмана также не особо сказался на моих музыкальных предпочтениях. Но ведь какова новость – перемены! И где?!
В принципе все вышесказанное можно было бы повторить и по поводу двух новичков, даром что один из них наш, собственный. Можно даже сказать – земляк! Но вся интрига создавшегося положения заключалась в единственном вопросе – а дальше то что?
А вот дальше - самое интересное! Благо выходящие ролики здорово подогревали ожидание. И уже, не дожидаясь самого альбома, было ясно, что впервые за столько лет морщинистый дядька Удо наконец-то решил изменить курс.
Поменялся стиль, трансформировалась мелодика и структура песен, звучание лишилось раздражающей сухости, но самое главное – стал разнообразнее материал. Ибо ни что так не отравляло знакомство с очередным творением коллектива, как набившее оскомину узнавание. Во время прослушивания «Steelhammer» чувству дежа вю места, к счастью, не нашлось.
Удалось Диркшнайдеру расправиться и с еще одним внутренним бесом – надоедливой длительностью последних альбомов. Предыдущий опус, пусть и вторичный до мозга костей, все-таки был действительно неплохим. Но дослушать его до конца удавалось далеко не всегда, ибо из целых 18 песен «Rev-Raptor» (с учетом всяких там диджи-паков и прочих «японцев») безболезненно воспринималась только первая дюжина. Об оставшихся тридцати трех процентах в приличном обществе говорить не будем.
Да, на «Стальном молоте» композиций тоже не мало – целых пятнадцать (разноязыкую «Basta Ya», независимо от количества ипостасей, все же лучше считать за одну боевую единицу), но среди них нет ни одной проходной! Начиная от заглавной «Steelhammer», уже достаточно недвусмысленно сигнализирующей о грядущих переменах, и до финальной почти классической «Shadows Come Alive» невозможно обнаружить ни намека на какое-то расслабление. Даже наоборот – под конец успешно доказавшего свою нетрадиционность альбома слушателя подкарауливает «Book Of Faith» - песня, равной которой в арсенале U.D.O. не встречалось с самого бесконечно далекого дебюта. С тем отличием, что на «Animal House» в 1987 году симфонизму места не нашлось… Это супер, господа!
Напоследок хочется задать закономерный вопрос – учитывая, что авторская пара Диркшнайдер - Винхольд оказалась на голову выше спарки Кауфманн - Диркшнайдер, за какие грехи талантливого немца не подпускали столько времени к участию в написании песен? Робкое соавторство буквально в паре вещей предыдущего безликого периода не в счет… |
Heavy hard and mega loud
With iron hearts and fire in your brains
Going on we feel no pain
We're metal soldiers marching for the faith
[Repeat Bridge]
Steelhammer - Steelhammer
Hammering your brain
Steelhammer - Steelhammer
Driving you insane
Steelhammer - Steelhammer - Steelhammer
2. A Cry Of A Nation
[Music & Words: Dirkschneider, Wienhold]
Some think crazy - some think not
Live in a world - madness won't stop
Downturn legacy - bottomless well
Stop the rot - before we land in hell
Cash flow, backhand - cream the lot
Dirty business - from the crooks on top
Sky's the limit - devil's underhand
They're digging in deep - we better make a stand
Money to burn - will they ever learn
A cry of a nation - it's nof what we need
A cry of a nation - a global misery
A human tragedy - wny don't you see
A cry of a nation
Double fees - zillionaires
Blindfold deals - hell - nobody cares
Man on a station - falls down to his knees
Broken and busted - cries: Salvation please
[Spoken part:]
Good evening
And more important news on the global meltdown
The governments of the world, today, have issued the following statement
All persons with 2 million (of their local currency or less) yes, that's less!
Must report to their local euthanasia department for disposal
Women and children first.
You heard it first on channel meltdown goodnight.
3. Metal Machine
[Music & Words: Dirkschneider, Wienhold]
It comes to you without a warning
It gets connected to your mind
It's on a hunt, it will find you
You can't escape its terror mind
It starts the laser eyes
And starts to memorise
And now the chase
Has now begun
It's starting up the multiphasing
Its generators heating up
It stares with empty eyes
You will be paralyzed
And now you cannot run away
Grabs you with metal arms
Incineration farm
You are the waste, it doesn't need
Look and see
The metal machine
We've all been living - now it's over
Hide and seek
The metal machine
Creep and crawl, it's getting colder
The clock is ticking down the warning
Until the bell begins to ring
Tried to fight, we cannot move
We know the human race is through
4. Basta Ya
[Music: Dirkschneider, Wienhold]
[Words: Dirkschneider, Wienhold, Garcia Gonzales]
Si quieres puedes cambiar el mundo
no lo estropees, usa la cabeza
tienes los medios, tienes el arma
no tienes limites, tienes la fuerza
Tu vives bien, en tu comodo hogar
¡Hey! ¿Y nosotros qué? ¿Y los ninos qué?
Basta ya
es hora de crear
un mundo nuevo
Basta ya
no tengo miedo a perder
Basta ya
es hora de cambiar
a un nuevo credo
Basta ya
iré tras ello hasta el final
Estoy harto de tus mentiras
nunca escuchas, ignoras nuestras vidas
lo mas grande, lo mas selecto
lo tienes todo y que se joda el resto.
5. Heavy Rain
[Music: Dirkschneider, Wienhold, Knight]
[Words: Dirkschneider, Wienhold]
Nothing could prepare me for the truth
How could I believe, I hope I was of use
Didn't realise I'd played the fool
You were the devil in disguise
Your poison made me die
You're like heavy rain
Always feels the same
You're like a dagger in the night
You always make a lie
Out of everything
You're like heavy rain
You bring a tear to my eye
I wish that you would fly back into heavy rain
Bleeding from the arrow to my heart
You did the dirty deed, you tore my soul apart
Left me like an addict in the dust
You crawled inside my skin
You left me cold and crushed
[Repeat Chorus]
The future is not so bright
I'll have to learn to flgnt
The likes of you
I'll find an open road
And bear this heavy load from you
6. Devil's Bite
[Music & Words: Dirkschneider, Wienhold]
Hard and loose, this is the life I choose
I own the higher ground
Life can be a bitch
Sometimes cannot be fixed
Rolling on, like a wheel
Waste of time, some are broken
Hard and tough, no fantasy
You and I - you broke in two
I've got you under - take the lead
Let me bite you - iron hard
Let me bite you - straight to your heart
Don't take the devil's bite
So we can stay together
Don't take the devil's bite
So we can live forever
Don't take the devil's bite
So we can fight together
Don't take the devil's bite - no devil's bite
What you do, sometimes it must be true
It's up to you
Told you it's a bitch, time to burn the bridge
So let me bow, that's the deal
7. Death Ride
[Music & Words: Dirkschneider, Wienhold]
No matter what your creed
Or what your colour
No matter if you're rich or poor
We walk the line, some end up in hell
Some get a bucket of fear
You tell me you're on a fucking mission
Let me tell you, you are wrong
Who needs the word of your religion, for your perfect state
C'mon stop talking, so keep on walking
You got a sickness in mind
Don't need your madness, so keep your sadness
I've got a ticket in mind
We're on a death ride - we cannot wait much longer
We're on a death ride - some of us take longer
We're on a death ride - not only for the stronger
We're on a death ride - feel the storm of hunger
We are all insane
Ride begins and we will
Leave the station
Leave behind temptation - and faith
Turn out the light - and say goodnight
Hello to - end of days
There never was a choice or decision
Let me tell - no other way
Never gonna be an intermission - you're here to stay
[Repeat Bridge]
[Repeat Chorus]
8. King Of Mean
[Music: Dirkschneider, Wienhold, Knight]
[Words: Dirkschneider, Wienhold]
I'm a pit bull
Well I'm a shotgun
I'm a ten ton truck loaded down with TNT
I'm a missile
Well I'm a tiger
I'm a midnight, hellcat, bastard, s.o.b.
Holy Moses
Holy smoke
Everything I've been
I am what you will regret
Cause I'm the king of mean
I'm a chainsaw
I am lightning
The hammer of hell to take your life away
I'm a bad dog
I'm a crosshair
I'm the axe that's come to terminate your day
[Repeat Chorus]
I'll devastate you to the wasteland
You're riding on the devil's tail
My heat is gonna make you melt down
I know you're guaranteed to fail
[Repeat Chorus]
9. Timekeeper
[Music & Words: Dirkschneider, Wienhold]
See horizons lie
Call your fate your sign
On your way, still your own
Marching from your home
So you lost - so am I
It makes you breathe
Tell me why - have you been gone
Where've you been
I change your time
He is the timekeeper - messing with your mind
Timekeeper - watching over ypu
He is the timekeeper - making all the rules
Timekeeper - coming over you
Out of sight and wrong - so wrong
Timeline dead and gone - are gone
Universal clash - a clash
Cleaning human trash
[Repeat Bridge]
[Repeat Chorus]
He is the timekeeper - messing up your mind
Timekeeper - lording over you
He is the timekeeper - changing all the rules
Timekeeper - you still don't have a clue
10. Never Cross My Way
[Music & Words: Dirkschieider, Wienhold]
Just in time - I realised
Your words - not true
Everything or nothing
It was hard for me to do
What I decided - not forever
You - for me is history
You have twisted me - talking to a wall
Just keep away from me
So if you ever cross my way
If you ever cross my way
So if you ever cross my way
I won't be hiding - hiding away from you
In the morning when I wake up
My mind is full of hate
But nothing lasts forever
For you I stay awake
I was the crown - you are the poison
Like a shadow - hanging over me
Thrown away the key - just keep away from
[Repeat Chorus]
11. Take My Medicine
[Music & Words: Dirkschneider, Wienhold]
Open up and ram it down ya
The penny's dropped, and gone inside ya
The scales have fallen from your eyes
The die is cast, you're in my sights
You can stay with me
Stay on safer ground
What you wanna do, you wanna fly
Back to my kind of medicine
It's what you want
Take my medicine
Making you strong
So take my medicine
It's a heavy pill
Take my medicine »
You got the thrill
Take a bite of what I got ya
Bite down hard, you cannot break it
In your head, yes you'll be mine
Heartbeat searching for a life
[Repeat Bridge]
[Repeat Chorus]
12. Stay True
[Music & Words: Dirkschneider, Wienhold]
I've moved some mountains
I'm telling you
I've crossed the rivers
Just to be with you
I'm boiling metal
I am your sin
I am your nemesis
I change you from within
I fill you up
With everything you need
I am your chariot - with speed
Stay true - to you
I see your hungry eyes
It's you - stay true
No need to roll the dice
Stay true - to you
I feed your hungry eyes
Stay true - do you
Stay true - to you
I burn the heavens
I'll let ya know
Across the nation
Out to bring you hell
A target power
I've pulled the pin
I'll be your genesis
And play the bloody game
13. When Love Becomes A Lie
[Music: Dirkschneider, Wienhold, v.Scheidt]
[Words: Dirkschneider, Wienhold]
There was so much around
I couldn't take - no more
It hurt me inside
Didn't wanna lose my mind
I had my time with you
I lost a life with you
All the words that you said
Didn't wanna hear no more
A life on my own
Now I close the door
I had my lies with you
I lost my sight of you
I couldn't fight for you
Couldn't take it anymore
When love becomes a lie
Can't hurt me anymore
Just a lie
You made it like a lie
Was just a lie
Has been a lie
Was it me - was it you
Was it just a waste of time - waste of time
When love becomes a lie
Never been there before
I had to take the fall
Stepped out on my own
I couldn't be it all
14. Book Of Faith
[Music & Words: Dirkschneider, Wienhold]
There was a time - without belief
The world was lost - and not in shape
There was a need
For a preacher or a priest
To fill their dreams and hopes
The promised land - of milk and honey
The day did come - the curtain called
By blinded light and trumpet call
They came and saw
The book of faith
So read your book of faith
You will understand
So read the book of faith
You hold it in your hand
So read the book of faith
You'll see the glory land
So read the book of faith
Now the time has come - if you believe
Now the world is in your hand - you got the sign
You've paid your price
Now take your honey and leave
You see my eyes - it's no surprise
Read the book of faith
[Repeat Chorus]
It's not the final end
15. Dust And Rust
[Japanese Edition Bonus Track]
[English version of Basta Ya]
16. Shadows Come Alive
[Limited Edition Bonus Track]