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1 | Sunrise Defloration 06:31
 | 2 | Carbonized 05:02
 | 3 | Indomitable Fist of Decius 04:41
 | 4 | Reign The Vulture 04:12
 | 5 | Adonai Made Excrement 05:35
 | 6 | Pillars of Perversion 05:05
 | 7 | Mighty Impiety 05:52
 | 8 | Sunset Detonation 04:55 |
   Shyaithan Vocals, Bass
Antimo Buonnano Guitars
Eduardo Guevara Guitars
Oscar Garcia Drums
Guest vocals:
Pete Helmkamp (track 2) |
Agonia Records
The CD digipak version is limited to 2,000 copies (comes with sticker), LP to 500 and picture disc to just 100.
Morbid Visions (a Sepultura cover) appears as bonus track on the limited CD Digipak and LP.
CD licensed to Paragon Records for North America without the SEPULTURA cover.
Left = Digipak version
Right = Regular jewel case edition |
 | 1. Sunrise Defloration
The Bestial Hatred of the Rising Sun,
Is cast upon this Dawn,
Of Infernal '37,
Samurais Proudly Triumph,
The Land of Nanjing fell,
Into the beastly claws of Imperialists.
Swords of the samurai rise high,
Beheading the Mortal precise,
Babies thrown up to the sky, |
Rusty bayonets, silencing their cries
Raping their daughters, raping their sons,
Fathers and mothers were forced to,
or face a merciless execution.
But all of them shall only die,
Because their lives are meaningless,
Worthless in every Sense!
Violent orgasmic pleasures...
Corpses pile up in masses...
Violated and butchered
In just 6 weeks,
of Brutal Invasion...
A Land soaked in blood,
Destined for no hope,
over an orgy or rape and murder!
And so it seem their fucking gods of stone,
Can do absolutely nothing...
Hellish be the Rays of the Rising Sun,
Perishing lives, incinerating souls...
Coldly satiating their lust and hatred,
dedicated to the art of Annihilation...
And the defloration...
Sunrise defloration...
2. Carbonized
Open wide the gates of Eden,
Trains of the flock have arrived,
Herded into rows forced to march,
Welcome to the Kingdom of the Accursed...
Stripped of all clothes and disgraced,
Angel of Death gives the command,
Those who shall work and will die
Those biologically blessed!
Baptized cold in zyklon,
Celebrate the extermination,
A relentless Sadistic Ritual,
Forward march to Annihilation...
See their stinking corpses.
Left to rot and pile up high,
Another hundred thousand,
Awaiting their cruel demise...
Experiments conducted on the young,
Twins carved twisted into form,
The pregnant dissected in pain,
Aborting all innocence to death...
Castrate proud bearers of te star,
electrocute those who so deserve,
Lethally inject witj petrol,
Lethally infect with all virus...
And so, is this all a heinous crime
against humanity?
we applaud the wanton brutality,
Anti-Jewish Supremacy!
Into the blazing Krematoria...
Carbonized - Flaming flesh to smoldering ash...
Carbonized - Filthy flesh to sacred ash...
Crude and Vulgar, Decimations,
Add splendor to his name,
Mengele was no angel nor the Devil,
But a man committed
And Possessed by all evil!
To fuel the fires -with hate,
To fuel the fires - their fate...
3. Indomitable Fist of Decius
Ascend the throne o' mighty master,
Preserve the oath of ancient souls,
The gods have spoken so reign in terror,
Eradicate those who scorn your throne...
Lies of Christ will never serve, the bleeding cross they so deserve,
The time has come to overturn, demolish and crush those Religious...
Known to all,
christianity, is set to bring about your fall,
Aimed at, demolishing,
The sacred elders of your ancient cult.
Let there be honor,
Let there be absolute control,
Over your empire, in your name,
as their savage deaths unfold
Thrown to the lions to be feasted upon,
Eradicate the flock who preach
The cross, we spit upon...
Sacrifices in Pagan temples,
Oblations made to please the gods,
Forcing christians to purge their faith, descend into apostasy,
Lies of christ will never serve, the bleeding cross they so deserve,
The time has come to overturn, demolish and crush those religious...
They shall obey or face your wrath,
Just cast them to the arena,
Crucify and behead them,
Burn all at the stake...
Flagellate and mutilate,
Send thousands to their grave,
And so you shall forever remain
The Indomitable Fist!
Be hailed almighty Trajan Decius,
For the triumphant annihilation,
Destruction, demise and desecration,
For the benefit of this earth...
Be hailed almighty Trajan Decius,
For the bloodiest decimations,
Contempt, hate and Abomination,
For the benefit of this world
4. Reign The Vulture
Wings of torment descend!
From the blackness high above,
Into Stench Divine...
Talons of iron and steel,
Searing through flesh,
Feast of the Foul...
Son of the dragon,
Prince of Wallachia,
Renowned for his reign,
And blood soaked terror...
Infamous ruler,
fearless warrior,
Dark is his kingdom,
in the cold heart of Romania...
Vlad Tepes,
Infernal Commander,
Defending attacks from,
The ottoman empire,
Deliverer of misery,
Sadistic abhorrer,
Never defy,
This ruthless Torturer...
Sharpen and oil those wooden stakes,
Insert with care so they will not die,
Hoist them high for all to see...
The pleasures of pain now come alive...
Content with pleasure that all is secured,
Fearfull of this ruler the enemies abort,
A forest of spikes is for all to behold,
Rejoice in Pain - All impaled!
Skinned, then hung or crushed by the wheel,
Boiled and burned alive was scarce i was told,
An obsession with cruelty, Distorting the dead,
Now consume the carrions my vultures...
With the mark of the devil etched onto his blade,
Invincible so was this fierce impaler,
Casting death throughout his kingdom,
Casting pain to all the feeble...
When finally the OttomanTurks invaded,
Attacked and crushed his army of warriors,
Beheaded was he, decapitated...
The full moon night mournfully Dissipated...
Til this day there prevails a strong presence of his soul...
And clearly it can be seen and felt through the eyes of the vulture...
5. Adonai Made Excrement
Tell Me! Where are you Yahweh?
When your children need you,
Claiming their lives distressful,
Amongst those who violate them?
Amongst those who despise them?
All commandments seem useless...
Crushing your hordes,
Your fool sty of swines must die,
What good does bring your sabbath?
And lies preached by your rabbis?
Exterminating your flock,
Enough has this world endured,
Let's cleanse what seems unchaste,
And that is you and your unholy grace
What solomon built was frist destroyed,
At the strength and power of Babylonians,
And so was the second temple,
Bu Titus and his legions,
Never dream of seeing it rebuilt...
Never dream of a third one...
Even the Kotel HaMa'aravi,
Will not last more than a decade!
Made Excrement...
Made Excrement...
Let the flames engulf and leave you charred,
Let the persecution escalate,
Let your children drown in my blackest vomit
Let your synagogues be crushed eternal!
Allow the sons of chaos to celebrate,
Allow the blood of your sheep in constant flow,
Allow the destruction of Temple Mount,
Allow the Torah to be destroyed
...Be destroyed!
Let the flames engulf you Adonai...
Cataclysmic extermination thus prevails...
6. Pillars of Perversion
What was it did your god destroy with fire and brimstone?
Only Sodom and Gomorrah, that is all but a hoax,
Centuries have turned all to dust, perversion has lived on,
Histories have not come to lie, wanton pleasures of this world
From Bestiality!
Rape the beast...
Penetrate with ease...
From Necrophilia!
The dead aroused...
Celebrate your filth...
Thrusting evil in between, these Pillars we uphold,
Sodom was once city, but now it's this world
Incest, rape and pedophilia, the morals hath reversed,
What more could one ask for, heaven is the earth!
Ejaculate upon the face of innocence,
Violate, Desecrate, Devour their flesh...
Copulate and Procreate...
Our Minions born corrupt,
Breed of Bastards Aplenty
Horns up! We'll ride your slut!
Fornicate and Desecrate,
I do satiate at my will,
Orgies deviant Aplenty
Perverse in sacred art...
These pillars we uphold...
7. Mighty Impiety
Ascending ruthless from the underworld,
Bludgeoning everything in our path,
Retentless in every battle we uptake,
14 blackened years we've grimly served
Violently ferocious in demeanor,
Delivers Supersonic AntiChristian Terror,
Purveyors of Metal, War and Blasphemy,
Behold... Our Power and Might!
Ripping you to pieces...
Grinding you to dust...
Launching missiles,
Into the face,
Of your God...
Obliterate the Filth, Of this earth,
Flock of the Lord...
Waves of hate, Desecrate, Decimate,
To your loss, our unholy wrath,
Never dessipates!
Kommanders Arise,
Raising the Eternal,
Banner of Hell,
Vomiting chaos, vomiting death,
You stand not a chance!
To fill our boots,
To taste our glory,
To feel our pride
And that is because, You chose lame paths
Foolish Mortals in Shame...
Horns united,
Laws divided,
Drag Below to flames this world we shall,
Salute, Rise up to Satan,
Our Legions proud to boldly serve!
We'll rape you...
We'll crush you...
We'll tear you to the fucking ground
Of steel, triumph and glory,
Unchallenged Superiority
We Are, the Mighty Impiety!
Reign Proud, Mighty Impiety!
Embrace the fury and blasphemies,
Taste the blood of the slaughtered and massacred;
Taste the pleasures of perversion and evil
All made sacred for you!
Embrace the putridity and excrement
Taste the carrions of enemies in defeat,
Taste the fury and demonic victories,
Be hailed our Imperial Hellhordes now...
8. Sunset Detonation
Heavens weeping, illumination
The Sun fades west, grave departure
Sanguine clouds over horizon,
Tranquility deceives this evening
With stealth and precision they roll,
Targets in range, hearts so cold
Strapped with explosives, with one cause...
(To unleash their tremendous wrath in a blast!)
For revenge it seems so endless,
Nourishing their hate, to die for God,
Foolish suicidal muslims,
Detonating themselves for nothing...
An eye for eye, is what will cause,
Only much more devastation,
Blasphemous Terror so glorious,
(Deliver fierce, more unholy destruction and demise!)
Launch another...
Heinous attack...
Annihilate masses!
Proudly detonating - yourself!
Launch Another...
Ferocious Onslaught...
Slaughter the sheep!
In the Sign of - Paramount Evil!