 Я когда-то говорил себе что нью-металл - это как бы не мое, мне этот жанр не особо нравился... Не особо нравился до тех пор, пока я не послушал 40 Below Summer. Да, начинал я как все нормальные люди - с дебютной пластинки. Послушал я ее не один раз. Сейчас выскажу, какие мысли у меня вызвало каждое прослушивание в отдельности.
Первое прослушивание:
Итак, я запускаю первую композицию. Далее за ней мчится вторая, третья, пятая... Как же это все-таки нудно! Мне показалось в тот момент, что композиции до ужаса примитивны, почти ничего не запомнилось, да и до конца я дослушал с большим трудом. Атмосфера не преобладает вообще. Все, я готов данному альбому поставить всего-навсего три балла из десяти. Но не тут-то было...
Совесть: "Ты же пишешь рецензии. Неужели ты так рассуждаешь только из-за личного отношения к группе?"
Я: "Альбом сам по себе посредственный, таких пруд пруди, ничего не скажешь. Ничего особого из себя 40 Below Summer не представляют."
Совесть: "Я даже не знаю, что тебе сказать. Korn, значит, до уровня Богов современной музыки возвысил, а этому альбому ставишь такую низкую оценку?"
Я: "Я никого не возвышал, а просто послушал их записи много раз."
Совесть: "В том и дело, что ты послушал альбом всего один раз. Как послушаешь его до посинения - возвращайся!"
Я: "...ладно"
Второе прослушивание:
Включаю альбом в проигрывателе во второй раз. Минуту, а мне это нравится. С какой интонацией доносится вокал, какие же все-таки захватывающие припевы. Музыканты играть, как оказалось, умеют, причем даже очень хорошо. Гитарная игра не настолько технична, в начале первого трека проскакивает небольшое соло, которое тоже не особо оригинально. Но ничего больше от музыкантов не требуется, это же нью-металл. Основной "фишкой" тут является не техничность материала, а его эмоциональность и качевость. Такую музыку стоит понять. Игра ударника тоже не оставляет особых эмоций, но при этом она не скучна. В общем, ставлю альбому шесть баллов из десяти - нормальная работа, но не более того.
Третье прослушивание:
Меня вновь потянуло заново послушать данный альбом. Являлось ли решение правильным, когда я оценил альбом на "шестерку"? Конечно же не являлось! Еще одно прослушивание материала, и мне этого хватило, что бы понять его полностью. Гитарные партии мне показались более вдумчивыми, чем тогда, игра ударника тоже оставила положительные эмоции. Вокал - одна из главных особенностей жанра. Вокал Макса Иллиджа эмоционален и... Пожалуй все. Главное - проявлять как можно больше эмоций. 40 Below Summer поравнялись бы со многими группами, играющими в этом жанре, в частности с такими монстрами, как Ill Nino или Limp Bizkit - хотя со вторыми вряд ли, но все же. Из треков я выделю, в первую очередь, "Suck It Up" - в частности, за энергичное вступление. "5 Lb. Bag" за неповторимую энергию. еще отмечу медленный спокойный номер "Little Lover". Ну и все, наверное, как-то особо описывать треки в отдельности я не вижу смысла - работа слушается на одном дыхании и с одним настроением. Солнечным настроением - о чем и повествует название группы!
В итоге скажу, что это отличный диск, который стал моим самым любимым у 40 BS. Однозначно, одна из самых лучших их работ! |
I can't feel this way - so ordinary
Wrapped in all this pain - distorted every
day & I can't breathe - you've suffocated
me & all my needs
& I can't scream again
Break me down - I'm breaking mentally
Break me down - I'm breaking everyday
Cover me - yes, I've had enough
Smother me - you better let me up
Eyes on this - psycho explosion
Your silent wish - for my erosion
Bent on - determination
& mental - evisceration
I can't feel this way - so ordinary
Wrapped in all this pain - distorted every
day & I can't breathe - you've suffocated
me & all my
Why can't you leave me alone (no way)
Stripping me down to the bone (don't say)
Why can't you leave me alone (no way)
Stripping me down to the bone
Force-fed & inbred & stunted(suck it up)
y'all made me feel so unwanted(suck it up)
Get off my case fore i make you(suck it up)
Get out my face fore i break you(suck it up)
Stain, change, range (suck it up)
maim, aim, blame (suck it up)
Vacate now (suck it up)
Take you out
I can't feel this way - so ordinary
Wrapped in all this pain - distorted every
day & I can't breathe - you've suffocated
me & all my needs
& I can't scream again again again (suck it up)
Again again again (lick it)
Again again again (suck it up)
Again again again!
Turn your back, turn around every day
Lay the smack down, come around, make us bleed
Put your hands on, touch em there, everywhere
Put your hands on, leave em down in despair
Put your boots on, kick em right in the mouth
Dig a hole now, put em back in the ground
Bring your ass on and make em burn deep inside
Don't bring up the pain - there's too much to hide
Don't cry - don't sleep, don't try to even speak
Don't lie - don't weep - Don't you walk away from me
Pick the pace up, but you can't get away
Better behave - better be doin what I say
Get your rocks off, as it's gonna beat you down
Kick your face in, bring you in with the sound
I'm tellin you now, better open up your eyes
Comin through now, gonna make you realize
Better back off, can't take the pain
Over and over and over again
Don't cry - don't sleep, don't try to even speak
Don't lie - don't weep - Don't you walk away from me
Hurts on your weak side, you can't run, you can't hide
The beatings that break you burn and they take you [repeat]
How much can you take till you break
Nowhere to run, nowhere to escape
Sometimes, you just wanna hide
Throw up your hands and get suicide
Oh, please, just like this disease
You're weak in the heart and weak in the knees
So back off and line em up and I know we've all had enough
Ain't no time for hesitation
Ain't no time for subjugation
Now's the time for castration
Now's the time for devastation
Worthless, you're worthless, I'm worthless, we're all worthless
Worthless, you're worthless
Hey baby, I'm choking (I'll help you breathe)
Hey baby, I'm smoking (I'll set your mind at ease)
I feel you inside (what do you want from me)
I want you to open wide
I'm needing to touch you (do you fiend for me)
I'm needing to fuck you (would you bleed for me)
And you wanted it all - Before I fall
Hey girl, better get up and move -
Watch that ass, cause I come to groove
When I tasted you, then I wanted more -
Inside you I was reborn
Lay down and you injected -
Fill my veins up - I've been infected
Your disease runs through me -
Fills me up every time you do me
It's all about the pain you put me through -
It's all about the pain you put me through -
It's all about the pain you put me through -
It's all about you
Hey woman, come thrill me (all night long)
Hey woman, come fill me (I'll make you strong)
I can feel the way you (The way I what)
You touched me with betrayal (and I tear you up)
I loved you, you moved me (I'm your little girl)
Your very touch consumes me (step into my world)
And then you'd rape me -
And then you'd disgrace me
Open up and heed my words -
Listen up as I kick the verbs
Walk the line of love and disturbed -
You're gonna get just what you deserve
I don't want you, I don't need you -
I love you, but I don't believe you
You're just a waste of time -
Get the fuck out of my mind
It's all about the pain you put me through -
It's all about the pain you put me through -
It's all about the pain you put me through -
It's all about you
I can't kill all this pain - you know I burn in hell -
Can't refrain I just might as well go insane inside
I'm screwed - you ripped my heart in two -
There's nothing that I can do All the shit you put me through -
I still love you (do you really)
It's all about you (it's all about me)
I'd do anything for you
Spill these lies all you ever want to do is
Fill these eyes With tears it's all you need to do to
Magnify Everything about you is to justify
To feel my pride
Ready to catch a fistful
Now I'm coming at ya like the crack of a pistol
Duck! Said ya run out of luck
Everything about you sez I don't give a fuck
You don't know what the pain does to me on my knees in a world where
I can barely breathe
And did you think I'd let you get away
From just a piece of the pain that you left me with
Spin your hate all I ever needed was to
Demonstrate You and all your fucked up rules
I cant relate Every time I try to leave
I cant escape I see your face
Ready to catch a fistful
Now I'm coming at ya like the crack of a pistol
Duck! Said ya run out of luck
Everything about you sez I don't give a fuck
You don't know what the pain does to me on my knees in a world where
I can barely breathe
And did you think I'd let you get away
From just a piece of the pain that you left me with
Taste this anger ripping you open
Impending danger something you lost
Can I have a moment of silence
And now your gone
Get off get off coming up behind you
Get off get off coming to remind you
Get off get off don't you test me
Get off get off get off get off [repeat]
Hellhound hellbound hot on ya trail
And hungry for the sound
Of ya cryin Cold shivers in the black said
I'll light the match I'm burnin hot
Like ya thermostats Overdose when I push up
Inside ride on a bed of fire baby
I can take you higher I like the way you cut me
I like the way you fuck me
I like the way ya tie me up I hope you like it rough
And you will fly with me you'll get high with me
You'll lay down with me you'll cry out loud with me [x2]
Again cold chills up and down your spine
Don't mind when I come from behind
I see you laid back in ecstasy as I eat you alive
And hit it like a landmine oh woman you're so fine fine fine
And your all mine I want to tease you I want to please you I want
To burn you and I want to bleed you
And you will fly with me you'll get high with me
You'll lay down with me you'll cry out loud with me [x2]
I will invade you're senses I'll see you in your dreams
Hold out your arms so I can break you at the seams
My little lover under cover
You shiver and shake and quake and break like no other
Little lover yeah little lover.
Shiver and shake and quake
Shiver and shake and quake and break
Cut off quickly two inch life
killing slowly died through these eyes
Sweating shaking etched on your face
bending breaking burning away
I'm so lost that I've slipped
Too far - cant die - split clean - open wide
Grateful hateful you're so insane
take a face full of all this pain
Crawling falling through all your shame
time is calling no one left to blame
Too far - cant die - split clean - open wide
So lost so wrong so lost so long I'm gone
Think about your life think about your life in the ground
Think about your pain think about it then suck it down
Think about the road think about that your on
Think about your life now its gone
Face up and change
Your time displaced
No way you're gonna
If you could see through my eyes
You'll see I'm fucked up inside
I cant get away I cant get away from this place
I am drowning in I am drowning in my mistakes
I cant get it off I cant get it off yes its real
I cant get it off theirs nothing to feel
No life this is the
Last time I've got it
All wrong right from it__
If you could see through my eyes
You'll see I'm fucked up inside
Cant you just see it's a trap
You been jacked you been smacked you been cracked
It's a fact in the black that's designed to hold you back
You can try you can die you can fly you can run you can hide
But the pain that you feel inside
You been hooked you been booked you been shook you been took
Why cant you take a look
Take a look [repeat]
You're gonna burn and bleed on your knees gonna
Feel the freeze as you feel my disease [repeat]
My disease [repeat]
Here we come gonna shake up the earth
Here we come gonna kick up some dirt
Here we come hide your women and your weed
Here we come and we spread like disease
Here we come with the funk rain sleet hail snow
Here we come with the funk its time to let you know
Here we come fill the air like a shotgun blast
Kick in your face than take out the trash
Why cant you believe in the words don't you ever listen
Now do you believe that we won't go away
What can you believe in the words we won't go away
Step off I can't take it step off I'm deranged
Step off I can't fake step off before I go Insane
Blowing up like you knew that we would
River rat style gonna give it to you good
Running ya down when I take to extremes
Whipping that ass like Austin 316
Who can ignite give it to ya right
Shake up the ground all God damn night
Kapow how ya like me now
Burning hot going off like kaklow, kaklow
Why cant you believe in the words don't you ever listen
Now do you believe that we won't go away
Why can't you believe in the words we wont go away
Step off I can't take it step off I'm deranged
Step off I can't fake step off before I go Insane
Step off I can't take it step off I'm deranged
Step off I can't fake step the fuck off
Nothing you could take from me
Even if you make me bleed, I won't drop
Step off - you can't take me down
Leave you buried in the ground I wont stop [Repeat]
I'm straight at you 2 fisted.
Aw yeah, gonna flex for you
This is the way I bring wreck and snap necks in two
Bad ass, crazy bastard
One, two, mike check, the lyrical assassin
Heads up when the sound comes crashing
Like a train wreck to the heads that we done smashed in.
Hard like the man of steel
You steppin up you get crushed beneath the wheel (what?)
Ya better change your direction
Step back and get some protection
You don't want none of me
I see that look in your eyes like I'm a side show freak
Cause I'm a sideshow freak - a long legged geek
Gonna be feeling the flames and feel the heat of my pain
Now I know everybody hates me -
Tries to fake me and tries to degrade me
Ain't shit, never gonna be shit -
And I don't give a shit - not one little bit
Oh please, just shut the fuck up -
Why the hell are you so stuck up
Oh please, just leave me be -
I know but I can't believe that
I'm so ugly - nobody wants me -
I'm so ugly that nobody ever wants to touch me
I'm so ugly - nobody wants me -
I'm so ugly that nobody ever wants me
I shouldn't kill, but I will if I must -
I'm going off and I'm about to bust
In the dark - can't find my way -
And I wake up to it every single day
But I'll keep moving on -
Singing that same old song - Yo, I gotta be strong
I'll keep moving on -
Singing that same old song - for how long
Don't ya know that my life's killing me -
Don't ya know from before that I still bleed
Why can't you set me free -
You'll always see that
I'm so ugly - nobody wants me -
I'm so ugly that nobody ever wants to touch me
I'm so ugly - nobody wants me -
I'm so ugly that nobody ever me
Shut the fuck up - sit your ass down
It's my time bitch - eat your heart out [x2]
Shut the fuck up - sit your ass down
It's my time now eat your fucking heart out [x2]
I'm just one ugly mother fucker [x4]
I'm so ugly [x4]
Why'd you take that away from me -
Just one taste and I needed a little more of your sweet honey
I want you to feel my pain
I want you - don't walk away
I need you - the time is right
I need to hold you tight
Rejection - I can't believe you're gone
Rejection - why'd you have to walk away
Rejection - I can't believe you're gone
Rejection - now it's time to turn the page
Rejection - What the fuck did I do
Rejection - why'd you have to walk away
Rejection - you broke me in two
What the fuck did I do
What did I do to deserve the blame
Remember this, and don't forget my name <-thats Actually. Rejected Me, Well
bitch you know my name
Handle this shit before I rope ya
I'm gonna slit your throat before I smoke ya
Bet it all - but you don't own me
You tried to punk me - but you don't know me
You tried to blow me off without no question
You better pray for divine intervention
You really didn't think I'd let you walk away from me
Just one more time - I need to feel your lips around this piece
If you could come my way - what could I do to make you stay
Then you could penetrate my life - then you'd rip me up inside
Rejection - I can't believe you're gone
Rejection - Why'd you have to walk away
Rejection - I can't believe you're gone
Rejection - Now it's time to turn the page
Rejection - What the fuck did I do
Rejection - Why'd you have to walk away
Rejection - you broke me in two
Pushing and crushing me - down on my knees
Taking and breaking - and making me scream
I can't contain this - I'll make you all bleed
You've opened me up - now you'll feel my disease
In my suffering (stop)
Suffering (dying too)
Even in my suffering - I'll make you believe
You can't believe I'll make you disappear
Occurred to me - and then it became clear
Rejected me - oh no, I don't think so
I'll take you out quick - don't even blink ..so
You cut me up and hung me out to dry
Got your itch - like a bitch - you made me cry...but
Retribution, confusion, illusion
hairline fracture, multiple contusion
.....don't walk away
.....just run away
Come step up to the plate
And please allow me to demonstrate
As you step into the rear of the sideshow bus
Strap it on cuz it's time to get a head rush
Twist the cap and tap the bottle
That's my motto - here it comes full throttle
Straight up at ya from 40 Below
Freezing - you're bleeding as you feel the winds blow
Can not stop this, you can not break this, you can not crush this
Get your ass out the way
I see you shakin cuz the time's up
wreck that ass with my starting line-up
Bolos and body blows, hooks and haymakers
re-animate, suffocate your breath taker
Kick down your doors - excuse the intrusion
swift and clean over the execution
Quick get shot - you're rocked - it'll bend you over
This is the sideshow, bitch - I thought I told ya
Can not stop this, you can not break this, you can not crush this
Get your ass out the way
You can't escape the disease of the freeze -
of the sideshow release - come and bring you to your knees
This is the last straw - I can't control, I explode
Now I got you in a choke hold
You can't try to get off - you'll get lost - you'll get tossed
when I'm up in your face full force
You can't try to get passed - you won't last
It's your ass - when I rip you in half
I know I ignite like a pyro - burn inside so
Step into the sideshow
I know - gonna go psycho - might go
Step into the sideshow
I know I ignite like a pyro - make em burn when they
Step into the sideshow
Gonna cut em in half really tight - so kickin your ass when ya
Step into the sideshow
Don't get me hot - you'll catch a right cold - check the eyes, bro
Step into the sideshow
Punk suck - gonna front on the ride - motherfucker
Step into the sideshow
I'm bringin all the pain straight out