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1 | Caveman Dildo
2 | Fuck Her and Kill Her But Not In That Order
3 | Charles Lindbergh Was A Fuck Machine
4 | Say Cheese and Get Raped
5 | Pope Mobile Drive By
6 | Sand Burial Fuckfest
7 | No Viewing Octopus Porno On Company Time
8 | I Swerved To Miss A Cat and Hit 36 Kids
9 | Climbing The Ladder of Exhibitionism At The Old Folks Home
10 | Dead Baby Eaten By Dogs
11 | Doggie Style Cyber Sex With Marilyn Monrobot
12 | Best Things In Life Are Free, Then Why Did I Pay To Get AIDS
13 | Beaten With Your Own Cowboy Boots
14 | Malibu Is For Gay Guidos and Women
15 | I Don't Just Develop Film, I Develop Families
16 | Black Girlfriend Killed Grandma
17 | Sausage King Shooting Spree
18 | The Story of the Lonely Giraffe Who Fucked a Tree, a Fence, and a Shed
19 | Breastfeeding A Boozed Whore
20 | If You Got The HIV. Holla At Us (Cause We Never Rock Jimmy Hats)
21 | It Fucking Hurts When I Piss
22 | Since When Is Caging a Child Illegal
23 | Of Course I'm Not a Real Person. I'm a Big Piece of Poop
24 | Managing To Fuck A 16-Year-Old
25 | You Would Rise To The Occasion In A Room Full of Guys
26 | Cape + Mask + Gun = Neighborhood Shooting Rampage |
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