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Îñíîâíîé ñòèëü
Äîáàâèòü â TOP10

Aurora Forrest

« Requiem for the Living »

Aurora Forrest "Requiem for the Living" Ãîä



CD Album

Industrial Black Metal

N Íàçâàíèå
22150 - The Trial Coda
3Requiem For The Living
4Frailty (A Trail Of Broken Glass)
5In This Wake...
6Beyond Thy Mirror (Aurora's Advent)
7Prelude To Tragedy
8The Shadow Child
9Drain The Life Blood (Constantine's Descent)
10Sacrament Of Penance
11The Furor (To Die Again)
12The Greed Of Those Who Prosper
13See You In Hell (The Fall Of Constantine)
14With Hope Comes Misery
15The Angel Of Demons (A New Beginning)
Total playing time: 60:51
Ñîñòàâ ãðóïïû->
Seth T. White - Vocals, Guitar, Bass, Keyboards, Drum Programming
Nicole Cobbler - Female Vocals, Synth
Label: Nox Noctis Productions
June 3rd, 2008

Guest vocals on In This Wake... and Drain The Life Blood by: Corey Fillette (as Constantine)
Screams at the end of See You In Hell by: Corey Fillette
The album follows the storyline of vampiress Aurora Forrest and finds
philosophical meaning behind the words revenge, betrayel, and greed.
Òåêñòû ïåñåí

I am so lonely
Here in my shell
Laid to rest by those I love and loathe
Darkened days brighten
As the years go by
And the numbers do me time
I grow strong
Betrayed by those I love and loathe
Death will come to all
My time is to be fractured
Oh little one
Lend me yoÑêðûòü/ïîêàçàòü


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ïðîñìîòðîâ: 4777    


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