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« Crying of the Whales »

Abarax "Crying of the Whales" Год



CD Album

Psychedelic Progressive Rock

N Название
1Crying Of The Whales Part I (10:08)
2Journey's End (7:32)
3Whale Massacre (12:34)
4Part Of Evolution (3:09)
5Nature's Voice (5:46)
6Point Of No Return (6:21)
7All These Walls (8:37)
8Crying Of The Whales Part II (7:19)
Состав группы->
Andre Blaeute / vocals, acoustic guitar, e-bow
Dennis Grasekamp / lead guitar, bass guitar, drums
Howard Hanks / guitar, spoken words, lyrics
Udo Grasekamp / keyboards, synthesizer, programming
Additional musicians:
Andre Grasekamp / bass guitar (1, 8)
Bernd Eenhuis / additional guitar (1, 8)
Label: Cyclops Records

The band states:
A "rock music fantasy" describing the imaginative truth about the whales and the reasons for their existence. After nearly 3 years of continuously interrupted research and never ending mind games we came up with this seemingly quite unequivocal thesis. The further our project advanced the clearer it became and so did the music to underplay our suggestions. Whether or not true, significant or insignificant, we thought it was the right topic and the right time. We hope you care and enjoy

Track list of Promo version (2005):

1. Crying Of The Whales Part I (11:12)
2. Tears Of The Whales (2:02)
3. Salty Sting (2:42)
4. The Journey (5:53)
5. Journey's End (6:53)
6. Whale Massacre (13:11)
7. Part Of Evolution (3:09)
8. Nature's Voice (5:46)
9. Point Of No Return (6:21)
10. All These Walls (8:36)
11. Crying Of The Whales Part II (7:18)

Total Time: 73:03


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