« Dewildication »
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1 | Dewildication Ouverture
 | 2 | Something Wicked this Way Comes
 | 3 | WILD
 | 4 | Interlude I - Night of Deviations Comes
 | 5 | Pigmalionism
 | 6 | Dies Illa
 | 7 | Sacred Deliverance
 | 8 | Interlude II - When a Genius Dies
 | 9 | Sacrificium Prelude
 | 10 | Death of a Genius
 | 11 | Dewildication Ends |
   Davey Spirit - vocals, music;
Lady Julianna - vocals |
Label: Tachibana Records
Recorded at Xam Studio & Kripa Art Studio
bonus track:
12. Bonus - Kyrie [Extended] |
 | Something Wicked This Way Comes
Break the witch's spell,
Fill with silence
Ugly cauldron of your violence.
Then unbreak your disillusion
And finally make conclusion:
Double double, toil and trouble
Fire burn and cauldron bubble
Double, double, toil and trouble
Something Wicked this way  |
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 «Белорусский neoclassical gothic проект? Не может быть!» - подумал я, нечаянно наткнувшись в интернете на сведения о TETANIA.
Интро «Dewildication Ouverture» плавно переходит в зловещий «Something Wicked This Way Comes» и я понимаю, что выражение “первый блин - комом” далеко не всегда является справедливым. В данном случае мы имеем отличнейшую дебютную работу, наполненную симфоническим трагизмом и утонченной красотой. «Плачущая» скрипка, проникновенные клавишные переборы, отличный вокал, варьирующийся от шепота до мрачного речитатива – все это захватывает и не отпускает, погружая в мир красоты и меланхолии. Последний трек «Death of a Genius» - самый настоящий реквием, буквально сочащийся болью и безысходностью. Восхитительный альбом! На мой взгляд, у группы нет аналогов не только в Беларуси, но и в СНГ. А заказав коллекционное издание альбома, я стал обладателем красивого DVD-бокса с отлично оформленным буклетом и бонусным диском, на котором нашлись несколько интересных фотографий и видео (в частности, клип на «Something Wicked This Way Comes»). Недостаток всего один: дополнительных материалов маловато. Но даже этот факт не смог испортить впечатление об альбоме, поэтому он заслуживает хорошей оценки. |
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просмотров: 4416 |
In the rivers of your veins
Deathly Poison still remains,
Making you so weak, so weak...
Making your soul leak.
Double double, toil and trouble
Fire burn and cauldron bubble
Double, double, toil and trouble
Something Wicked this way comes!
Double double, toil and trouble
Fire burn and cauldron bubble
Double, double, toil and trouble
Something Wicked this way comes!
So schwer Ade zu sagen.
So schwer: Ich liebe dich
Probierte ich, entschuldig mich...
Mein Liebe, vergiss mich!
Kiss once again,
Embrace once again...
Let me know you need me...
And then let go...
Is something is not right?
I understand it's true
So now we have to decide
What to do?(What to do?What to do?)
Kiss once again,
Embrace once again...
Let me know you need me...
And then let go...
Is it you...my WILD?!
One night with the art
Alone with beating heart.
One touch with shaking hand
For this is now the end.
Marble wings can not fly,
Bleedin eyes can not cry,
Blinded heart is doomed to die..
My Angel!
I kiss your hands and
can feel they're hot.
Why don't you move?
Light of night
Speak with me, my Love.
I can hear your stone heart..
Oh, Open your misty eyes!
Painful feeling of life hidden within.
I want to be same of you!
Let me turn into stone!
Please, as you!
I kiss your hands and
can feel they're hot.
Why don't you move?
Light of night
Speak with me, my Love.
I can hear your stone heart..
Oh, Open your misty eyes!
Painful feeling of life hidden within.
Speak with me, Speak!
I kiss your hands and
can feel they're hot.
Why don't you move?
Light of night
Speak with me, my Love.
I can hear your stone heart..
Oh, Open your misty eyes!
Death of a Genius
It's lacrimosa for you
My every step is for you
My every tear is for you
My every word is for you
For you, my dead genius
For you, the light in my arms
For you, my dead genius
For you, the light in my arms
You were too weak to defeat
You were too strong but to fall
You were just frightened boy
You were but always too close
It's you, my dead genius
It's you, the light in my arms
It's you, my dead genius
It's you, the light in my arms
Requiem Aeternam,
Requiem Aeternam,