« Psychogrotesque »
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1 | Psychogrotesque I 01:59
 | 2 | Psychogrotesque II 05:03
 | 3 | Psychogrotesque III 04:05
 | 4 | Psychogrotesque IV 04:36
 | 5 | Psychogrotesque V 05:40
 | 6 | Psychogrotesque VI 06:14
 | 7 | Psychogrotesque VII 05:12
 | | Total playing time: 32:49 |
   Malfeitor Fabban - Vocals, bass, keyboards
Hell:I0:Kabbalus - Guitars, keyboards
Bård G. "Faust" Eithun – Drums
Guests musicians
Karyn Crisis – Vocals
Davide Tiso - Additional guitars and electronics
Richard K. Szabo - Additional electronics
Marc Urselli - Addictional music and beat production
Giulio Moschini - Guitar solo
Pete Michael Kolstad Vegem - Guitar solo
Emiliano Natali - Additional bass and falsettos
Narchost - Addictional industrial samples
Marcello Balena – Saxophone |
Produced by Fabban
Engineered, mixed and mastered by Emiliano Natali at Fear No One studio between February and August 2010
Sound Consulting by Marc Urselli at Eastside Sound studios, New York
Karyn Crisis' voices were recorded by Walt Westinghouse and Davide Tiso, Oakland, CA
Davide Tiso' additional music was recorded at 1275 Home Studio, Berkeley, CA
Pete' solo was recorded by Ruben Willem at Caliban Studios, Oslo, Norway
Written by Hell:IO:Kabbalus and Fabban
All lyrics and concept by Fabban
Historical/sociological research and excerpts by Alessandra Paolelli
Excerpts from Les Chants de Maldoror, IV, by Isidore Ducasse comte de Lautrèamont
Translation by Bianca Soellner
Artwork by Fabban
Band picture by Leonardo Breccola
There's an eleventh (ghost) track lasting for 2:09.
Thanks to elal.patagonia.darkness for sending these lyrics.
 | 2. Psychogrotesque II
[Intro: guitars by Davide Tiso / Electronics-FX by Aborym]
[Solo Hell:IO:Kabbalus [R] / Solo Emiliano Natali [L]]
They said I was schizophrenic
rebellion to a steady order
the mass kills empty containers
the mass smashes heads full of air
those who try to escape fr |
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 Итальянская команда экспериментаторов от жанра black metal выпустила очередной опус. И опус этот показался (читай - услышался) довольно интересным. Музыканты продолжают создавать очень интересную музыку, сплетая воедино такие жанры как black и industrial. Но на этот раз решили добавить солидную порцию психоделики. К сожалению, мне не удалось услышать предпоследний альбом «Generator», поэтому будут оценивать, опираясь на более ранний материал. Обложка диска пришлась очень кстати и может помочь уяснить перед прослушиванием, что же нас ждёт, а именно - очень мрачная, обезумевшая атмосфера. Довольно замысловатые гармонии и аранжировки, помноженные на ещё большее количество электроники, с вкраплениями интересных эффектов, доводящих ту самую атмосферу до крайне отчаянной и безумной. В работе есть и печаль, и отрешённость, и агрессия, и безысходность. Словно попытка окунуть слушателя в мир сумасшествия и дисгармонии. Весь альбом слушается как одна песня, в принципе, он и разбит на песни чисто символически – по главам. Хотелось бы также отметить, что альбом не прост для понимания. Но тем, кому нравятся экспериментальные задумки, альбом к ознакомлению очень даже рекомендуется. Единственное, чего не хватает работе, по моему мнению, так это какой-то остроты. Не знаю, может я просто придираюсь, но всё же. Тем не менее, итальянцы как всегда оригинальны! |
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просмотров: 14347 |
neurotics, they call them
those who want to be
Haldol interferes with the complex
biomechanical activity of my nerve cells
devastating effects: no joy... no joy, no colour, no feeling
my body doesn't react, my soul refuses to talk with me
trapped in a shroud, my refuses justified the diagnosis
I swallowed Luvatran and I vomited my life
my psychosis was developing, they were making me mad
I was feeling disgusting: hatred for myself
spontaneous explosions of violence - uncontrollable
regurgitation of suffering
remembrance of humiliations and blood
they sewed on me a heavy strait-jacket
attraction-repulsion - obsession
hatred for myself - self-mutilation
Me, horrible insect - brand of infamy
banned from the mankind community
Is this my punishment? For what?
3. Psychogrotesque III
[Additional music & beat production by Marc “M.E.M.O.R.Y. Lab” Urselli]
[Vocals by Karyn Crisis]
Total isolation
rooms all the same
empty glasses, puke and stains of blood
and the marks of scratches against silent walls
and I can still hear the screams of psychos
and I can still feel the blows
and the stink of medicines
and the screams of silence of endless nights
that neverending darkness
and that blinding white of the walls
dozen and dozen of beings
drag themselves with no sense
there are no mirrors
nobody owns anything
it's like time has forgot to flow
time with no meaning
I heard those voices inside me: you must die... slowly, slowly... where were them?
I could feel them coming to my brain
mysterious nothing... multiproblematic reign
I couldn't contrast them
I tried to run, madly, even by night
I couldn't suffocate them
Those voices were leaking in me
until they took every single corner of my mind
until they became so deafening to feel the urge
of screaming to shut them
the descent to this hell interspersed with attempts of escape
of degradation and violence
long years of horror - the horror of solitude: abandon...
and I banged with my fists to the walls
with hundredfold strength
in here men don't praise the evil
but they buy the good that they find inside of it
in here are swallowed fluorescent poisons and asbestos pills
4. Psychogrotesque IV
[Les Chants De Maldoror, IV, Isidore Ducasse comte de Lautrèamont]
Sono sporco. I pidocchi mi rodono. I porci, quando mi guardano vomitano.
Le croste delle labbra hanno squamato la mia pelle, coperta di un pus giallastro.
Non conosco l'acqua dei fiumi né la rugiada delle nubi. [...]
I miei piedi hanno messo radici nel suolo e compongono, fino al ventre,
una sorta di vegetazione viva, piena di ignobili parassiti
che non è più carne e non deriva ancora dalla pianta. Eppure il mio cuore batte.
Ma come potrebbe battere se la putredine e le esalazioni
del mio cadavere non lo nutrissero in abbondanza?
Sotto l'ascella sinistra si è stabilita una famiglia di rospi
e quando uno di essi si muove mi fa il solletico
state attenti che non ne scappi uno e non venga a grattarvi con la bocca
l'interno dell'orecchio: poi, sarebbe capace di entrarvi nel cervello
Sotto l'ascella destra c'è un camaleonte che dà loro una caccia perpetua
per non morire di fame: ognuno deve vivere
Ma quando un partito sventa completamente le astuzie dell'altro
non trovano di meglio da fare che lasciarsi in pace a vicenda
e succhiano il grasso delicato che mi ricopre le costole: ci sono abituato
Una vipera malvagia ha divorato la mia verga e ne ha preso il posto [...]
Due piccoli istrici, che non crescono più, hanno gettato a un cane,
che non ha rifiutato l'interno dei miei testicoli:
e si sono sistemati all'interno dell'epidermide, lavata con cura...
L'ano è stato intercettato da un granchio; incoraggiato dalla mia inerzia,
con le sue chele fa la guardia all'ingresso, e mi fa molto male! [...]
Non parlate della mia colonna vertebrale, perché è una spada
Desiderate sapere, non è vero, come mai sia piantata verticalmente nelle mie reni?
Neppure io lo ricordo molto chiaramente.
Tuttavia, se mi decido a considerare un ricordo ciò che forse non è altro che un sogno
sappiate che l'uomo, quando ha saputo che avevo fatto voto di vivere con la malattia
finché non avessi vinto il Creatore, camminò, dietro di me, in punta di piedi,
ma non così piano da non essere udito
Non percepii più niente, per un istante che non fu lungo.
Questo pugnale acuminato penetrò fino all'impugnatura tra le due spalle del toro delle feste
e la sua ossatura fremette come un terremoto. La lama aderisce con tale forza al corpo
che nessuno finora è riuscito ad estrarla: gli atleti, i meccanici, i filosofi, i medici...
hanno tentato, volta a volta, i mezzi più diversi
Non sapevano che il male che l'uomo ha fatto non può essere disfatto [...]
Viandante, quando mi passerai accanto, non rivolgermi, te ne supplico
la minima parola di consolazione: indeboliresti il mio coraggio
Lascia che io riscaldi la mia tenacia alla fiamma del martirio volontario... vattene [...]
Posso ancora fare un' escursione fino alle muraglie del cielo
alla testa di una legione di assassini
e tornare ad assumere quest'atteggiamento per meditare, di nuovo
sui nobili progetti della vendetta [...]
5. Psychogrotesque V
[Additional electronics-beats by Narchost / Saxophone by Marcello Balena]
If I could breathe the hate I found in humanity
I would be suffocated by its virulent fogs
If I could live in my way - no mercenaries
I would count on the pain, the only thing I own
I am a man... I am without a leg
If I look down I realize that I don't even have the other one
I am a legless man and I don't have my left arm
I don't have the right one either and I have no spinal column
I have no hands... I don't have eyes...I don't have hair
there's a lack of nose and ears in my face, I can't see anything of me: I am a black fly
I am misery: I am nothing: you made me a “non-man” dear doctor world
and if I transgress against your catechism I hope many will follow me!
If I exist I am no one else: I don't acknowledge in me this equivocal pluralism
My subjectivity and the Creator it's way too much for just a brain
this place... in where huge instinctive pulsions are lost: here there is the Final Apocalypse
6. Psychogrotesque VI
Not a sacred place! This place is cursed by God for sure!
See them try to kill the pain, blackness fills the mind, decayed
swarming stigma attaches, insane
yesterday, truth despaired, my life, stolen easily
trenched again, unfathomed thoughts, my grave deeply
stone grown, growing in squares, light shines me through
blindly finding, doubting, death's riddles, so true
[Saxophone by Marcello Balena]
Going to the asylum to learn how to die...
See them try to kill the pain, blackness fills the mind, decayed
swarming stigma attaches, insane
yesterday, truth despaired, my life, stolen easily
trenched again, unfathomed thoughts, my grave deeply
[Vocals by Karyn Crisis]
I fly towards other rooms
they all look the same
but every single one of them is different
by the imprints they project in this astral space
they have different voices and different stories
different screams, different microcosmos
they all reveal the echoes of men who've all lost their way, yet remain
their vibrations tell us: some of them went away, some of them are dead
7. Psychogrotesque VII
Every single thing is static
in my nightmares iron skeletons want to touch me
huddled up in a corner I hear just my mourn of a man
that step by step turns into a kid's mourn, that step by step turns into a baby's mourn
that step by step turns into a fly's buzz... What am I now?
[Solo Hell:IO:Kabbalus]
His smell gives me nausea and it's impressed in my mind
in between the dream and the refuse of what dawn will bring
wrong! and I did it again! Sacrifice! In the name of corruption
wrong! and I did it again! Psychogrotesque fairytale
wrong! and I did it again! Sacrifice! For all the puppets hanged down their lies
wrong! and I did it again! Atavistic daily disgrace
humanity - perpetual carnality / insanity - perpetual carnality
wrong! and I did it again! Sacrifice! In the name of madness and free-doom
wrong! and I did it again! Psychogrotesque fairytale
wrong! and I did it again! Sacrifice! Spiritual harlotry
wrong! and I did it again! Lobotomized neurotic youth
8. Psychogrotesque VIII
My back is up against the wall everywhere lobotomized fall
the sadistic power game they play dirty methods they will put in my way
a cultured abominable instinct of suicide
injected in my dried veins: no hope to survive
sick synthetic conspiracy: a state of siege
loaded as I am of the scorn for despicable hearts - I'm a nest in flames
My back is up against the wall everywhere lobotomized fall
the sadistic power game they play dirty methods they will put in my way
a cultured abominable instinct of suicide
injected in my dried veins: no hope to survive
[Electronics by Aborym & Richard K. Szabo / Guitar-noise by Davide Tiso]
9. Psychogrotesque IX
10. Psychogrotesque X
Death to the lifeless, befall the death of their line
consumed with absurdity, it will all be taken within time
created to be desolate, a new way of life begins anew
distorted daylight, its darkness will reach the few
combined catastrophe, the mindless soul dead
born in the grave, a wretched life force-fed
ex-sanguinary empowerment, now gains the insane
usurping the chosen, destruction will now reign
We are all delusions in the eyes of God
[Solo Peter Michael Kolstad Vegem]
I am a perfect mask of pain
the violence of the poison twists my limbs
it deforms me, it knocks me over, look how the fire rises again!
They can't hear me, they're ghosts
don't come nearer, I smell like burnt
climb toward the final burst
I'm loosing hope, I wish for death
I am drowning in an amniotic liquid
a neverending whirlpool is dragging me down
my wings are melting and merging with plastic
I'm a nest in flames: I am burning
[Vocals by Karyn Crisis - “Human Abstract” by William Blake]
He sits down with holy fears and waters the ground with tears
then humility takes its root underneath his foot
Soon spreads the dismal shade of mystery over his head
and the caterpillar and the fly feed on the mystery
And it bears the fruit of deceit ruddy and sweet to eat
and the raven his nest has made in its thickest shade
The Gods of the earth and sea sought through nature to find this tree
but their search was all in vain there grows one in the human brain
[Solo Giulio Moschini + Solo Hell:IO:Kabbalus]
[Outro by Davide Tiso]