Alice Cooper
« Special Forces »
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1 | Who Do You Think We Are
 | 2 | Seven & Seven Is
 | 3 | Prettiest Cop on the Block
 | 4 | Don't Talk Old to Me
 | 5 | Generation Landslide '80 [Live]
 | 6 | Skeletons in the Closet
 | 7 | You Want It, You Got It
 | 8 | You Look Good in Rags
 | 9 | You're a Movie
 | 10 | Vicious Rumours |
   Alice Cooper - vocals
Davey Johnstone - guitars
Mike Pinera - guitars
Duane Hitchings - keyboards
Erik Scott - bass
Craig Krampf - drums |
Produced by Alice Cooper & Others |
 | Who do you think we are
Who do you think we are?
I'm machinery with a semi automatic heart
I'm unclassified, I terminate, I tear apart
I'm always there when you think I'm not
I'm razor sharp and I'm white and hot
My finger squeezes out the final shot, say goodbye
No integrity, no |
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 Шедевральный альбомчик от магистра ужасов Элиса Купера. Создана отличная лёгкая атмосфера, по стилю это - тяжелый рок-н-ролл. Шедевров на этой работе очень много...
You Look Good In Rags - однозначно лучший трек. Романтический боевик о парне, который готов любить свою девушку, даже если она будет одета в лохмотья. Отличный ритм, обалденные проигрыши (особенно в самом начале) и выдающиеся ударные создают заводную атмосферу весёлой и бесшабашной любви. А концовка песни многих удивит...
Don't talk old to me - слабее разве что из-за того, что слишком коротко. Сильный боевик, в котором Элис посылает всех тех, кто пытается его поучать. Текст офигительный. "Не тряси своим пальцем перед моим лицом, иначе я откушу его и выплюну на пол"... Ай, да Элис! Припев просто сносит своей угарной мощью, а ударные подобны грому. Купер явно выкладывается в этом треке. Отличный вокал.
Who Do You Think We Are - боевик об английском спецназе. Вообще-то это парный трек с You're A Movie (тоже отличным боевиком о хвастливом британском генерале). Поражает талантливость Купера, которому удаётся спеть эти песни с чопорным британским акцентом. По сути оба трека - это тяжелый рок-н-ролл с элементами харда и диско.
You Want It - You Got It - психоделический трек с ударной смесью барабанов и электро-гитар. Заводной боевичок с динамикой и быстрым ритмом.
Skeletons In My Closet - мистический триллер от Элиса Купера. Зловещий трек, словно прародитель фильма "Шестое чувство", о человеке, которому везде мерещутся скелеты. Среднетемповый хард смешанный с диско создаёт довольно размытую атмосферу - из-за этого трек получился довольно забавным. Но к концу песни напряжение нарастает...
Prettiest Cop on the Block - тоже рок-диско. О полицейском, который помешан на своей внешности. Неплохо, честное слово...
Далее идёт пугающий и одновременно заводной боевичок Seven & Seven Is...
Затем запомнившийся хорошими ударными партиями Generation Landslide '81...
Ну а завершает этот альбом мистическая песня Vicious Rumours, с отличным текстом и прикольной ритмикой. Первый куплет вообще мне напомнил Элиса 90-ых годов... Но это надо слышать!!
Итог: однозначно 10. Ни одного слабого трека... |
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После весьма нестандартного эксперимента с панком в предыдущем альбоме, маэстро Купер забрел в совсем глухие дебри. Свой тринадцатый студийник, озаглавленный "Special Forces", Элис решил оформить в стиле "старый хард рок встречается с диско и клавишными". Это не шутка, на этом альбоме периодически возникают диско-дэнс элементы, а во многих песнях наличествует куча сэмплов. Все это производит совсем шокирующий эффект и опыты с "Flush The Fashion" на фоне этого уже кажутся вполне нормальными. Представьте себе и здесь, из-под абсолютно неуместной компьютерной шелухи, выбивается дух настоящих Куперовских песен. Очень даже неплохо звучат открывающий альбом боевик "Who Do You Think We Are", абсолютно безумная психоделия в "Seven & Seven Is", самая веселая и прикольнейшая песня Купера всех времен и народов "Skeletons In The Closet", ну и довольно энергичен и задорен закрывающий альбом трек "Vicious Rumours". Но вот остальной материал губит на корню все положительные эмоции. Кроме как filler'ом эти песни и не назовешь. Стоит отметить, что в плане текстов Купер развеселился не на шутку. Полицейский-трансвестит ("Prettiest Cop On The Block"), любитель грязных лохмотьев ("You Look Good In Rags"), супер-звезда Голливуда ("You're A Movie") - вот персонажи новых песен Элиса. Вот если бы еще музыкальная часть так же блистала как лирика, эх...А такие вещи как "You Want It You Got It" и "Look At You Over There..." вообще лучше пропустить, очень похоже на пьяный бред. Подводя итог, стоит сказать, что Элиса опять занесло куда то не туда. Зачем все эти сэмплы, клавишные? Зачем отодвигать добротный хард на задний план? Хотя стоит признать, что и сами песни в большинстве своем весьма средненькие. В общем, маэстро опять блуждает зигзагами, и никак не может вернутся в свою привычную колею. Ну что ж, будем ждать. |
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Очередной запойный шедевр дядюшки купера. В целом - это студийник '80 но с более экстремальными(на то время)клавишами и сэмплами. Альбомчик получился немного мрачноватный - он единственный ТАКОЙ в коллекции Великого Маэстро. Очень неплохая "who do you think....." посвященная военной тематике, откровенно танцевальный кавер Love "7&7 is...", наизабавнейший "pretiest cop...".
Очень красивая(но какая-то параноидально-шизоидная)skeleton in the clost. А вот то, что следует за ней..., я открвенно не понял - ЗАЧЕМ ЭТО НАДО?!! You Want it You Got It... - какая-то бредовая электронника, не имеющая отношения к творчеству извесного шок-рокера((. You're movie - не лучше(((единственное, что радует - You Lokks Good on rags и последний трек "порочащие слуги" - забойная раобта, но с тем же присущим всему альбому, налётом "шизанутости"...Но, в целом - неплохо! Лучше того, что выдет через год.... |
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просмотров: 22715 |
I'm insanity, I'm a camouflaged work of art
I've done some things I really can't describe
I've made some mouths open pretty wide
And I am licensed, trained and bona fide, say goodbye
Who do you think we are?
Special forces in an armoured car
Who do you think we are?
We don't care, we don't care
I'm carnivorous, can't count the flesh that I've been through
Never sick of this, I'm red and white and black and blue
I'm always there when you think I'm not
I'm razor sharp and I'm white and hot
My finger squeezes out the final shot, say goodbye
Who do you think we are?
Special forces in an armoured car
Who do you think we are?
We don't care, we don't care
Who do you think we are?
Who do you think we are? We don't care
Who do you think we are?
Who do you think we are? We just don't care
Who do you think we are?
Who do you think we are? No, no, we just don't care
Who do you think we are?
Who do you think we are? We don't care
Who do you think we are?
Who do you think we are?
Who do you think we are?
Who do you think we are?
Who do you think we are?
Who do you think we are?
Who do you think we are?
Who do you think we are?
Seven & seven is
When I was a boy I thought that someday I would be a man
I'd sit inside the fireplace, pretending I was in a can
Go inside my room and put my mind in an ice cream cone
And you can throw me if you want but I'm a ball and I go
Oom! Biff biff!
Oom! Biff biff! Yeah
Now if I don't stop crying it ain't 'cause that I have got no eyes
My clock lies in the fireplace, my dog lies hypnotised
And then there was the time I wasn't able to find my way
And I'm trapped inside a night without a day and I go
Oom! Biff biff!
Oom! Biff biff! Yeah
Now when I was a boy I thought that someday I would be a man
I'd sit inside the fireplace, pretending I was in a can
Go inside my room and put my mind in an ice cream cone
Now you can throw me if you want 'cause I'm a ball and I go
Oom! Biff biff!
Oom! Biff biff! Yeah
Prettiest cop on the block
I'm six foot three with a fist like a hammer
And I work with the vice squad when I can
And when I pull out my badge they forget all my glamour
Little guys all surprised, take a seat, peek at me, it's a bust, I'm a man
I'm the prettiest cop on the block
I set your souls on fire
Yes, I'm the prettiest cop on the block
I'm cool and I'm so mean
I'm the prettiest cop on the block
I've handcuffed your desire
I've got a stiff reputation with a stick like a rock
My kids are confused and my wife is in shock
I'm a full blooded man, not a weak immitation
I like to flex my arms in the neon light
I'm a queen at the street and a king at the station
It's a secret of mine, not a sign, I'm gonna make that right
Because I'm the prettiest cop on the block
I set your souls on fire
Yes, I'm the prettiest cop on the block
I'm cool and oh, so mean
I'm the prettiest cop on the block
I've handcuffed your desire
I've got a stiff reputation with a stick like a rock
My kids have a fuse and my wife is a shock
I must look pretty shocking in my bullet proof vest
With my black lace stockings all this hair on my chest
When the boys see me coming all the boys start to run
They all got their empty holsters and I got the only gun
Because I'm the prettiest cop on the block
I set your souls on fire
Yes, I'm the prettiest cop on the block
I'm cool and I'm so mean
Yes, I'm the prettiest cop on the block
I handcuff your desires
I got a stiff reputation with a stick like a rock
My kids are confused and my wife is in shock
I'm the prettiest cop on the block
I set your souls on fire
Yes, I'm the prettiest cop on the block
And I'm cool, so mean
I'm the prettiest cop on the block
I handcuff your desires
I'm so pretty, I'm so pretty
So pretty, yes, I'm gorgeous
I'm really lovely and I'm so mean
So mean, I'm ooh
I'm mean but I'm pretty
And I'm mean, so pretty
But I'm mean and I'm pretty
Don't talk old to me
Don't tell me I should, I better
I can, don't talk old to me
Don't shake that finger in my face no more
'Cause I might bite it off and spit it on the floor
Better get secure, get my life insured
Buy a house and car that run
Better sell my bike, my leather
Those city auto parts and all my guns
Don't talk old to me
Don't talk so old to me
Don't talk old to me tonight, tonight
Don't tell me I should, I better
I can, don't talk old to me
Don't shake that finger in my face no more
'Cause I might bite it off and spit it on the floor
Don't talk old to me
Don't talk so old to me
Don't talk old to me tonight, tonight
Don't talk old to me
Kill me psychologically
Don't talk old to me tonight
Don't bark and I won't bite
Won't bite
Don't you bark
Better get secure, get my life insured
Buy a house and car that runs
Better sell my bike, my leather
Those city auto parts and guns
No fun, no fun
No fun, no fun, no fun
No fun, fun, fun
Now don't talk old to me
Don't talk so old to me
Don't talk old to me tonight, tonight
Now don't talk old to me
Kill me psychologically
Don't talk old to me tonight, tonight
Generation landslide' 81
Please, clean the plates, dear, the lord above can see ya
Don't you know people are starving in Korea?
Alcohol and razor blades and poison and needles
Kindergarten people - they use'em, they need'em
The over indulging machines were their children
There wasn't a way down on Earth here to cool'em
'Cause they look just like humans at Kresges and Woolworths
But decadent brains were at work to destroy
Brats in battalions were ruling the streets
Saying generation landslide closed the gap between'em
And I laugh to myself at the men and the ladies
Who never conceived of us - billion dollar babies
Militant mothers hiding in their basement
Using pots and pans as their shields and their helmets
Molotov milk bottles heaved from pink high chairs
While mothers lib burned their certificate papers
Dad gets his allowance from his sonny, the dealer
Who's pubic to the world but involved in high finance
Sister's out 'till five doing banker's son's hours
But she owns a Maserati that's a gift from his father
Stopped at full speed at one hundred miles per hour
The Colgate Invisible shield finally got'em
But I laugh to myself at the men and the ladies
Who never conceived of us - billion dollar babies
No one gives an oink about prom night or football
'Cause just getting home from school safe is a gamble and a blessing
Girlsies play with girlsies and boysies with boysies
Bored with one another like old broken Christmas toysies
Kids are all hot and their parents so are noisy
And I laugh to myself at the men and the ladies
Who never conceived of us - billion dollar babies
Skeletons in the closet
Woah oh, woah oh
Skeletons in my closet
Woah oh, woah oh
Skeletons in my closet
Skeletons in my closet
Skeletons in my shoes
Skeletons I can only see
Skeletons I can lose
I said woah oh, woah oh
I got skeletons in my closet
Woah oh, woah oh
Skeletons in my closet
Skeletons in my basement
Loitering on my streets
Wearing my best pyjamas
Sandwiched between my sheets
I said woah oh, woah oh
Skeletons in my closet
I said woah oh, woah oh
Skeletons in my closet
Ooh, I see bones
I see bones, icy bones
Ooh, I see bones
Say, say bones, say boys, don't you see them bones?
Rattle them bones at midnight
Shaking my bed, no sleep
I find fingers in my coat pocket
Skeletons from the deep
I said woah oh, woah oh
I got skeletons in my closet
Woah oh, woah oh
I got skeletons in my closet
I see bones
I see bones, see bones
Ooh, I see bones, icy bones
Say boys, don't you see them bones? No?
Heart bones, leg bones, ankle bones, arm bones
Finger bones, dogie bones, head bones
Skeletons in my closet
They even know when I'm in my closet
It's my, my closet - not your closet - my closet
You can help me though
"Alice, we want you
Alice, Alice, Alice"
Whaddya want?!
You want it, you got it
You want money - mmm
You want lots of love - aah
Want a Ferrari - zoom
Don't you get enough - ah, too bad
Hmm, I can get it
You want it, you got it
You want it, you got it
Mmm, Ok
Alright, anything can be arranged
You want it, you got it
You want it, you got it
You want it - if you want it, if you want it, if you want it
You got it - then you got it, then you got it, then you got it
You want it - if you want it, if you want it, if you want it
You got it - then you got it, then you got it, then you got it
You want it - if you want it, if you want it, if you want it
You got it - then you got it
You got it
You want Chateau Greyon for breakfast every day? Ok
You want some spanish lover to lay in bed all day? Ole
Ooh, mmm, it's alright
You want it, you got it
You want it, you got it
You want it - if you want it, if you want it, if you want it
You got it - then you got it, then you got it, then you got it
You want it - if you want it, if you want it, if you want it
You got it - then you got it, then you got it, then you got it
You want it - if you want it, if you want it, if you want it
You got it - then you got it, then you got it, then you got it
You want it - if you want it, if you want it, if you want it
You got it - then you got it, then you got it, then you got it
You look good in rags
I've seen cool, I've seen cold
I've seen the women up front, way down below
Ladies with an evil scheme
And some were like vipers
I've seen'em dressed real tight, act real loose
I've seen'em strutting good stuff, I've seen'em all used
Thousand dollar faces and works
Every penny they spend there
But you look good in rags with dirt in your hair
You look good in rags, babe, I don't care
Yes, you look good in rags with buns in your hair
You look good in anything, I don't care
Now I've seen class, I've seen tact
I've seen'em walking down the street with smoke in their stack
And pouring into limos
They wake up in millionaires bedrooms
I've seen the hair cut short, black and sleek
Tied in twenty thousand knots so ultra neat
Swearing by the Harcos bazaar
I'll get through the bible
But you look good in rags with dirt in your hair
You look good in rags, babe, I don't care
You look good, you look good in rags, dirt in your hair
You look good in anything
Forget about vogue or them hundred dollar jeans
You make a two dollar T shirt obscene
You're a movie
I fearlessly walk into battle
With a shine on my boots and my teeth
Never flinch, never blink, never rattle
My blood is like ice underneath
I'm the reicarnation of Patten
And I've got Hannibal's heart in my chest
I to the eye would have rivalled
Alexander the Great at his best
You're a movie - quite
You're a movie - yes
The exception - that's right
You're the final kind
You're a movie - more than ethically
Please, include me
Send us to the line
That's right, very good
Bullets repel off my metals
And my men are in awe when I speak
All chaos my strategies settles
My mere presence gives strength to the weak
For me it seems really alarming
I'm really just only a man
With five million sheep in this army
I seem to be the only one fit to command
You're a movie - I'm quite aware
You're a movie - yeah
The exception - oh, you'd noticed
You're the final kind
You're a movie - hey, very true
Please, include me
Send us to the line
If you're lucky
I must go now and save the world
Stand aside me, drop of water
Let the ocean pass
You're a movie - quite right
You're a movie
The exception
You're the final kind
You're a movie
Please, include me
Please, include me
Please, include me - possibly
Send us to the lines - good man
Send us to the lines - I'll be at the front, please
Front of the lines
Oh, alright, follow me
Another day, another victory
Another gold stripe, another star
Really quite boring sometimes
I wish they'd send someone equal to my strategies
What a guy
I'm really quite a guy
Vicious rumours
You feel the knife stuck in your back
You feel it twist and you hear it crack
Can't make a sound for the sudden pain
You wish your blood were novocaine
You see the smoke and you feel the flak
You're burning up and you're turning black
They say you fell and you hit your head
Your other bun is whitenbread
Vicious rumours, paranoic fears
Sonic boomers ringing in your ears
All of this is getting normal now
You'll never go back to your farming plough
Vicious rumours
You're right at home back at William's flat
You heard a sound you turned and shot your cat
Your hands are shaking, everybody sees
And there's a rhythm drumming in your knees
And you return into a foreign night
Inside you know something is just not right
Sometimes you duck when you see your pet
Canary turned into a sabre jet
Shocked consumer, you're just an average guy
Swelling tumor pushing on your eye
And now you know why all the headaches come
And why you're getting progressively numb
Vicious rumours
I've been denied, debriefed, detuned
Sometimes I howl right at the moon
My family treats me gradually
They know my volatility
Vicious rumours, paranoic fears
Sonic boomers ringing in my ears
And now I know why all the headaches come
And why you're getting progressively numb
Vicious rumours
Vicious rumours
Vicious rumours
Vicious rumours
Vicious rumours
Vicious rumours
Vicious rumours
Vicious rumours
Vicious rumours