« Undead. Unholy. Divine. »
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1 | Lambs to the Slaughter 05:01
 | 2 | Undead. Unholy. Divine. 03:18
 | 3 | Eraser 04:06
 | 4 | Beyond Terror 04:03
 | 5 | The Sign of Sadako 05:14
 | 6 | Servants of Hatred 03:43
 | 7 | Devour the Living 05:03
 | 8 | Godforsaken 03:35
 | 9 | The Suffering... 01:42
 | 10 | ...the Sweet Suffering 03:39
 | 11 | Outro 00:48
 | | Total playing time: 40:12 |
   Stephan Gebédi - Vocals, rhythm guitar
Paul Baayens - Lead and rhythm guitar
Marco de Bruin - Bass, additional rhythm guitar
Yuri Rinkel - Drums |
Guest appearances:
Ashmedi - guest vocals on "Lambs to the Slaughter" and "Godforsaken"
Ed Warby - guest vocals on "Eraser"
Recorded & mixed at Excess studio in Rotterdam, Holland.
Produced by Hans Pieters & Thanatos.
Engineered by Lennis Leidelmeiier.
Mastered by Attie Bauw at Bauwhaus Amsterdam, Holland.
Cover artwork by Jacek Wiśniewski.
Additional artwork/lay out by Marco de Bruin & Ariadni Zervou.
Band photos by Simone Penners. |
 | 1. Lambs To The Slaughter
Down on your knees, facing the east, Accept your defeat as I slay for the
Your lord has failed, your Jihad was in vain, Pray for your soul as you suffer in pain
The way of the dark is the way of the light,
What's right in your eyes is the ultimate lie
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 Исходя из того, что данный альбом обозначил собой отметку двадцатилетия с момента образования коллектива, можно было не беспокоиться о качестве и мощи релиза. Здесь мы слышим сбалансированный и аннигилирующий скоростной манерой материал, где динамика бьёт наотмашь, а хищные прутья гитарных риффов осклабились в предвкушении кровавой жертвы. Поступательно прессующая сила, всегда отличавшая голландцев, представлена во всей резкой красе. Пулемётные очереди бластов вкупе с классическими thrash/death приёмами, отстреливают остатки запрятавшихся в норах сознания сомневающихся, блеклых представлений о силе этой музыки. Штефан умеючи накручивает одну за другой спирали пружинящих и в тоже время с атональным привкусом партий гитары, а Пол, участвовавший и на предыдущей записи, всячески способствует увеличению их плотности и разнообразия. Разнообразие в известном смысле присутствует (поклонники стиля в курсе какое оно может быть в рамках данных форм). Никаких заигрываний с модными течениями и тенденциями нет и не может быть, как не может быть у льва повадок зебры. Нацеленность на бескомпромиссный напор и отточено округлые замедления впаяны в композиционное полотно единым нерушимым массивом. Данный лонгплей – достойный повод чтобы вспомнить о перипетиях непростого пути группы и ощутить неприкрытую мощь голландского thrash/death. |
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Второе пришествие группы Thanatos, одной из самых старых на местной сцене, состоявшееся в 1999 году, уже принесло к тому времени альбом "Angelic Encounters". И если пластинки 1990 и 1992 года, хоть музыкально не лишены изюминки, всегда были испорчены для меня своим звуком и/или вокалом, то пост-реюнионовые альбомы мне всегда импонировали в большей степени. Этот полноформат, вышедший в 2004 году, исключением не является.
"Undead. Unholy. Divine." - это хороший пример крепкого и идейного трэш-метала, граничащего с дэтом. Эдакий облагороженный "Terminal Terror" от Holy Moses; если проводить параллели с этим релизом, можно даже назвать похожим вокал. Обладая незаурядной крепостью звука, этот альбом хорошо справляется с задачей накинуть адреналина. Хотя медленные песни по типу "The Sign of Sadako" не вызвали у меня желаемого восторга, в скоростных участках группе можно и следует показать палец вверх. Гитары Поал Байенса и Стефана Гебеди, признанных мастеров искусства ковать риффы, не вызывают нареканий, хотя соляки в большинстве мест ни о чём, если быть честным. Но вот с ударными Юри Ринкель как-то перемудрил - порой кажется, что есть ненужные тарелки и ряды бас-бочечного молотилова. Вероятно, это связано с трэшевым настроем материала. А вот вокал Стефана Гебеди впервые за 4 альбома реально радует и кажется мне подходящим. Его скриминг несколько прибавил в чёткости. Что касается песен, то выделить следует резвый и растрясывающий потроха рифф открывающей пьесы "Lambs to the Slaughter", мрачную "Devour the Living" и напоминающую Obituary по ритмике песню "Eraser" с неожиданным вкраплением высокого, Оуэнсо-подобного крика, за которым, веря буклету на слово, стоит сам Эд Уорби. Из треков, которые показались мне слабыми, я укажу "Godforsaken" - вышел чисто филлер средней степени связности.
В итоге на руках у нас уже не продукт эпохи, но достаточно высокого качества альбом, вполне заслуживающий своей не железобетонной, но весьма устойчивой восьмёрки. В нём группа нашла какой-то наиболее естественный баланс между брутальностью и воинственным напором, который был в лучших продуктах трэш-метала Германии. Если бы Гебеди ещё постарался над соло, а Ханс Питерс - над общим характером звука (ощущается нехватка чего-то в звуке ритм-секции), то альбом мог бы повысить свою привлекательность. Это диск, песни из которого я чаще других работ Танатоса перегоняю в своём мобильном, где те часто соседствуют с Креатором, LOTD или Overkill. Группа фактически прекратила активность в 2022, уйдя на высокой ноте с альбомом 2020 года. "Undead. Unholy. Divine." определённо не без грешка ("unholy"), но то, чего коллективу так не хватало на предыдущей пластинке - целостности всех музыкальных и звуковых компонентов в сумме - тут действительно завезли в достаточных масштабах, а потому этот диск мне нравится больше всех, ну, может быть, наряду с "Global Purification". |
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просмотров: 14488 |
Enlightenment has come
First we were blinded but now we can see, Infuriated we hunt down our enemies
The way of the dark is the way of the light
What's right in your eyes is the ultimate lie.........
The mountain, the prophet, the book of all lies, Like lambs to the slaughter,
In the name of hell you shall die... Die!
The cry - of war - is heard, the battle's on
The armies - of darkness - attack, the bastards run
We reign in blood we march to die
Sworn to Satan we kill the pigs tonight
Absorb - the blood - that's spilled in his name
It gives - us strength - to fight with self esteem
The power inside it feeds upon our thoughts
Inferior to none we are the gods
The mountain, the prophet, the book of all lies, Like lambs to the slaughter,
In the name of hell you'll die... Die!
The way of the dark is the way of the light,
What's right in your eyes is the ultimate lie.........
The mountain, the prophet, the book of all lies, Like lambs to the slaughter,
In the name of hell you'll die... Die!
2. Undead.Unholy.Divine
The order of the Teutonic knights,
Crusaders known for their cruelty
Slaughtering villages, Impaling their victims,
To terrorize the population
Their 'Black Cross' inspired the SS
To their use of the iron cross
As they prepared for.... war....
A gothic cathedral built upon
The corpses of a thousand non-believers
A cosmic design beyond our knowledge,
Demonic forces inherit the cathedral
Galloping hooves of the undead steeds
Still echo in the church
A cross-shaped gateway to the underworld,
A pathway to the beyond
From their unholy tombs the tortured souls arise
The dawn of Satan's age....
Fire, lust and rage have arrived....
3. Eraser
The symbols of your civilisation, Erased with a single strike
No warning shot, no explanation, Just a terrifying sea of light
In the final seconds of your existence, As the flames of Armageddon arise
There's not even time to panic, So embrace your fate and pray to die
The night is falling, eraser is calling
The earth is shaking, history in the making
People leave their houses in fear, The evil presence ever so near
The age of destruction is here
You thought you were invulnerable, You thought you were immortal
You thought you were invincible, You thought you had it all
He showed that you were vulnerable, He showed that you were mortal
He showed you your deficiencies, He came (and) destroyed it all
The eraser has finally come, A destroyer and creator in one
Another civilisation is gone
The symbols of your civilisation, Erased with a single strike
No warning shot, no explanation, Just a terrifying sea of light
The night is falling, eraser is calling
The earth is shaking, history in the making
4. Beyond Terror
Enter the realm of darkness,
Forget all the fears you've ever known
Dark is your mind and black is your soul
As you feel that you're losing all control
Feel my knife exploring every single inch
Of your naked body stretched out in front of me
Tearing every muscle, cutting every vein
Let me be the needle that penetrates your eye
You're one step beyond terror
(I'm) exploring what's inside
Suffocating slumber
A terrifying world of dreams
These awful hellish nightmares
Is it fiction or is it real?
Can you sense the pain inflicted upon you?
You've reached beyond the darkest horrors
No turning back for you
Trapped inside this mindwarp, reality or dream?
One step beyond terror, unlike anything you've seen
A suffocating, dehydrating
Eviscerating, world of horror
A miscalculation, the ultimate failure
No salvation, eternal damnation
Beyond the flesh, beyond comprehension
Beyond terror!
5. The Sign Of Sadako
Buried in darkness, her deepest fear
(She became) one with the water, one with the sea
One became two, then two became one
Feared by all, but helped by no-one
Death surrounds her, everyone dies
Consumed by fear in the blink of an eye
Paralysed by her evil stare
How they died, no-one can tell
The curse was spread and visualised
Watch the images within seven days you'll die
Where does she come from, nobody knows...
But you will find out and then you'll burn down below
Buried in darkness, her deepest fear
(She became) one with the water, one with the sea
One became two, then two became one
Feared by all, but helped by no-one
The little girl who lives down the well
Turned into an abomination from hell
Sadako rising from the bowels of the earth
Creating the greatest horrors ever to emerge
Is there a way to lift this horrible curse
Will you survive or will you rot in the earth?
Locked in the dark her revenge is (up)on you
Seven days have passed and there's nothing you can do....
6. Servants Of Hatred
Conforming to dogmatic standards, institutional obedience
Chained in solidarity, individuality obscured
To inhere in a contrived framework of hate
Embodiment of a contagious ineradicable malignity
Stigmatising an etnocentristic projection
To instigate the process of dehumanisation
Inveterated preconception, xenophobia
The opponent envisaged as the incorporation of evil
Imminent eruption of violence, a sanction to kill
Violence is justified to accomplish the ideology
Intrinsical latent sadistic beasts emerged, Servants of hatred
Systematic obliteration commenced, Indulging the enforced superiority
Intrinsical latent sadistic beasts emerged, Servants of hatred
Pushing a cold barrel, against the uvula
Cringing, to grovel, retching, to regurgitate
Shivering of anxiety, adjurations in agony
Pathetic human life, You're better off dead
Ravishing (worthless) human life, to be exterminated like vermin
Pathetic human life, You're better off dead
7. Devour The Living
Burn... brothers... burn... Beyond the point of no return
Build your funeral pyres, We belong in fire...
Burn... brothers... burn..., The dead have returned
All living souls we despise, Rise... corpses... rise...
The darkest day of horror, the world has ever known
No chance of survival, no matter where you go
You're destined to be butchered, your body left to rot
No sanctuary for you, so stop praying to your god
I inhale the nauseating stench of rotting bodies
As I climb this wall of corpses, piled up in front of me
Forced to feed on the remains of the ones that didn't make it
Eating my way out of this godforsaken hole
Burn... brothers... burn... The dead have returned
Mildewed organs, white moulded meat
Clotted body juices, voraciously consumed
My stomach is resistant, my heart beats through my chest
A trail of burning acid cuts deep into my flesh
I feel my powers decline, rotting from the inside
Gastric juices boiling, searching a way out
Vomit leaves my anus, shit runs from my mouth
I prepare for putrefaction, I feel I'm going down
Burn... brothers... burn... Beyond the point of no return
Burn... brothers... burn..., The dead have returned
All living souls we despise, Rise... corpses... rise...
8. Godforsaken
Poverty and war, death and deceit, Dying of floods or heatwave, again and again,
Primitive minds, praying in vain, To their gods, to ease the pain
You can't stop mother nature and her ways, You're dying by numbers,
It's your fate
Breeding like rabbits, (so) at least a few survive
You're born in hell and then you fucking die
We should not interfere, with their lives
We should not try, to "open their eyes"
"Civilisation", has done more wrong than right
It's their task, to learn and survive
You can't stop mother nature and her ways
You're dying by numbers, it's your fate
Breeding like rabbits, (so) at least a few survive
You're born in hell and then you fucking die
Poverty and war, death and disease, Praying to your god, down on your knees
You're born - in hell - you'll suffer
No god - to help you - you've just got - each other
Poverty and war, death and disease, Praying to your god, down on your knees
You're born - in hell - you'll suffer
No god - to help you - you've just got - each other
CHRISTIAN... Your blood will be ours!
MUSLIM.... Your soul shall eternally rot!
BELIEVER.... We deny your so-called god!
SATAN.... The inner strength is in our blood!
9. The Suffering...
10. ...The Sweet Suffering
Obey and open wide, let me penetrate you with my lies
I am the one divine, approach my facial shrine
Another piece of meat, you play the bitch in heat
Your face will be defaced, you'll taste the seeds of hate
Your innocence is lost
(you want to be) A star at any cost
Your dreams are to be shattered
Your body to be splattered
I am the god of gore, a sexual carnivore
Face down on the floor, feel me deep you cunting whore
Your blood is everywhere, screams of pain and despair
Your intestines adorn the floor, and decorate my walls
Your innocence is lost
(you want to be) A star at any cost
Your dreams are to be shattered
Your body to be splattered
Defloration, Humiliation, Violation, Devastation
Your dreams are shattered, your body is splattered
Your life's destroyed, the sow is mine