 Очень приятный релиз в жанре power/thrash. Ничего лишнего, ничего недостающего. Парни просто делают свое дело не заморачиваясь на тему открытия Америки или создания велосипеда.
Во второй раз меня порадовал вокал Грега Вагнера. Его можно описать, как нечто среднее между голосами Бобби Элсуорта из Overkill и Тима Оуэнса, который пел аж в самих Judas Priest! Согласитесь, достаточно интересное сочетание...
Как я уже и говорил, музыка не переполнена новшествами и чем-либо подобным. Все до предела прямолинейно. Однако, это не значит, что Shatter Messiah безлики, наоборот, композиции на втором альбоме получились очень мелодичными, а значит - хитовыми. Соло-гитара задает очень хорошие и типичные heavy мелодии, а ритм-гитара добавляет масла в этот жаркий костер, создавая настоящий power/thrash! Дровишек подкидывают и ударные партии, которые звучат очень динамично и современно. Бас местами реально, что называется, сносит башню проговыми риффами.
Отдельной похвалы достойна обложка, по ней можно даже увидеть то, о чем я писал выше, а именно, музыкальный пожар, созданный музыкантами!
Остается только надеяться, что ребята порадуют в скором времени новыми песнями. |
And hiding behind
I watch your jester rule
Laughing at love
And I am ashamed your actions
Weep deceit
Pretentious pretenders
False heir's to the throne
You could never earn
Shalow graves
And hollow passions
From years of bitter abuse
Idolater, Idolater
I pull back your white face mask
Clearing the smoke
And breaking the mirrors
Reveal your master is slave
Selfish defeat
Your visions are twisted
By scheming and impure thought
By all of your failure
Laid bare again and again
Flay the flesh
From other bones
To fill your empty defeat
Placing the scars
On other skin
Showing the world your wounds
Pretentious pretenders
False heir's to the throne
You could never earn
Shalow graves
And hollow passions
From years of bitter abuse
Idolater, Idolater
I pull back your white face mask
Clearing the smoke
And breaking the mirrors
Reveal your master is slave
Hiding in corners
Afraid of the light
That shows your vulgar lie
Nothing can love you
And nothing can heal you
Poisoned by your ego
2. God Burns Like Flesh
Struggle to bring
Order from chaos
Making the structures divine
Gilded by guilt
Controlling the poor
Keeping your masses aligned
Fanatical death
Triggers the end of our time
Prophet existence manufactured
Contain all the fear in your eyes
Searching your souls for my answer
Terrified by the void
Welcome to the end my friend
To this televised sacrifice
God burns like flesh on the spike
And this traitor laughs again
Bleeding revelations
Sweeping exodus fear
This genesis failures complete
And god burns like flesh
Welcome to the end my friend
To this televised sacrifice
God burns like flesh on the spike
And this traitor laughs again
Counting your silver while making the wounds
That you call your faith
God will burn like flesh on the spike
And we traitors laugh again
3. Hidden Track
Darkness descends
The sweetest dreams made nightmare
All that ever was made sacred
Blasphemy's child
Preaching words of malcontent
Breeding a new way of beeing
Burning your gods
Like flesh at the spike
Branding your faith
And showing the scars
Bleeding dreams and weeping eyes
Tears that wasted the taste
Salt biting deep
Like a nail in your cross
Worship me
Burning your gods
Like flesh at the spike
Branding your faith
And showing the scars
Bleeding dreams and weeping eyes
Tears that wasted the taste
Salt biting deep
Like a nail in your cross
Darkness descends
And reason dies in the light
Fools will swallow the blind
And bleed for messiah
Pulling the trigger so deadly
Pulling the trigger so gently
Choke on the blood of god
Eat the war for salvation
Burning your gods
Like flesh at the spike
Branding your faith
And showing the scars
Bleeding dreams and weeping eyes
Tears that wasted the taste
Salt biting deep
My soul bleeds for you
All of my faith
Wasted on you
All of your faith
Wasted on me
4. Pathway
Taking the first
Steps on the path
Timid and jumping at shadows
Failing and falling
Wanting and needing
The answers that we dream
Open my eyes
To know this world
Is more than black and white
Open your eyes
To a world that has more than pain
Rapid fire
Dieing of days
That fast becomes your life
Cherish the breath
And drink in the joy
Before it wastes all away
Open my eyes
To know this world
Is more than black and white
Open your eyes
To a world that has more than pain
When the sun sets will you weep with regret
Or find your life after death
I will stand tall and toast to my fate
And beg for nothing at all
5. Stripped Of Faith
Terrorized and horrified
By the prophets
Sworn to protect us
From evils abound in this world
Twisting the tails
That makes up your lives
Bending the light so perverse
I have been stripped of faith
For the very last time
Raw and bleeding
Sick and decieving
Stronger than the lie
We rise above
Pulling freedom free
From the clutches of you
I cry for the world
Broken and calloused
Making our lives
Not worth living for
Bleeding hearts
And foolish dreams
Burning alive
By vicious swine
I have been stripped of faith
For the very last time
Raw and bleeding
Sick and decieving
Stronger than the lie
We rise above
Pulling freedom free
From the clutches of you
6. Dirge Of The Christ
All hail
The dirge of the Christ
His final mass of death
And my last revelation
This is the dirge of the Christ
The greatest mass of death
Breathing requiem's last breath
Told from on high
His final chapter's verse
Bleeding from the chorus
That I sing
All that is and ever was
All that is shall never be
Pull the scales from my eyes
Reveal the path that is the lie
All that ever was Made undone
Feasting on the week
Has made you soft
Their pail white skin
This victimless rape
Paid for with blood
So we can drink wine
Setting the feast
On the bitter dead
Snared in the game
Vulgar and vicious
Bighting at the hearts
Of the ones we should love
Faded former glories
Of righteous wars won
How quickly you would burn
And steal away my trust
I am the dirge of the Christ
My greatest requiem mass
Forsaking your saviors
Rotting on their cross
Betrayed by you all
And all that He was
Powers pleasure and pain
This mad empires reign
Innocence and purity
Twist to read like a sin
What can poison a mind?
Like powers sweet divide
Feeding the wrong for right
Eating the days light
I am the dirge of the Christ
My greatest requiem mass
Forsaking your saviors
Rotting on their cross
Betrayed by you all
And all that He was
7. Buried In Black
I am the pilgrim all alone
Bleeding to death on this broken road
Failing the path of god
To find my paradise is lost
Blinded by light that could save us all
Buried in the black tides rising fall
Could I be the dove?
The olive branch in my hand
Pulling the trigger so gently
To face my judgment in flames
Feeding the fear that I love
To fuel this vulgar tragedy
I feel so far from the surface
Unable to cope, unable to die
Here is the dream that haunts my night
And the visions that blur my sight
Blinded by light that could save us all
Buried in black tides rising fall
Who is the demon in my mind?
Reflecting the evil that I hide
My penance must be paid
To the end of darkness days
Feeding the fear that I love
To fuel this vulgar tragedy
I feel so far from the surface
Unable to cope, unable to die
Here is the dream that haunts my night
And the visions that blur my sight
Blinded by light that could save us all
Buried in black tides rising fall
8. This Is The Day
Today is the day
That I end
My god given life
Spit of the face
My creator I mock you
I cannot explain
This anger
That wells up with in me
Painted on smile
Your vacuous stares
I cannot stand to be
Breathing the same air
Wanting you dead
Haiting the lie that you buy
Contempt raises bile
So thick in my throat
Can't stand the site of you
This vicious joke
This is the day
I bring about my own destruction
This is the day
My rage poisons your purest dreams
I can't stand you
There's something inside of me
That I cannot live with
There's something I see in you
That I will not bare withess too
All of the truth
I've learned from your lies
All of my life I've lived in denial
Unable to fight your constant reprisals
I see my will weakened by you
I see my life a worthless lie
I pray and I cry
For some meaning to seep in my life
Your life built on words
From the lies of a dead man
My fragile existence
You cannot preserve
Your faith and your ethos
I deny
Today is the day
I bring about my own destruction
Spit in the face
My savior
Messiah and Christ
This is the day
I bring about my own destruction
This is the day
My rage poisons your purest dreams
I can't stand you
9. Tommorow Immortal
The sands of time slip through your fingers
And never will you see your leaves turning grey
Never to feel the sun set on your soul
Never aware of where you are
Caught in the ebb and the flow
Of time
Our seconds turn to minutes
Our minutes flow into the hours
And hours march forward
Heedless of my cry's for today
To tomorrow
Tomorrow immortal
The sun shines
Bright through my eyes
Warms the flesh
And moves my blood that grows cold
Tomorrow immortal
Opens her mouth
And swallows me whole
Devours my life
And devours my soul
The clock tolls the hour of reckoning
Waste not what you are given
Want not what you waste
For the judge of today is tomorrow immortal
Held in the arms of my lovers grip
Pulling me to my end
The end of all of your days
Caressing the lines
And the years into our skin
Wrap me in your velvet embrace
Entombed in this place
In void of purpose
There can be no existence
There can be no future
Without your past
Hold me tight in your hands
To keep me safe from the years
That wears me down
And turn us all into dust
The sun shines
Bright through my eyes
Warms the flesh
And moves my blood that grows cold
Tomorrow immortal
Opens her mouth
And swallows me whole
Devours my life
And devours my soul