« Anti God, Anti Christ »
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1 | Intro (2:11)
 | 2 | Fuck The Ways Of Christ (5:38)
 | 3 | Intro (0:47)]
 | 4 | Shemhamforash (The Ultimate Blasphemy) (4:55)
 | 5 | Intro (1:15)
 | 6 | Blessed By Damnation (5:08)
 | 7 | Intro (0:51)
 | 8 | Baptism For Devlyn Alexandra (4:57)
 | | Vocals [Group] - Brian Kenyon , John Scott (4) , Vincent Crowley
 | 9 | Intro (1:55)
 | 10 | Total War (4:08) |
   Vincent Crowley - vocals, guitars, bass
Michael Estes - guitars
John Scott - keyboards
Richard Christy - drums |
 | 1. Fuck the Ways of Christ
[Intro #1]
One should not embellish or dress up Christianity: it has waged a war to the
death against this higher type of man, it has excomminucated all the
fundamental instincts of this type, it has distilled evil, the Evil One, out
of these instincts - the strong  |
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 Лучший альбом группы от американской сатанинской церкви - Acheron. В отличие от предыдущих альбомов, здесь они выставили на всеобщее прослушивание действительно интересную музыку. Эта музыка очень злая, мрачная и атмосферная. Подход к изначально выбранному стилю (death metal) совершенно нестандартный - много медленных и атмосферных моментов, перед каждой песней имеется ambient-интро. Во всех песнях присутствуют клавишные (в предыдущих альбомах их, кроме как в интро, не было), которые, в основном, эту мрачную атмосферу и создают - отличная фишка для Acheron. Альбом очень короткий, всего на 31 и три четверти минуты, при этом "полноправных" песен всего четыре, но каждая из которой является хитом. "Fuck the Ways of Christ" и "Blessed by Damnation" представляют собой более быструю и агрессивную сторону альбома, а "Shemhamforash (the Ultimate Blasphemy)" и "Baptism for Devlyn Alexandra" более медленную, депрессивную и даже в чем-то меланхоличную (если такой термин вообще можно применить к такого рода музыке). Последняя тема на альбоме, названная "Total War", представляет собой марш, подобный которому вы можете услышать на альбоме Impaled Nazarene "Suomi Finland Perkele" в начале песни "Winter War - Тотаl War", и в нем нет ничего особо интересного. Но тем не менее, общего впечатления он не портит. |
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Единственный альбом этой группы, который хочется послушать вновь. Вроде бы ничего особенного или нового, но все сделано на удивление качественно, легкоусвояемо и со вкусом. Типичное для Acherona начиная с альбома =Lex Talionis='95 решение - интро перед каждой песней. Эти интро очень облагораживают сами песни, которые являют собой среднетемповой среднетяжелый дэт/блэк/дум с огромным количеством красивых гармоний. Безусловно сохраняется и некоторая вторичность, характерная для всего творчества этих "крутых чумовых сатанистов"(так их характеризовали в свое время вкладки на пиратских кассетах горе-студии Headache Records :))) ). Зато с антуражем все как обычно, на радость старым поклонникам. Христиан ненавидят по полной программе, до брызгания слюньками. Сие явствует даже из названия альбома (я уж не говорю про название группы :))) ). Резюме: вполне слушабельно, но не более. |
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По сути, это самый лучший и самый короткий альбом «Преподобного Кроули и Ко». Гораздо более зрелые, в отличии от мною обожаемых «обрядов черной мессы», тексты. Хотя интро Гилмора там все же сильнее (Черная Месса, блин!) цитаты Ницше, тоже звучат сильно и в тему.
Неожиданно музыка с классического death (многие не соглашаются, но все же) приобрела явные оттеки doom metal.
Особенно радуют композиции "Fuck the Ways of Christ": «...Твои слова лишь для рабов, а не для тех кто поднялся выше...», а также «подарочная к сатанинскому крещению» "Baptism for Devlyn Alexandra". Можно и не гадать, что, хехе, «крестил» Девлин Александру сам Кроули, чему и была посвящена даннная композиция...
«Кожа белая, как снег, глаза бесконечные, как море. Свободная от христианства...» |
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просмотров: 15388 |
reprehensibility, as the 'outcast'. Christianity has taken the side of
everything weak, base, illconstituted, it has made an ideal out of
opposition to the preservation instincts of strong life; it has depraved the
reason even of the intellectually strongest natures by teaching men to feel
supreme values of intellectuality as sinful, as misleading, as temptations
2000 years ago has been enough, it's time to cast out Christian thought
The worship of a bastard is absurd, these ways must be fought
No more confessions or worthless prayers, guilt and failth we don't need
Rely upon thy self, not some idol god, self preservation is key
Fuck the ways of Christ, fuck the ways of Christ
Fuck the ways of Christ, fuck the ways of Christ
Fuck the ways of Christ, fuck the ways of Christ
Fuck the ways of Christ, fuck the ways of Christ
Adam and Eve were just a myth, evolution shows the proof
The meek shall never inherit the earth, Darwin, he wrote the truth
The words "Thou shalt" are for slaves not for those who rise above
Love thy neighbor" is a fuckin' joke for few are worthy of my love
Fuck the ways of Christ, fuck the ways of Christ
Fuck the ways of Christ, fuck the ways of Christ
Fuck the ways of Christ, fuck the ways of Christ
Fuck the ways of Christ, fuck the ways of Christ
Purification day has arrived, the Jesus freaks are revealing their ways
Soon the masses will wake up, that will be the Church's final days
Every empire that has stood strong has fallen in the past
Christianity is no exception, it's godly reign will never last
Fuck the ways of Christ, fuck the ways of Christ
Fuck the ways of Christ, fuck the ways of Christ
Fuck the ways of Christ, fuck the ways of Christ
Fuck the ways of Christ, fuck the ways of Christ
2. Shemhamforash (The Ultimate Blasphemy)
[Intro #2]
Wherever there are walls I shall inscribe this eternal accusation against
Christianity upon them - I can write in letters which make even the blind
see... I call Christianity the one great curse, the one grear intrinsic
depravity, the one great instinct for revenge for which no expedient is
suffinciently poisonous, secret, subterranean, petty - I call it the one
immortal blemish of mankind...
Fuck God, for he is nothing to me
I spit on Jehovah and display mockery
The virgin Mary was a dirty whore
No blood of lamb shall be upon my door
I am godforsaken and I shall never change
My evil thoughts can't ever be rearranged
Lord of myself and a servant to one
I deny the holy ghost, the father and the son
No need for Alla, without Xul
Jesus Christ symbolizes a fool
Tetregrammaton, another form of deceit
And I renounce the crutch of the weak
I am godforsaken and I shall never change
My evil thoughts can't ever be rearranged
Lord of myself and a servant to one
I deny the holy ghost, the father and the son
Anephezeton, bow before me!
Where's this God? It's not there
A blind belief which is based in fear
Mindless herds can't perceive
Why I rejoice as they grieve
3. Blessed By Damnation
[Intro #3]
The Christian concept of God - God as God of the sick, God as spider, God as
spirit - is one of the most corrupt conceptions of god arrived at on this
earth: perhaps it even represents the low-water mark in the descending
development of the god type. God degenerated to the contadiction of life,
insetad of being the transfiguration and eternal Yes! In God a declaration of
hostility towards life, nature, the will to life! God the formula for every
calumny of 'this world', for every lie about 'the next world'! In God
nothingness defied, the will to nothingness sanctified!...
Infernal flames soothe my condemned soul, as torture becomes lust
Burning flesh becomes a painful pleasure in the bowels of the abyss
Blessed by damnation, blessed by damnation
Screams of anguish turn into bliss, while skin is being scorched
The fires blazing throughout this barren land brings forth enless ecstasy
Burn, I shall burn, as Hell consumes my soul
Burn, forever burn, darkness has full control
Boiling blood and disfigured bodies are found within this place
Before Satan, I have given all to become part of his creation
Blessed by damnation, blessed by damnation
4. Baptism for Devlyn Alexandra
[Intro #4]
God on the cross - is the fearful hidden meaning behind this symbol still
understood? - Everything that suffers, everything that hangs on the cross,
is divine... We all hang on the cross, consequently we are divine...
Christianity was a victory,a noble disposition perished by it - Christianity
has been up till now mankind's greatest misfortune
A January eve, the year XXX A.S.
Magick granted me a gift, that Lucifer blessed
A daughter born of darkness, and oh so divine
The next generation of the infernal bloodline
Devlyn Alexandra, the world is yours to indulge in the things you wish
Never submit to the righteous herds, my child may you "Do as thou wilt"
Skin white as snow, her eyes an endless sea
An unwarped newborn mind, without Christianity
Free to walk the path, remember left is right
Reap all of life's worth, young spawn of the night
Devlyn Alexandra, a new Satanic millenium awaits for you to behold
Use the tools given unto you, the creed being "Knowledge is power"
I baptize you in the name of Satan!
Hail Satan, rege Satanas, hail Devlyn, praise life
Hail Lucifer, ave Satanas, hail Devlyn, praise power
Hail Belial, rege Satanas, hail Devlyn, praise wisdom
Hail Leviathan, ave Satanas, hail Devlyn, praise strength
I lift the chalice and make a toast to this sacred time
Raise your hands into the sign of the horns, the Satanic Salute
Brothers and sisters we have honored this little witch
May the black flame of Satan forever burn in her veins
5. Total War
[Boyd Rice/NON cover song]
[Lyrics by Boyd Rice]
[Intro #5]
With that I have done and pronounce my judgment. I condemn Christianity, I
bring against the Christian church the most terrible charge any prosecutor
has ever uttered. To me it is the extremest thinkable form of corruption, it
has had the will to the ultimate corruption conceivably possible. The
Christian church has left nothing untouched by its depravity, it has made of
every value a disvalue, of every truth a lie, of every kind of integrity a
vile of would.
Do you want total war
Turn man into a beast once more?
Do you want to rise and kill
To show the world an iron will?
Do you want total war
Throw out Christ and bring back Thor?
Do you want total war?
Do you want total war?
Do you want to stand and fight
To rip asunder this pallid night?
To smite your foes that they might die
To splatter blood across the sky?
Do you want might to prevail
To kick aside the weak and frail?
Do you want total war?
Do you want total war?
Do you want total war
To see life's will return once more?
Do you want total war?
Unleash the beast in man once more?
Do you want total war?
Do you want total war?
Yes you want total war
Yes you want total war
Total War! Total War!
War is eternal. War is universal
There is no beginning, and there is no peace
Nor could there ever be
Even if the beast man desired it so
For man is subject to the same law
Which governs all living things
And this law dictates
That every living thing maintained its existence
Exclusively by depriving other living things of theirs
So it has always been
And so it shall ever be
Man is a beast of prey
History proves that man is a beast of prey
The beast of prey conquers countries
Founds great realms through subjugation of other subjugations
Creates states and organizes civilizations
Exclusively to enjoy his booty in peace
Attack and defense, suffering and struggle
Victory and defeat, domination and servitude
All sealed with blood
This state is the entire history of the human race
5. Ave Satanas (1996 version)
[Boyd Rice/NON cover song]
[Lyrics by Boyd Rice]
[Intro #5]
With that I have done and pronounce my judgment. I condemn Christianity, I
bring against the Christian church the most terrible charge any prosecutor
has ever uttered. To me it is the extremest thinkable form of corruption, it
has had the will to the ultimate corruption conceivably possible. The
Christian church has left nothing untouched by its depravity, it has made of
every value a disvalue, of every truth a lie, of every kind of integrity a
vile of would.
Do you want total war
Turn man into a beast once more?
Do you want to rise and kill
To show the world an iron will?
Do you want total war
Throw out Christ and bring back Thor?
Do you want total war?
Do you want total war?
Do you want to stand and fight
To rip asunder this pallid night?
To smite your foes that they might die
To splatter blood across the sky?
Do you want might to prevail
To kick aside the weak and frail?
Do you want total war?
Do you want total war?
Do you want total war
To see life's will return once more?
Do you want total war?
Unleash the beast in man once more?
Do you want total war?
Do you want total war?
Yes you want total war
Yes you want total war
Total War! Total War!
War is eternal. War is universal
There is no beginning, and there is no peace
Nor could there ever be
Even if the beast man desired it so
For man is subject to the same law
Which governs all living things
And this law dictates
That every living thing maintained its existence
Exclusively by depriving other living things of theirs
So it has always been
And so it shall ever be
Man is a beast of prey
History proves that man is a beast of prey
The beast of prey conquers countries
Founds great realms through subjugation of other subjugations
Creates states and organizes civilizations
Exclusively to enjoy his booty in peace
Attack and defense, suffering and struggle
Victory and defeat, domination and servitude
All sealed with blood
This state is the entire history of the human race
6. Blessed By Damnation (Live)
Hail Satan, full of might,
Our allegiance is with thee.
Cursed are they, the god adorers,
And cursed are the worshippers of the Nazarene.
Ave satanas, ave satanas
Unholy Satan, bringer of enlightment,
Lend us thy power, now and throughout our lives.
Endless glory shall be given.
Lord of hell, show us thy way.
Ave satanas, ave satanas
Jesus Christ, we deny thy name.