 Deathspell Omega образца начала нулевых – это отнюдь не тот мудреный и замысловатый блэк с шизофренической жилкой, который ныне знаком всем (ну, или почти всем) поклонникам жанра. В момент зарождения акта обязанности вокалиста (и по совместительству ударника) еще чинно выполнял Шаксул, а Хасъярл не увлекался благообразными мелодическими построениями и сложной техникой. Словом, в те славные, темные времена DSO исполняли еще классический, прямолинейный блэк в стиле раннего Darkthrone. И, в отличие от многих и многих единомышленников, французы с первой же попытки продемонстрировали миру незаурядные способности в своем святотатственном деле, выпустив дебютный альбом "Инфернальные битвы". Согласно заветам "отцов", запись сего творения выполнена, конечно же, паршиво – звук шипит аки змей, риффы иногда сливаются в один хлесткий шумовой хаос, а ударник, стоит Хасъярлу взять особо высокую ноту, начинает свирепствовать где-то на периферии слуха, втуне просаживая свою ярость и напор. Но, уверен, настоящих ценителей ортодоксального блэка подобные казусы не остановят – и не такое слыхивали. К недостаткам причислю также излишнюю ровность. Скорости практически не меняются: всю пластинку DSO упорно рубятся в меру резвом и бойком темпе чуть выше среднего. Никаких тебе неожиданных ходов и резких поворотов. Более того: "Infernal Battles" (видимо, стремясь оправдать название) бросается в бой словно берсерк, без малейшего намека на вступление или разогрев, что вряд ли можно назвать следованием правилам хорошего тона. В остальном же пластинка чудесна – в плане работы барабанщика, Шаксула, и его же вокала. А также игры гитариста, разумеется. Хасъярл нарезает агрессивные и нередко просто примитивные, но, как ни странно, оттого не менее сладостные, тремоло-запилы, подкупающие своей простотой и лаконичностью. Ничего лишнего. В подобном исполнении материал ложится на слух легко и свободно, без тени напряжения. Да, ценителям бесхитростного, незатейливого блэка "Infernal Battles" наверняка придется по вкусу. |
Evil is the ultimate vermin.
Victims are drowned in their own blood -
The most insane rapes give way to necrophilia.
As torture is like a lethal sculpture.
Real masters don't need slaves for they need them dead.
Their quest is violent but sublime.
When a soul is cursed, it is for eternity.
Sometimes they also suffer.
As sons of the devil, it makes them stronger.
Impiety will be enthroned.
As mankind shall be soiled entirely.
Some messiahs died on a cross,
Now everyone is rotting away.
Believe in the mighty pentagram
Or perish in pain to feed the Beasts.
Here is the victory of impurity.
2. Drink the Devil's Blood
In the deepest pits of Hell.
I torment souls endlessly.
Shapeless demons are all kings,
But there's only one real ruler here.
I am his faithful disciple,
Possessing humans to bring them under.
I will control all mankind to see them destroying each other.
The poor spirit will burn like all things that is holy.
We are the poison of the Earth.
The whore Mary was sodomized.
Her bastard son will rot forever.
We laugh at the fairy tale that is God.
Inverted crosses
Are struck into their heart.
Our Lord Satan
Delivers us from good.
He slashes his veins
To give us his essence.
To my kind it's power,
To the weak it's venom.
We drink the devil's blood
To win the anti-life war,
I will control all mankind to see them destroying each other.
Their poor spirit will burn like all things that is holy...
Burn all that is holy!
Forever we will dwell
Inside each living cell,
Destroying the sacred,
Creating the nothingness.
My cause is supreme
And inexorable.
Drink the Devil's blood!
3. Extinction of the Weak
Arise from the cursed abyss,
Our mission has been given by the Fallen Angel.
We are demons in human flesh,
Born to desecrate God's creatures until total extinction.
While the holy ones kneel down and forgive,
We believe in powers of hate and annihilation.
Our thirst for giving a painful death
Won't be revieved before the end of this earthly aim.
The elite immortal.
We incarnate what they call intolerance,
We live for the sins they forbid,
None can threaten our race,
None can defy the almighty laws of Satan...
The will of Satan.
The souls of the weak ones won't be judged
For they are destined to be slaughtered.
Mercy is abstract to the strong in mind,
The metal of our swords is concrete for the enemy.
Death is the epedemic we spread.
Acts of brutality humiliate all goodness.
The final war was easy to win.
Life was a mistake and now it belongs to the past.
Extinction of the weak...
4. Sacrilegious Terror
Hunting like wolves,
We have no regrets
For all our murders,
Barbaric and inhuman.
This is a crusade
An unholy quest
Against the holy spawn.
The only morals
We believe in are
Pleasure of hate,
As sons of darkness.
The blood shall flow,
The liquid of life,
It will disappear.
Fear can be seen
On their tearful faces.
Followers of God
Will meet their doom.
Our only justice
Is the sword.
Our only sentence
Is death.
Vultures follow us
To finish the work.
Terror is spread
To begin the Armageddon...
Innocent men
Are at burned at the stake.
Their wives are raped
Upon their dead children.
We sing out loud
Great incantations
To summon the
Forces of Hell.
Humans implore
A mercy we ingnore.
We desecrate
Their childish religions.
No soul can be saved
From the endless torment.
Obscurity prevails.
When the gates are finally open,
It will be the sign of the end,
The coming of Satan,
The rebel and triumphant one.
Hunting like wolves,
We have no regrets
For all our murders,
Barbaric and inhuman.
This is a crusade
An unholy quest
Against the holy spawn.
The only morals
We believe in are
Pleasure of hate,
As sons of darkness.
The blood shall flow,
The liquid of life,
It will disappear.
5. Raping Human Dignity
Suffer… I hate you… I want you dead.
My dagger in your heart, I stabb twice…
Pleasure… to see the blood flow…
I lick the liquid of life…
Hail to Death! Hail the Ultimate Void! Ave Satan!
Afraid to die, I see it in your eyes…
I masturbate on your dignity,
You're a human being, you deserve to die.
Don't try to escape, Satan is here for you,
Utter evilness you get to feel…
What a joy, your last moments of life : a bloody nightmare.
Hail to Death! Hail the Ultimate Void! Ave Satan!
Torture… Rape… Blasphemy.
Life is a gift of god, but feeble it is…
Death's reign is my prophecy,
I bring pain and suffering,
I mock your wishes and sweet dreams,
Torture you to death is my aim…
Eradicate life for mere pleasure!!!
6. The Ancient Presence Revealed
Born a fullmoon night,
In the middle of moutains cold…
Wolves feasting on your mother's remains,
She died in pain, you laughed out loud.
Beasts and a black wizard
Teached you forbidden things.
You learned to spill the blood
And to enjoy its unholy taste.
No love you became,
For love is weak,
And as the demon child
You gained strength through hate.
Once, a woman of incredible beauty
Fell in love and thought
She could awake human feelings
In the ice cold void that is your heart.
You raped her, and let your wardogs
Bite her cunt to blood.
Fucked by your sword, impaled on your spear,
Her corpse rots at the highest peak of your tower.
The last traces of humanity gone,
You studied the arcanes of black magic,
Increased cruelty and will,
And we all knew
The Ancient Presence was awaken again…
7. Knowledge of the Ultimate Void
Walking afraid in dust
Among memories, among ruins,
Feeling the cursed moment has come…
Soon, the ancient veils shall fall
And reveal the forgotten truth.
An old crypt, bones and skulls lying around,
Traces of useless life, of god's defeat…
An evil presence, utter hate,
Freeze the blood, still warm of fading life.
Deadly silence, but many visions…
Thus spoke the truth.
Bow in front of Satan's might.
All that was done, but an illusion.
Life was doomed before it appeared
For nothing is real, but the everlasting void.
Finally, you were right,
Spilling blood and spreading fear…
Now you die, but as well know
You were of Satan's kind.
8. Death's Reign (Human Futility)
A vaste void, darker than black
And colder than Satan's Wrath…
A long path behind, full of hate,
Full of despair, it was the way of the strong.
Feared by many, respected by few,
The warlord stands proud, his blood covered sword in hand.
Suddenly, light and warmth…
Is it an illusion?
"Who dares to cross my path?"
A feeble creature yet so strong
Stands on the way to Hell.
Pitiless, the warlord holds his sword high,
But doubts arise…
An attack by treachery!
He stumbles and falls, though no wound can be seen.
The cold of his glorious past, oh… it hurts.
The future strikes hard in silence.
Memories stab him down, the fear gets overwhelming.
Who knows the difference between fate and wishes, between truth and lies?
Doubts kill him many times
Yet he can not die, for he is Satan's child.
He stands up with Darkness' help, marked by defeat.
A vicious smile : revenge will come with the reign of Death.