 Одно из самых радикальных проявлений экспериментальной и крайне медленной музыки. Некоторым особенностям этого альбома сразу требуется дать разъяснение. Это, во-первых, дистиллированный, доведенный до крайней степени безжизненности звук, и, во-вторых, специфичность самого материала. И то, и другое ограничивает круг почитателей Nightly Gale людьми, уже прошедшими знакомство с Esoteric, Bethlehem или Nortt. При этом музыка Nightly Gale все же более многослойна и продумана. Мне на ум приходит только один альбом, который можно сравнить с «Illusion of Evil» - речь о «Gracefallen» авторства ныне почивших Unholy.
Следуя заветам этих финских прадедушек стиля, поляки сочетают в музыке не только «похоронный» дум с блэком, но и ломаные ритмы, характерные для технически более сложных направлений метала. Тогда как у финнов последние две составляющие скорее угадывались, чем присутствовали в самом деле, у Nightly Gale таковые выделяются прежде всего. Применимо к атмосферной музыке подобный подход кажется, по крайней мере, странным. Это ощущение не проходит даже после длительного знакомства с коллективом. Музыка Nightly Gale всегда остается немного непривычной и чужой.
Как и в случае с Unholy, необычное звучание призвано скорее нагнетать и без того не слишком жизнерадостную атмосферу, нежели подчеркнуть техническую составляющую музыки. Картина будет неполной, если не упомянуть о заигрываниях с этнической музыкой в первом треке, о подключении саксофона во втором и проклевывающихся элементах классического дума в каждом из них.
Отличие от Unholy одно, и для многих оно может показаться решающим: финны, увлекаясь авангардной музыкой, хранили верность характерной мрачной атмосфере приблэкованного дума, а безжизненной музыке «Illusion of Evil» эта эзотерика чужда не менее чем романтика My Dying Bride. Нигилизм отпраздновал свою полную победу, и больше не изливается ядовитой злобой и мракобесием. У Nightly Gale он ленив, бесцветен и совершенен. Я не могу поставить этому альбому менее десяти баллов. |
How could you humiliate me
You betrayed everything I believed.
Adversity and fear of loneliness
Kill me slowly every day
For you I got lost
For you I left everything forever
It was the last phone I answered.
You left me all alone
I'm not your friend anymore.
2. Illusion Of Evil
The last time I heard
No one was talking
The last time I saw him
No one was there
A part of me that I knew
A part of me that was alive
Cries filled with blood
Free me and I'll be myself
Nice and understanding
I'd like to have clear account
To start a real life
A part of me that I knew
A part of me that was alive
Cries filled with blood
Again alone it's not fair
I tried so hard to be myself
People are disguessed of me
They are acting strangely
An old sister has reminded me
Person known from older ages
That maybe loved me
But only till friday
I heard from old sister
The words of strange songs
Her scream has stopped long ago time
Sentenced for silence in blood
Old sister isn't here anymore
In my heaven you can hear screams
I think about that sometimes at night
In the morning they'll free my hands again
I saw her face
It was illusion of evil
Evil was her name
Evil was her identity
I remember scream
Hands filled with blood
I became their prisoner
I was good blind idiot
I'm worried for all souls lost in time
I'd like to get out of here to free them
Again alone it's not fair
I tried so hard to be myself
People are disguessed of me
They are acting strangely
An old sister has reminded me
Person known from older ages
That maybe loved me
But only till friday
Old sister isn't here anymore
In my heaven you can hear screams
I think about that sometimes at night
In the morning they'll free my hands again.
3. Vanity
Vanity it is your name
Vanity it is your life
Please let me help you
I want only one thing
Destroy your pride
Possess your life
You met me I'm a beacon
You think of what I want
I'm the pilot of your life
You've found paradise
Vanity it is your name
Vanity it is your life
Please let me help you
I want only one thing
You'll cry and beg
You little girl
Real decompose of body
The stink of your own sloth
I don't know any mercy
I found my paradise
My treasure
A little butterfly
My treasure
Only for me
I need your blood
I need to wash my face
I wish I could start again
I need your blood
I need to wash my face
I wan't your vanity
Looking back I am thinking of pleasant moments
Your smile back to me from an old photo
I was a fool believing it is going to be alright
Relativity turned out to be cruel and I was pathetic
My Vanity
I need your blood
I need to wash my face
I wish I could start again
I need your blood
I need to wash my face
I wan't your vanity
In my arms she was safe
Do You Believe in happiness
When you are in my thoughts
I can see your death
I set you free
4. Betrayed
Nothing looks the same anymore
Only a picture
Of forgotten days
Look at my face
Can you see me
Without the future?
Without illusions?
I scream in fury
I ask for help
Won't you leave?
Won't you forget me?
I listen only your advices
And following them
I go straight to abyss.
Don't go away.
I scream in fury
I ask for help
Won't you leave?
Won't you let me down?
Don't go away.
There when I saw her first
I've chosen freedom
There when I saw her first
I've chosen death.
Do I know?
Do I trust you?
I don't know
The answer
I don't know
The destiny
I don't know
The answer
I don't know
The destiny
I don't know
But the way of truth is so close
I'm getting closer towards the truth
I see you
You betrayed me
There is nothing left
Nothing looks the same anymore
Only a picture
Of forgotten days
How I was wrong.